HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-11-30, Page 13• • • • : WNDM 3DIVY, NOV. 30th, 1960 • - THE LUCKlr1'OW' SENTII\TE'L, IUCKNOW,, ONTARIO... To The Electors Of ' KINLOSS TOWNSHIP. NSI�IP Ladies and Gentlemen: ° Your vote and influence on• my behalf as a Candi- •date for the office of councillor in Kinloss is respect - fax, solicited and will be rea l' grea y app eciated, 1' will endeavour '.. ,. to see th t th ,municipality re- ' ceves the'!best 'possible . servie . u P:p e an aloe for your.tax 'dollar. ,• .••Co riplithents of The 'Season 'To All. ' Sincerely, -- JACK. ACKERT. • . • To The Elect/ors. Of . : " KINLOSS TOWNSHIP Ladies and . Gentlemen: ' welcome. and appreciateyourar on the' Council, I' would After serving for' one year support and if re-elected, I will do ' what I can to ease the tax burden on our • I' 'believe that the tax rate should be held and the budget balanced. This can be :doneby. curtailing con- struction work to, some extent and devoting < more; time to maintaining our present roads : in better. condition. To The Electors Of , KINLOSS TOWNSHIP , Ladies' and Gentlemen: • • As a candidate for Kinloss . Township Council, and having previously served /for , one year, I respectfully. solicit . your influence on my . behalf and your :.support at the polls on December 5th: If elected,: I' will sincerely ev you sound municipal al overnment. • endea'vour ' .to give �� ,• As I am :' temporarily assisting: at Kincardine Post .: Office because of illness on •the staff, it will be iripossi- •ble ' for me to call on' anyone personally prior to the , • 'Compliments of The Season To All • Sincerely, EDBERT BUSHELL.. . . • • To The. Electors : Of • KINLOSS TOWNSHIP Ladies and` Gentlemen: 1 for threeears on the Town- . served you;y sa•. candidate for' re-election and am :. � hip .. Council, I yam humbly -asking for your vote , and support. • �.. : Careful C , If 're-elected it wYI bee my purpose to give eful • • • attention to all: • hases of municipal. work. • • ' Best Wishes of The, Season., .. EUGENE (JAKE). CONLEY. •1 i.1T'T. + • To The\ Electors' Of • KINLOSS TOWNSHIP . Ladies and Gentlemen: • ' c office of councillor •for the As a: candidate for the of fill _ • •, Townshi' of Kinloss, i shall sincerely appreciate your ip reciat support exercise their fianch� . pport 'on �s�ecton . dam, and urge one • to . Having served you may feel: to the best my ability . for •.•. of. ' almost six years, you . that my exerience is p of value to Council and if re-elected it will be my con- e' ing on-eiruing aim oto fait`itfuliy serve; the best interests of • the Township. • • ' • Ali.... The . Seasons , Gobcl ;Wishes to Sincerely, • • WALLACE ONYV`. 1 • • • r • y • ELECTION' IN &I11TLOSS . s • only be paid on roads built to • f '. his announcing idecision to t e De artment s s ;ecidzcatons • . (Continued from Page 1) In Tom, 'Nominated '.contest the reeveship, Mr. Mur - There Was a good attendance ray said he believed. a change was needed- ' ` P at Friday. afternoon's Holoo odnTownshin .The remarks of the'other can- didates were confined chiefly to. 'indicating that they' were inter- ested, not interested or would consider it. Wm. Evans felt taxes .were .getting out of. hand... Or ville Elliott . wasn't interested meetingyr p Hall,, but they were slow in' ga- thering and, the start of the no- minating hour was postponed ‘a half hour until 2:3Q. When ,nom-' inations did start to roll they kept Clerk,. J. R. 'Lane busy sorting 'through the thirty nom now in a council seat. as he hada nation- papers which,were turn- . been involved. in getting the ed in. Richard Elliott, an• 'ex- school .. area , .going. Jack Ackert reeve of • Kinloss was: appointed . thought an : election would be chairman . of, the . ratepayers' good :and suggested that. rate - meeting, 'and early, ndi .cations Payers• who voice their "beefs were that ' an election was desir- outside should coma ' before ed and in the offing. council with constructive criti-, Would Contest Wardenship • cisco'• . Reeve Harold Percy,, the first Road Superintendent Elliott Carruthers answered queries in speaker, indicated at the outset • •. that he would stand for. re-elec- , • regard to road work, spraying tion, and if in office would be and snow' plowing. Weed 'spray a' candidate for the wardership. ing had been done on the 8th to in '1962, which by then would be the .boundaries and on . Eadies' sideroad 'with the' weed' 'inspec 50 years since Kinloss last'had [ a Bruce ' County .warden (D•. A for Considering they, ' had a good MacDonald received the honour. in 1912). • I. Mr. 'Percy, who • is chairman of !the County Home Committee & I' on the .Finance CConim_ ittee dealt with :county affairs:. While the. . .county .rate. was unchanged this year the `:I•iighway ' Committee's I• did not . have enough, money for t its' program and, he forcast 'a 1' or ' 2• mill' increase' next ear ..in y . the county rate. ' He referred to Council. defeat- ing : the move . to have over 30' , miles ` of county road, roughly a tenth of the total mileage, `re- I turned. ' to the ' . municipalities. . Kinloss Township has the great- f est mileage of county' road' of '. , .any . municipality :and :the Lang- side : road from ° Highway , .88 , to + the .8th .corner, was .one of the ., roads proposed'. to 'be reverted: He ' reported good progress on I the 'County '' ` Home construction with "' installation.. of • windows 1 the only . outside. work to' be I done. To finance . the' .project a i debenture sale ..,blitz is • to be I• conducted in. Bruce and Huron: •' Donations - and .exhibits o% � c i tinue to : pour into ' the' Bruce '•museum 'and Mr. Percy said he e. had' been • advised that a building I expansion would' be `necessary. The • January session will. ' dealt - with the matter of civilian em I. !!1 ergency, planning,. -•.with Bruce. I one of three, 'counties .''with nor 1SuCh program. • . I • Deals With 'Roadwork':, . • • Councillor. Wallace 'Conn, sen- I• `'' •ior • councillor, said there had, not. been mush drainage work' .this year. One project. in ,the neigh-. •borhood •of $14,000'is being left. ,until next year on the'advice' of the engineer, ` and . because the g were not available in time. '• Ile, referred to„ .road construc- [tion ' an Con: 4 and east and west. I of Kinlough, • as well as .the in . stallation of •two bridges. 1V4, I. miles 'out ' of: Whitechurch had been heavily gravelled and • eh- loride . used experimentally, 'with good : resul ts. Councillor ' Conn •felt, an effort:r should be• made to sell the .town- ship's drainage 'debentures rath-1 er than ' • -give priority to . ,the County,;home .investment: The' cost . of . road building and the :extent and. effectiveness of 'road side weed spraying were: r questions raised., by the meeting- !.as • the various council members spoke.' `' K . t• •Ted Burt and Eugene Conley,1 I members of the Board. said. they I would stand. Stewart MacDon ! `ald intended. to 'retire but When an election developed he. decided . to stay and Jet the voters decide. ' Questions . Road Standards' P. A. Murray ,raised the ques- tion of the standards set by ' the . Department in building: town- ship roads. ' This he felt, was fine on Concession 'roads, Ibtit that a: township like Kinloss could not afford .'to build comparatively little -used secondary' roads to this' ;standard. • Rdad Superintendent,• Elliott Carruthers • and:, 'Reeve Harold' Percy each: replied later to the' effect ' that 'they • had ..taken the Matter up with ''the district en- gineer, arid that the hard and; fast rule is that subsidies will PAGE' THIRTI kill., :Sprayer : repairs, due #o corrosion, 'delayed the ,work; get- ting started as' soon as it should have. • With three • plows and the grader in operation; roads are supposed ,to be open by 8. o'clock in the morning. Comments from the ' audience were to the effect that they weren't at times and: earlier plowing was requested' Treasuirer's Report •- Excessive snow plowing costs in 1958-59, where referred to as, a 'factor in, the township's def:.. cit last year, and *a two Wil: in, crease this year. Township. ' Treasurer, Frank Thompson . quoted figures from . . the auditor's. 1959 report which showed that a substantial stop- ' los in. 1958,: had -been ' reduced to a $2,800 deficit • at the end of 1959.: Tax arrears at the . end' of. 1959 were. over $17,000 an' in- crease 'of , some $2,400 for the corresponding date in '1958. ' By Npvember of 'this year, 'arrears were down to -$6,750, :comparable: • (Continued on' page 14) To .The Electors Of KINLOSSTOWNSHIP Ladies' and Gentlemen: ' v Being a candidate for Council, .I would appreciate, your co-operation,; and if elected will try and work for, your interests in Council to .,the best of my ability. Seasons Greetings Respectfully yours, WM. EVANS, Langside. To . The. Electors Of . ICI N.LOSS TOWNSHIP ,'Ladies and ,Gentlemen; •' Having served as•Counci or for or the past three years, 1 solicit your support' and influence on December 5 th. If re-elected I assure you , that I will continue to endeavour. to serve you faithfully and to the best of my ability.: Wishing You the Compliments of the'Season Sincerely, STEWART •MacDONALD • To The , Electors Of KINLOSS TOWNSHIP Ladies and Gentlemen: Having :qualified as a candidate . fora.,the office of Councillor, . I would .solicit your support .at the .polls on Monday, .: December ''5th Should I be elected, • I will endeavour to serve the interests of. the. Township to the best of my. ability. • Wishing One • and• All the Compliments`: of. the Season. Sincerely, ,ALLAN MacINTYRE To 'The Electors Of • KINLOSS, TOWNSHIP 'Ladies and Gentlemen: yAs a candidate for 'Councillor for' the .•Township • of. Kinloss, I take this means of asking you for your support on election day. My work. makes it impossible for me' to .call on you personally. ` Vote as you like, but be sure to vote on Monday;;• .and. a vote' for 'Frank Schumacher will be indeed ap- . predated.. ' Compliments ` of The Season To All. , , . Sincerely, FRANK SCHUMACHER F `i] s