HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-11-16, Page 7PAT" k111 - by (iter rn her the. . the firs.rer , fan nisi •.;. lam' ack lus mid,; lfis• .. 11.1. ion p. ESDAY, NOV. ' 16th, 1960.. CULROSS CORNERS Miss . Bakbara Haldenby ' is • ,►orking in the Bank or Montreal Lucknow.. • Doug Stanley,' I*i.niough, re- lieved Harold Stewart, for last week of his duties pertaining to the .driving: of the Kincardine Milk truck. Mr. Jack .Harris,' London spent, e LVCKNOW SENTINEL4 LUCKNOW, ONTARIO part of last week with Mr. and • Mrs.. Albert Harris •and was suc- • cessful• in bagging a deer. 'Mrs. Frank Brown • visited Tuesday afternoon . with . Mrs: William Hodgins, Bervie.. Monday was the start of x the deer. season . and ' brought a somewhat smaller than usual in- flux of: hunters into the area. The roads .had been well patrol- led previously and it is assum.=. ed the absence of deer discour- aged. many hunters.. Mr. • and Mrs. David ' Ireland and family, Teeswater, .spent Thursday evening with Mr., & Mrs. Morley Wall and family. Miss 'Doris Wall spent a couple of days with Miss Wendy • Ire- land, .Teeswater. Mrs. 'Frank Brown and Reg. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Harkes, Thamesford. Mr. and ;Mrs. Grant Wall' and family; Walkerton, visited Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wall: On ;Monday , evening, October 9th the Westford Gingham Gals met at the home of Miss Sharon Hodgins. The meeting opened -in the usual'way. Some of the girls put on zippers while other . did bound ;button .holes. The girls. worked on their dresses. Notes were dictated. Lunch. ' was , serv- ed. . Miss Betty '' Jean ..Hodgins 'thanked" the hostess. a ton iaU-CO-OP dairy aid. beef : • (Thls' Offer 'expires Dec. 1500,, cash in on this "met acquainted* offer and convert •your' full gran- ary into •extra- profits: Wath a ,';Co-op balanced feeding: programa. Grains ro - Graims; ' are deficient in some secessary. nutrients.® Co-op Con- centratea;; `make up these de - d friencio and give You incased «mac, and meat' productiotm greater profit* for you. Lucknow District Co-op PURPLE GROVE. Miss. Brenda •Currie had the !misfortune to fracture ,her:' arab while ,playing at 'school_ Mr. and . Mrs. Jack Peterbaugh, Mr. and Mrs,:. Bill Eadie .spent I. Sunday at Mr.. Lorne Culbert's.: Miss Rosalyan • Swann was . home. froth Loudon for the week -end_ , Mr George ''Emerson spent Wednesday. ; in Guellph. " . 1 Miss Ma>rgaiet Robertson, aces - irk Acessn: Wallter . Collins and Don Ro- bertson weregtOests of . Mai, and Mrs. J. R. Murray. St_ Helens ' •on Tuesday night. • ° The sixtih meeting of the Pur- ple ' Grove SaMple' 'Sewers was held'. at tine home . of . Nancy Dore :Friday. November' lltth' at 2::! o'clock, We: opened with the 4- II pledge. Barbara .t�e'ason read the minutes of the t..sft meeting. We then had the roll call, a speciail, feature in our record 1,,,, oks. We discussed. our record. ',,1,1.:iks: and sewed on our. dreses. Lunch was • Served.. ' 141r-, _ and MrsBill Arnold holn- Phone 71 Lucknow a$ay. laStt :aveek inn Wallacebuurg. �."7flluey . were tone', gnest of , Mites-. latlaaataika ,i' NO NEED TO LOOK ` FARTHER . O!1 can solve a►l your hristmas Shopping Problems.I: THERE DROP IN AND LOOKCAROUND - FILL IN A FREE TICKET ON THE HOSTS CHAIR. ; • . TO c�ST �. OUR SELE ON IS TOO' LARGE t Wdi Hold Your Purcl Purchase A. Sma11 Drown' Par< Tf1 Christmas- • § E TTOSHOP IF IT15►MORE Co IN THE EAG GIVE US A Caw Johnstone and Son iFurnittir 'pie 76 LisIasow HAD DISPLAYS AT 'DISTRICT. RALLY. Lucknow Agricultural Society', had six' representatives, at the district, meeting • of fall fair boards- held at. Ripley last 'Wed- nesday. District No. 10 Compri- ses societies in Bruce and Grey and is headed by President Donald ,MacTavish of 'Huron Township'. • In•attendance from Lucknow were Mrs. ' Oliver McCharles, Mrs. Harry Lavis, Mrs. Philip Stewart, Mrs. Gordon Kirkland, Mrs. Jack Gardner and Stuart E. Robertson'. .Mrs.. MacCharles addressed the group and demon- strated theuses of foam rubber. Mrs, Stella Kirby of Teeswater was named as the women's re- presentaitive' on the executive. G. R. Gear, Bruce County Ag- rie4tural' representative spoke on 'ways of stimulating interest and raising the standard of fall fairs: William P. Oswald, :Feder ation of Agriculture fieldnian, told ofs his recent , trip. to Russia, stressing .particularly the con- trast in farming methods. Reeves Walter .Walden of Rip- ley and Chester Enionertton. of Huron Township brought greet- ings from • their respective rnun= icipalities, as did Wallace Pol- lock from the Huron and Ripley Agricultural Society. The Lucknow Women's. Insti- tute had on display their apron exhibit which won the Kintail W.I:: prize at the Lucknow Fall Fair. The Kairsl ea Women's In - 6 statute exhibited their prize -1 winning display of sewing and 1 baking, project, "The Man In my Life." `STUART MILLER 'LEPT L1DCKNOW 52 YEARS AGO In renewing . his Senttinel sub -1 scrnpttion,. • ' Stuart A,. Miller ex- presses appreciation:Of theobit- nary nary, conceding his sister Chris, and 5. anniversary Write-up of : Isaac and Margaret Miller's wedding_ • Th:e• letter is dated November .91lh, . and Mr Miller recalls that it was that date, and' the ane hour in fact,' 52 years ago that. j' he took the i'aftesenoon ratttler". fro*. Luclunow. 6: George : Arnold. Victor Gawley Spent Tuesday in Kittcllenea I, Mr-' and Mrs Frank Currie and ;'lylas.':.Millton!Walsh spent •aI day with M r_ and Mrs. Bill Claytttonn• in irbannr i)lle.• we ars l: sonar to say Mi. Clayton isvery poor.: in health. • . Mi-.. and ..Mrs:. ,Donald Ander,- son, Ander-son, Waterford and • Mit. Mackay, Ripley , were week-eand visitors ji Mr. and Mr -s. Mos ford Mackay. ' , Mrs. George Emerson amain - pained, Mr: and Mirk Kenneth 'Robertson to Winngha n on Trees- ' ' day evening.: • . A number frog . here attended the mmeettiang of • the o •i91 cerS ' anis]] members of . District 10 of. the Ontario Asscaei:.: tion of Agricul- ture Societies (Grey & : ranee)) '• at their, semi-a�ntmuaal Meeting' • in tp R lley last Wednesday. Mr. Pons alio McTavish is the DiStricit IIDntr ' f ecii or. The ' avian' Township Federa- 1 .tion of Agrncuitanne had their Banquet and Annual mieetting in the Legion all; • Ripley, '7 huprs-. •day night All enjoy„i the :guest sneaker. lam; BM ()Staid, Cher llea-. His tali was oh 'Russia„ ac counitiaoied by >tieaanttifull coloured' slides.. Mr..' Jell McCharles.: is Towrisluapthanranan. Sunday •gnestts with Mr_ and i lairs Donald �16.c>IrcCar���nµ}�and Bn�..- !. ard were,.�1{� sses,y� .A;,1,�1tWllih .1111 .1� Aji- netts Forster„ Marilyn '`::un itth .& Mar .Anse MiCcrta of Toatannto. Mem s,. Gordon Patterson„ Ang- us Cline,, Edgar Watson„ Robert Mc On h„ Mr and Mrs. William Arnold; Mn Rya and ypM a. Lorne Culbert. MN` D a his joint day party for, Many Anne and. Ilk. Rost Mc•Ca Sh.. Iltr. and Mrs,. Glenn }Fraser & David. Toa ntot,, spent the week - "end with her•• •Motthe4 Mrs, • • PAGE SE'tl, t HURON TOWNSHIP Nomination eetin TOWNSHIP HALL, RIPLEY FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, 1960 -- at 1.00 pm. ; for the nomination of candidates/ for the office of DEPUTY -REEVE & COUNCILLORS Also, three candidates for the Ripley -Huron School Area Board, and three candidatesfor the Huron -West School Area' Board 'for two-year terms: (The retiring members are eligible for re-election) Election Monday, December ' 5th, 1960 (If' Necessary) from 9.00 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the, following . polling places: Ward No. 1; . Reids Corners Community Hall. Ward No. 2. .Bethel Orange Hall. Ward No. 3.. School House S.S. No. 3. Ward No. 4. Township Hall, Ripley Ward No. 5. Herbert Clayton's Residence. Dated at Ripley this 7th day of November, 1960. EARL TOUT, " Clerk; God, Save The Queen Farrell and other'relattives. Mr. and Mrs.. A. W. Jamieson of Woodstock; Mrs. Ross Shiells and Mary Ellen, Amiberley, spent a day witth Mr. and Mrs. George Emerson. Mr. James Needham is "exhib- iting, some of his:fine Holsteins at •e" Royal Winter Fair. Miss Darlene ;Slessor, 'Glamirnis visited on the •:week. -end.. ,With • Miss Anne Mackay: 11'1 V AMBERLEY Mrs-. Wifllia Wilkins is. a . pa- tient in St . Joseph Hospital in London... The •bridge constructed on the lower second 'concessioo'of .Hur- on is now open to traffic. 'Un-- hampered Un-hamanpered by rant, work 'pros- aessed rapidly. Mir. Norris Messenger >Ss con- valescing at her : home . after . be- ing hospitalizedL Our. sYmPathy goes to Mrs. Wesley Robb.and family, who were bereaved by '. the death of a kind husband and father.. We extend congratulations ' to i9rgr_ and. Mrs. Wesley Thmmnpson who celebrated nein fiftieth wedding anniversary on .Friday- Ma: Bert Walden was removed from Markdale, hospital . to St. Josephs tnospital, • London, last week. • Mr. and Mas.. Gerald. Courtney with. relatives in • the ,icainity. The Ladies Guild met in the Parish hall, Lurgan on :Thurs day. The .meeting opened with a hymnand the scripture' readiaga was •given by Mrs.' John Scott. Mrs. • T. Bell gave. excerpts •froom the writings of Benjaman Frank- lin_ All joined, in .singing 'How Great Thou 'Art" .afterwhich the remainder of the .afternoon was. spent m quilting. ' Plans Were dis- cussed for the 'Christmas enter- tainment for • December 2nd. Rev. Mr. Lupton gave the clos- Mg prayer. . Hostesses at ' the lunch hour were Mrs./ T. .Bell : & Mrs.. W. J. Courtney. All enjoyed. ,t l e: •address given by Mrs: F. H. Cronney of Kinn- cardine, ; who.. was guest speaker for ,the "Family Night” . gather- ing ofIle WMS. at Pine River Malted Church' on Friday even- ing., Dressed in her sari, 11/irs:. Crey . gave, an interesting ac - `count: of the mode of living m India, : where she and her` hus- band, Rev. F. H.. Croiney • were in . the ]Stiissionn Field for some- time.. In Speaking of the app oa-• Ching -Christmas season she re- lated how • deeply rehggous the Christian people of India 'are Ecreryone is at service Chirstnias morning and anyone..going after seven o'clock would have, ' diif flculltty m obtaining seating' acco- min atnon_ She stressed' the !Mope that Christmas 'may be celebrat- ed in .true Worship and. adora- and .:family of London visited' tion.' Notice Is Hereby .Given -To The Municipal ]lectors Of The TOWNSHIP..OF WEST . WAWANOSH That, the nominations of fit and proper ;persons to serve as Reeve, • four Q ounciullais and two School Trustees for the Township School, Area for the Township .of West Wawanash • ffor the eosuuinng year, will take plane at thetownship hall',. West . Wawariosli, o -u FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 25th, .1.950 • At one a ' ciock inthe afternoon, for one n outi; 'at which tithe and. ,place all electors of said . township are hereby notified 'to attend, and that should a poll be required,. polling open !ban ' Monday, December 5th, 1960 Fran 940 a. , to 5:60 p.m, at the Various polling sit divisions: • No.. 1„ Dungannon No.2,4 Public Library, Manchester• ' , .. No. 3,; Township Hall � yNpo. 4,. W., 7HalL w TH. Hall, �St. He1e. ns. No.. 6, Etarisb Hall,, St. Augustine stsrte• West Wa ranmsh ,November 12th.''1960 'JOHN F. ro , ,Cteak. • '.qty*.err"�."�`��"�,�""��►,k'"�"a�:r"�+1`•,:Iy"..v'�w,�"'�`��i�i�'"`•W`��T.,w".�'a,,`y"�'�i`!'�k:A • • • •