HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-12-21, Page 3'WEDNtSDAY, DEC, 21st, 1,.Q6Q • ° THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO. We Have; SWIFT'S. PREMIUM GRADE •A .BUTTERBALL In Stock SPECIAL PRICES for Christmasand 40 to 19• lbs 20 lbs., up . w All. Grade A New Years • 59c 'lb. 5:1•c,16,• ' Birds :Ready' For The Oven.: PAGE TIMES ,d? omarraw±M ottaffi lt,##, 11, 1t,04,r0110 # # WWW ,,.. • 0.4 Ala QST WISHES To .all our loyal friends. and'. patrons we send his Holiday greeting with .the wish that you enjoy all the delights of this festive epason: • We take pleasure in` thanking you for your, patronage; and hi wishing you a holiday complete ,with all the "trimmings"... love and friend- ship .. good health and good cheer!. Hall's.: e and.hite:Foo tore _2HONE 26 ' . FREE DELIVERY Open All .Day/Thursday'Until .Christmas Local Mr. • and. Mr. t arbld Ferguson of:'Goderieh visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Alton. Mr. and Mrs. , Jim MacMillan and, family of St:; Catherine's were week end visitors with .Mr. and Mrs. J. ,L. MacMillan . Dr. and .Mrs. Donald'' Finlay- son •and.,•children; Elizabeth, Car- .til, Mary Jane, Donald arid Mar garet•• of Toronto plan ,to spend Christmas .here . with his ,parents, Dr, and Mrs. D. R. Finlayson. Visiting' at the home of . Mr. & Mrs. Don Steeves, for the .week is Cindy Pfohl,.daughter :of Mr. and Mrs. Kenti•Pfohl of Waterloo. G• eorge .Anderson, ,son' of, 'Mr.: and Mrs. 'W.. B. Anderson; arr v ed 'home.' by motor from Calgary. • last week. • 'i 'Cameron. Cook. won a turkey in a draw made'. recently at an; entertainment' in Ripley,\ . spon- sored by the ,Boy Scouts. Fairview 'Dairy. announces •in this`. issue there will be. no milk deliveries on Christmas and New Year )Mondays -Lucknowii 1 Presbyterian f;hurch` 1 • i ' Rev.: 'Roderick. MacLeod i Minster i� SUNDAY, 'DECEMBER 25th 1 $ 10:00' a.m. Sunday' Schoo ii 11:00 a.m., : Morning orship. ..... ...�......,�..�: M.... L UCKNOW ,•UNITEDCHJRCH 1 'Rev.. Howard W. ' ' Strapp y Minister SUNIIAAY DECEMBER . 25th 110:00 -a.m, Church Schoo1: 11:00 a.m. 'Morning Worship Mrs. Tyndall Robinson enter- ed Victoria .,Hospital; London the first of :the, week, where she • will undergo:, surgery.' Mr ,and Mrs. Noble Johnston ceturried' from Toronto last week and•re-opened their' restaurant. Mrs Johnston , underwent sur- gery while in the city.. • • At the morning service in the United •Church,. :Rev.. Strapp made • reference 'to a new high :in .Sunday. School., .enrollment for the past ' two Sundays of 107. • Mr. . arid • 'Mrs: Peter Carter' & family;• Holy.rood; visited Sunday afternoon .and evening with their daughter, Eleanor at. the.. home of Mr. and Mrs. Norman :McLeod and their, son: Murdock at 'Walk- erton. ` { h will riot ••.be' ..Although • bhere , a paper during, the. holiday week, The : •Sentinel will •appreciate personal items .6f Christmas 'and New 'Years visitors pr visitations for our •January .4th issue . Only by. • YOU giving tts • these items can we .'hope to have them ac= ....._.,_...�.......,... ,._...; curately: • • Mr. .and .Mrs. )Cecil Forster of Palmerston will .celebrate: their 125th wedding anniverary on I December 25th. 1 Mr.: and ' Mrs. Clifford . Mac.- 'Milian ac-'•Mi11an and family •of' St Cathe rives will. spend Christmas • with' [ their parents, . Mr. ,and Mrs. J. L. MacMillan.' ' ` BORN THOMPSON• in' Grace' Haspi tal, Windsor,, to Mr. arid Mrs.. - it. A. .Thompson (Edith Munro), on ;Saturday; 'December ',"17th, a son, 'a,:brother for. John and',Robt: ATTEND FUNERAL --OF • • • 1 • Ladies' and 'Men's Wear Fashion •Millinery 'Phone 55, . Lucknow Aftiottortanignyvtigritivitentoutyttevitroommeolientirturroptiviisquina. �4f�iyflE�oY�•��iM��YW4�i�:��Y�QtwrYfir+f�Ift.�r�E�r1E���'yi�ir�rifv7�if�t,�u�ri,�r��� +�� 3 Accommodation Is Available . For Elderly Ad--.onvalescing-Persons, Where. ;Per- sonal `' Comfort and Attention Are ' Our First Consideration: 6: (Formerly Lucknow Private Hospital). GEORGE A; ,NEWBOLD G MARY R. NEWBOLD ' (R.N )' Props.' • THEIR,.. GRANDCHILD, l?r. '.and .Mrs. ' D: R. ,Finlayson of.'Lucknow were in 'Toronto re- cently attending the funeral 'of ' their 6 -menti) -old grandson, Jas:b ENQUIRIES: INV• ITED Andrew .Simmons, son of I)r. & Mrs E.11, Simmons (Joyce .layson ). The • child' had' been poorly since :birth, Interment Was .: r , ;. it in the lam ly plot: rat Trenton: •.. Besides thee parents,there is. a ' sister (Nancy and-`` a brother, Edward THAT : Bert Walden sof, , .• Huron Township •hat., been a patient for' a, .time at Kineardine H•os= pital after Being :hospitalized for a few weeks in London. In early November he was in• a motor accident near•,:Markdale, in which he suffered' a • .badly slatte'red hip :socket, latera-: f a severe concussion. He ' wa 'rst taken to Mark dale and then. to London, when 'the seriousness of 'the' break •,'was determined.• , NURSING' SCHOLARSHIP ' ' WINNER HAS YEAR TO 'WAIT P� 4i 4e0O iutnuvR:v,1gegiterRr+ni bine it itobeti!., nolikali "t,.�. Roue« ht ' The first recipient: of the new ly , founded Bruce " County 1 Wcmen ;s Institute ' ` Scholarship. ha; refusedto sit out a year be- cause she is too young to enter a. !'school for nursing: , ' ' The' scholarship winner is Mary (Nineteen Hundred and Sixty.)., 'SCHEDULE OF ,THE SERVICES. For The .LUCKNOW MISSION Of The CHURCH • ` " ' • ANGLICAN CHRISTMAS MORNING PRAYER 1.0:45 a:m. St. Paul's, • Dungannon, at Dungannon. CHRISTMAS MORNING PRAYER YER • ' becennb„err 2 5th' 11:30, a.m, Ste P'eter's, Lucknow,d with' St. Patirs, Ripley at Lucknow. CHRISTMAS HOLY COMMUNION December 26th (For'' Ali •Parishes) . usrknow, the Rev. 5: . . Ry Lupton,' 1. : 00 a.m. At St. Peter s, Lu Celebrant and Preacher. +tit,w e t 4amea E +t, 41 v,: eat) u Igvif, i ,1. December Christ . 25th •,• Church WierirStUrIMINEMEMIONMEROMIE LLceum Theatre WINGx1{AM Two Shows Each Night Comnenci;ig at 7:15 p.m. M - ATINEE } Saturday .Afternoon ' at ,2 'P.m. ' Thursday, Friday, Saturday ' December 22, 23, 24. dames• Stewart . . Vera. Miles in THE F.B L STORY • A thrilling story of the li''.B.t,' taken from a best-selling book, .1:0441444401404004,001011 • e i},+�ilr'�RR�itnr.:'�i►r.�itr. rxil�R�Arr�ilr�J�+�A�"�ilre�i►r�.. • Hodgins; 17, of ;Bervie..She •.is a her nursing :degree. .After ~com-• daughter" of , Mr, and Mrs: Burton pleting the • nursing course .She Hodgins. plans tq.:return' to the university' Her ambition is to become a' to obtain a degree in' science. nurse but she was too young this' The W. I. scholarship was ; a- fail for admission. Rather than warded 'for academic• proficiency, sit out a year, she enrolled at the 4-H :project achievement and ac - University .of 'Western Ontario, .ivi within. the "church and London, and 'is taking a course " o nmunity.' " miss Hodgins .has completed•. 11. aimed at a bachelor of science • � , hcnenaaking club .projects and is degree. .taking ' her • 112th this • fall• She • Next yearshewill. leave the has. also completed five 4=H dairy , university and ,begin training for club projects. ' PHONE 129R P.O.' BOX 220 • . • LUCKNOW, ONT: 14 A VERY MERR•Y CHRISTMAS and a • HAPPY NEW' YEAR 'To. ALL • Now Playing''— ;"ROAD RACERS" : and ,''DADDY- Y' Monday,• Tuesday, Wednesday, December. 25-, 27,4 28. - PETER SELLERS , The current sensation, as a cotnedy .stay,: .on both continents appears ip• his latest fun-shoW • "TWO WAY STRETCH" with Wilfrid Hyde -White 1 December 29 3 , and Saturday, .,• 0, 31 Thursday, Friday• MARILYN ,MONRO with.' Yves Montand, Tony Randall, Wilfrid H. White t hi ' "LET'S. -MAKE, LOVE''' ' =. Cinemascope and Technicolor — Romantic ,comedy as only La Belle, Monroe tan tdo ti!' Cotrting —" Cash , McCall" — with jamea . Garner. " ♦�sr w • • fie•