HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-11-23, Page 10A • • • . ° ;• • " „ " • • • 114.441M " *CA! ' BROTHERS BOTH Ram — warm tiro raltetty VAeaCatilg 14 THE EIGHTIES , took • Plat*, At the Daingattnem United Choral on Zaturds0,, (IYUNakil CON NEW") itm Id .3 part. 'Rev_r. lethal& Mated an O We,:ananiage; leo I...ate 1:lor Talk ac..) ' 32* tlitta danelter an whs. sari Burgess of, 1/1,„ azia smyThi • siya. itithean.invaaswiTh.alanirn, RR. 2 to Lome 441r. zuld idrs. Fa a 171:001, ' WarJA srni et Wm. IL Rowe Whs. G-larly§' *gas,' cliptor %be late Wnitati Howe, • visited on $unday with Mts., )Fornitma. 'tube woe. tor Wm/lie Jones Bud ther trardiage, (chose a street .1qenzie; Wang -1 aeaxgh. zonal orTwhte tatere lbern,'. XISitheg her tlaughtersl 'with eake searamtammed, Mts. • Ottoo. • short „ and. a, :shoulder •leZegal Vet Zed, tethttanditle 4 • 'auk.1Wifl aettlir,, •,"17,omenittk?, • Teeemt Imsitor whtrtarlea Pearls, and 'carried a bOrggi#t cd alba =Sin nelli taro. SkaTellft' 31' ana *vs' nna watte tite11311,e1S. The brides " . . • sitter, Betty attended. wearing a 41.31;ezt Sttly* Street-lezagth dress 'apt e. atti Vel- •'1C5iied mr-. larowl1;' vezim Malll.teenitri honigiet e S1:4Th 393111 *1:6'°"a • ItOgeS arnA the V:00111 .1XCIEIS EitP13tathia. IV FAS alTatIMM Leaf* Rowe Mee guts• , tatanbeting • 2B were :tintertiMed Elmer T.;•Maar& las been in-' the blades lheme. ,• • idisposed. •aately 011 SltralY,1 taitie$ Inti ft wort a. he three olaurelsewes- ' all dress..9at beage.silk and matching 1114rngamion, 11 -de and .1°,1:at aaoemoiies -wad/ retaSage witift . text•were 1. I • to the( =ans.: grooms =tater TES- ey'S4ablitTifitui tot laryzetis.) —sistied weezing. %Irk and green • Mie 11111Sidtal band ane 'sting was Tagured <cape, tau& aroessones MUD teaneelled One to - ,Oti and whlte =image. tot enure_. theDeaders also imbed ann31 sme w‘stunlg ennTat qinnkt some jam:libels .elowii voth tar Itioni nG.Datailali wee • •Itren-pox. . ItaSTh are. ticiployed.' • . Mgt ,Kaihleen. SmAsEavt'hIg :serving mianiage takes Piave this .anralith-ccTiluier "Fireme Milwes leaa& larl Moroi WItoniStieing thun- mina aufna 440031' we • t'arelia7 er y1 at tth till, top •into Brute Cleanly- • ' Mr- and Ms. W, • ame vietting 4fieids 'and •" *Vs Iwo* Metron'tn. • : R ;•••.. ••• gumoilcat'L • ..corteesskal sehora. 'and Agit 9:Pa.T • . • • . tisrry, 1:1171,F77-1 it l*Ts as.1;. 43e:r: w.viOtP. Iti4DaAwiits. zattagaiffly,- 7Ertugroestate.asiot **V Oiftrier,* tait,#zzeraa 4 Ihriati24**.11* 4ir4titai. kite 'itiia.ft+217 '040514! 474it he tatelig• 0a3T- '.sP43?-111*t tc*.4, alqondezy atter at, lb/toight to the: Irene. ieittzv lip.negs Ther-ayx1nseem d° ' 4v1a1yts: \Ooze .*as aitla Aza Ifttrs4Eur 4413v6a 1%0. 1101.#;ittlutis liAtra'teall V06411, al\*.Uraig .41 4rathninigs- •••tru.talviv'eitiurtia WOexnhm '‘Ign.13 8=141,., • mlazi $ei.411i*4. ou*r ietti* • altzt:.:azoin..1.44inr..andjinitoy ,SSe • • • • • szzamsamo, INA "6 4.011Tfflitin • .32m. nix garrw TIM anto arty zrzeord The nn "Met ttl/ehr 53to.k."' Isms. Alex Pezzy tea: .T1p-gtitc "hing and at was de- Innostrated. !kV .1P031.‹Ft• 11amra Breales showed Blow to. Putt a zapper lin .and aaatl. Ithatlen* MI• A Dialle*, • Tyzenalt Wine atitellenTIOP rhttiP. ta* ZEITIgrara Wtatel irrank 'Stra4r.., marlenty.,: 11.7.. • aalkoly„, twz' una* at. sant:az. whs. S±ail sem- mainlett. 'Katt thprrit (rff td, a.aekins TetteSlaTaigittS. ,ITune gram . was-4•18.einernbrnoe,'"' einit1.13nn.132iAthelinsnags. 'rne caerldionsflvflriii was servaa., Dxm- met Mng ;3;v21fl. aielid aly Modems thatiked the -EWA- Rari*•(on rdw4±1,13-14v- 11 91111 Deoemberlitii.. , , • pezt6rwas *ad ardharn ton. Saturday., Iltweraier 112111 Itionirar xitt larms.1qtaie Selmeller on tier ,11th tarithdaY.. ' Irdiatio% with . iff/s. James Rodgins Sr.; %.vere lama Viimaes Srelimland. de ago- amd. Mat:, Vuerrige Tortrg, 1111triip. 714V 'atheJ.LET•Alvala ky, a3333 Vi*yeiz • peft *Eer3 t • Vcazatth. ia:a 3.14s. Man, 1143345tis— sleiftsuntiv. Teriw WitftVin3 'ats. ZEttvas. tuT 'zing 3*J-id-teal qui Son *dal MT_ Ptai"SpthAll14/42,0?"-i- • 1491:45±...M7iiini Haim* B3tahl- _ anZ llamas ffaaxm ihere also at--. • veil:1=g ‚‚B0.4- Wt. ana zus. Giazgv1-03vanT 'cnitlentet. tithe dunerii : oga. isIlltibuita w,11 •as <other floral , • • •Tf7ajvn, iiiii3r4M natl. •61z• 1Wtives; '3511313:1m3g .112 t*alev Affolyrood alatin 'Starlets wai%' 4the went 4in: Veen, is The itriA 41°Tfl', • . • • • saw•werang lqrs. Min413:tY 0:010.1:1 WIZ ttainal-s,,. •14Ps: the *iitrol*,..cot.).laizy Jane,„Slarkl Cfathy (Gitleigae • *as. sairspxatiA Dva, Lats•—`,IvaL.„0:111 16.a. ,Iiilain,b-issI3eizital ,ff..atriittaxrezierit.a. WIithff *Jetty. atont,auws7Lts.. ,rIarn Mutter. Ilkit 184 congratallaUtais and *St: • • • . • . lhes tor ciariste a2evir anore... ; itt ,tig*te . AitaniaderiOe. thg.t! ijunggr 'VIT. 43.±1. '11)4WOI1• oacT74.1344,k 311 Teets 4,1 age. arls %W as z..e • an ;incident kie aaSt • zrear and they Spent the (day ,agiletl-k .A.,gei-,tri good Wash-, • es'azid were aniated =it tor mer 'i the evening ait the Itorne 4atthir ;daughter, NEM.en Rotates, and to theta we ttlognia, , our ,best-zosles.. Then also, 'the Later .,cortple's oanaaauglittr, .Xiss laeanor Park •wyais thatsrlay. 'nineteen. 'To all the Intuit • • vh.,ina., whs. aay• Stanley and•It • . 1.;aitrie Ot St. Themes: sPent:the: , Week -end 'with her parents Mr. I' and Mrs. apward. 331k. , rinds ana TzLitivet : \w*ri* •saddened to hear rit the iroiden-: . ',death Of •.1\gx. llik4w,ELY' 21, ',near hrime on I .Synday. evening.• .1 lqr, a/111.1qm. itteith Cranston • • • • and. Brian on. Stintlay 'visited her •grandmother, whs. $am 33,0111 .. • nd1mWmalVirii ettSr 1rrm,,Mr P:erey Slun-• dell ;and Mel en Sunday yvith 'Mr, and amts. thion Sarnia. Vbs. isaac CrImAcin • •aecornpanied. them and, visited lar. and Aq/s.. Peter laieriirs; , 114r.. Bill Ma& of the ,Gode- 'rieb Sch6oi.Teridhing •. °was on 'the siak liSt at this. limit. the lirt re the *reek. lar.•at 'WI Stewart, student ot • , Western ttlifirersity, London was 'bathe with his parents, Ur, _aria Wks.. Arthur Stewart for the • Week.4end. • . ana *Abitr alreN61 • :Veld the week.end "'with their • ton, itr. 1:ten 'Brown and Mrs. arowt., Atbor, vtichigap.. is 12Lary .11/44e1Cenzie, Port -Ai- bert diaritt, • apttaitig witittr lit the libine ltrt, It* • • 39 ,.91 eitients Mass .1Z-Effilvriii:11. uhfl acre dhe thus netbannedthn romMama- cum, wahine edit =as ainsilltaliziall lie vett two weeks. encd. Itts. 114ert aZuSigiison, lEuelyzi -AM= ainla Utthit vivere groats irtf NEr'. and Xis.. Chet= Bliplizy and ilmnily.xaa Mr. and 30/$S. Cieeton samigna' 3:33 snn, Um eld ale erode/66 Ads- ated, (on Sunday wall lqr.. 111. Tr ITY14-•Mr. and lams. Elrarik 3t4thirlon amd Nvi.or Zit -wait Si araxrn, 3Eliatton •aiperit turlitiF twerinig` NVVIal *MB INTS Matt• Sathplain and fliandb/.. 212Em: Almetla Boaslielit e mur= amw —wastreit weal aen zats., elPasv411- • tt-vm anun5s mien° ti filizpzsik 531 azttia cce :W_trb tEht %Ect ram •aty taarge iiTh- ff ve4nsgis* 1 -- • 4 441141111444: ••• ROY HAVENS amil Hiatt -1m Sam Siemer • 'ail, Semite • FOR SAM NUMMI Cumenranttibuttodittern-- IliPttaSiSanns.tbDIMY • ess boy times i& l'4s ; 1114nH's Tien' steriiiirity intqluirl313t.tr.;iien'iiritt.ther inodorn she •Ittitillt %Torry ibruir tlie/ness,lberatnieihk'hastiiefOtioientl.hilp tit* , s • =vie pair attitotnitirt<iltittrit ,isvaiher 4troakihiar.. • Tor Itn nsili liday ,A,viarintss, am* :39; Iniodernvitttainufwoikttar;!ArandrImilciltYer— .$iar iltprastivimtaiai`iy mimes ,ONIrr ZoTet'lizare bitt °±4e vosi • 73 • • uies. •tTI.tamirtatas • •