HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-11-16, Page 6*GS1X. THE• LuCKNow suNfruact„ LUCK OW, ONTARIO • wEDN436DAY, NOV, PARALYZED FOUR •MONTHS, PASSES Sugar and Spite .LORNE HAMILTON ' " BY W. .8...,. ir,'.. 81101167 440 rue atuniiton ., of Haninton 1. 4,•,.............4,44,0,0,44.1„,4,,e,..?,,„,„0„,, died in, Mountain Brow hospital ' Every time I think of it I ex- perience:. a warm glow: Of .aatis= ' Sit here in the cOsY, . : LI:0,11S NEWS: faction,O I • : • . 0°91M -filled VOwfiries• Of irtY ',. -Jean Bonnett Sheila . Hitidenby vate psychopatrick ward, I revel Sharon BiedginS ia the security; the snugness1 on wednesday, and Thursday 1Vent :a• sPinal. OPeration.0 Bone shake hands with illYselL 1 grin r . . . , • . • . • a Couple of ghis Started a new splinters had ruptured the sphiall„ivith , sheer delight ' The reason t : • .' flid-ed leatardseY *el-ewithw.°•111.1,011*laid.,Cci. sikirts9ur-: c°walls7lasuch. ' and rt%:7hiloepe!4 7'ws'eUtn:inttier9ild fboarvemYtoelagtu"dieetsinthPatinigcli.°thni'st ' tamed that the paralkais would Year' .s, week hoisted well above' the knees...To complete . their, apoarel. ...they ever improve. Just three weeks. They Were out last ' every wore• bulky Itnk sweaters. : befOre LOrne took criticallY i.11 single Madman Of them 'TheYI his wifessuffered a ihip fracture. 'ranged from the fellow who . On. Wednesday, November .10, Lorne was a son. of Airs. Jack: .,sneaks out: for ark hour or hvo.I . after 'w,Ork, through -,n Remembrance pay service was Hamilton of Loeb:new: and the before and hod in the, school auditorium late Mr.' *Milton: His: mother, the type W11° has taken 'a Week t 325 on. with, erde, tv. jelve who will he 89 in January, ig off & : shketend. afta rirdyintoengtetonawthaye 1 ., students in charge of Assembly. the : fOrnier •BOrY C9x- Lorne : was F•ear44.3'u: - born • on the Hamilton ..farm 21,61 w"" ''' gang' to . the big'. shot miles west. et 4oeiro•ow: ou li.irl„,_ (who makes the trip in. a station way . 88, and, was raised , in this I Wagon, With a' , cook, •a case . of community, where he delighted t whiskey .and a crew of ifindred,1 ' to .visit each year.' I sPirits" 1 : . • . He . had • resided : for • manyl ' years in Ha But :therre an broth cis' ;miler 1 ,. ' 'milton where he was a .cityemplome . „The funeral the ki, ilifeChid With '' a delir-A, serrIce and, burial' was • at Harin L....._iniin. le/that sweeps the Canadian ilton on .10Ctaber 31st. •ifig aged I wa. in *oveMber, and in •manY ' mothe.r :. who ,. had: visited Lame I °nailer WaraS 911.. the edge: . . ....• . . 4 On Wednesday, -November. 9th„ during- , bis illness, was also .ahiell of the huntane._ eo_ ;matey, •almost • . would. •Ootin he in . the *midst of •waT:je Lt•Survived bY his 'wife, We te attend :the fimeral. . ' . . I 'brines "Inaleree. and industry In in,ola. bat ;oast week, they. walked good eaak, and an interesting office. , A reading.. "TomOirn Mr. Kirk announced that the christi000,. • p3inniinatioas..foknier .Ainu,,motiaidge 01 lizi: loo miles' through ' wet .basx 1 poker game. You neid. hair on vjas given b*' l'Irs. Ch/411° .‘ They ., begin on November 28th minn.11_ _oki; son. John They turned blue .at .the end: a 11 the chest: to tackle this ,kind of derSOn . and a instrumental Mrs. Peter Cook . A chhi rm.. 42 co.ratin..ue:stO*.ii,.. December • 3rd. loY.;• hia•.mother;•siss-Verna': ranwalisf',. _....__Tlie37 wared- leatheryIbatele wirtiv•thateraldesidelit' huntingfrom the new „Study book `.'Ilii 6 . . On • Tuesday, - Wednesday 'and. BlitaaMiltherstor::' .0, :ar,Thanot bnektiOaf'w ..,i.anlaaknd tvioio 1 stneggZwich.mdilLaumallwes,s and e.simitai' and ..::aelmelica., is Yes, not a mspe" ' rt. w.i. e:TrCuitlike .jfagy.!itrr.I.Dds:ii. :iiii4$1,.... takenby-TiluSdiLY- ' °ur ' I'Lts"r7 and gen' and Garnet/Of' Tbaniltart.. His 'fa..; tAes- Aid they laid• the founda- Teddy BoyS•or-geatoo or: Ex- raPnY teacher; 34r- !Celterbern. ther Predeeeased kith ' by nin. ' e itiers.. th' feorlontlendettglintiagow until against the tke' delirlardsencea,.of trZedlielorini.k. ' hmoeerraten'go.Willitria, beN'ieS4teleid . Riatte. was ill and was not able to at; . • : "." tend classes.• • Plater. • . ' : : ' - : liying. .And as I i sit: .here • with Rev. taiser took '..charge o 4, ,e f ' BE. seliti. iiiiwoitig. YOU suoov : . ., . .., , : :the furnace huhnming • Merrily. election • of' officers :for. lt - .. .. ' • ' Grade Ten students have plan4. This week moat of the hunters and let my Murd venture timidly President, Mrs. Ju Hunter; , . 'lied s to . take a trip. to the Royal ,,..i. are home, and the stories are. Into the vast . bleakness of. the Vice-president„ :,Mrs. Charlie 1 , .. ._ , - , . `../ ' Winter 'Fair at Toronto pit. Toot- a.!..laMPhrey'VOOle, in' hunting sea- flying about .with the swooping 0:.Nrnieinber.. . woods, ea*t 'refrain °emu; 7"nd''vleellresident'' day;•, November .:,fifiteentli , 'The s°11. . . . '‘'_ ' * ' '• ...finaceliraeY of ' bnts,. on a S914141er 1. theeisfrom gilfrri064 pi.snvill,c1.decadO.silde,t MWrs-inflainPeierG''Colrik;teksis; secret i ..., . tiris, are to visit Simpsons . in the Loses every trace ot, reason evening t eyening. Fellows . Who fired • ati. morning s and attend the Royal He shaShonly one rule,. 'which is nothing .livelier than a stump . • • - Att. Frank Ri:litelthehie;; 'fre'aturil in. .'the afternoon. The .boys ' are: Shoot n If It moves or twitches? I. during their entife Weer?. hunt -'121141!• •Iinitedi 'Cilliareh.- .. • *41:11-a: ' th'. to attend The Wait in: the morn, -he . r. . - ' . • W i 1 I 1 . be relating exPloitsi 'Mrs. Howard . Barge -4r held e .xxi,jtevjardui,21.ii IL: and C:iti*I2s1 , ing,,,aed visit a Jame ,gymnasium Miro- ugh. .the' trees: SPLe :a. straight out - of• Rod and Gun.; annual meeting at her • h.OMe;....;;:e77 iti;Pciu'vw-an.e "anorrnilit ; ..: ,. . in the iafterneoe. • -. : , , ' . • • , "paesatigiire-,t toe. t, ja4t ''paii.ts the'l tr. jig 1. Others.. who spent Most of Pie", Willi I-7 ladies, : ene 'Irisiftir and Gardner; . Light Bearers,, '. 3 time lost, will', swagger.. a bit as i two children: prese_nt. :Roll call The 'Science Club Wat.sann bel But hovg he wisned: that. he had • II *eir ' ' ' . ''. . ' ..: ... ' 1:tilieilrelAli hottr 'they 'liked htimit- I was answered witb. a verse on : toi"; :their trip. to sornio. • 1 , trailed! --. .. .. . mg alone. .With each repetition,, ., Arniistice. The devotional., i .4.6,;.i. Nelson . Raynard; : Mission .was MrS.l.• - JaCk ' .: Gardner to.td.: 1,4, .f.r.,",„ „ ,„.... ..,;.,•stories gain in. stature. .Andi read by Mrs. Earl Swan ......... monthlies, lours: . Robed Th -: —.4'1-4 fanner ' ' 11"i- Cra'"'"' do the deer. ' ' i the scripture taken by different • ,-_,_ — ...„. So :when you hunt, iloril play •• . There, are . no thly fan,* or 1 ones Mrs Charles vrilkos is .to •- .tutchie... and Charles W L.program coMtmttee,, Dar& . 21,11( the. Foole . . ' • . . skinny,little does in the woods. II prepare the programa for.Detent- ... me as .1kaay, as siassiw to. at_in!lt....ulsure.....B, efore. You:shoo. rs the!They were all . brought home bylber.... .Visitors ' for ihatt-ins ..are " the :hunters. But there are thou- [Nfri.John Hunter and: Mrn. D:. A... , . . •• . . . . , . •• , .' . , : • . • • • i shoot Onlywhat the la*, allows sands, ten . of thousands, of huge 1 Hackett. . The • ! circuit : ‘ annual ' : • . ,,i : : ' . •, 1 The .life you save may be a taw's. bucks_roaming loose.' There must li Meeting' will be held November . • ' Envoy and ' Mr.i. G. Stanley 1. ' • , • . . • . ..• . • .. ;libei. because every time a hunter 11 24th at the Partonage. Old •• t- •Netainan of .Winghant have been 1. A .. teacher. .annoyed by hi's! misses a Shotat a scared little." Christmas cards are • to ' be promoted to: auxiliary captains of i clack -witching students, covered fawn .which was standing still 20 , brought , inat the :. December T ' the • Salvation Army in ,Canada.:1 the face of the Clock with a/sheet feet away, that creature, by some; Meeting., Old postage stamps ' are SIGNS' FOR SALE - 1:0 It .is . a, ". new ' rank . ,and . the of cardboard. on Which he, had,i magic inheritent in deer hunt- .to be':o.,'saved for : er use. Cut • passing". 'Tor Sale" and • •". • . i Irmgham couple are•the first to I -lettered; "Tithe will pass. ligtiMiling; becomes ' a vast, 10-pointthem half inch away from starnia..11 Rent" signs available at • ". • be ••so 'appointed in Canada. - YOU?"• •• • . ' ' . i buck, going like the wind. , Reports 'Were read fikno each .Luitknow Sentinel, phone 35. " • , • • . • in Hamilton on Friday, October 28th at the age of 61. He had been .completely paralyzed for about four months. ' Lome collapsed in his garden in the 'early summer and under - As the week progresses, the magazine campaign is well un- deromy and we hope each stu- dent will do his or her part and friends and parentsco-operateto help our school funds. The cam- pai,gn ertds on Wednesday, hTov.- entber 16U1. ATION Notice hereby given ',to the InuniciPal electors' of the TOWNSHIP OF, KINLOSS That the 'nomination ,of fit and proper persons to. seryl • as reeve and councillors for the ToWnshiP of Kinloss the year 1961 will take, place at the • Township Hall Ilolyrood, on • ••• ,• . FRIDAY, NOVEMBER ZSth, 1960 And also; nominations for. Board -of Trustees. for Townshil • School Area No. I. Kinloss.., . „. At one o'clock in the afternoon, for • one hour, at whit) • time and place all electors of said township are hereb3 • notified to attend; and that should ,a •poll be required polling will open on" •' Monday, December 5th, 1960 • At 9.00 a.m., At the following places in the Polling Sub -divisions: No. 1,, At' the Orange' Hall, Durham Road' No. 2, At the. Orange 'Hall, Kinlough No. 3, At the Township Hall, Holyrood • •No, 4, At House of Mrs: Ford Cunningham,:Lot 11,. Con. No. 5:At Langside Store „ No. 6, At the Community Hall, Whitechurch . Kmloss, November 12th, 1960. - • Lane, Clerk We are holding our annual commencement on November 18th in. the auditorium Bk. ;would :W. officers are: pales.; 3 Wesley 'Ritchie; AssiStant pi Mrs. • Gordon ,‘ Kirkland; S Mrs. Jack Gardner, treas.. 11 Jack McDonagh. ' 4 • •,••; • 9, -1 *• • 1* • t • " „ • 11, , kOMINAIL'ION " , . Notiee Is Hereby Given Th The Thmicipal klectorsi.Ot The TOWNSHIP OF AStiFIELD. •••amnivdro.Yrowas!aiio••••••••••••••••.•aosairevairammiairaihip• 11. ' , • • • ' • • , • And Ratepayers. in Union School Section. 8. in the Township Et, II of West Wawanosh,il in the Township of Colborne, and 4 in 1.1 the Township of , Huron, that the NorainatiOn of Fit and • PrOper persons to serve as Reeve, Pour Counciliora and • Two Trustees for Township School Area No: ,1, and, Five la to Trustees for Township ,School Area No. 2; for the Tovinship • la of Ashfield; for the year 1961, Will take place at the • TOWNSHIP HALL, on . ' • • • n • n . FRIDAY, NOVEMBER. 25th, . 1960 At 'one &clock an the affernotanifor one hour, at which time a, •and plate all -Electors of said Tlwnship are hereby notified •14 'to attencl;: and that should a Poll.rbe!required, Poflngwili a. la open ort •• • to la • Monday, December Stla, 1960 • al • FROM' 0.00 axe. to .5.00 p.m. at the various Polling Sub-:- • a division: •• Ratepayers • in the .aboVe mentioned Union SchOol. ,Sections• T. ate eligible to stand for Trustee andare entitled , to. vote On' olla Sub -Division •1/-110). " • Poll Clerk 111! an Noe 1, Dungannan -....- Ben Mole Allan Petrie' la • No: 2, S. S. William Clare John durran. NO. ApPringe ./Telm Al Irwin• • a NO. 4, Port Albert .... Melvin Mason .... liarbourn. AdarFs No. 5; Kinkrstiridge Frayne ..•*lielmel QNeill11; ar_ No. 6, Fattish Horne Howard Barger .....•.jack MacKenzie. 1 •; Na. Latttier Frank *Milton ...--- Henry Itatterinie . •- • " PNAL') M S -ON .Itehrriting Officer o' •This is lot to say, that. deer bunters are liars. It's just that ill they ,have a little more 'magma- titot than the rest of 11..s, Perhalts rhill'thars depths*i*thoe,thpelingeorthintOodstil leach ' NOvernlier,. and. undergo something tare the 'Retreat from ill Moscow, with apparent - Ina • . enjoy- . haintind• hat draws frai- en • swamps 'and burns.- It isn't • pure'lgoodhast. The true hunter will initaty what' I mean.' After all, anyone •'catt sit in a warm ‘house„ after a goad dinner,' amid • watch television. But. how can, that compare 'with the wild ex- hilaration Cif 'moachin' g through the' woods; Soaked to the tall - bone,, ' half -lost, with darknesS coming on,and the wind in the north with a bone in its teeth? • * , Any ordbiary fen.* can take a holiday 111 the taimmeir,. when there's' nothing to do brit lie aid in the sun, drink beer, fish a lime.. aali Watch for bald- . 'nisi. But 'it takes. a reat maa, a deer Mader; in hick to into the Weeds hi Naber and come to grip': witli'natiore„ noth- ing betem hint and the 'forest primed except a few bottlei-ok cough, syrup, his laxative tablets, his tranquilfitms, a hundred dolt- lars worth of 'want don, 'ilk.* 'pride with dogs to (lase out the deer, a Snot camp, a, VILLAGE OF LIJCIENOAV ATION NOTICE is hereby gin to the MUNICIPAL ELECTOR of THE VILLAGE OF.-•,LUCKNOW. that in •compliance it the Statutes in that behalf, 1 require the presence of the: electors at the Village Bali in the ,said Village of Lucknow at the hour of Seven O'clock and Thirty Minute - ttiDo afternoon of . , • • MONDAY, NOVEMBER 28th, 1960 , Far ',One Hour • • For the. pluirPosie of snarnimiating fit ' and proper 'pOsons fet the 'Offices af Reeve„: }"our Cotmcillini and Three Patclli School Trustteim for the Village of Lucknow, far the 1961, Trustees ".trt. hold Office for. Two Years„ 01. which at Rlectors are hereby required to take notice and .govert. themselves accordant' gly, and if a. greater: uuntber otr, Candi dates, than required to rin the said Offices; are inominatt and make the required Declaration, Palls 'Will be ciPutili the following plates. Palling Subdivision NO. prae, Thl Legion Hall;-Pollun' StabdiVision No: Two, The MarniCilia Office; and Polling Subdivision NIO., Three; The Town ifiaa in the , said Village of Liicknow„ 0fl. ' ad will wiL .ott:,140plenthridittofroMfiger3:9.. CV • :clock. a until Five O TD 'S}lOuLt BE Ntynti) that when -a proposed caildiziatte not present/ at the nomination meetinghis nomination la will net be Valid, unless there is 'attached thereto evi safisfattory to '• the Rebrini,ng Officer. ' .that the PiroIN 'candidate consents to be so nominated:. Given under 'My hand this Tirelith,liair of Naternbet, it. It. kONRIV, Itetninirtg OffifOteu. ... . Ap AP AP Ar• • lir IA •10 Yr a a Vio