HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-12-14, Page 14PAGE POUHTEEN THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO wituoatormaii, t P`.t+o! if?t, ttio ti ref- �+'#,ice tattoo o vocam good Selection O Boxed' SEALS, TAGS, .WRAPPING. PAPER: • and 1 GIFT'' ITEMS IN THE STATIONERY LINE • 3 S A Staplers, 'Pifito [Woks, Paper ?. Magic • Markers, Typewriters'. Printed Stationery 'HE LU, ' KNOW' 'SENTI NEL Phone' 35 5 Tucknow. 5 OiStlinWlifsetaquatitriteseientegiovitissitiotiotiviiottriagomiertowctoqtaliP JUDGEMENT . RESERVED (Continued:-frrra Page 1) Brooks were' subpoenaed. Miss Henderson did not take -the stand Friday:. and was ` not re- quiredy to return Monday. ' Mr. ;Havens and Ross Irwin were not. called to testify. but Mr.. Haven's statement ' at a previous hearing in Walkerton on November 29th, before both counselswas" ..read • into the records. by ' R. S. Hethe- rington. r,. L , Condition Of Walk Big Question' Mrs. Culbert fellin front of the premises owned .by :Miss Elizabeth Henderson, 'iminedi ately east of The .Sentinel Of- fice, 'and which .' premises was vacant . since . Allan Reed had moved to another. location. 'An accumulation: of . -snow,de- scribed .' by . variouswitnesses as. from .6' to 8 inches. had become compacted in front of the -'vacant building resulting in a ridge on. 'the sidewalk between the two buildings mentioned, and which extended eastward on a decreas ing elevation, it seemed generally agreed, to a point. near the east- erly side of the. Mayfair Restau- rant; although at least one .wit- ness said the accumulation end ed at a east of the Henderson building' Somewhat' parallel. `. to ' the. Henderson building on the . outer .side of the :sidewalk: for an *un- certain 'length was claimedto be 'ai depression, referred to ,as ,a "gouge" and a "dish", apparently resulting from snow removal of the banks that are pushed back .& built . up on the • roadway along the sidewalk. Those ,_ who picked ' Mrs. Cul- bert up after her fall,, Mrs. ,Alvin. Hamiton . , and L.. C. Thompson, testified that her fall was on. the edge of. this gouge, two to three feet to the 'east of the, ridge between The. Sentinel Of_: fice : and the Henderson. building. There were .various statements. as . to the condition of the eleva- tion .in question, with some re- garding it as hazardous. and 'slippery and other:: stating they: did :not regard it as such. Under cross-examination by Mr. Grant, 14.,C. Thompson stat- ed that he'.considered it slippery and "dangerous, and immediately after Mrs Culbert's fall, had ta- ken an., axe to the : slippery, rounded edge'; where Mrs.: Cul bert : 'fell and ::also to . the. -ridge which. existed between the two, buildings, in. an effort to .rough,-. en it up to "avoid another trag- edy." ; . . Question. Sanding Operations., • Snow removal operations on the Campbell. Street link • of Highway' 86, snowplowing '..and sanding of : other Village roads, and sanding 'operations on Camp- bell Street sidwalks weremat-, ters that , were gone- into • quite thoroughly. In his' cross examin- ation of .members of the Village Council's road. committee R.' S. Hetherington sought ' to • estab- lish what the .Committee's. policy was on sanding. The Department of t Highways YOU CAN HAVE . Living Space and abinet ace Easay;' • quickly 'andEcobomically With - Plywoo ASK FOR. FREE FOLDERS ,ON PANELLING, BUILT-IN ' CABINETS, WALL ' STORAGE . . SPACE, ' Etc. YOUR HEADQUARTERS FOR GENUINE SYI.VAPLY A Complete Stock Always On Hand 'FRESH CEMENT IN STOCK ,JOHN Ws .HENDERSON . " LUMBER . LTD. Phone 150 Lucknow, Ont. • 1 is responsible • for plowing and sanding Campbell • Street' : road - Way. The 'Village 'plows and sands ;, other Village • roads,'' but Makesno effort '.to keep side- walks open as; the "cost would be unreasonable.": ' .The Departrnent of Highways pays 60% of the cost„ Of snow re- moval that is :'plowed back and shovelled .Off along ' Campbell Street; and . also the same per- centage .of the cost. of ploughing and sanding .other Village roads Ainy expenditure on 'sidewalks. is bdrn ;100% by the Village. .The Campbell Street sidewalks are cleared by 'local .. merchants, and where this is , not done, •snout accumulates. and . ,becomes._ Compacted.. Testimony was that the Town Foreman receives his orders frorn,,the.''Reeve. Mr. 'Joynt was asked if ,he gave any direct ord- ers for a, particular sanding job. He 'replied to the .effect that he was' :in touch with the Foreman every day, who • inspects the streets and. knew his j ob , ., well enough . to do .an efficient job. The evidenee of -other members: of the; committee appeared to sub- stantiate that it was up to the Foreman' when such work was' done. • 'From Mr: .Haven's; previous' statement. it was pointed out he, was aware of the accumulation at this: point and its approximate depth, but there • were ,worse. spots on Campbell Street, at the' east 'edge of the business section. There had been no considers- tion 4iven to its rernovaI, the statement said. It was indicated that sanding would be done: ter rain or sleety '. The daily time sheets filled out` by the Town Foreman at the Municipal 'Office' covering hours spent daily on village, . hydr'o St water system work were requir.-, ed to be brought to court 1 y Clerk, L". It Agnew, .,;as well as the expenditures on snow. reY moval, sanding ' and • plowing,, during: the winter of 100,60, in R DRAW BANTAMS,' MIDGET HOCKEY .SCHEDULES.• WEDNESDAY,DEC. 14th, 1960 Ripley, Wingham, Kincardine and Lucknow Bantam and Mid • get hockey teams have .. drawn their ' schedule with the local boys playing their firstgame in Wingham on - December 30th. Bantam and . Midget.. games will be played on thesame nights as doubleheader!. Donald. MacKin- non is looking after the "Bantam team 'with the Fire Department steering the ,Midget team. Bill Johnstone . asks that all Midget -,,ers • wishing to play contact him • mediately, . Deeernk 30 Wingh . at Lucknow January 3 Lucknow , at Ripley 6 .. Kincardine at Lucknow now . 10' ,Lucknow at Wingham 13 Ripley at Lucknow 17 Lucknow at Ripley 27, Lucknow at Kincardine .30 'Ripley at Lucknow. KIDS,` DO YOU WANT TO .PLAY HOCKEY? " • The Lions Club ;again spon- soring • three • series in ,minor hockey ,this winter',— Squirt's up to 10 years; Pee Webs up . to 12 years. and .Bantam'; up to 14 years, as at August 1st A town and rural league• will :be ,operated, as well as selecting a ,Bantam team for W.O.A.A. competition. • The' Lions . are interested ' in ;having lads' ' from the _.country participate in all series and re- quest; that those wishing to play; "sign up' :at 'once.' Leave your. name at Webster . and McKin- nons or . at the Ford Garage. It is expected there will be about 120. boy's `taking: part' in these . Categories, oriel, : -and . the local g Teague will give every lad a chance toplay. INTERMEDIATES SWITCH TO 'EIGHT TEAM ' LOOP Fay Lucknow Intermediates , have been switched to ''an eight -team group similar to last . year. There are four C. teams, Lucknow, Lrs- 'towel, Seaforth and Blyth and four D teams,. Atwood, Monkton, St. Colin -Oen and Winthrop. • ' Harold Ritchie and Allan 1Vianto are handling the squad which had their first : workout' Group I W.A. • On December 13th the mem- bers met in the church in the. afternoon. with 15 members pre. sent .answering the roll call to (My favorite: •carol)._ Mrs. Hay. ens . presided and opened the'• meeting. by singing Silent Night ' and repeating the. W.A: motto .$ prayer. !The -annual reports were given. Trea6suser reported. an:. increase. _over .last year. the'sew- ing "" committee .reported ' Making four quilts, one still on ;hand • for sale, also .red, cross sewing was done. The • cheerio committee sent a number of cardsand gifts to the sick and, shut-ins, 'house Calls and hospital visits. Mrs, Havens ,thanked the ladies for their co-operation in . aiding her. in ' the leadership and asked -to, be releaved Of this, duty. .Mrs. Russel Robertson offered to 'fake, • care of the January. and Febru- ary meeting's: Mrs. 'S. Alton and Mrs: A-' Breckles consented to take the Secretary 'and Treasurer .again for !another year Mrs. Ver- non Hunter' took charge of the program. The ' theme • for the meeting was, The 'Spirit 'of Man is a..„ Candle ° Of the Lord.. Mrs. John Nicholson ' read . the script- . tire :' lesson and Mrs. Hunter the Devotional followed by: a Christ- teas. ' carol Christirias •. readings were 'given by Mrs. Alex McNay' and . Mrs. R. 'Robertson Eleanor ' McNay played a piano : nstru mental. .The: Singing :of :a Christ- mas ; caret , and. repeating. the benediction closed the meeting. In Mrs: Hunter's 'courtesyre- marks,' she thanked-: Mrs., Hav- ;ens. for . her leadership for past :two. Years. ar� ye s Mrs; . Reber n .� � had ' a 'Christmas 'contest. .The committee in, charge served lunch and .a .social hour -Was:' spent United Church Explorers. , . The :.meeting opened with a film. 'shown - by Mr. Strapp.: 'We sang the hyrax' "This Ts My Fath- er's World." Ross Hallam read the scription lesson. Nancy° ;Cor- rm read ' 'a poem. Jane ..Joynt• 'read the • minutes. _The Keeper of the log. then :' read her report. Linda `Boyle `.played the .:piano.; The •singing "Silent:_ Night".. and "Joy to 'the. World",was follow ed by 'a game. The meeting, end-. ed with a'pet luck supper. Monde 'Th . the. y: 'The open season: with Winthrop . in ' • Seaforth on Tuesday:. •/ The first home. game willnot be played. until January 4th. December ' 20 . Lucknow 28 Lucknow. ,jarivary 4. Monkton- 11 0, 'L+Luuckcknnooww" 16' Blyth at 20 : Lucknow 2S• Listowel: 25 Lucknow at Winthrop at St.' Columbari at •Lucknow at Seaforth at <Listowel Lucknow at Blyth at : •Lucknow rat Atwood 27 Atwood 'at Lucknow February, 3 Lucknow at Monkton' 6 . Seaforth at. Lucknow' 10 Winthrop at Lucknow 13 St. Columban ., at Lucknow: camparison with the' previous WThe "time .sheets showed' that. Norman Stewart • had spent one hour sanding. Campbell St. side= walks on each. -of the following days, February 6th; February .13th and March 12th: . Mr. Hetherington. established that the accident happened on March 21st and two days later the .snow' accurriulation in:, ques- tion was removed. It was stated "that . no comp Taints verbal or .written ,were ever , received by ..members of Council or Village. Officials.; '..;The .overall claim in the suit amounted to • about $?,004. This included hospitalization;and other expenses ,incurred lnclud- ing• medical, ambulance; etc. .to- tailing. some $3,450;: other expen- ses Xpe 1'ses ,of about $400. ,and •personal damages of $3,000. . Summation of the case dccup=• ied .'Monday afternoon. Irr view of the great volume of evidence recorded; a • judgement.. cannott' be .expected '. for some' time. Solve Your Gift Problems . • Give... Boxed Writing Paper .: all gift ;boxed from 60c to $2.50tatisdatosivioivitisitoolusriosivalosio. dozens of boxes tt► choose from TN'g LUCKNOW` $ENTI-NEL • Phone 35; .. 'Lucknow' II