HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-11-16, Page 11 $3.00 A Year In Advance — $1.00 .Extra To U,S.A.t LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, NOV, '16th, 1060 Momentous steps in rural; school .education are in the off- ing in Ashfield and. .Kinloss Township: 'At nominatiOt meet- ings in the. respective Townships on NoveMber 25th,, School Area. 'Boards will be formed. • In ' Ashfield lit 'will ';be known , as School. Area No. '2 and will comprise the Sehool • .Sections 3,' 7, .10; 12 and 15 in 'Ashfield,, US$, . No, 4 Ashfield and .;USS.' No. 14, :'Huron, Ashfield ' and .Kinloss.: The building of : a central schoolis proposed' -in the new Area No 2 and at a meeting last lvlarch of those • concerned, ap- proval was given to locating' the proposed new 'school at Hemlock ' City. At that time it was point- ed out that, a 6 -sections ' school accomodating .105 to 115 pupils ' would cost $125,000, Seven . sec- tions have now voted into this area . , • . It' is termed. Area No..2 to dis- . tinguish it from the original ' Ashfield Area, whioh at one time comprised' all the • schools • in the tral field an area. Withdrawals on, an indivi- dual school basis have occurred' in recentyears, climaxed by the decision in the ' north-west sec- tor of the Township to .form a new area, and; build a central school.. Initially.. an ' alternative suggestion was: to build an addi- tion 'to Lochalsh School; •but this is no longer: considered. The central school' idea origi-. 'nally. comprised' '• the sections of Kintail, Hemlock City, Laur- ier and Lochalsh. Kintail. pupils have for some time been trans - Ported to Hemlock City and • Laurier pupils ' to Lochalsh. • Technicalities arose a year ago in the petitions . for withdrawal as ' it ,pertained to Lochalsh, which is a 1Union School Section.••. As a result, separate individual school boards had to be tempor- •'arily set • up for Kintail, Hemlock City and Laurier, While Loch- alsh remained: in Ashfield Area,' No. 1 ,for the current year. Early in ' the spring Lothian, 10th Con.. School, and Paramount • voted ' in' favor of joining 'Ash- • • STIDDENTS ACCEPT .• SUBS TILL WEEK -END • rsing ;ram i the your= va, Trio erich , sons, th• of catch 1:1,. Obert. Ilea- nd ,' 'rank. ;coin- Lr-ald :ment oriel: Lucknow District High School. students may accept ' new sub- scriptions to The Sentinel until the end of this week.' Each new subscription 'will add $1,00to the student body's treasury, and. the two • high student salesmen are eligible for cash prizes of $10, and $5.00: ' "• New subscriptions Will com- mence at once and will be cred- ited :to 'the' end -:of: 1961, 'giving over •13: niontirs' for the ::reilar • price .bf $3,00: a 'year. • L.D H.S, CONCEMENT TO BE ' HELDDFFRIDAY "The ` Lucknow District ;High School: Commencement one 'of the highlights.: of the term- will be held. this Friday 'evening, November: . '18th ' in .the ; High School auditorium, Commencing' at 18.:00 o'clock.• Professor James ;Clark of Wa- terloo University will ' be the guest speaker. Sandy MacKenzie'. will •: give . . the • ` valedictorian. There •will be numbers.. ,by the Glee 'Club, and the presentations of diplomas • and : awards: Sc FOURTEEN PAGES , SENTINEL OFFICE OPEN MARK FIFTIETH ANNIVERSARY Commencing last Saturday . , ALL DAY •SATURDAY field,Area No, 2 Paramount ap- proval was by a comparatively small :majority, arid, since then a `. petition has been 'approved by, Kinloss Township : and the 'De- partment of Educator', granting approval of the withdrawal of the Kinloss' portion of ' the Para- mount section, to become a por- tion • of S.S. No. 7, Kinloss. • Approval of assenting Eby -laws by the Township Councils of Ashfield, Huron and Kinloss,. has been given by the Department of, Educationto become effective January lst, 1961, when' the new- ly elected Board of Trustees of Area No. 2, will assume juris- diction. The Minister of Education has appointed J.. H. Kinkead, Public. Scchool 'Inspector, as referee to "value; adjust and determine in an equitable manner all rights and; claims of .. the dif school ' ' seotions entering township .. school 'area."' Four Sections . In Kinloss Last March trustees r epre- (Continued on Page .11) OPEN HOUSE. DREW • MANY TO SCHOOL The attendance ,at the Luck - now . Puiblic • Sehool . Open .House on . Thursday evening of last; week would . indicate that: the `pt.bIic generally . is becoming `. i'nore' conscious of this year's Education Week theme '—. ,'Ed a ation,' the 'key' to^ The ' future;'. ' There Was no school bell'' on Thursday_ • to call the • elders . and continuing until Christ- mas, " The . Sentinel Office' will be open all day. Satur- •day- For sorne time" this cnfflee has observed the weekly half -holiday on Saturday afternoon, . with the :change frrnl the Thursday the, in our work -week' having ' faci- ltated . production, . Open Saturday wall. be . a ' con- venience to those who may` wish to . purchase_ Christmas cards and Other' sta'ttone.ry gems, a gift subscription to The Sentinel, place a ' "want ad," 01 for any 'other busi- ness you may'have to trans- act. 1NSTALL( CHURCH H EATI .IVIG . SYSTEM The. congregation +of , SL • Peter's' Anglican church. has just com- pleted the installation of a new oil heating System .in the church at a coot of approximately $1,500, The :installation is sufficient to heat the'projected new parish hall This project• has':' reached a point where • definite action anticipated soon. The proposed hall would adjoin the church,:; ,1& Would' be heated by The newly installed furnace. ' • , The . new heating. system was first 'used at the Remembrance Day, service. last Friday. • , It replaces .floor furnaces Which.were ineffective and were regarded as 'somewhat un- safe. • HAD ` HAND BURST • OP.EN. WHEN, CAUGHT IN 1VRINGER4 • Mrs. Alex •(Sandy) Pardon of back, 'but they came literally in town ' had a. very . Painful exPeri-. ratularions from Governor' lv •.g' droves, <. 250 registered, • but it ence early last week when ,her Genetal Vanier and lettite.rs from was estimated . tthat at least 300 hand • was . drawn ,through the Prime moist Die baker ,and parents • and other interested clothes wrirtgeer. Mir, An¢lq '• Robinson., MP- .for 'and . Mrs.' Charles : Burt• celebrated their• fiftieth wedding' anniversary on Saturday, Nov- ember 12th with open house at their home in Kincardine and a family dinner at the Windsor Hotel, Kincardine,. It •.. s ,an November 15th, 1910 Laura Bowe, daughter . of Mr; and M . James Rowe, Teeswa_, ter, was ' united in marriage at Teeswate with Charles Burt, son of and Mrs. Andrew Burt, Toro to:. Unablle to attend, she celebra- tion were.• the attendants of fifty years ago; Mrs. Andrew Mafia gine now of Bary, Alberta & Leslie Howe,Ca Toronto; brother of '. Mrs. Burt. . - Folloownng; their -marriage .lthey lived in Toronto where Mr, Burt • was a woodworker- In 1914 they moved. • to Teelswater and two years later they moved • to Holyd rood where he. was -employed .by.. Ackert;.•Brothers for 16 : years. In. 1932they moved :. to the Base' Line, Kinloss nshi�p: *where` ' T u• he started fawning on'. his own, retiring to Kincardine in .1948. They have a ff nily:: of eight; Helen, Helen, . Maw , mil ' ,MacMillGaaa, • . Matiant : Forest; Edith, • Mrs.. Alli- son -Collins, Ka e; Arnie, Mrs Berri Norris, T'oro ato Sinn, Ted "and.; Bull,, Kinloss 'Township;; Bob of Toronto,and Ngruam, Mrs, . Lou Carignar, BeauharEaois„ Que- bec. There are 20 grandthildren.' • Mrs. Burt has a sir,. Mrs. Emma B•aallagh, Arbor aeUiy, ,ask. and,' brother Leslie Howe,. Tot - on still- living, whille • Mr. Burt has ' 'two sisters, Mrs. 'Sada Smyth and MIS .Estther-Gidaney, Toronto stil;l•..lnvnang. Added • to' the many :goad wishes was' a telegrann ,of eori- • adults passed through the rooms The hand 'actually burst 'open_ ,Brance: . in a couple of hours . or mo n Records av.'c('tIdutio�s ostPro re: under .the pressure and requ - The family gave thews Parents Teachers were each in . their ed • a` good many .stitches. • She : a' -money ,tree: Friends*and ' cels-. . •• , room to .meet. aid .greet the •v �- was, taken tn/ Windham. ital :fives ,poaared t Mrs." Ru►d�ert . whereshe was a patient fair set,- Succes'tful • farmOperation Mors and, discuss any matter of , � 4 .nz : : •Alex parental . concern. Meraber.s .:of eral 'days • • uckrao�a Mrs. Evan orointrb • Tq know the • cost ' of produc- � . tion is vital to profitable farm- SPENDING WEEK DEER ing, was - in • effect what: Lloyd' HINTING. ON • 1�'IANITOULIN Hutton • of Kincardine, .told the . ' • annual Meeting, of the Ashfield ' A party'of local. hunters :are Federation of :Agriculture, on. spending this 'week on Manitou - Friday ,evening.. . lin Island hunting:. deer, Russ A banquet 'served. in. Dungan ;Button, Bill` Button'and Blake nen , United Church by members Alton left in _ advance to have a of the. W.A. preceded. .the . meet- brief . try .at moose. hunting in ing, presided over. by' President , the Sudbury district and. then L • ; , the School Board were •also pre= 'With one hand • trapped:: nn the lll.[rs: Nary. Shesuae7 'IleavaeI sent. 1 wringer, Mrs.. Pardon • -was : urn- Johnstlroia & ' Mrs. Wesley''Tlho- On this the eve . of R.enienib- . ;able to throw • the release, lever son Kincardine nand 1VIas::.Albeat . ranee Day, each'roam. had the att4 .had • to putt the :wringer iirn,;•: >[3.aa , Harraste Cenotaph and poppy motif . pro- "reverse . to .free herself, , minently ' displayed and. ether_ drawings and decorations andi- . ■ (Continued decorations 3.) Sustain, DoubIed Assesslent ATTENDING BLUE `WATER o>i. ANCING scHo>oL Private : Hos' itai . At Livel• . esSion Wilham G: Hunter. Kelso' Mac-, joined the other boys for the , Nay ;introduced the ,head • table . Manitoulin.venture.. This quirt - eft • o • the north on• It .being • Remembrance. Day, Sunday incladed George Whitby, �' the business meeting was° pre- Mil., Hackett; Art. Baker, Roy • •• •: . dr s,;_ `,ens and Ed Whitby, • •• ceded by a short address by Rev'.. Ha y . . i : T. Richards .of Dungannon Unit-, • " ed Church,. Who .warned against, Indifference from 'within. •Flow. = MUST ' B E. PURPOSE ars, tears and monuments are •. • REMEMB.RA 1 +� E not enough: fie m'.1N Inuit • .the significance of remembering ,' • • e „ those who died that peace •might "We who have lived must re- ign t.. revail, .for",'with each, passing •member' the debt at�d seek• to re- year there are fewer who act-. pay it,' said Rev, Wilfred *light •wallyremember those who died' of St. Peters Anglican Churc$i on the field of battle Rev, lith in addressing the congregation arcs said. : which filled St. ,Peters on Fri- !Mr, Hunter thanked the Fed. 'day morning for' the annual Re- eration directors`• for •their co- i ie'a'brarir~e Day service, He was operation during the year and . referring to those young men credited the efforts iin 'Ashfield, . who laid down their lives in the Vilest Wawanosn ; and Colborne ! cause of peace, and had as ,his as resulting in' the largest • rural ! theme, . "Greater Love hath .ne turn • out at Dungannon. of any' nwan , • Vit'e can •best repay :that debt T.B..c.linic centre " in Huron this past summer. He pointed on' t " 1`;:v battling against hate, greed, %at the Ashfield Federation i er1vv• •and selfishness the speaker Acid $2.00 ''to. . all 4-H : rirernbe s ; said We are false to thein if our t fleetingrninuteS "on November ed, : completing projects and made ' i dotyations 'to theDungannon and re'neml�rai7ce i:� for, •uta �' ` tucknow fairs. The •money, went'' 11th. 'tinless we.hremeniber a v tell and teach our children the for the essay contest at T.uckn• • nth Sandra Jean Cameron, cigni'ficaitce of Remembrance ,,,,dallghter of Mr, and lobs. ita"lplt !'fa / oar cenotaphs across the. eron ;placing first and qual.ir + laud are rnete pile; of rub'ble.. i'I`he real inaectials dust be ill n for the provincial contest. ; • % -. Hyp{ y�yy yy �y v� (Centiiitied bn.. rage. 3) (Contunuiec on Page fI)' d , 95 • ' Luckhow Municipal Courncil at the previous assessriientt 'on rMeanbers..,. from this.. area - at• �. tending 'the Blue •Water.Folk Its 'November session ' sat as'"a • h;ospittal, blame 'h n DoT ;Co Court of .Revision .on the Assess- r for . it .f you wish, was. an e Dancanc School nn Kancard- • ;the e uzaci1J anent 'Boll., a hearingthat toccup-1' foct an 'illegal fixed assessment" led practically the 'entire , even- ' and that 'the ' new figure' an his irig•",and at times got. soineWl at ropinion, fairly .assesseil the eta' uproarious. • . terprise. A conaaeil has only the .The ; Court sustained the ate- poz?-er.'to grant faxed assessmeiits sessanent on the 1,iticknoW Priv- for • Lieg7 ens and ' golf courses. ate Hospital, at " a figure of He. (did point gout that these' $6,'VO0, .which is about double, convalescent. homes' .aa'e an: as_ every ' Monday night are. Kay .McIntosh, Jinie Collyer, Mr and. Mrs. J rz i McNain . of Arrnlierley and Giant. MacDonald and Mr. sand .Mrs. Wilfrid Steele of- Hur- on . Township. The .group operates in conjunc- tion 'with the corsiniiinity prog_.• the previous assessment. A busi-isessinent prthblem in. the pro - rams branch of the Edacation. Instructors for the group 'are frein Owen Sound, • TEN YEARS •SINCE FAMILY • CAME TO ,LUCKNOW : It is : ten years age that Mr and Mrs. James McNaughton & their two 'children SUSan and age 14 and 4, Came to• Can- ada from theit native Seotland, The McNaughtons tame from Markinchfife, 'Scotland. Jim eornmetieed 'work in taleknow' at Pardon's Bakery. He and Hector Pardon had 'become ac7. quainted while Hector was 017.- etstias. Jim has for some time •been employed ,at Lloyd's tact-,, back and forth, ness tax is now applicable fol. vince and are not speeifically :the first time ron the hospital ,& classified 1;i -the assessces mat- • as followS: land, $621..; building 1, a boarding house, and in sueh . $/..14754; Business, ' assesSniept ,' rases-. if the proptietors occupy • , - George Tiffin, real estate ' private residence, the enterp salesman ' for IL D.. Pardon ef:;-is not' subject 'to. business. taX.: Sarnia aprieaIed against a :11.01)„,' Otherwise it is. .. timer tinabach., +was grant'e ' higher 'costs for' elder citizeni, cancellation of business tax in ,whose abilirY te 15ay might be • the arnoimt of $1.90, in econnec- ilinaited, and .this he regretted.: thin with his- previous business : Harold Greer, appeared before location. , •,, " ,1the Court -of Appeal te learn the n n of Walkerton and leeal as- i had tkre14(zsISt *11:.#01 to the sent at last week's COtirt Of Ap- , effect, stated lhat ,the Village a peal, and explained the method : Lnekti ow had not h1661/.1,1*. Mr, Finnigan painted out that , ..(Coritintied On pitge i..0