HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-11-16, Page 11WEDNESDAY, NOV. 16th, 1960 Ao M. HARPER • ° AND ,COMPANY Chartered Accountants. West Street . GODERICH, , ONTARIO Telephone‘ JA, 4-7562 ROY N BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT GODERICH, ONTARIO Bos'• 478 'Phone JAckson 4-9521 ARDU: VAL D.C., .Sp C.. Chiropraetor ''Physio and Electro /Therapist : • Wingham -- Phone 300 (Office located in former CKNX building . on the ,Main Street) IN:SURANCE: -- - - -� FIRE, WIND; CASUALTY AUTOMOBILE: ' AND. LIFE ro .Protect Your Jack, I'nsure With: Jack Today. 4 a. A, MCDONAGH.' tLR 3. Luekn■on►,' Out. 'Phone ; 61-5, Dungannon .. R. S., HETHERINGTON Q.C. . Barrister, Etc.: ,{Bingham: and•Lucknow •.IN LUCHHOi>" Each Monday: ,and. Wednesday Located in the MunicipalOffice, 'A °Phone Wingham' Office 48:: Residence" , 0': STATE FARIlit • MUTCAL. . . AUTOMOBI LE .I.NSURANCE Investigate .Before 'Investing .' • REUBEN 1YILSON R:lt. 3, 'Goderich Phone.:80 r-8 l ngannon' ,JQHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME 'Phone. 76, Day or Night ; USE OF : FUNERAL 'HOME At No Extra.' Cost kn oderate Prices Established :1894 IMPERIAL' .OIL PRODUCTS for :prompt •se'rvice, and . quality products;' • THE LIICKNOW SENT1 tE1., LUCENOW,, ;o,NTAmo GERALD N., CROOKS' DOCTOR. OF CHIROPRACTIC' Phone. 545 KINCARDINE, ONTARIO • Office hours;; Daily Monday ;to Saturday - Wednesday : a.m. Evenings ,Tuesday; ` Thursday; ' Saturday • McLENNAN ' sand MacK:ENZIE' F ITERAL SERVICE: Services conducted accord ing to yquiv wishes at your Horne, your ' Church, or at our' Memorial. Chapel at no additional charge.',- • "Phone 181, Lucknow, Day .or: Night Wl NGHAM MEIAOR.IAL' SHOP: We Have Been ' Memorial Craftsmen for ' Thirty -..Seven • Years. Always Using THE BEST' 'GRA • Along Wit Expert Designing and Workmanship. TT' rices ost-teasonable • Cemetery , Lettering a Specialty R.. ' A. PO S OT1'ON. 'Phone 256, 'Wingham; Ontario, AS7LYp FEDF.$Arl'IION [managed. . (Continued from page 1) , ' Program. numbers included • accordian selections by M. Hen- drix,• solos by John, MacRae, a piano. 'instrumental by Mrs. 'WM. Johnston • of .Ashfield and a reading by .Mrs. John Ritchie. Past President' Arnold . Alton, introduced Mr. ' Hutton, ' district Purina 'representative,.who: fore- cast that in • the 60's the farmer was' going to have. to face and make changes, . and ' seriously think .about how ' he is. going to fit into the picture • in this era of competitive marketing. , • Mr. Hutton said competition is vital, and.- from. it come •new services, new ideas and new .de- velopanents.' He pointed to ' the 4-H ' competitions at •.Walkerton fair, pointing.. out thatthose' young people dic)n'�t work ' with their calves as they did because they. wanted ` to, but with,• •the 'competitive spirit •to be it the top. On the competitive • world market, the Canadian ' . farmer should' take advantage of the h wealt' . of. . research and services provided• ,by . the agricultural De- partment. to• help . cut the, cost .of production in a way no other " '1 1�ITE$ h G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office on "'Patrick • St;, just off the Main 'St. 'in . W1NGlAM,.. Professional'. Eye. Examination Optical Services For . appointment, . Please Phone 770, Wingham •' !t. W..:ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor LISTO %VFY.: ONTARIO • IN ' LUCKNOW, Every . Wednesday . and Saturday Afternoon' Office in the . Joynt Bock '; Telephone: ' ' Office 1,35 Residence 31-S contact: GRANT CHISHOLtf : none collect 'Dungantnoa 194-1 or 10 Lueltitott wmAlWays Look TO Imperie' For' The Best" L[rCKNOR, »ISTRIET CO-OPERATIVE INC. l?6nne� LUCknoW 11 . TED COLLYER Registered Master Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTiACTOR. ,Specializing in , Electrical' 'Wiring and• Rept, AGENT FOR SPARTON• TV and All Electrical Appliances Phone ,16.-r-2,5. Lirckno ' ROBERT E., I RVI N G ERAL G AI{AGE` .Dealer In 'OLIVER FARM MACHINERY and <:onlptete 'FIRESTONE 'LL's Phot,e Daengannonn 53• #ie said it infuriates i.; to 1. have farm . people' ' and officials; agricultural fields speak of the need to eliminate 43% of the farmers and.the cry ,of ineffici- ency. Better if stress' was plac- ed on the .good job that has been. done and ,cease the cry of inef- ficiency which is "cuttting our own • throats," !by giving • the. ' consumer the unpression that what he Amps could be'cheaper. Mr; 'Hutton pointed, out the need for more farmers to.pro- 'duce production figures in bank I borrowing. ' Fbr these figures will contract,the oft ;heard claim: of "no money m hogs." • The rural; population is' now only 14 of Canada's population and 'Mr. : Hutton recommended i that farm folk work more close - 1Y with business men's organza-• tions :and service groups to "get them on your. side." He pointed to' instances, where • unanimous' support of .the fasters' • interest were received in this way, and • gave added voice by this rural - urban' co-operation. 6 • Management Course' Doug Miles, Huron County Agricultural representative, . re- ferred to .. a: management' course now being conducted at Clinton, country can: Mr.. Hutton con- •and, ` which ` some from' Ashfield PAM' School Section. Directorsare as follows: 1, Port Albert,, Hugh. Bennett and Harold Adams; 2, Kingsbridge, Joe O'Keefe and Mark Dalton; 3, Kintail, Hugh McKenzie :and Douglas Drennan; 4, Loeha'i h, Duncan If arrish and; Finlay McDonald; 5, Zion, .Chas. Anderson and John R 6, 4th COIL, Bill Culbert and .Glen ,Weaver; 7 Lothian, Kelso Me - Nay and Basil " Hogan; 8, Dun- gannon, Allah -.Reed and ..Eldon I .., Cuflbert; 9; Cherry Grove Rus- sel Alton,: ,and Bert Alton; 10, Curries Corner, Leo Courtney and Marvin Scott; 11, Sheppard ton, Ralph Foster .and Jack Gra- • ham; • 12, 'Laurier, George Mon- Grief and Bili Ross; 13, Belfast, Jerry Cranston and .Chester Hackett; . 14, Paramount, ' Grant Farrish, , Bob Bock; 15, : Hemlock City;. Jack McKenzie and Bill: Farrish; 16, Crewe, Clifford Crozier and Warren Zinn; 17, Cedar . Valley, ,Ross Henry; 'U17, Diggins, 'Harold'' Dougherty; 111, Nile, Clifford Stewardson; ' Beef Producers, Ralph* . Foster; Hog_ Producers, Raymond Finnigan, Chester Hackett; Poultry Produ- cers, Donald Hackett' 'and ,Mark • Berger; .Cream Producer, :Lorne '. Hasty; ' . Wheat • Producer, • Leo Courtney. tended that the time' is now are attending He' prefers to Fall: JOHN MCINNES PASSES' *hen . the farmer must be con•- it a -conurion • . • sense fanning ious of '.'what it costs' to'' pro- I course, .which provides the, tools After a lengthy illness the • uce . a pound : of beef : of any. other farm commodity he, pro- duces. He 'doesn't believe . that the family farm • Will• become . a thing ','of the pest,•. but: that 'they will become` bigger and 'better' K. J. MacKENZIE; O.D. • Optometrist ' ., NOW IN RIPLEY . EVERY'' WEDNESDAY. Office Hours' .10.00 a.m. :to 9.00 p.mn: Phone Roy MacKenzie, Ripley 96-r-24 ' 'for • appointment. R. W BELL' .. OPTOMETRIST' GODERICH F.. T Armstrong' ' Consulting. ; Optometrist The Square • (Phone 'JAckson 4-7661) • teuteNACE' Oiit, STOVE 'OIL. HEROSENE;., 'GASOLINE . 'See ': or, call WM. A. "BUD" HAMILTON • Phone 220-w Lueknow." District .' Agent. fot • Cities Service; fJor. . 4orthe farmer .to -apply. With death of'John B. MacInnes of uni'farrne to ' Have ; them look ahead., , and. plan so • that' : they' can -go into farming for . themselves in. two or three years . if, they 'have 'the .ambition and desire• to start up. iCounty president, Warren Zurbrigg who ' recommended tak- ing a' good`look at :marketing "so rs, they.. are trying Lucknovr�._.occurred_.in: 4Westmin.- stet Hospital .on Wed'nesd'ay, No- vember 9th.. Ile . was 62; sand : a. son of the date ' Mr. and Mrs.'. Neil • .armies. The :funeral' ser- vice was held at the Johnstone Funeral Home on Friday, 'Nov- ember lithe with. interment 'in • South . Kinloss Cemetery.. that the people : who handle our. products. won't make ' more out of • them than we .do."` Mrs. • W.: G:' Hunter • gave a de tailed and informative report of the Ontario Federation meeting in • Toronto. Called on were .Reeve Andrew Ritehie and L: C. Thompson. ti Jack MacKenzie. • thanked •,.'the ladies " for • catering and Mrs. Clifford •Crozier. ' replied. George. 14oncrief thanked those who had taken part. Arnold Alton. thank-; ed' Bill Hunter for the fine ' job, he had :done ' ' Submits 'Nominating Report Carl ' 'Hemingway;/ .Huron. County F eldmoca , tecalled, some of `the accomplishrhents of the Federation • since it . started . 24. •years ago .'— accomplishments which couldn't be done., 'accord- ing :to. ccord-ing`:to. some. He mentioned hav- ing pioneered in hospitalization services' . and.' the remarkable growth . of CIA . insurance , with one out of.' 4 cars in Huron now lr covered by CIA. Now the .chal- i lenge is FAME, and 'he said, "if you want it, . ' you :can do' it and make it , a sucecss." The nominating report was. approved .. 'as . submitted: Pres., W. G. Hunter; • vice-president, Kelso MacNay; : past president, Arnold' Alien; ''.lady director,' Mrs. William' Hunter; secretary -treas- urer, Hugh ,McWhinney. NEW: SCHOOL AREAS (Continued from Wage 1) senting all ten: school boards in KinlossTownship, 3net. at':Holy- rood Holy -rood. to hear about and discuss the matter oil : forion of a Kinloss, Township School Area:' A May 15th ileadline vias set four.'. the : decision of • the various boards: after ;calling meetings of the ratepayers ' of •the various• sections. . . As a result School Sections No. 4, .5 and' 6 avor of the .fo ,carnation ofvoted 'an in arefa, with the idea of building a new cen=: tral school' at Holyrood .:• The other' six: sections in Kin-. loss favored carrying• on : as: they are for the ' present. at least. • Within the new area only, two of the four schools are operat- irg.. The 4th Concession • ;School. (S S.: •Tio 6) was dismantled a few • years 'ago, as '' for several years . 'pupils from, that section have. been transported 'to Luck - nor. In. 'recent years: students Vont' ` Con. 6 .(S.S. No. 5) have been transported . to 'Holyrood (S.S. No.' ;4)= and; :We understand the 6th Concession School has been "sold" to the Kairshea: Wo- men's' Institute ' for, .a ribminal. sum. The .10th Concession (S.S. l' Na.: 3). ' is' the. fourth section to favor joining. the. Holyroocl area: Cracked, Course Ground or Whole.— Free Delivery . The Old Saying: "Your neighbours back yard is as dean as your window '.pane" Is: Equally True Below: YOUR SHIPPED MILK is as clean as the type of Filter , Strainer you use! INTRODUCTORY OFFER Free Lustrex Filtro Dispenser dh purchase' of S Packages (.2OO each) of Fiitro Milk Filters Price?, Competitive!. Full Flow, Wet Strength Microfilter Action 00406.44 ;V•4`000.000.4VP' K11eCstC1 and Son Lucknow Branch, Phone 78. "THERE'S A NEW • LIFE FEED FOR .EVERY NEED"