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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-11-30, Page 4
AGE;. YOUR THE :xuCKNow LUCKGvow, ONTARIQ wamsDAY, Nov',. 30th, 19f CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. RATES First Insertion 2c. per word; minimum •charge 50c. Repeat Insertions, 11/2c . per word, minimum 40c. Notices, Cards of. Thanks. and : Coming Event minimum: ` 75c. In ,Memoriapis, minimum '.$1.00, :25c extra for replies. to The Sentinel. Billing charge of 10c for each ,bill rendered. FOR •SALE' COB CORN FOR SALE and kiln dried shell corn, Apply. to Lorne Luther,. , phone 65-r-14,. Dungannon: :FOR : SALE- 2 •furnace coal stokers in real ,good condition. • Apply • St. `' Joseph's Church,` Kingsbridge. • FOR! • SALE - a . chrome table with arborite top,, , with• erten- sions.. Phone 315 or write ;box, 12, Lucknow. VOR ' SALE ' 3 -feeder heifers around 650 , lbs,'from ''a, clean blood -tested '•herd. Contact Har- old Maize, -phone 4-r-4 Dungan- non. PULLETS FOR SALE , one hundred Red -Sussex: pullets, lay- ing. Apply Douglas ',. Hackett, •Lucknow;;. phone•: 69;14 'Dungan - nen. FOR • SALE -= `medium sized Coleman • oil` space .heeater, pieta with 200 gal tank 'and fit- tings, ' John Connelly, phone 14-r-23' .:Carlow. . . FOR SAT. -4 fresh and spring- ing Holstein heifers; herd has clean blood' test. Jaok.:MacKen- zee, Rr.'R, 3, . Lucknow; phone .65-r- 1, Dungannon ' SEE TCRAFT .GHRIST+MAS CORDS. by the ,box/now on dis play •; at Finlay Decorators ,: and Gift Shop, Lucknow. Special': Prices - on Dryers from $154.00 •and up, Greer, TV and: Electric,, Lucknow. FOR •SALE'; top soil, gravel, fill and , cement gravel: • Contact' Jack• . Farrish, phone 286, ' Luck- , PIGS .FOR. SALE -12 good ' York . .weaners (7 , weeks): William. ;Ev ' ans, Langside phone . 46-23, Lucknow. FOR SALE 3• cows in calf,. 1 heifer, 11/2 years :old in calf., All clean blood tested. Sam Nesbitt, 206-r-23, Lucknow. FOR SALE FLOWERS. .• FOR ALL OCCASIONS Lewis Florists, phone 18, Lucknow.' PERSONALIZED LABELS 300 with your name. and .' address In plastic dispenser, only: $1., Don Thompson, Lucknow. LIKE ' A TYPEWRITER for Christmas? • You don't have ` to write a /letter to Santa. Claus, just phone or • drop • in to- the Lucknow ' Sentinel,' phone 35. LIVESTOCK Bought 'and sold, all. kinds. Phone 41 • Lucknow ` or 77-r-1, Dungannon... WOOD FOR SALE -=good '. hard maple wood, in truck load ` lots, alsohardwood slabs, softwood slabs` and sawdust. in any quant- ity. Bruce .MacMillan, Lucknow. HAVING an ,anniversary, special get-toggether?' :Record your guests in a guest book available" at ' The Lucknow Sentinel, phone -'35. 1960 : BRIDES will be ' pleased, with the "Our .Wedding . Book". that can be seen at ;The ."Luck - now . Sentinel Records every. minute from. ' the •• courtship through ;to the new ' home, space for recording of Shower .& 'Wed- ding gifts, wedding ,guests, etc., phone :36, ' Lucknow, • • • FOR SALE long .play' records. at: bargain ' prices; and a good selection of wallets and Timex.' watches, suitable for • °Christmas , gifts: George's Snack Bar and. Billiards, Lucknow. NEW, NEW, NEW, felt -tipped. �tnarking pencil' "Mark -it", ' only 50c, try one: "Magic Markers". also.. in': stock at. $1.10, with refills! at 50'c each,- The • Lucknow Sen-.� tinel,''• phone' 35 ' COMPLETE 10 a- ISTM•AS card selection on ' . display: ` at The. Lucknow Sentinel. including printed personal , cards,' photo cards,' gift Wrapping and the ' us- ual large selection of everyday cards and boxed . stationery. Drop in,and look then{ over. • COMING.. EVENTS CASH BINGO THURSDAY Lucknow Legion will hold a cash bingo in. the Legion, Miall on.. Thursday, December 1st at $:45 Twelve regular games, 3 share, the- wealth and a • jackpot game of 58. , numbers for $70.00. • HACKETT'S '.,RAZAA!L• .ackett's W.A. will •hold. ' a bazaar, bake sale and tea at the Legion Rooms, Lucknow; on Sa- - turday, December 3rd, commen- ting, at 2 30, e CHRISTMAS ' CONCERT A Christmas. concert will be held. on Wednesday, ' December 7th . in St. Helen's Community... 'Hall, under ' auspices• of St. Hel- ens School. ' Admission 35c. TURKEY BINGO Christmas. Turkey Bingo' at St. ° . `Joseph's Parish Hall, Kingsbrid- ge, on Monday, December...19th at 8:30 p.m, 20 rounds, ,special" and* share -the -wealth. rounds, 2 door' prizes;• adn ission'• 50c entit- les » 5 "free rounds; •Christmas draw' at , Bingo, -sponsored : by Ladies of C.W.L.. and •men of .the parish.. • XMAS CONCERT , and DANCE "''A Christmas/ Concert. by • S.S. No 8, Kinloss, , will 'be held in Langside Community `Hall, on Friday,'. December. 9th at : 8:15 p.m.. Dance' after to Carruther's orchestra; Admission 50C° & ' 25c.' • •. RECEPTION A reception: will be held in the Legion:' Hall, Lucknow' on Friday, ,December 2nd .at. 9130 p.m. ' in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Harold Elphick�, Willow�by's . `Orchestra. Everyone welcome. I , RECEPTION. 1 A reception will be, held in theDungannon ,r , Ag, cultural,hall, on Friday, December 2nd in .honour'. of Mr, • and :Mrs, •"John' Howard (nee Rita Hogan) Car ...L-:..:. A.. L.....t.. T_ - ELECTRIC HAMMER MILLS, oat rollers, or household. ` appli- ances, try, Co -Op •.BUDGET MAN, law 'cost, repay easily • & 'conveniently at your local- store,. you ' receive family ' protection through' Co-operative, . Life In- surance n- sur' ancs Co., select a monthly 'or seasonal repayment schedule, Lucknow District Co-op; phone 71, Lucknow:, SEE OUR .ALBIJIVI ..of ' "Photo Christmas Cards. Send your fav= ourite1 snap . shot as a Christmas `Greeting., Many. styles to choose `from. at The Lucknow ,Sentinel, phone 35. FOR , SALE cob .corn and shelled,, corgi !froin Chatham area; kiln dried, delivered - by 'truck- load. ' Jim • MacEwan,, Kinloss, phone 2410 Bervie • SEWING MACHINES' . For Christmas. New .• Singer' 'White Electric Portables, r4 price Reg. • $159°00 for '$79 50. New Auto- matics $164.00. 'Recondition Sing- er Electric '; »Portables, $39.00. S�MITTY'S SHOPPING CENTRE,. Hanover. - • • 'SEE THE • year . round unbreak able utility lamp. Has innumer- able • uses around the house . as tree -top star, table centre .piece, window dcoration, night' light, TV .lamp, etc. • at Greer TV and Electric, LucknoWW. 1Vtac CA.Y. SNOW BLOWER, --- available from the Morford Mac- Kay Welding and Machine Shop, RJR. 2, Ripley, dependable, •.rugs gel. and non -plugging machine, the answer for whiter snow pro- • blems, phone '6 -sr -8, -Ripley. , 'Built' to' fit any make and model of tractor, ' REFILL ox ROhBLEMS SOLVED p point pen ore- fills solve that ' ."does it. fit" Problem for ,all pens. They fi paper -mate, ,eversharp;. scripto, waterman, sheaffer, ` wvearever and' ' 183 Other .• popular . makes, See for yourself, unconditionally guaranteed,: 49c at 'The 'Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35, Lucknow. RUBBER STAMPS Of all kinds, made to' your specifications, are available »at, The Lucknow Sen- tinel, phone . '35. . „ 'WANTED. WANTED large cast-iron boy; stove! Contact ' Glen: Weaver phone 4-r-8 Dungannon, LADIES WANTED - make uI to $26.00 » a week.' doing ,simplE home sewing in your spare - time Write Box 491, Adelaide' Past Office, Toronto, Ont. • • FLOCKOWNERS WANTED tip to 356 'per ' dozen' more fo your eggs over Grade- A price i worthwhile.. We pay this fo hatching; eggs and require al breeds;' On some breeds we. take eggs every week of the year For full details, write TWEDDLI CHICK • HATCHERIES » ItMIT ED, FERGtTS, , ONTARIO. 1lA11I 11. : ;'.JLLi1C54Li» ' '»VC1-y 11J/1C welcome, t NOTICES ANNUAL MEETING - The Lucknow » Scales Company e it 1 annual meeting will be held at, .the 'Scales Rooms on .Saturday, 1 Deceirnber :10th at 2:30 'p.m. ' •1 ' , Lorne Woods, :Seca .` I • LADIES. AVX. ATTENTION `` All ' merribers .' of the Ladies Auxiliary `r to 'The ' Legion are re-. quested to; ..attend ' the '`regular meeting, • Tuesday, December 6th 'it 8 p.m. It is :the nomination' & pot .luck .supper,. Gift. exchange, also. Gift to . be $1..00 and card included.. All ` members "please try and • attend:' The Auxiliary is. invited to an evening . of cards at Walkerton on • Thursday, De- cember • lst.: Leave your;. name' with Kathleen 'Forster 'or. Shir- ley Cooke ,if • going. . FOR RENT' 'FOR RENT �--. -20 ton Mobile Crane, Harry. Adms, Contractor, 309 Huron. »Road, Godericcl, Ont., phone Jackson 4-8451. FOR ,RENT. -- . A 'large apart- ment, • 3 piece' �batlii and hot •wat e'r. Apply, to. George Parrish. at Georges' Snack Bar and 'Billi- ards. • .' ; •..:. • ' , Visit t,..' GLEN'S BARBER SHOP :Gen . Atkinso < Proprietor � Lucknow, Ontario: 1 LRAY� FARMS • ABATTOIR ..HOL•YRAOD. , The home » of choice meats BEEF, . PORK, LAIVIB in anyquantities ' Schneider's 'Cured Meats WE r ALSO DO CUSTOM . • . =IMO • • and hang your meat in moderr 1 coolers as long as .desired. Pig; on Tuesdays and cattle ever, day: No afipoh tmettt necessary RAVNARD ACKER ' : • 101 4.13, Lucknow .ction Sale of 16`' GRADE .AYRSHIRE HEIFERS (Bred June, last, to 'purebred Shorthorn bull) Sale at S.H. LOT 13, •CON.• 13, WEST ' WAWANOSH of .Lucknow: ;1st corner . south , , on' Dungannon Road) 'ar day, ecemillper .2 at 2:00 pm. These' heifers are all fagged. and.. can, be taken anywhere. TERMS --Cash, or 6 -months' credit. on approved joint notes bearing' interest at. 6%.. Stuart E. Robertson, ` Prop. • Donald'` B.Blue, Auc. LOST STRAYED Hereford 'heifers 700400 lbs. from the farm . of. Joe Snajdman, 3 sideroads . off. 'Highway 86 west • of Lucknow. Anyone knowing of :. ,its • where- abouts, contact Bob MacIntosh, Salesbarn,' Lucknow,' or phone Ripley' 164-r-11, LOST 250 'pound red .Short- horn •calf,. • strayed from Lot 9, Co 6 Ashfield: Anyone know n.., ing • of . its whereabouts, notify Frank Alton, ' R. '7, Lucknow,. phone 67-15, Dungannon, PLEASE • RETUR.N • ul . he person who took Wo .t d by mistake, a bright, blue station - wagon coat With white true, at Dungannon • reception Friday; night, :: please. contact:. Mrs: John 'Park phone 55 Dungannon, for exchange of identical" coat with; the name "{Mary" written on the hood REAL .ESTATE TEACHER WANTEI Wanted by the '.•West ''Waw nosh • Township :School Ar Board, a qualified protests teacher for SS, No, 2 "Preset ity" :to . take effect, on Janina 3rd,' 1961;.Please • w `rite 'stati 'salary and :: qualifications.. T lowest or any .:tender not nee( sarily ' accepted.. Write , to W. Stewart, Dungannon; .Ont.. CARD OF THANK! Mary Purdon; 'wishes 'to tha her many friends for r ii enibi ing her while a patient in Wiz ham Hospital. I sincerely wish to thank who remembered me with visa cards, gifts and : treats'. . while patient 'ut Wingham Gene Hospital. Special thanks to •1 ,Corrin; Mrs. ' Murrey ` and nursing' : staff. Geo,' Hunt Wesley • • Guest• wishes tos cerely thank : his many frier who remembered hint with ca PROPERTY 'F R ; SALE—house andvisits while he was .a path and extra lots, of the late Mrs.' in. Wingharti : Hospital: 'Spec Elizabeth Congram- Apply " to', thanks ..to Dr. M H. Corrin, Mrs. Wellington Henderson;', D R Fijnlayson.:and the Tues Lucknow. ` • ,Staff. HOUSE . FOR SALE ' in Vil lage of Ripley, modern conveni ences: reasonably ,priced. Phone CUSTOM BUTCHERING SERVICES 38-r-3, Ripley.. i Beef ;:and pork sold an .K . " ,, quantity.' Custozn•. i old iing REAL ESTATE FOR S. ALE 1 tt, Government lacenseil • ' a Weil. situated . 10 -acre farm in pigs every : Tuesday. See 'ft Lucknow, • 4-bedranm brick house, Monday throug:l Thursdsy: B ' ON'S MEAT , MAR" and ;hydro,/priced for quick:sale: i Farms for sale in the Lucknow, ' district. . .FILTER QUEEN Sales and e ' - ' .:i vice; repairs to • _ all' nsal:es s . Used 'clean Houses in Lucknow• • for sale. ;vacuum cleaners. U 'WILLIAM S. REED, of all makes; for sale.Rol ert Real Estate Broker • Peck v'arina • *e1eplaonie Ben' barn on cement Wall;; good well l Whigham, Phone 292 117. ss6-r4. CARD OF THANKS _ Mr. • and Mrs. W ' J, Johnston and 'family wish 'to thank their:; relatives, friends .and ' neighbors for their thoughtfulness'shown them at 'the time .of the 'death; of their dear nother:•andgrand mother. These kindnesses were' much • appreciated, Mrs. Alex Purdon wishes to sincerely thank: neighbours and »friends for. ' remembering' her with treats, flowers,: cards • and, those who r• visited : her while a patient in Wingharn Hospital. Special thanks to Dr.; M H. Cor- rin and Dr. D. R, Finlarson and the hospital nursing satff. BIG .' VALUES' IN 'TSED 'CARS 1959 Chev Biscayne Coach; clean.: 1957 Olds. "Super 88" sedan, im- "maculate. • • • r ` 1957. Ferd• V.:sedan,, see this beauty. 1955 Plymouth coach;rebuilt motor. , 1953 Chev "Bel Air" coach, 1953 Pontiac sedan. ' 1952' Pontiac hard -top. , • RAKER and HtwIN Itineardke ATTENTION CAR :BUYERS Our Low Cost ,FiUancing Insurance Plan will help : make a ! better 'deal.. REP( you buy talk to 'us, J. McDonagh Insurance, phone Lucknow.: ` . AUCTION SERVICE' Allam Macintyre • ' Licensed Auctioneer' • Lucknow, •, ' • . Phone AUTOMOTI VE Mechanical and body' 1,01 .glass,. steering . and wheel I ante. Undasprsy for rtrfit i version... • , Texaco ' . No,. 8 H'wy. DAVIDSON'S.' 'Phone JA 4.1 G'oderich. • NEED :.M©NEV? Money to Loan ora enY prol Axtywhere.. ». , i e .Don't • Delay -.- ael The., secret :Of pia* .-strrcess Service, DELRAY ESI:VESTMENTS 450-A "Wilson Ave, Vit. Downsview, Ont..