HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-11-30, Page 12'TW L a. 'nut LUCKNow S►$NT , WCKNc., W, ONTTARIO Announ THE OPENING OF A NEW'.. Sales a The Murdie Block' NOW OPEN ' FOR AIR SERVICE' and dadlr we ' are adding tto our stock erf TELEVISIONS, RADIOS, . RECORD PLAYERS, ETC. rai ectronics Eldon Wra%dy Phone 128 I acknow 0 OBITCJARY In iN. 'lAY NOV,. 89th, lNG old ..theirs at 11.-milts- couneillorS Sperm Each councillor spoke ' briefly Jack Bradley on taxes; Toni Howard on roads and bridges; iDon • MacKenzie on roads and snOvenlowing, , . attributing the weather as the contributing fact or • in 'the success of their financ- ing of the same; .and .Marshall. ibson. • Deputy Reeve Coming Andy Ritchie informedthe ratepayers . that Ashfield . was Inow eligible for a deputy -reeve in view ;of the fact • That they • !now -have over 1000 voters, The application for . such. had to ,be approved by November 1st, and as' it. was too late this year, next year the township would have a deputy -reeve..: •Chairrnaan Cecil. Blake impressed upon those pre- sent the importance 'of having a deputy-reeveanother vote in county council.. • •. 1. Hear Road Superintendent 1 Herb Curran, road suPerinten- dent for the township, gave an excellent breakdown of figures I as found in 'the financial state- naent of the . tonivnship. In speaak- ing of county roads reverting to. the township, he said,"I don't see .how the, county 'is bur - [dented " anymore than •the .town- '' ships, as they only have about 1 three 'times ' as Much . road to take care' of as the Township lof Ashfield-" The road . super in - DAVID JOHN BROOCH .- --�— -- . l tende>� fell the Town represent.... ( from. page 1) • . '> o atives were . voting back some- There passed away in Kincar- Dennis : Hogan and Orland € thing they knew nothing about. It was a good winter 011 snow- dine- liospital on Su°day, Novem. B the' 'other two men no-. 13th, David fund Brook in fled f trustee •'thdrew plowing'' • in the towashtt . , as his ,84th year He was a son of the late Eliza Roulston and Geo Brook, and was 'born on. Con. 6 Huron Township on.August 14th, 187'1.; On • February 20th, 1901 he married the late Arabella ' Need- ham, :.the . daughter oil" -the. late ± and ,. Mrs... George Needham of Con. 10'uron.' They took `up residence' on '• the farm. Con- 12 now -occupied by son, James., Jn 1926" they • waved to their fa=n,' Con_ ' 6, now.. 'occupied J. their , son,' Stewart- In 1942.,they moved to. their residence in Rip- Sur -laving •are one daughter .& ger <. mina • : _or , '• vwt .their names. $10,,`800 . spent- • : All•' members. of ,' school .board, ., In l'Uo.' 1. ' and : the :new' nominees for the four sons,, • (Myra) >l�: Cecil ' / Norman, Kincardine '.f'ownsbip :FStaviartt • and James of Huron` Township; fanner di:' Russell of Ripley and nine grandchildren. He was predeceased by his , wife ffieeltiang on atz anot�an by Tonin p nnill rate, Mr- Foster-. said he S y 6, ago and one brother, 11 Howard . amid tayniand '"lana- didn't . know of any corners that George :Brookand one sistercould be cut. '. (Susan) Mrs_ Charles Hod ' '. , Hear Ce �t1. � • ' N Henry MacKenzie, repa�esenta- The` remains rested: at the -Mc- Andrew Ritchie, asreeve and Live to the " Lurknow District Finan home, Ripley, representative to county counMl l High wool Boar ". d and James •. funeral. To The Electoral • bf ASH F I ELD, SCHOOL AREA. No.:2, • Ladies and Gentlemen: 1 believe we should build. our school to provide every opportunity for physical and mental development, Of our children; also that every pupil is entitled equal privilege of transportation from his or her gate: If you will give me your support on Election Day,,' 1 will • do 'every thing in dmy power to put into ,effect these views r , Thank; You, SAM GIBSON. Scbool a. 1, e . n 'school positions,, . spoke• briefly. Ashfield: Township Selma' ' Area,' when called on iby the chairman. elected their trustees,. by mein,' W: ` H Stafford,- the` new' . secre- oration- ;Eldon Culert . and 'Rod tary of the Ashfield Area' MacKenzie, ' the tro aetlnng .leo; _ 1, was_introduced , by Cecil trust, were ' !both• : ae-elected.; . _ • y Quer mon .: with < a year to. !Blake. ler. Stafford, formerly of 1'oranto has ire to Dungan serve' are T.Marvin Durnin . and'i noa>: n John: Graham:' Oliver' McCbar- i , • a les,, the .other amember„er, .was rotl. � •Hear h Sehool Rep: i eligble to serve another year . 'Ralph : Foster, Ashfield Town- because bis' school section was'no A p - representative to the 'Gude longer. inttlie No 1 areal Carman cl Dis ict .legiate, spoke on den was nominated to take school..matttersCol:and outlining the •building of the . new: addition to his ,,,lace. the school which is finished and Cecil •' Blake, reeve of the township:' :for' ►ears frtna satasfacttory-. Presently 22 teach- ers, , a principal . and .a vice -pair- 1903 tto .1959 and. a councillor . _ 4 cn lok .after .the'! • education of prior to that . was. appointed 3'15 � uttntdeatts � at the Goderieb chairman for. the rattepa ers l >ooB,of the laigier tta�l Wednesday November 16th stoke on work in the comity He To The Electors' Of ASHFIELD, SCHOOL AREA No.2' Ladies and .'Gentlemen Your vote for jack ` MacKenzie as a •.member of the newly . organized Ashfield School Area No: 2; will be greatly appreciated. I assure you that if elected, l; will give the under- takings and responsibilities of this Board '.careful con•.° sideration, ` ' S., ni cerely,. JACK. MacKEN IZE. $etchabaw;• representative to the Ripley District High • Sehool Board, both were not•' present:' Reeve .Ritchie was questioned from the .floor about three court eases .against the 'township for miscellaneous damages that were not :listed in.. the financial state- ment_ It was explained that the Grant .and McCharles. cases were at ;'present not ' completed, and that the VanOsch • case had been settled quite recently.,The town- ship. insurance eoanpaily bandies all such cases: • Nominations received. were: Reeve .Andrew Ritchie ' by Dynes Campbell and Fluter Alton. Council Tom Howard by Gordon Val ad. and Leo Cotey.. Marshall ,Gibson. by Harvey Ritchie . and John. Hunter. • Don MacKenzie by Mel Dick- son' and Rod MacKenzie.' John -Bradley by Reuben' Wil son' arid, Dan McLean. School Area No. '1 Rod MacKenzie ,by T. M.,Dur- nin. and • Joann Graham. Eldon ,Cullbert by T. M. Dui. nin and • John Graham.. • Carinae Hayden by John Gra, hair and Rod MacKenzie. School' Area No. 2. Sant Gibson by `James .. Brad- ley and •Reuben, Wilson. R•obert Simpson by Grant Far. rash . and Sandy ' MacDonald. Gordon Finlayson by OrIan Richards and Lloyd 'Cline. Jack MacKenzie.. by .Gorsor Robb„ .wind Dan lfllr.Lean. •Robert ,Helen by' Gordon Bar, ger and Earl'. Swan. ' Dennis, Hogan a by, Gordon Bar ger and Earl Swan- , Leo Courtney by Keith John. ston, and Robert Boak. ' . Orland: Richards by . Gran Farresli and Keith Johnston. • p�■ a Tam■ tenet S■■■•■■cling■d■•1ne 11isiaowaaunat,i�ie ■ern n■nuui�iounoieaesst wheaa seavi was ducted by slatted that.. one patient : "frons , „� mini- Ashae1d was prtesenttly ' ire thea the Rev. Douglas Dunlop, - a • stet' of Ripley united, Church of � Huroan, 'County. Honore at Clinton. l ■ 1 Which, the Wised was a ,mem 'B'here are 144 beds in the newl ■ - of * Moinent's.orgy` , finished, ■ _ part' • not yet eine. 66. i , rer�s were his four ; ' beds in ;4,e old part banilt .in ! -son in -Taw, Zona and. 1953 ,16r :when: you nv godson, • David Non nan. Flaw-, ' ; The ramie informed the- rate- 1 payers_ :.. � : safety t er � Were and- county •certificate., i nephews. latter ent was in.Rip sn"derin turning' back sone otos n m a Bsi►ttsh ;111lortgage., c Ceaat 2cy ettery tine 'county rasael� tea the - a n.. I ' ships.. When he "enquired about : Your: interest comes' regular as .clock -work. OLIVET .. thepaatncarlan from the 'engin-10 , ■ r al's eea, 'he away informed ithatb'lthe ne ■ cip' absolutely' . , ,You pzzn absolut :safe.. .•1 is nothing, the quip do • ..' ..: an can. ' Mrs- H_ Sfrect off KmcaY+darneif the county makes lap its hind visited receaa . at the home a to - • th • y • ' Invest ' 100 •'or mor for i •t dg. •Ther e,, e . these, •.troy. ■ , her sister and , -in-law, Wit' paesentlY have rinks 1 ■ Mrs.:, and 'Rost $lea off road; 'while �'lshfield •ttoausmp ■' years lass Ruth 1Th e . 'spent a . has 142 nuiles '' in its system 0 : :1 • any peso ori to at herr home Bete when she roads: ' .. i . To *west see •a - ■ yob loe:al • ag(ent or Mail us'" youi'� 'cheque. � lefft the hospital in SL Therms Mr. .Ritchie' told the Meetting: ■ , to return ' to in theKntcg-�at1„0 hadbeispett bynr ' S interest bet tile, :,day: you make the • inv iinent� i1I eller hosPital- �the county iniehicles this past r. and . MPS.' borne Wilson of yor, feu pick-up, ore p )t �t i� i) ■ ��l �I 1 Hamilte visited recently With four g ieB ■■ 1 l� `1 Mr: and Mrs. W. T.. sit .. ges were huiltt in the counnty. ■ I Mrr and MM. Walttea. 'Dexter I i '• QfIrere S17l ATFORD • visited the f brothel nn- door of 1 the museiin n this He■d :.. ,, ' ■ • law,' Mr. . Howard. Robinsonin t with ' people • the hospital in London- Mr. Rs- F ospniati ; visiting. one perton,, Wilson as mtnpm ang follu wing i.Hopkins, interested in the ■ British '7''r lMe . . ase the■ • � • " • Commga�y Stratford... off ,airport The -� •' age Stra Cam . 'visitved, 'wig iia t• stipulation that y T and l&1� � Own* solid it to hint .for / witfEa the I melee cheque for .._ - for .inveattmernt•,for. .ii1111. .flies last. week kept up for. 2 v: ° Please send rne: a free folder giving turf information.' Musa Ilonnat Osborne of Ter- Reeve ltnte:Inne was on the t Onto spent the week -end at bet : Oil—Wrests :pd.,, aimmittee at R!,1_, IMMO here d • presided ` at t county s t:,• ' S euiy-one are s Organ. on S®nday afternoon. attm • i now in the care 01 the chi! "s Waiter Defer *as soloist. aid With ttlne near marnager, Robes i ■ Mr and Mrs ley , Haannito n, entt ' Maclellani, havinge ■ : Paul and Wendy spent the - d over. me Ritchie retterred to 'the ■; • ted •fig with-, i eta cern* Mill rate being izA,. but f orndon. ` 4 the township was age to dillinitnttisi■stn in ■triiitti■nnetsinuninnsin AMES • years'. iGi' aihrW.i.... ionoonanonnoi■nnunnifoo oneemoom