HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-11-30, Page 141''AGErouirrE$ ..L
WE(UN?Ar,"NOV;, 30th, 1960
'EST: WAWANOSH ELECTION Webster, who has given - long ser-
vice on. the. Board, is seeking re-
election. The other candidates
are Charles MacDonald of. iiSt..
Helens and Arnold Stothers of
Dungannon. .The latter was a
candidate a ,year . ago.
Wallace Miller, another vete-
ran member of the Area Board
on Saturday after
The other. three members of
the Board ' with, another yearof
their. jwcftyear term to run, are chison .and Chas,. MacDonald.
(Continued from Page 1)
' Thirteen Yeats' Service
,At the end, of the year,, Reeve
John: Durnin will retire after, 13.
years, municipal service, siac as
'councillor and seven. as reeve,.
ctimared this.' year by his elec-
tion as Huron County Warden.:
His successor, Harvey, Culbert,
has served. ,as councillor for,. 9.
Years; He came to. the Board in
•x953 and 'after two yeers in Of-
fice ' contested .the December
. 953 election, when he headed
the poll for .council, .,
At 'that time . Orville: •McPhee;
gldon ' Miller and. 'Lorne Durnin
,were the other members ' elect-
ed who
lect-ed'who have since served on the
Board and, are standing- for re
election; The 'two new candidates
school. district, • ' ` •
The `Battle of Saratoga Bill,"
held the roadwork • spotlight. " This
was an expensive project on
which. the Board was' not unani-
mous' as to its undertaking.
The • following ..nominations
were received by, Clerk John' F.
For , peeve
John S. Durnin by • Brown
Smyth and 'Wallace Miller.
Lorne: Durnin ,by. Archie ' Ait
Wallace • Wilson, James Curran " Marvel Cuibert by Howard
Thompson and Wm..Caesar,.
•.(* acclamation):
For Councillors;' (4)
Harvey.. Culbert ,by Arnold"
• Stothers and Merida"' 'Young.:
Lorne •Durnin by Gordon
Struthers and James: Aitchison.
•Orville McPhee by. William
Good and Meridith Young. •
Eldon Miller by', Gordon , Mac-
Pherson and Gordon ;Struthers.
Gordon • Smyth by James Ait-
chison and Charles-MaCDonald.
Charles • MacDonald. by .Gordon
Struthers and -Gordon MacPher
Cyril Boyle ..by Brown 'Smyth
and 'Wallace' Miller.
Hilliard Jefferson by James,
I Leddy and Leo Foran,
[• Gordon .MacPherson • by Lorne.
` Durnin and Janies' R. Curran.
. Joe Foran 'by . Gordon Mac-
�Pherson and Elmo Pritchard,
, • Frank • McQuillin by Lorne,.
s. Durnin and: Brown Smyth..
For, School Trustees •
William . Webster by Harvey.
Culbert and William Good:
Wallace..A. Miller by Ted Mills
and ,James • Curran
Arnold . Stothers. by Howard
Sproul and Meridith. Young.
Charles MacDonald by ,Gordon
`Lyons '•' and Gordon Smyth. `
and. Edwin Mills. •
Saratoga Hill,.. Controvert'"
,There was a better-than-ave-
r-ge attendance at Friday's no
urination meeting, presided over
by ex -reeve' Brown, 'Smyth:
There was a . lively • interest
shown in. , municipal affairs,
completing. the 5 -man : slate ' are with subjects • topping , the list
Hilliard . (Pete) Jefferson andof discussion ' being, road , work
Gordon Smyth.' and the cost of 'high .•school edu-
Wallace Miller Retirescation, particularly as it effects
For School Area trustees, Wm; the ratepayers ` 'in the Goderich
�awanosh. Township.
'est' Wawanosh, Township School Area Board
has jurisdiction over seven School Sections;. namely:
S.S. NOS. 2 3, 4 and
U.S.S.; NOS. 12, 14, 15 and '17
` This. Board operates five schools. Any resident
(this includes tenants), or non resident whose property
is assessed to y of theme School Sections is fully entit-
led to . vote . on the election of trustees to the aforemen-
tioned School: Board : .
Awife or husband of a ratepayer, or.:tenant, is
entitled to vote. ' •
Also, . according to ": the best of our knowledge.` and:
belief, farmers' sons, farmers' daughters,. • etc-,. of .:bona:
_fide ratepayers, or tenants, are entitled to : vote, ' pro-
viding• they . are living at home.
Residents of :Ashfield ' and' 'East Vawanosh
ships, whose property is as's'essed to any of the above
mentioned School Sections,:are entitled to vote on. the'.
electi?n of trustees to West Wawanosh Township School
Area . Board.
Ratepayers ' of West Wawanosh Township, whose
property is not assessed to any of the above mentioned
School Sections ARE NOT ENTITLED to vote ' at an
election . for : these Township Area Trustees..
Ashfield . Ratepayersassessed; to," U.S.S. No. 17.
(Diggins) . will ''vote at the Dungannon Polling 'Station.
East. Wawanosh Ratepayers assessed to U.S.S. No.
15 (Donnybrook) will vote at the No: 6 : (St. August-
ine) Polling Station
East Wawanosh RatepaYers assessed to U.S.S. No.
12 (Fordyce) will vote at :the No 4 (Si. Helens) 'Pol-
ling Station.
East Wawairiosh Ratepayers assessed to U.S.S. No.
14 will vote at the No.:5 (St Helens) Polling Station.
PoIIing D5th, 1960
9:00 a.m. ; to 5:00'
Polling Statian No. 1, Mrs. Frances „Henry's House,
Dungannon; D.R.O., Benson Finnigan; Poll. Clerk,. Wil-
liam Caesar;
Polling Station No. 2,at the Public Library, Au-
burn; D.R.O. • Mrs. Madeline. King; Poll Clerk, Mrs.
Josephine MacKay. .
Polling Station No. ' the Township Hall; D.R:O..
Frank McQuillin; Poll Clerk, Theddore Redmond.
Polling. Station No. 4, Woiirien's . Institute Hall,
St. Helens, ' D.R.O., William A. HWciphrey; Poll Clerk,
Norman • MacDonald.
Polling 'Station No. 5, at the Women's Institute
Hall, St. Helens; D.R.O., Fred. McQuillin; Poll Clerk,
-Phillip MacMillan.
Polling Station. No. 6; :at'the. Parish Hall, St. Aug-
ustinet D.R.O,,. James Leddy; Poll' Clerk, Edward Ro-: •
binson. .
John F Foran, Returning ng Offiicer.
A .Barrie: resident, Walter Reid,
33, was .convicted in. Walkerton.
Police Court by Magistrate :Otto
McClevis on a ..'charge of Unlaw-
fully 'assaulting :a Bervie garage-.
man, on Saturday, 'November 19:
He was fined $100 and costs.
Victim : of the. 'alleged attack
was Wilfred 'McCarthy' and the
cause of', the '.attack . stemmed;
from Mr., ;McCarthy's.:refusal to
give 4the customer a 10%d dis-
count on. his gasoline purchase..'
The . fact that Mr. McCarthy
has only, one - arm, caused the
Magistrate . to .comment on' the
assault as a very despicable • one:
• He: Why are ',you always out
when I, call?. •
She: Just lucky, ,I 'guess!
To The Electors, Of
Ladies and Gentlemen
. As a candidate for• the reeveship, I . humbly solicit
your support .at 'the coming election, and if elected will
endeavour ' to do .all in my power to give you good.
municipal.. government.
Wishing 'you .all the Compliments of the Season, •
Sincerely Yours, • "
To The Electors: Of
Ladies ' and Gentlemen
1 take . this _ . ity ,
• opportunity to solicit your support at
the polls on ' December '5th.. I have served'on the
Council Board . for twelve years,.six jars as Councillor.
and six years as. Reeve: ' During this period 1 have •'en-
deavoured to the best of my ability .to ' give : you good
government and promise that if . elected I will , continue.
to =do' so.: As it 'will be 50 years .in: 1962 since. Kinloss
had a Warden, if elected,. I will do my utmost to bring
this , h¢nour to our Township.
Wishing you all the Seasons Greetings and the: best,.
for .1961.. `.
schools and '.. the
Chairman Dick' Elliott felt. that
Money spent in- any one :year
should be raised that year re-
gardless of the tax ' rate. Expen-
ditures should be . budgeted for
and governed by the ;budget;
contingencies excepted.
Reeve Percy returned : to the'
platform and pointed out that''
'lack of -work on "Husk road,"
which had been a •subjectof
controversy a . year ' ago, was not
Council's ncil's fault.: A_' surveyor had.
been ` brought in and found that,
in/ the rightplace from Highway
9 : to MacDonald's corner. Fail -
urea to ''get co-operation -to have
the fence removed from ;the road.
allowance, resulted ` m workbe-
ing done on other roads. Coun-
cil had felt there was'" no- >pur-
pose in going to law in the mat-
ter, : for eventually ' neighborhood
pressure would forge. the issue.
some rate
• (Continued from Page; 13)
to a year ago..
The 1959. drainage debenture
debt ; stood, at ' $19,371.44.: , The
McMillan . and 'Gaunt drains de-
bentures retire.this year and the
Ross, . MacDonald' and Bushell
.drains retire : next 'year. . •
'Social' Welfare grants in 1959
'were up $1,000 , , over 1958 :to,
:.$5,400. Highway expenditures to
date ' this year are $50,786.00`
compared with $41,644.00 a year
.Gordon Wa11, the fax collector,
said that:. ands ' On : school. Sotne details which were
Council me taxes, and brought .out by the speakers are
with the .Co forcast to covered . in another article.
doesn't look
be up, , it do like any J R Lane advised the candidates.
reduction. Quest oned about dog as -to, the requirements for quali=
more dein
ant' higher.
unty rate'
tax refund, Mr. Wall said an ap-
Eying F •. '
peal should• be entered at the Others; called on for a few
proper time- He reminded' the
audience that 'current taxes are , words were Campbell. Thompson,
levied on the previous year's as- Raynard Ackert and. Harveysessment. Houston: .
Lowest H S. RateWallace Conn thanked Mr. El-
_. . Y �.
Allister Hughes, Kinloss town- liott for acting as chairman.
ship's rePresvntative on the Shortly after the meeting . ad-
Lucknow Di rict ,High School, journed candidates started`
Board, said, that the Trustees'' signing up and by. 5:15, a contest
`Council felt that salarywisethe for reeve, councijro,;and trustees
peak had been about reached, was assured.
Twelve applications have ` been The two reeveshp candidate§,.
received ' for •a local staff . i- the four' members of
Pos council and
`:. tion,; half of the applicants be- Jack Ackert and William Evans
ing well. qualified: The .inspect- qualified at; the close of the
ors' reports, he said, are' that we meeting and Edbert Bushell,
have a top notch staff. "If it is Frank Schumacher , and Allan
any satisfaction," Mr. .Hughes' MacIntyre qualified later.
said, "we have the lowest rate Delbert Hedley,,Gerald Ithody,
of . any of . the large district Fraser MVieXinnorl", Orville Elliott,,
there 'was'. not .a foot of :fence
Council's `policy. is; to pay $1;
a rod for. fences ,ordered remov-
ed for road. .construction of for
replacement of rail fences.
Call, Trustee Nominees
It was . about • 4;10 when the.
list of ' trustee' nominees ;were
callesL e ` response .brought
various expressions, quite ;suffi-
dent to indicate that the seats
would • not go begging. Allister
Hughes, . speaking ' . from , high
school experience, emphasized
that'. the. members would have 'a
lot of work and responsibility, in
forming; the . area and building a
Dan C. Whines, .Ernest Hanna
signed up before leaving the
hall Leo Murray and Lorne
Eadie ..added` their names later to
the 8=man :list: . '
The following were nominated:
' For.':: Re. eve
P. A, Murray by Dan'C: 1VIcIn-
nes and Ronald: Thacker:
Harold. Percy by:' Harvey .Ilou
Stoll and Sam Farmer.`
P. A..Murray by.John McIn-
nes and Ernest Hanna. '
P. A...Mui••ray• by James Mc-
Ewan 'and ''Ivan Geddes:"
For Councillors
• Ted Burt :by Ronald Thacker
and . Harvey Houston:
Edbert Bushell by "Stewart.
MacDonald and P. A. Murray.
Stewart MacDonald ; by . P. A.
Murray, and Frank. Schumacher:
William .,Evans by. Robert Orr
and Lloyd' .Moffat.
Eugene Conley by 'Lloy.d Mot-
fat :and William Evans
Ted Burt. by Delbert. Hedley
and Orville. Elliott. •
Orville Ellicott by.: James Burt
.and Delbert Hedley./ • •
••Jack.'• Hodgins by Roy. Cornish
and San • :Farmer.., (Nomination
:could ' not. be vouched' for) .
and Ernest Kempel
Frank Schumacher . by Plan
Doelman and Leo Murray:
Lloyd. MacDougall , Orville
Elliott and John Ackertby.
• . Jack Ackert' by Max Bushell
and •Clifford; Johnston
'Allan 1V1acliityre by Leo: Mur'-
ray and' Brian Doelrnan: `
Wallace Conn by Farish Mof-
fat and' Eugene Conley.
For Trusr-tees
Lorne Eadie by. Clifford John=
s'ton and: Max Bushell.
Allister Hughes by . Raynard
Ackert and "Gordon MacPherson.
Fraser MacKirYnon by
MacDougall and Ira Dickie.
Orville Elliott by' Lloyd' Ack•,
ert and D. ,McPherson:
Gerald Rhody by Ernest Kem-
pel ' and Dan C. 'McInnes.
LMurray by Delbert..
ley aeo nd James Burt.
Donald McPherson by P.A.
Murray and Edward; Thompson.
,Ernest Hannah x by Frank
Schuniacher and John McInnes:
Delbert Hedley Eby Leo Murraq
and Brian Doelman.
D. Mclnnes by Gerald°d
and Ernest Kempel. y
Grant Eckenswiller by Stew.
art MacDonald & Frank ' Tho
son. (not .vouched for).: