The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-11-23, Page 12THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO HOME with all cou ttniences, one acre of land' on: edge. of Lucknow, reduced, . in price for quick sale. CEMENT BLOCK BUILDING int. Luck/low, could eas- ily be converted into dwelling, will; greatly . sacrifice price:. NUMB • OF HOMES i. Lucknow,, have all. ' convent euces and can be bought 'on terms. .HOUSE NEAR MAIN STREET, all "new siding, hydro, water, ' total: price $1,600 with terms. a " '100 ACRES with extra good brildings, 85 ° acres work- able... can be 'bough with very low down payment. NUMBER OF• FARC in Lucknow district,• all well lo- cated, soiree on highway,, priced: to sell and .can . be. bought "on. terms.. Farms and Business Property For Sale throughout Western Ontario . . t .your property with Western Ontario's Fastest Growing Real Estate WARREN L. STEVENS° • Reaf Estate„ "Mount Forest Contact JOHN HALL,. SALESMAN Enckrtow AMY FOR JUNIOR HORTICULTURISTS to 1DEATH CALL TWO AGED ' LADIES MRS. MARTHA MEADOWS ' The death of Mrs. James Mea- laws occurred at the Greer Pri- vate Hospital on Tuesday, Nov- ..emiber 8th,, at the age of 93 years.. Mrs. 11/leadows had been in , failinghealth for some time due to the infirmities of her • advan- ced age ...and had not : had: her eyesight for. a long period.', Prior • to her aciniiS'sion; to' the. hospital, ' Mrs. • 'Meadows had made her home with her ,daugh- ter, Mrs. Alex W. Hamilton who gave her devoted and loving care. Mrs. Meadows was the :former Martha Gray. She. •was born in: Erin Township • on June 16th;. 1867 and on December 20th, 1887 was married at . Rockwood:: to James. Meadows who predeceas- ed her in 1929.. . The funeral service was con- ducted on Thursday, November 10th at Acton. by Rev. .Mr. Birt ch. Inteitn.ent was in Rockwood Cemetery. •.The ,pallbearers were ' Mrs. Meadows five sons and a grandson. •Mrs:: Meadows is survived by two daughters, Mrs, A', W Ham- ' ilton (Carrie} of Lttcknow Mrs. Howard .:Osborne , (Hattie) of GueIph; five sons,: Howard ..of Calgary, Alex of Southampton and. Cliff;, Fred • and Oswald, of ,Rockwood. Webster, was presented with a • She was' ..predeceased ' by . her bouquet •of beautiful white mums husband and three.. children. and tri expressing thatrrTzs for the • gift, she also thanked Mr. and I MATILDA ALEXANDER Oxer fort r' J members WS- ;Bristow, .Mr- and • Mfrs • Death came, to, another of', the were guests .cif the Lixc,.knc acid Cameron, : Mrs: .Breckies, Miss ' aged : patients .at. the . Lucknow District Horticut1t Society- at ' Bea Parker and Flora :and. Olive ' Private Hospital on. Tuesday, ' at very euyagaable Party held for Webster who . so . giy . tielip-. '.N'ovemiber .15th . with the pass - in .the T1' " en $a-. ! edt v�r%th e party • Ti.egxtirm . trey . of Matilda. Alexander* who tarda• ' ` Na 19th:. The ' "'s interest. to i Was within.' . a 'month 'of er 98th g,,:' - � � of - pedalmo h party, ,schechiled to take place the Iunrors were shown by Mr. birthday, f=rown. 4,03.to 7:0 p.m . , Was ex- Bristow and included4 N Troops ng Miss 'Alexander Was the ' last tended before and afteriand ,til of the colours, The, Mischievous member of the -family, of Mr. & there was never a dtr . moment.., ,'Three Bruins, . Safety. ' :eartoori;: Mrs. loin Alexander. She was Vi ariocrss ' garues 'were • played i County Fair and the Brener).. At born at Napartee on December T rr*l ' 54a whent, supper was. _ser the close of the program, S'haryn f:18th, 1862, but spent much of, Red after the, list Vice 'President, ;Mawbray thanked all those: whb her life on: the family,` farm Con. Mrs -Morgan Henderson.'said the ' had assisted fn' providing their ; gr • West' ' Wawanosh:, She had 044 a n :JAB •; aaa a - 3 o. Graces Party hats arid': balloons , happy ever rig ' EIFr memberr many friends in the community. added a gay tonehY ten the Hely was ,given. a� few indoor bulbs as . / srene as hamburgers,. hot dogs, Tillie. She was a ember of St. 'Helens United Chch. The fun- eral, service was conducted by Rev. B. F. Green at the MacKen- zie M e.morial Chapel on Thur,- Your 'l Ta res: Printed a Souvenir of the party.. . chocolate" ' rrrr�;, feecrearrn and cnoTrfe disappeared Tare magic-, The lea de.r a€ the'group-, :Ada: IS Four auoscription , Pants, fN5U TE AND '.SAV:. , Prepare For Winter An Save Money By- ' Installing Your 'Insulation: Waoc Paper Enclosed' Insulattion Batts Can. Ci i'' . DowN..HEAti LOSS BY AS MUCH,. AS 35 PER CENT THERE, IS A `TREMENDOUS". SAVING BY INSTA2~'..LING. , YOUR: OWlr INSULATION • The Insulation To Completely Insulate The Ceilings : d An Average Home Costs Approximately $50.00. Far The Walla, Zonolite Pour Type Insulation. WE WILL GLADLY, GIVE YOU 'A FREE ESTIMATE , FOR INSULATING YOUR.. HOME: • NO OBLIGATION. FRESH • CE ET .[N STOCK NFSPAY, NOV., 23rd, 1961 I'm dropping i , Today At The , LUCKNOW SENTINEL • • To Order a, GIFT SUB$CRirtiON. To The LUCKNOW, SENTINEL.. of course 1 • They send .a gift', card at no extra cost. It's 'a •Christmas • gift that . lasts all year round ' ;r.fe7R:. ••,. and when I'm there I think" I'Il buy my. v piU..McessOrieS... Wrapping, Paper, Seals, Tags, seScotch':'" Tape .with Christen Designs, :Ribbons, Kiddies Cards, Comic'Cards, Bible, Ver Assortment. Your Photo o . Cavil Nye Photo �Crstmas. Cards .=just bring' in a.negative and • do the ,.est.. .§ day, N overnber 17th_ Ni,• Interment was tri Greenhill•Personalized Cards several . album's to choose from:. Cemete with Albert Ta "Tor and More ..peopleire e• having 'their name 'Printed on rXy William Purdon, Cliff Murray, each year. See our selection; Wm'_: Kinalian; Mike 'Cummins & Jbe. Foran acting as pallbearers. A sister and four brothers pre-, deceased . her: Mrs. J. Lougheed (Mary)• of Elgin,: Man.; David, 4oIianee. Wash.;' William, ,Han - mak Alta.; George and Thomas, ;:West Wawanosb. Nephews' • and nieces are the ',only survivors,, Clinton, Sarah & ' ,i Hazel Lougheed .of Elgin, Man.; W: •.T. Armstrong of London and 'Mark' Armstrong' of ' Belgrave, JOHN, W.HENDERSO D. ' =km** Ont, •Ptiiono 15t€ ` TIMBER, TIPS. Jack' Caesar . with 697 and No teen Park with 628' 'set the pace as the Cubs swept to a 4 point victory over their ti Tiger neigh- bours., High singles by Matie andel Bill Stewart and Ken. • Hodges were too' well -scattered to .count for : points against the high fly- ing Cubs/. • The Agnew duo set . the pace as the shorthanded •Coons. ,took. 2 close games to split' the points with' the Lidns. Colleen Eedy led the. . tearn'• effort for the Lions keeping , every game :close and collecting the point fof' total.. Team effort paid off for, the Gophers as• they rolled to a 3 point victory over the Beavers. •Donald McKinnon's 611 and Frank Thompsori's 6Q5 topped the Beaver effort in a very, close battle. Stuart 'airliesorn's 630 , . and ca id I had better look over their staitionery, makes as lov lift you know! OPEN ALL DAY SATURDAY UNTIL CHRISTMAS :in Marlene 'Ma Kenzie's 571• led the attack. as the, "Zebras rolled to a 3 point. victory over the Chip-. munks. Singles by •Frank Haw thorn. and,Bill Hunter combined to take.. the first game. This . one point business'. has • become aha bit wih :the Chippers"' . The Pole. Cats are back in se- cond place 'as. they rolled.. to a 3, point' victory . over ,the, Squir- rels. Mike Sanderson'', 678 .and Dorothy Hamilton's•,663 were too much for' the Squirrels who couldn't get rolling after Lorna and Marie Button corrvbined high singles for the extra pins . to take the first game. . , • Standings: Cubs 28, Pole Cats 18; Squir rels, 18, • Zebras 17, Lions 17, Coons 16, Beavers 15, Gophers 14,, Tigers 10, Chipmunks : 7� This week the • Cubs play the Squirrels, the Pole Cats' meet the Beavers'," the Zebras play the Lions, the . Coons take' on the Gophers and • , the Tigers and Chipmunks mriceet . This should mean a number' of ' changes next 'Week,•. •NAME TWO TO ATTEND, W.I.: SHORT COURSE • The November 'meeting of, Paramount ' Women's;''Irsti. was held, at the home of lvlrs: Irwin with . an attendance of ',adults, 1 visitor and 8 'child` The meeting opened with Ode arld Mary' Stewart Coll • Mrs. Orland 'Ric'hards. and Marion Brooks, are to take course "Focus oh • Finishes"' November • 30th' and Dere 1st to be held in• • Walk,ertott The roll call was'anSWe1`e "°A Canadian war hero." Dave Anderson gave a• repot thearea convention'. held in Elgin. Mrs. Robert Reid some, " highlights on feder, news. Mrs. Dave Anderson a demonstration on the', tt`ta. of Mitts . and gloves. ' Mrs Freda Martin gate co ,irtesy remarks and the ing .closed with: the Queen lunch was served. the next Meeting 'will be at the home of 'Mrs Kelso. Nay on I ecenTber