HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-11-30, Page 13o0AYear lnA Advance
nce X1,00 Extra To U S,A;
It was a quiet day at the. •Ash-.
field Township, nomination
meeting' held in the township
ball, ; ,Friday,,', Nominations were
•received, from one to " two
o'clock by clerk-treasurer,...Don-
Donaid ' Simpson,.. and the meeting
was adjourned very ashortly af-
ter three o'clock. It would seem
that the ratepayers .of Ashfield
are, satisfield with the administ
ration. of • the affairs of the . town-
ship. No heated 'discussions arose
and practically , no questions'
were hurled atreeve or council.
Andrew Ritchie was returned
to the office of •reeve for his se-
cond term by acclamation: There
were • . no other nominations for I
the position. ° Andy served on
council for eleven years prior . to
• his election as reeve in a close -
fought battle Iasi year. .
There was a straight acclama-
tion for council . as only the ` four
sitting members were nominat-
ed, Tom Howard, Marshall Gib-.
son, Don MacKenzie' and Jack
Bradley. ' Jack Bradley ;is the
veteran on the board , having
signed up for his :'thirteenth con-
secutive term on council. Don
MacKenzie and • Tom V Howard,
both elected to council in 1953,•
• have served seven years, ,and
signed . up for number eight.
Marshall. Gibson ; will : be ' coin-
/ mencing his : second.. year : on
council. ,
Election For School ...
• The new central, . school board,
comprising seven sections' in the
north end . of the, township, ` came
into being at the nomination
meeting^ Eight men were nom-
inated• for the five positions on
the board. The No. •2 area has
been considering building .'a new
school at. Hemlock. City to acco-
modate ' all the " school sections
Six of eight nominees : quali-
fied. for the :five seats. on the No.
2 Area- .Board' with the election'
slated for next Monday, when the
ballot' will • carry these .names:
Trustees, (5 to be • elected)
Leo Courtney
Gordon' : Finlayson.
Sam Gibson
Jack MacKenzie
'Robert . Simpson.
• (Continwwd' on page 12)
• Thirty nomination. papers
received by, Clerk, J R. Lane
onFriday, ' gave him • the
... busiest time he has ever ex-
perienced at any of the 32
nominations • at which he has
officially. acted. In fact the
. flood .of nominations ' ex-
hausted • the printed . forms
& some, hand written forms •
• were improvised..
• ,:r
Mr,, Lane, who wil1 •' be 86 .
years of .age in January was
appointed • Clerk of : Kinloss
Township in May of ' 1929;
succeeding..: George q. Moffat.
At Friday'snomination meet-
ing in West. Wawanosh Town-
ship, Harvey . Culbert was elect-
ed reeve by, acclamation, as suc-
cessor to John S. Durnin:,
An election' will- be held for
four 'councillors with. five candi-
dates in the field and,
`for .the
second year , in succession there
will be an • election for School
Area trustees; two to be elected.
stanfromdin: threg,e candidates who • are
'Monday's ballots .will bear. the
'following slate of .`'candidates:
Councillors; (4 to be elected)
'Lorne • Durnin
• Hilliard Jefferson
. Eldon Miller
Orville McPhee •
Gordon, Smyth
Trustees (2 • to be elected)
Charles MacDonald .
Arnold Stothers
William .: Webster°
Continued' on Page 14)., .
tally Hurt in Car Cras
: This community was shocked
on 'Saturday night to learn of.
the,death of C1air'Agnew, result-
ing from critical injuries. receiv-
ed'•in a car :emelt at the Dunlop
intersection of. the county road
and the.: Bluewater Highway,
north of Goderich: On November,
:20th: he :was ' 68•
Clair . died, at Hensall, enroute
by ambulance to hospital in Lon- •
don. , •
Mrs: Agnew" and their son,
Evan 'were with ,.Clair -Mrs: Ag-
new isa patient in Goderich hos-
pital • with a head. 'wound, _badly
bruised and suffering: from a
state ;of • shock. Her: condition was
much • improved, but she will he
hospitalized for a . few• :'days and
will not be.' permitted to attend
her -husband's .funeral. Service.
Will be at the MacKenzie Mem::
orial' Chapel in Lucknow" at 2::00
p.m. on Thursday with intei rent
in Greenhill; Cemetery.
Evan suffered. abrasions, cats
and bruises' of a . comparatively
minor nature: ' He /accompanied
his badly injured father 'on the
ambulance trip, and 'after hisre=
turn, • was . admitted • to hospital
where he 'remained overnight
The,impact`: resulted in, a fur -
IS To Have New Central Cher, collision with an .empty car
',' Mr: and -Mrs: Agnew and Evan,'
chool�In �Kinloss
Next . Fa'" were . all .thrown from . thea "car-
Mr and Mrs. Agnew- and Evan
were ,eriroute to ;Goderich when
e accident ' happened about
8:15 p.m, They were in collision
with a south -bound car driven
by Clarence Joseph • Essex, 19, of
Port Albert, who was taken to
ctoria ` Hospital, London, 'in
serious condition and underwent
surgery for :a ,ruptured spleen
ruptured 'stomach. His condition
'was improved on Tuesday
His • passenger & fiancee, Miss.
Barbara 'Kerr, 18, of R.R. 3,
Goderich, is in Goderich Hospi-
tal with a . cracked pelvis: Her
condition, is . quite • satisfactory.
oth were thrown: from ` their
• . , Mrs: Agnew s' coat was literally.
The, School Area Board' Which new 'board and all moneys of torn 'off he,r. Both vehicles were
loss Township nneitt.. Monday, Board treasury.Wedding : y
to .have been married this. Satur-
day, and a wedding reception
had • been planned to be held at
• of the Board has had official ap-`;.Holyrood, Noy 4.. schools • "were the Tiger 'Dunlop Inn following
• L „ the ceremony... ,•
will be elected by ballot in Kin- each section turned : into the' .badly,,, wrecked; ,
Vas To :Be .Satortda -.
will . have the responsibility of There are no, school: buildings' Mr Essex and Miss •Kerr were
selecting .g site arid:building a ; among • the assets of S.S. _ Nos.: 5
new school, subject to Depart- , an 6,. but it was 'also stated that
mental" approval. The formation' the '10th Concession, N. 3, *and
Provo n't worth rep ,ring.
Norm Siegrist is the 'new .sec-
retary of the Lucknow Business
Men's Asociation.succeeding 'El-,
mer 'Umbach who has resigned:
Norm was appointed at Friday
night's meeting .in the Legion.
Eleven business places were.
represented at the . ' meeting,
Plans for Santa Claus day 'were
discussed and arrangements
made.; Places .represented agreed.
that . holidays on boxing day,
'Monday, December .26th, and' on
Monday,. January 2nd,'would be
the most satisfactory.
Township • of Kinloss electors
will go ` to the polls on Monday
to elect:.a reeve, .four councillors
and five school trustees to. 'form
the new School Area Board, • the
first .in the history of•the town-
ship. ,
Their choice.for these ten of-
fices will be from .ra slate:,;of 19
candidates, the biggest rallot
ever presented to the electors of
the Township, Only four . sections
involved will vote on : 'trrusiees,
Reeve .Harold Percy will be
opposed for 'a second' time by
P. A. tMurray, a former council=
For the four 'council ,seats 'all.
members of the present;board •
are standing 'for re-election with
five newcomers ',tossing their
hats in.the ring" to.make a
slate of -pie.
For\ the • Kuiloss School Area
Board their are eight candidates
for the five : seats. • u the newly . •
'created board. These •candidates
are from four school sections
Indications that . an :election which • have joined to form. the .
Might develop • in Huron area, with the purpose Of buid-
Township did not' materialize .& ing a` central: school, The lour
reeve, councillors : and • school sections are - No. 3,: lOth Conces-
trustees: were all elected by ac sion; No. 4, Holyrood, No. h, ;6th.
clamation. • 'Com.; . No. :6, 4th Concession.
, The present Connell; returned The' ballots next Monday will,
for 1961 is . 'comprised of Reeve carry this' . slate:.
Chester Emmerton, •'. Deputy • . .For Reeve .
Reeve ;Alfred` Walden 'and Coun- P. A Murray
Harold Percy*
Councillors (4 to be elected)
Jack. Ackert
Ted Biirt* -
Edber�t Bushell, •
ton McKinnon and John. McMur Eugene SConley*
chy -.for 'deputy -reeve., Mr; Mc C Wallace' Corm* •
Murchy . qualified for • 'deputy-/. 'Willa= Evans.
reeve' on. Saturday morning, 'but Stewart MacDonald*
a •couple. of hours later;. decided • . A MacIntyre
to. `withdraw, ,
cillors Austin •Martin, Hamilton
McKinnon and William Lowry. •
.,:,Others nominated were Alt. -
red. Walden. for_reeve; Austin
Martin, 'William Lowry, Ha�inl-
George Emersoii Was: the only
nominee' for council other than'
the three. -members of the Board.
Ripley -Huron .: ; School Area
trustees are Mrs.. ; Donnie • Mac=
Donald, Russell Stanley, William,
McCreath., They were all' return='
ed to `office for a two . year terse
Frank. Schumacher
(* Indicates 'members of present
School, Board ..• (5 .to be selected),
Lorne Eadie, Na. 4
Orville. Elliott, No. .4
:.Ernest Hanna, No. •3"
Delbert .H , . No. '•;5 •
Leo . Muir
Dan C. McInnes,' No. `3
Fraser Mckinnon, .So, 6 •
Gerald :R3iody, No. -3.
o. indicates School .section).
(Continued on page 12)
Huron -West School Area trus-
tees nominated' ` were; Robert
Courtney, Leonard Reid, Leon- :, .(,
ard' Irwin : and •' Reg Godfrey- Ro-
bert Courtney resigned. giving ;
.the other three an acclamation ,OPEN TV ,STORE• Tom. .
•for 2 -year terms. 17P RESIDENCE
The Clerk, Earl Tout, called HEBE, ;
for ' a' • • chairman . 'to be apointed • ' Eldon 'wraith son of ll'lir. and
by Archie Courtney who called h • as o ened a 'TO sal d
and the chair was capably filled , .
;Mrs. John Wraith' of Lucknow,..
P es .an •ser-
on the , nominees • and school .vice . shop .m 'the store adjoining•'
board •representa'tges for . • re- Murdie's Hardware.
marks- _:.,. . .
�"/J . Eldon rs a .graduate of. Radio
. • Dr.. John • A. MacDonald spoke College of 'Canada in radio, 'tele-
ori behalf of the Ripley • District 'systerrie. ,
High ,School. and said their mill about aan ear and aall he has
rate at 7.5 coinpaired favourably ' been employed in this'` work at
with other schools in the district Aylmer.
' an&,.thanked the ,Council for the F Mr. and Mrs. 'Wraith, the' ' for.
way they CO -operated in keeping 'mer Shirley Scott :of. Teeswa r
the • school • bus routes ,open keeping
have taken up residence' m the
Winter. •apartment above the, .Mayfair.
(Contiinued on Page' 5) . !restaurant. ..
The suggestion was 'voiced _at The new-J3oard will have pow-
"mars s nomination ' that the
� � er to sell the old schools when •.
new board should go right ; to , e '
a Central' school is built. .a.
Work upon taking, office, to have Special grants of $300 to each ,
a new school built by next fall.
Ratepayers (the assessed own- section ` entering 'the area were
received in late October, total-.
er) residing in or owningpro- i
pertl ling 51.200. Had ° there been 6
: y in these four sections, are sections in the area the grant
to. vote for trustees, E� os • h l:
o. - •
eligible Id have been $500
a „c o0
Orville Elliott who was. one .• A second nomination meeting
The . three trustees with• the
who helped. to get the area for- se a #ort has been called for the Village
motion gavethe meet- G highest total. vote w til ry of' 'Lbeenoar in order to obtain
mg, some information sulostanti 1 a two-year` term and the other one councillor and -three school
ated by the ' Clerh based on a two elected •' members for a bee trustees:'
lette ' _ . ... . , y ar term: .
r from Mr. T K. ' Waldte, . '�. . '
Public school ctor who is , In reply' to a question, clerk
refere 1 �!al r d. I J. IC Lane • pointed out that the
e- Mrs Waldxe' addressed
a information meetingof all ' Township Council had nothing to
schools a project do with looking after the Area, i Sanderson,
boards when the prof , • t Their sole 'responsibility is the
. ,.. . a e Webster
At 14fonday n' ht's nomination•
Meeting Reeve t&r a Joynt was
m � g. �
returned by acclamation for his
fifth term. Councillors M. L.
Omar Brooks and
the year.11 . discussed earlier. , . .,., . 1T y were 'also• re=
. turned by acclamation.
w year; y • ' • ;, tssiitng of •
Chairman Ttichard Elliott .
it oras pointed out on Friday° • i Councillor Alex (Sandy) 11dac-
that. ' thought ..there, might well have. Leod . was nominated both for
the area
'tic al four,sectrons in P been si:� sections in :the Area, &
ttid have,theMill ro c..,... ....: r reeve and councillor, ,but stated
1 rise each!' felt in .a fete years vie wil see ,
� and liabilities of 'each � he had seven' good yeah on tate i.
. our mistake!'
secttc:i will be ' assumed by the
Board and *as "dropping out."
The 'only other nominee for,
council was James ' Boyle. He,
too, was nominated for •schuo%
trustee as his term had expired
but he was eligible for re-elec-
tion Ile stated • it was not his
intention to qualify for either
Jim -might later have been Per-
suaded to 111 the council vacan-
__ p
cy, but �unYcr al Act • regula-
tions prevented this. In case
where a eatdidate is nominated.
for two 'offices he must resigri.
within a' specified time,. or be
Considered nominated for ;the
first office. In' this case Jim was;
first nominated for school board.
The regulations in this respect.
read as ' follows ' • •
.. "At, , the', nomination ' meeting
or ,before nine o'clock ins the at-;
ternoon of ' the ' same day,or
within an . hour of the close of
the nomination Meeting, which-
ever is the later, a • candidate
may 'resign , in respect of one or
more " offices for • • which
he is nominated by
... , ._ filing his feta
signatiort in writing with the re- •
(Continued on.. page 18)