HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-11-30, Page 5DN DAY,: NQV; 30th, 1960. Acdlama#on..In Huron 1 • (Continued. Iran .age 1) William. McCreathgave a re,,1 port on the Ripley -Huron Public School Area .and . thought . w'ee were at the' peak Year for en- rolment and ' would go; 'down} slightly in a .few years. . They have considered building a new school providing three more • sections join the Area but so . far &d .two sections have consider- ed corning, in.. • John McCharles . gave a report Ort the new • Huron West School area and thought they could pay theho01 Debenture, off' by • levying 4 mills a '.year for ten, years • for Debentures. all a• at. )r. he er.:. Ids ds • )r.: ng' OM.,. r•. 9t1i1. • , .1017 281 rite' vice . 3v1 $ 'THE LUGKNOW . SEoI' trizL, LUGIOTOW, OIWTARIQ' PAGE FL Will Seek Wardenship Chester Emmerton the reeve,. reported on ,the general 'work done in . the' Township and on the construction of four bridges this . year and . also mentioned $ortie of Lhe work at County Council. He wanted' two more year as Leave in order to try for Ward:.n of the "County 'which this Townshi? has, not had 'since 1928: Alfred Walden irentioned the widening of the. • north` part of the lake. rad in preparation for paving the . rethatning link and of selling the 'old'• grader, and. *stetting a 'sinking fund "for . a. new . grader when necessary. William Lowry spoke of • more A SPECIAL MESSAGE TO CUSTOMERS OF THE B OF M Wl�t yair oa�lus �d at my Bank.. in 19W Milton Rizyneri, Manager' Lackinoty . Branrh • •Bk , Of ' :, Moneran About this.: time of year 'the Batik of Montreal makes .its 'Annual Report to all' kits eustomera well ., over two 'million "of diem. I -y would • like to ' make own, condensed report to the eustomers of tiny branch of Canada's first, Bank. •f� I think it. is a report that you can take • .sortie saris faction in.,. It concerns the :good tlnngs ; which ' the money ;you entrusted to us liar •been, doing. Themoney your deposited at "MY BANK" went right to .work :expanding, improving and financing Canadian enterprises small, mediunn., and large. Because of your deposit dollars,,, highways /were built, jobs were ereateda farms ar>ere Modernized, research was fivanced,and education encouraged. You might 'say' that those: dollars' of 'yours; aided and abetted our entire C anadian' eeoinoun'.. That. Mans a better ' future for the whole nation .: fon ,you ,asa shareholder in that' econont uz •••••• _A -�- g/faW �41MStD111p3. '• 0 •• •.• • ••• • • • • •-• • •, s • • .• • • • • • The Facts behind ,the Figures lin the BofM`s-' 143rd Annual Report DEPOSITS.:'Amounting.to $3.200 .419,323„ (highest in the Bank's history, this money teepee' eats tine hands v» t Well 'o er •, two ,• tnil1k n Canadians.. Mere than half of' `it: is tlae. personal '.. savings ,of•. people of every calling. the :remainder, is money deposited . by .. Rusin :firaans, cunnunnuanity organi ationna and •governments: Tine 'bulk.of this•nnonney is hard'at nwork in form of loans to people and businecsses :of .all •tyg . • LOANS: Many thousands of loans were nnade thry ughoapt the year to people ip all walks of life — to fanners.: miners. fisher- . tnen, oil men;:• lrrnrbeerranenn.. ranchers: .Ito 'salaried maplez' to industrial anecl husiness enterprises.: ito • eronnnnunnity a rganiaaa- • tions; and to 1'rewinncial and :1nnnneipral:,C;orn moots. 'Total loans at year-end ...$1.7772.6116516. INVESTMENTS: The .B of Al has $705•500-355 inner t d inn .lai In-. .grade government bonds and oilier pAnnl lac a uri*ies hi ninng a` ready naaarket, Tlai:s 'nrnotntl hdeip fananire ';gir,i> rnnnnarrnt pro. yeasts '•for the betterment of the" roinntry . and' the %dfaree' of '.its citizen's. Other .:weetcur•it;nes held include a diversified ,lit. of high-quality and sintrrt-terain industrial issue~„ 'Total. inav t- menta at Octit,ber 3L .190:y.... $183.255.199.• Whethear you.• want to *Ave an y or bone* it for stone useful purpose,; you'll find the 11 tit M i;; a gooii lal: a io do it So„ if/it's mut money, . sce.f.anatla's Hirt Bank .f• i.. OF y , RESOURCES: $3,485,011333 . - lit. • �� ,� f hit "e Owe, fix urx ing with Comediansart orris weed•,spraying . and more calcium on the roads but decided to run for Council rather than Deputy Reeve. ..Hamilton. McKinnon ' gave a detailed report. on . the Ripley Cemetery .along with the, 'work On the . roads in his ward, will' stay as Councillor. Austin Martin felt thatthe new, Department of Highways regula- tions for construtcing roads. was too '..rigid for 'l."ownship: roads. with ' the .small amount of travel they have. He . decided to try to: remain' in 'Council' .although no • minated .for Deputy :.Reeve: John .McMurchy complimented, . the Council on the .. .new chairs purchased for seating . the' hall and on appearance of the Ceme tery . but. ' thought , the • present Council was pot `controlling their employees as .much as they'1. should, George E nerson regretted the selling of the snow fences' and • thought they could still help tlje roads in his corner of'. the Town- ship, He would also like to see more roads sprayed' for 'weeds: (' He would run for council if there Was an . election but would not: cause one. . ' ` .. There was ', considerable ' drs- cussion frorn the audience on the ' SubdivisionControl by-law' whichhasjust' been passed and: n. some :wanted it rescinded' ase an �. unnecessary .. 'restriction • on the ' lake front owners. • William :Leonard spoke biiefly agreeing with an.editorial in •the .Kincardine' :flews. that :the. payers '.should attend the nom inat on • yocseetiiigs. ; He.: . also,'. thought the • financial. Statements i, were made: in too much detail 'Were 'could be shortened ' consid- . enable: . Charles . Laidla'w ' eritjcised • the way the Council' members repor.- ted on the . work in their . wards and thought:. they. were elected to look afte±• the' whole Town- ship and not fight. for as. much as they 'could get : inn ;each . ward.. He did not like collecting a surplus as ' it , is saving for future genera- tions. ' AGED' ASH IFI ELD',. : LADY ' . PASSES,, MRS. DVNCAN iaPlaeDON�ILD Saeaah Ferguson,,, beloved wife of the late.Dunncan MacDonai1d, • passed away in her ' g9th y , ran Tuesday, November 22nd, ye, tthe (none of her daughter, . Mr ., W. J. Johnston of Ashfield.,' AQrs. Johnston was in her `usiial health until within an :.hour .of her' ,, death. Sarah .Ferguson was a daugh-: " ter of the late Hugh Ferguson and Katherine: McDougall, and was born in Ashfield on Decem- ber 25th 1871, ' on the farm now owned by Williaani' Ross. MS and Mit: .,MacDonald were, y married on February' 22nd,. 1904,' land farmed at Kintail until • has 9 death in 193g. Since thein 1 u MacDonald had made her home• with her daughter 'K.atheriane (Mrs: Johnston). • liars. MacDonald :.was 'a Mem •r of Ashfield Presbyterian Church, a rnrennbor of Je W.M.S. and. off Kirntail Womenn's Insti- tute and was held in. highest re- gard hy.a. wide circle of 'friends.. The funeral service • was ,con- 1 duetted, by Rev: • bell M�anbie lin Ashffielld Presbyterian Church 1 anon Friday. Mrs: Jack Colliaeon /sang "Beyond .The Sunset's with accompaniment' by' .Mrs.• Duncan Sinn,, •.In. 'Interment was in Kintail Ce. rcneteryy. "The palllbeareri • were .Fred MacGregor„ Ellwood' Drell - 404, Gordon , prennana„ Rill Col,' ,llinn on„ John .MacKay, and Earl Hawes. . p . Flower hearers were Bile Les- ter„ John, Clark and Donald: Fir- guson, Bain MacDonald, ''Clar- ence Green, Bill Harris„ Roy. Geddes and Leonard, Irwin. . Sur•piving are' her daughter ice :four grandchildren, 'Mrs. Stuart MacLennan (Helen) and' Allan of Ashfield, Alma of Toronto. Jack Johnston cm the Great. I k' She was prod eased by ' ear hint d„ three brothels and a sister, Donald, l ugh, Jam •a arki li Mary Ann. i es,. Of To ..__e 'Electors,. KINLOSS- PUBLIC SCHoOL,AREA • Ladies. and Gentlemen: . . As : a candidate for School Trustee : in;the forth- coming election, I respectfully solicit. your support.. at the election on 'Monday, December 5th. ��Siin��ceerely ** . LLORNE. FAME. To .The Electors Of ., KINLOSS PUBLIC 'SCHOOL AREA No:'.1. Ladies and' Gentlemen: Having accepted the nomination for Trustee in the new Kinloss School Area, Ir..espectfully solicit your support at the election on °Monday, December 5th. It: will be my honest endeavour to try to carry out. my . duties ' to the best of my ability and in ' tl best in- terests of all those concerned. ; Sincerely, OR' ■+�+c ; ELuo 1. To •The Electors Of K1NLOSS:•PUBLIC SC No; nes and .Gentlemen ; Halving let. my,' name. Trustee 'on , Kinloss • School .this opportunity. of, asking ,1 election at present a member of of ' S.S. No.:3; and would • welcome serve you to : the•. best,of ' my ability HOOL AREA stand . as, a candidate: for. Area Board No. 1; I' take: Or your .suppoit at Monday's. the Trustee Board. the' opportunity: to on . the . new Board. Sincerely,'. ERNFST HANNA. • o ;The . Electors KIN.LOSS PUBLIC SCHOOL ARI Ladies an Gentlemen: 'No..1' a candidate 'forthe office of Area. Trustee,. respectfully solicit yoursupport': at _ the polls on Monday and: if elected' you have my assurance that I will 'endea- vour , to' serve , faithfully and well.. .. Sincerely ' Yours, DELBERT HEDLEY• To The Electors, Of ' KINLOSS PUBaC' SCHOOLAREA Ladies and .Gentlemen: • I am a' candidate for Trustee for Kinloss Public. School Area No. •1 , and I take this means of asking you for your sl pport at the poly .. I promise elected . to give of 'my• utmost ability ASSUffilitig the responsibilities of .this office.' Sincerely, LEO MURRAY; To • The Electors Of KIN' I NLOSS PUBLIC SCHOOL AREA No. 1 Ladies and . Gentlemen: ' a candidate , for Trustee on 'tile new 'kkinloss Township Public School Area, Board,, 1Nlo : 1, I respect• fully solicit your support 'and if elected I will spare no time or effort, m undertaking: the .. tasks of this office to tune best ,of any abdntyy Sincerely, FRASER MarlaNNON. • t.