HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-11-30, Page 10PAGE TEN THE LUCKNO`Q ' SEN 1.4 KNOW, ONTARIO r�r■ . • � - SENIOR 'C1�'TIZEN$. �prr��aaaaaraa.. �t�gaaraaga�ar�r�ru>wraarrrarr FOR; FAST, EFFICIENT OVERNIGHT Li ■ CALLED BY DEATH ■ „ 11'!� ' 1' illiam A. Russell one of • • • Servic TO oar , FROM I CKNOW •.LUCKNOW • TORONTO LONDON' en.Bros. ANSPORT Loads Insured ' New Winagham: Warehouse • * rSei'ving Wingham and District '•*. Household >Movmg :Service to any Ontario points. No Load Too 'I = No; Load Too Small A h Receroc :tare, When Yon Ship: By WALDEN : BROTHERS W lits M A ''RIJSS L: ■ ■ Lucknow's most '. respected sen- ■ for citizens, passed . peacefully ■ ' away on Friday, November 18th in Wine-tam,Hbspital after a I long and. distressing illness, He nwilliam was in• his 95th ,year, Alexander ;Russell ■ was born at Cobourg on August '5tth', 1866,. one : of a family of ■ eight children of .Mr. and :Mrs. ... Alexander' .Russell. ' 'He, farmed inwith .his. father :until .1908 : when it he went to Saskatchewan as a .grain buyer .for Western Canada • Flour Mills. In .1909 he . married Jean Stewart of . Cobourg. and . for ■ 29 years they lived in Western i ' Canada at Rockanville. , and 12 I Creelman, . Sask.. a In 1937 they . caime to Lucknow ■ to:make . their home, although • not as complete' strangers,' for they had visited here with • Mrs. ■ Russell's sister, Mrs. B. ' J. Che.s- ■: ■ ■ ■ nut: As residents .of this oan= ritually they. .endeared themsel- ves to a wide .circle of friends. M. Russell' was "well read." a I He was an .interesting conyersa ■ tionalist, and keenly . interested , • in world and local .affairs, poli-. ▪ tics and sperts, ■ But above all he was a fine a 1 Christian genu anand a de - 1" ■ PHONE COLLECT; t voted . ;rind . faith churclainihn.. r' SUPERTEST GARAGE: PHONE 248, LUCKNOW : a ' � Private tnellihservicepunwas ■ , conducted ate nstone` - ■ Wi 15 - Kincardine 530 — Ripley 193 a . ■I eral Home on .Sunday; November ■. i ■ al 120th by • Rev :Alex Naamno of ■ ! �Wanghanm Pres ytterian; Church: �Teh Yomr. Traveller, of When Ordetrmg, To ■ •� � 14:" . A3ar< and ilttr. � ossa$ Thad beenSHiP EY WALDEN'' BROS: ,.TRANS OR`T :.ceding. recent mointers• ' in By Phoning RL1 7-6541 Toronto or GE 3-6933 'London • Wingham :,at the home Of .their i■>r■■ui■■rtlrli■■t~w:noon;■�■o■or.■■oinr■rr■t.i��r■tio■r■ daughter . Interment was in ' Wanghairi .'LANGSIDE ; Mrs, McQuillan passed' away .,on' aaeietery, the p lbearers being The . e;ta'mMunity extends sin- cere sympathy to Mr, Ed Mc-' Quillin and Mr.. Evan tifeQuil ia>< in the, loss of tilde. sister; .Mrs. Harold Dawson of Toronto, the "tomer Winnifred.. McQuillirn; also too her son, Donald Murray and daughter:. Wilda of Toronto.. `Thursday .monnin.g m St- Mich- S R. ''Robertson, Ernest .Nlakc„ eels Rospital, Toronto. Buurrial , Cameron . MacDonald, Gordon took place . in Toronto on; Satur- Fasher. J L. MacMillan 'and K. • day nn®ruing at .10 am, Triose �' c.. . Murdae; going zto Toronto Saturday •nnorn- :, Surviving anti his widow, two ing from: this. district to attend daughters,' and two - sons. • - Iso the furterat ' were. Mr. and.:: ' . bel and Stewart Rne�ell "of Re-' ,. Hauntley, 'Da-sorn, Mrs. "Rd., Me- ` a; ''Mrs:. W.. 'A. er lahon . $gam. Quillen and Grant:d Mr; man g (Nan) of Wi aain; faun of Kitt= Itlequillan, .Mr. 'Ed McQuillin p.cheaner Surviving also is a . sis- was in the city returning 4o his! ter, .Macs. Colin, Arthur' of Cali home ' with the• rest. . ' 1 forma, as well as five grand The Ladies Aid` of Fide 1 elnaldti. Church is to be held at the home frig Misr Farish .Moffat on Friday 'eVenang ; This 'IS the annual wzrozsDAir, NOV ,80th, 1060 Atha Meeting. Of, Ashtield United: Church W:M,S The Womens Missionary ciety of) the Ashfield.. United Church, met in the parsonage on November 24th, Mrs, :John Rit- chie; thepresident, opened . the meeting with hymn 356, follow- ed • by . the Lord's prayer in. uni- son.' Mrs. Livingston Menary read' the scripture lesson, and Mrs. Bert Alton led in prayer. The Treasurer's report by Mrs. Clifford Ki]patriek showed we are well over .the allocation. Mrs... Warren -Zinn tread, the correspon ding secretaries' report. The sec- retary -treasu'rer's reports were given by 'Mrs. Herb Curran for Blakes,, ' Mrs. Jim Nelson for Racketts and Mrs.' W. G. Hunter for Zion. The report on supplies rear by Mrs, 'Bert Alton showed tthe,.ladies: have had 'a very busy year in supply work': Mrs. Kais- er invited •the ladies to her :home' for the "`World's Day of Prayer" meeting. Mrs.. Ervin Zinn, is to assist her preparing the • prog ram. Each society ,is to make ya contribution to "Sing Time"" se over Cly TV, Winghan>t, Rev.. Kaiser took charge of the elec. tion of officers as follows: presi- dent, :Mrs. Livingston. Menary; Treasurer, `Mrs, Clifford,Kilpat- rick; Corresponding Seereta , Mrs. Warren Zinn; Recording & PreAS• .Secretary, Mir Chri, Cooke; Associate Members sec, retary,• Mrs. Robert 'Helm; Coif, munity Friendship Secretary,. Mrs. Andrew Ritchie; Christian' Stewardship Secretary, Mrs: 'Bert Alton; Literature -Secretary, Mrs. Alex Hackett; Missionary Mon - oily.' and World Friends Secre , tars, .. Mrs. Livingston .Menary; Supply Secretary, Mrs, Gordon Kirkland; Christian ' Citizenship .Secretary, Mrs. 'Jim''At noio1: Rev. Kaiser closed the .meeting: with prayer, Lunch:: was Nerved. • by Mrs, Kaiser assisted by the lad- ies on the parsonage ' committee. She: "Before we •married, you worshipped the ground I walk- ed • on." ' Re:: "Yeah, 1. thought your.. old' man owned the' property," 111 ./ JOHN' SORE. Mrs. John ',Hr�we, a resident of meeting with Cbrrastaiaas gaff ex- q Lucknow for some Uurtg years; change, l flied at. RiverviewHospital,Mr and : Ias.. Victor' Erniner, I -Windsor, en, Thursday; Noverm� con off Winitechurchvisited on hear 17th,' in. her 98th year. Her Sunday afternoon at tine home i husband predeceased her in 1944,` and since thenHowe, had Made •,her homewitth', her'. daughter, Mrs. Roy' Schradder nnlaerstborg.':Mrs. Howe. had Clark. -Johnston, Lynda and Jan- lreenn .in•,failing health, for some ette of Befigrave were also San.- t time bi had been hospitalizedday v siitors at the Tiffin.. home. t only since Septennber. ' Mrs .and Mrs.. Art flins'rhber- She was the inner Mary Kerr ger and Dale of Kitchener visit- of Howwck. Quebec. Mr.: and Mrs. ed Sunday with her parents, Mr.") Howe originally came. from Qae and M>r& .nnk Miller= and .Har -1 bac to,the ' water district io. "trey. . ,. ..1 lam, 'and: latter. moved Luck - Horne from 'London' „ter the. ; noW where .Mr.. Howe misted Week—end were Lois Maley,.' his son-in-law, the date Robert .Phyllis • ' St , and Miss • Doris ' Balza: in operataaag his butcher Moffat was home from Kitc.hen4busineis. er. `.. II Mrs.: Howe,, 'who fondly' re-•. Those who attended. the Rat' :irn?aembered by ' many old; friends.; to ' Live course "in Whntechu th here, as .survived..by .,six daugh- { Ball from this diastrict were Mas: tees` . Mrs art Button ((Mary 'Wall`aanan Evans, l;Pdtts. ' ':Mailer 'A, of Luck>imn Mrs. Joseph} Mors.;. Russel Gaunt. Tully, (Margaret,) of `•Windsor;; Weekend visite with• M' r, &' Mrs. Roy ' Schr adder ' (Elizabeth ltittars.:E ugene Conley Were Mr, 8'� of Aunherrstburg; Mrs.Garnet Mrs. Lloyd Moffat and ' ill Sisson. (Annie)„ of Detroit;'.Mrs. Con. 8, Mr. Joe Conley, Lucknow,: W. Alex Shaw (Elttiel)' +znf Rte- Mar, and Mrs. 'Ji