HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-12-14, Page 12•
Mrs. Hall, Mrs.: Hoag and Mrs.
JJoynt accompaniedMrs.1"1,7
Cumming, Mrs. E. Sholtz accwn-
panied by Mr's. G. Farrier sang
a pleasing •solo. The 4th chapter !.5'
Of the . Study Book entitled `The l
South Kinloss W,l1'S Vision Embodied' was, ably re- 2
Abs. U. Buckton and mks.---D-1viewed by Mrs. H- ' Strapp who
MacConnell, were hostesses to
the South Kinloss. W.M.S* in the
leiter s home • in Lucknow on
:Wednesday December 7th. Mrs,
explained . how the : Life and
Work, Faith • and Order_ and ;Tale a
Christian Hope Movements unit-
ed in 1948- into the .World' Coun-
Evan, Keith and Mrs_ Leonard -en of • Churches,: Mrs, Alin play-
Maclnnes were: , directors ,f^r ed the Christmas Chimes: Nirs.
the meeting :and* 1st' vice, Mrs_ A McNay• read a Christmas sel- -
Fraser MacKinnon. was .. in the ection- `Let's Make ' the'.. Most of
' chair Roll call was arnswered by 1 Christmas!' The committee re-: .
and. Mi Martha '. Sutherland prettilydecorated room:; A. dein-', STEAM .IRONS
read ; the ScriPtilrei,`Matthew 5; ty lunch was served by the coin-'
1-16 which was followed by a
niittee ' of Mrs. Drennan, Airs.4
ant . portion which enumerates
a• verse with the" word • ",Bless" : ceived : -many • eOmpIunents on the ,,
WEDNESDAY, DEC, . 14th,' • 1960
discussion' „on that very 'import -
Bristow and 'Mrs McNay.I FRY PANS
the 8 blessings for the Chr. istian.;• .
Church :Evehiag Aux. ; ' COFFE PERCOLATORS
it was `United followed .bp a reading
entitled "Haw "Haw the Light .came 'The singing of Gentle' Mary � ELECTRIC KETTLES . 5$.75:. np
$14-88 up RANGES
- $16.95 up
to a y •people". A very :interest, laird her Child, opened' the ,
lng Christmas Program had been .Christmas meeting for the ladies:: 2 FOOD . MIXERS from .. .$14.95.
arrangedby the directors with a of the Evening 'Auxiliary, fol- 's 1 •
candle lighting ceremony inter lowed byThe Lord's Prayer ins I .$14.98
er with
Mrs. H fittingn unison. Mrs. George 'Joynt re -1
ed with Carols 'sand
B Hughes. .
. ported for. the Friendship Com-.ELE<rTRiC BLANKETS• , . $35.95 up
presided at• the piano. Mrs. Ira mittee.' Mrs. Harold Ritchie stat i +
� s.
, ; , $189.00 up 1.
_ , $149.00 up
DRYERS ..: $154.00 up
2 Only,
Reg. $379.95;. )Gras Special $295.00 a
2 Only, 21" DELUXE• • CONSQLE TV
Swivel base, Two speakers • •
Reg. $369.95; Xmas Special $285:00
• Dickie ; read the story of the 1 ed achievement 'made for. the SEE'butt SELECTION OF TV, RADIOS, •
..Black Madonna of the wtu ow,
� '�
g supply Committee_ Anyone
stressin the lesson. that race crested • in the ovary Mon- z:
discrimmati and that
on is sinful thly for the coming year please
red and yellow, black" and ate. l' tact Mrs. Harold Greer. Mrs., I
are. all •equally' precious in God's
sight.'' Reports given by the vari-
ous ' officers • at this .annual meet-
ink.. 'showed. a very successful/
year, and with a couple of ex-
ceptions ' all officers found - it
pass2'gle to carry • on ' .for, 1961.
Mars,, D. Graham revealed that
many pounds of reading' mater-
ial and cards had been sent ov-
C_ Crawford.• reported for the!
treasury.. Mrs. R read!Itt
the Nominating Committee re -1.
port ,for 1961_
'President, Mrs. L. Ritchie; 1st ° 4"
l ; 2nd Vice
• lilts O Richards; Vice,'
Mrs. R Elliott; Treas., Mrs` 'Cliff I.
•Craiw.ford;; • •: Sec's.,' . M.M.• :. 1Vfark: � Ztgn IIn�teil � Church W.M.S.
g in the allocation.' Names of shut- give ..of 'ourselves•.at this Christ-
Raithby; Pianist; Mrs_• L. Ashton,; , ,Ms. 'Wesley Ritchie 'beld..:the R ins were drawn, to, be 'remem- mas season. Mrs; Kenneth Far-
ar- •
-l�i;; � E-„in;rL.+� ,
• tiered with suitable gifts at • rish gave ' •a •reading entitled
ted by :WM., Bolt, . di • 1~larenee
r��1='4J' 1jy1
team -m.14
_G- December meeting at • her home , . s "Star .
• erseas and to vanous',ipstntntions. • .. Christrjnas.: The roll call
l Joynt Stewardship Mrs_ C I with 19 ladies, 2 visitors and 2 wa : Star' o€ ' Bethlehem.” ldglit
acDonald gave :-tEte
in Canada.' MTS. IL,. Lavin ;had ' answered by
the . , study ,ons - "Africa" Mrs`
- • Lloyd , MacDougalland , ; the
GO.LT girls' contributed a musi-
'mining 'a mission- Bruce ]4I
ham, Christian �P: g childten `present. ••Thie presient,"
' and: her:.field of labour. l rs:: Christmas topic.. .She. told. the
Miss Margaret : Rae; Baht' Band, p .. Nelson Raynard opened her „James "'Little 'read' an inteleStlll$': story of Mary and Joseph seek
Dlrs; ;Stuart 'Collyer; `Cradle 10%; last: , meetutg, , with . •Christmas •
- •
Mrs. f iarold. Thompson; hfisssion- L. Caroms `• Those • .+ with perfect' at-.Chtastmas story , :and •Mrs.. Dd.1 Ing shelter.: at.. • the inn and how.
• cal number and later had a sale Mori • Mrs H. Greer- As- 9' r Henderson gave a comprehensive:.•the ,innkeepers selfish & greedy
_- , tom.. --
Mrs.:Nelson.; ..
or cookies, candy and'articles 'Mrs_ , tendance for. 1960 . study ' • on 'the tenth coitmaand- ways " applied to' our'. way of life
sedate Member,, ' - Sec'y., ... l Raynard, .Mrs_' Jim Hunter,.. Mrs_ �
made by, the :girls.:Lunch _was .moo - - merit. Miss Mary MacLeod • read in,the World today../'Irs_ Eldon
Id Allun; supply Co - ... tee, Allan' Ritchie, `Mrs. Robert Helm.
seed by the hostess and direr xis.• f' excerpts from letters received • MacLennan gage •a Prayer for
Button:. ;'
Mrs_: Harald Ritchie, R y
= and ' Mrs: Wesle Ritchie_ Run- from the Mission Fields to which the less fortunate at ,this Christ -
. , > t Hers up are, Mrs. Jack Gardner
After- the readin •' 'of ` all re- ' Mrs. Peter ' Cool:, Mrs: ' 'George t "er 5000 ' used cards were mailed, i mss season.'..Mrs_ D A. MacLen-
IInited Chnteh W.11+l:S. g
its, they dopted Hunter and Mrs. Kaiser. Devo- t � •
rt :. on titan gave a' paper on the mese
were a ; as'�or- .
F Po � expressing .their " • appreciati
_of same, and stressing_ the need t;'of Christmas carols, followed by
meeting by.; .Mrs_. 'IL Webster and 'banal was, read bp:.; Mrs_` Charles c. .
_ - - gmg of , . "It • Came . epo i A
united' Church W_ LS_• After-:. d by; Mrs. C. ,Webster_' Candi- . Anderson with St:. Matthew, i of them m the lives of the neo-s�ii ,
, plc with , wham . they /cork: • i kid -Hite Clear. Mrs. Eldon
noon A lazy • wvas herd the dates for Mission Band .leaders , Chapter 25 'by Mrs. Harvey'. Rit. Officers; whChristmas
. , Tuesday,. • Th new'.. slate. of offi s, o MacLennan :.read a
erer e,-
, s - � • � � � �s• requested.Anyone interest- F clue. To get the .program ' ; kir � .were Miss 'Members of ; the . Whi ed would.. they . Please • contact+'January is Mrs. Charles Ander--: • installed phy Russ' Orrery Poem. Nlrs: D A,. MacLennan led
P MacLeod are . as 'follows; Hon.'1'in the ' dedicatory prayer • atter
church W.1�l.S.' were guests at .Mrs.... L. Ritchie. The: offering son. Visitors:• for shut=ins :ale • -`dent ' ell' 111_ ! the offering Was received. 1 Pied , ,Mrs. �Rtiss ,Miss f f g
.• the nieethig The pr dent, Mrs - '1 was taken by Mri.: ' C. Crawford. eMrs_ Howard- Barger and . Mrs"' Macl cod- Press Mrs:. Clare ' W Barri Ross Presided for the
Haag, opened' the meeting,, wel- ;followed by prayer given by ` Earl; , Swan: A donation,. of'. five >. dent, Ili t, p ;
tamed the ;guests and. conducted. Nis- V. Minter' The' thenne for. a dollars of •home=made treats is
A epi. ' 1st' dice -Pres., ..11�Irs:. M. .business* Minutes of Last n' eetin
the business session.' Nis- _ ee Mrs. r were read and ' appro4-ed ' Mem-. ,
D Tay- the.,„.Meeting was •., : `Horne , •for •to •••be given to the' Luclno�v Cdeii� Pres.,
Tor offered ra er and the rib- C g `•
Cooke, 3rd . Vire-Pres:; Mrs bees ;voted on a Life :Member-
p., y .,� • hristmas”' and '. Y. Hun
on 2nd Vice-
ter �iursin .Home by-. ' F`rank
Presented at
=roaring Committee . presented,, read` • a. poem..• Psalm 150 : Ritchie,. :Mrs' ,Robert .Helm and .,P'aid;. Treasurier:..Dirs_ 4'ship and •it• will he pr _ ►_
slate of aft rs for''1961 i read by Mrs, O Richards. ` Mrs- Mrs_ Eldon • Ritchie, Miss Marie'; Adams;; Recording Secy., Miss: the January, meeting.: Very gra,
1st Vice -Press Mrs: R. Ging, ' meditation_ llQany , beautiful Ch'rishxias It was moved by Secy ., Mrs_ R_ V. Mackenzie, he different t
If S . 'y., Mrs. C. Mason, ` C.O C,, ..:1•:. toren and C•G.LT, •
_ •.s • N� Malcolm; Home • Helpers ,' ifying, ' ,reports were. given. - 'OF.
President, Orbs : jr. W. Joynt, Ross Robinson read . words of Cunsley'' is to b_ remembered at ,
.,�, � t W.M�S' •, eco etari�
2nd . Vice Mrs_ IL Trelea- ;; Christmas ::' 'Were sung_ William G_ • Hunter d seconded Mass T Carrick Welcome and and Treasurer Reports forthe
• Pres:, ere g
ven; Recording .See'y:, Arms. Ada ' • Angels from the realms of by Mrs_ Robert Helm that We,.
. _Mrs_ E. Johnston; Glad Tidings were given: : Ross thanked
Webster. Treasurer, Mrs. W. B. Glory; While Shepherds�Watched: send 5 dollars to our. Missionary • thir�t��*�-
Anderson; Correesponding Secy' : their Flocks; by Night; Christi,' of Prayer..., Miss Breckles instead ' Sec}y'.. Mrs_. W. .Porteous; .Supply n 'all for : their' co, Aeration offered
Mrs_ AY• Breckles, • Christian. Ste- . ans 'Awake:, Jo� . To The •World• ` of a L ' 'Used clothin . aai ee y., Mrs: 1L ..A� gnus, Mrs: C: :out-' the year:. 'lose �r:�o
' y. Pie g'• Finlayson-; Pianist, Miss: M. Mal- their. homes for meeting a'd the
wardship Seev .,., Dors. G. Brooks; O; Little Town of Bethlehem",. , other articles fora relief • parcel �rir rt~ e
Christian Citizenship Sec Mrs., Mrs: IL Webster Mrs- L.Mac- w are to••b . packed b• Mrs. Gordon. cabin; . e • Convener, pianists.. Mrs_ Henlir •••Mai
P -�br F i a Mrs_ Raynisser; Coirresponding offered 'to `have -our list o Lilo.'
Hi Wiglttxnan Supply ' Seey , La od and mrs. L.. Ritchie. gave 1~i'irkland. Missionary calendars E_
Mrs. Omar Brook ; '.Associate a short sri o of eacliwh are to` be .ordered fora our *nem- th Hender- Memberships printed and framed
y . Pis �°D' 1 son, Expense and fe Member- so ' they* ' could be /placed in tl',e
rem ers •Beef., Mrs. G_.'ti'tcl3iar : `al Allan Kirk donated :his fine bei. 'moo readings ."Good ' 1 Id. .. , • _ a . , c- s mss e
mid; : Commt nrty ' Friendship talent :on thte piano chich . Was : be el
Spirit`' • by Mrs. Fraunk. shi Sec d, Liters chut•ch A suggestion r «
_ : . - . - , . « _. . _ " tue' andyLibrary Sec'y, Miss .M_.:that We. visit the' home in Chasten
see -y.„. Dl�, K. Cameron,. Liters- 2 ftiyed br all. Mrs. G. D. Kirk • Ritchie ..and "A Chisitmas . Tale,. � : , , .„...Sec„,:y.:, k • ai`' 'and 'th�. will
lure Secy`., Mrs 1V:.MacLeod,.Press Secy'., Miss W. inn the new. Year meeting-
•• l
- J. D�acKen- cur• Wiest .` .„ Mrs. • Jim Hunter, 'solo � ... : ,.
« n sneaker. for : the row byMackenzie; Social Committee, be discussed at a latter n't tit .
r p • �-r. and a'
zie- ' Mi ovary Monthly See y., rar rime . spoke ort Why do w e , Oh 'now Joyfully is Christmas! Nbts 4,: a�
H., .Aganew, Mrs: J_ Little, "The • meeting closed., with. ttng,rg
:Miss. Hazel Webster; Press hate Christina?' which. 'certain- ,Tune" b • 'Mrs. Jack Gardner.: A nand s,n�irty*
See«•_. M Ada Webster; •Piah- ' ly, was food .for. thought, ' M. Rayner, Mrs, Adams, a' carol, benediction t` •. Does chapter from.. the studybook • '
: - homei Mrs_ Morgan Henderson closed of Grace. Lunch was served b o-
fists, D' J. Hatt, Mrs. R« Cum- � .Christmas in, .your have Turning World, "The 1`ttst Stop..'. the
ruing; Supts. of Explorers, Mrs.',. the True Meaning? The .Birth' of Europe" by Mrs D. .A. Hackett: a meeting. ' with' prayer. The the comknit'.tee in char ;e. :yrs-
�l January meeting' will be held at' Dan Wy'Ids • was pianist for. the
G. ` WhiLby,• M� � ilruide; `the Babe Jesus. Mrs:• C_. Thonxp- u 1's_ Kaiser closed' vritFi prayer. tl'i .home of• 'I4tss ' " Mac . Meeting-
' Suets: of • Mission Band, Mrs_ E. ' sari' gave a . Puppet show which The January meeting will be e:3(.I
Britton, Mrs. G. Joynt; -Supt. of , carried a; message as Welt as be- . held •on Wednesday at Mrs Jake Leo" •
Baby Band & Cradle Roll, Mrs.' Ing• entertaining- It . was moved. Hunter's in .Lucknow: ' '
S.. D. Thompson,, Mrs. S. Collyer: , by Mrs:. IL Webster and. 2nd by Ashfield W.M.S. -
Presbyterian Afternoon Au Mrs. Colin MacGregor and
Mrs W, Drennan took the Mr. C. ' Thompson that the Jan
chair and introduced the prog- nary meeting ' be held. the 3rd'
Th ' annualaneeting of . the " . Richard West were ' joint-
vrhich included seri tore read meeting date :tri ftemeen Aux Barn of the Pares hostesses to Asha eId W.M.S. in
P . ten be, changed •to byterian Church met • • at the , the 'church basement on Thurs-
Ing and .. commentary by Oars: the Ist Tuesday. of the month. o - r
. .. .. Bristow Benediction home of 'lllrs. M 8' rid day afternaoti • fecember 8th
ram on the 'theme "The Advent" r Tuesday of the months bat the
Hoag, prayer by Mrs -.Night"
C« Bristow- Benediction closed the meeting
and a trio "Silent , Night by , fol.lowed • by a Christmas lunch_ Y
The seventh meeting'o the
Kairshea 'Cotton . It pp ' w 4- '
homemaking : club. %va
Thursday, December ,etre. The
1 organ e er- f * . meeting was opened t . ''• itis*'
" Miss Sadie .Johnston was in teen . members °repeatif- `he 4-h,
• on Wednesdalr afternoon, w
a good' attendance. In the ', charge of the program and o n- Pledge. The roll call �e '` tee:en
and each girl told , tt ,'lY . th..
chose • the coHour. of, thr=:r' dress
material. , The date' of t'`,t, nest
I ted thee meeting, assisted' by' Miss Members answered roll call with meeting, glias decided tit;, i'
Nellie Malcolm, Recordin .Sec' . " a Christmas carol_ Mrs. George Black our home econo.ni t.
The Christmas• programme from Moncrief gave the scripture me- asked to be present. ,i.l •.�� rill'.
the Glad Tidingsvias .followed . ditation' and prayer choosing The leaders 'gave of ;�,
t and letters of - preciation were Luke 1 verses 26-38: She said call and home assignitte'n'tte fir
,at • this season of the year we!. the ' next meeting,. :Ire
Sent Ynexnbei's, who had been re-.
'were all sor busy preparing 'for demonstrated the slily %r
mernbert The reports from the Christmas, buying gifts 'etc.,, that the • hem of the dre¢ ' 'd
different departments of the eve often' oveirlooc the greatest•MacKenzie taught
work • of the Society were read gift of all that was gi' en to !us t make a bolt for our
t and adopted, anti • shoaled. ' ad-1by .God in the gift of His Son, meetiiing Was dosed «nett • eadt
vanicement along' all ruses, ,it Jesus Christ, She said we should: r girl : had made sample' a Chet'
record books ot the night"; ��'o
ciizding a satisi`actY>'i�r urease rill more• grateful and; willing .to °
For _ i .p - ., . �ument
sound counsel and a fair rice oa a man
correctly designed from quality, material.. -
rely on `
Pat &Hadi an. ' drop.
/ Estatlished Over Sixty Want
Phone On
638-w rtarEo
..40440404pooevr .41.404.0.44.00,144,
Son with
absence o€ the President, Mme. -ed with. prayer and sin' of a
.. fig.
'Sp Clare Agnew, the 1st Vie-Pres_,1 Christmas Carol: The W«M.S_
Mrs Morgan ' Henderson condue-Purpose was :repeated in unison.
read by the Secretary from ab-