HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-11-09, Page 10PAGIC TEN
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'WEDNESDAY, NOV. - ith, 196(
That full granary of yours can hello you cut feeding costs this
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Yes, for a result -getting and cost-cutting feeding program, use
Special Fall an uantity Discounts
Now In Effect
...- • rhone.71. • • • •
\ -
Messrs, Joe Forster, Jim • and
John Brooks, Donald ;Geddes,
Carl • 'Collins and Richard' Mc -
Cosh visited with Mr. Robert
Emerson on Sunday,
Mrs Edburt Bushell spent a
'few .days- in 'London,with her
daughter Catherine, -who. is a
patient in War' Memorial Hos:pl-
.:Lai...We hope Catherine will .scion
fbe well again. •
A -number fromr -here-exhibit,
ed their 4-H .ancl-' COnrinercial
calves at the Walkerton Christ-
mas! Fair last WednesdaY and
Mr. and Mrs John 'MacDonald'
and Mr. and.Mrs. Bob•Fair•spent
aday m LOndon. • ' . "
Mr. and Mrs Jiin Brooks
ed with thelatter's mother,. Mrs.
Mae MacDonald, Who is avatient
in Kincardine Hospital. We hope
'for a rapid recovery. , • •
Messrs. Michael, Jim •and 'Ste-
ven Boyco and Miss Eileen Col-
lins of Goderich spent the week
end with Mr. •and »Mrs Russell
Collins.' • _
Mrs. J. 'W. 'Colwell, Kinlough,
•spent a few days with 'Mr, and
Mrs. Don 1VICCosh. •
Quite a number from here at-
tended' .the 4.1-1 'Club, Achieve-
ment Night in the Township
Hall, .Ripley 'on Friday :night.:
Congratulations to' leaders and
Members on Completing their.
Years projects - • •
Miss Eva 'Culbert, Mrs Bill
Eadie and 11/fr: Lorne Culbert
• • were :Sunday .guests ot Mrs.
t, ,1;
' •
•76. ' .,„ "
,). •
• „
Henry. Morgan, Misses Irene and
Hazel Morgan,. Listowel.
Mr. & Mrs Frank Dore, Nan-
cy, Ronnie and Dianne attended
the Remembrance Service at
Kincardine United Church on
Sdnday, They 'also visited with
Mr.- and Mrs Lawrence Fry:,
A number fromhere began
i ht School' et Ripley on Wed-. day ,p.m, ' •
esday night Mrs. George Em- Mr. and Mrs George Emerson earth. Mr & Douglas Graham ha(
tion of St. •Andrew's United
*Church • was held at Miss Eva
Culbert's on Tuesday night.
There; was a large attendance.
'Mrs. Victor•Gawley, Mrs. Wal-
lace Pollock, Mrs. Jim Brooks,
Mrs. Stewart Needham and Mr&
Don McCosh-wereguests at the
Bethel W.MS; Meeting on Tues-
was dedicated 13y M.rs. Donald]
11/facTavish. Mrs John Colling
gave the courtesy remarks. At
the conclusion' of the meeting,• -a -
sale of various articles was held
•to help raise money for the
choir. Lunchwas served by the
'committee in 'charge. •
scripture portion Studied, wher
the Greatest thing in' the Worlc
was discussed under the. head-
ings, Love Contrasted, Love An
alyzed and Love Defended., Mrs
Ira: tackle read a -story of "1
Great Social Stoop" which pale(
into insignificance' compare(
with the condedcension of th(
Lord Jesus Christ in coming t
erson is one of the Teachers for
oil painting. . • , ,
Our teacher„ -Miss Norma -Mnr-
ray and pupils had a fine Hal-
lowe'en Party on Monday. ,
Miss Eva and Mr. Lorne Cul-
bert accompanied by . Mr, and
Mrs. Bill Eadie and Mr. Lorne
Eadie and Mrs. Currie Colwell
attended the funeral •of • a friend
in Wingham on Wednesday, „
Mrs Warlice 'Pollock was hos-
tess for the Leader .and mem-
bers of the Glove Making course
on, Thursday, Friday and Satur-
day. Mrs: John Montague of the,
Home Economics Service, Exten-,
tion Branch, Ontario Department
of •Agriculture was the teacher.
,Members of the class were Mrs.
Peter Leeson; Mrs.'Wilham Ar -
mold; -.Mrs: George Stewart;
-Mrs Jim Brooks, Mrs Russell
Needham, Mrs. Stewart Need-
ham,. Mrs Wallace, Pollock, Mrs.
Herb Farrell, WS. George Em-
erson and Mrs Don McCosh.
Each made a pair of fine lea-
ther glove -s, The ladies agreed
that.Glove making is a very fas-
cinating Home Craft • •
•The November meeting of the
Group I Of the Women's Federa-
. .
. .
• •
er Air Conditioner
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• • Economical!.
Guarantleed: •
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Enjoy greater heating ef-
fiency Combined with
compact, attractive de-
sign with a McCiary' ,
Enquiries Invited — No Obligation
Iquinbing, Heating, Wfring,„Eavetrotighing
•• Phone 50 litteknOw
and Robert,.were Sunday. visit-
ors at Miss Geraldine Emerson's'
.and MrsMlan_ Cairig
and family spent Sunday with
Mr. and Ms Allan McTavish,.
OliVet. • " , •
• Miss Eva and Mr. Lorne Cul-
bert-sPent an evening with their
aunt, Mrs Tom Harri&:.
Mrs Alex IVlaCTavish' spent a
feWdays in the General-11°dpi-
Val, Kincardine last week and is
at hozne agairi. • :
Mrs. ..,Street of. Kiricardine.
spent the week -end at ;the home
of 'Mr, and IVIrs:*.Alex :MatTav-
ish. ' • • ,
Rev and Mrs.. A. H. Johnson
of. Brucefield visited on Thurs-
day with Mr., and ..,Mrs Ross.
Black, Mr .• and Mts. Alex Mac
Tavish and other relatives
Mrs : Victor ,Haines and grand-
daughter, Janet Haines 'and Mrs,
Ken McMichael of Wroxeter
visited on Friday with Mr, and
Mrs Melvin Coifing and with
Mr. and Mrs Alex MacTavish
• Mr. Wesley Smith who was
not enjoying good - health is •rin-
proving. . .
Mr Bert /Eatonspent the•
week -end in *St Thomas visit-
ing with his .father and brother:
Mr. and Mrs Gerald Colling'
•moved from Ripley to their new
home last. SatUrday. •
M. • and • Mrs.. Francis
Brian, 'Ronnie, Kerry and Hea-
ther, of Ripley spent Sunday.
with Mr. and Mrs. Sandy Mc,
'Charles and family.
Olivet tnited, Church
The NOVerriber meeting of the
'Olivet W.M.S., was • held tin
Thursday afternoon at the home
of Mrs 'John McCharles. Mrs.
Walter bexter and, her group
were in charge of the worship
"Thoughts on Rernetn- ertake year .these Mrs . duties for the
brance Day" were read by' Mrs comin son, leader of the 11/Lission Band,
Jas Hender-
Walter Dexter. • Mrs ,Raymond gave information in regard to.
Hamilton led • in prayer. • The award and amount of money
scripture/ and comments were needed for taine. Mrs J. Emer7
given 53'1 .1VIrs" R6ss :latick' Mrs'. son gave the • Offertory Prayer
Geert 'Guikerna told of "Life ,
and Mrs. John. Adams ..ave a re
Holland during World 'War
United Church 'WM-S..' • .
The ' United Church
•Afternoon Auxiliary, met on
Tuesday afternoon for their No-
vember meeting 'with 28. Mem-
bers present Mrs. Hoag .conduc-
ted the opening • exercises and.
Mrs. .Strapp . offered ..praYer.
Mrs ,G Brooks and Mri. R. It
Thompson gave interesting re-
marks, bearing on Stewardship
and Citizenship. Mrs Cameron,
Mrs Anderson and Mrs. McKen-
zie also reported for their 'de-
partments. Following the busi-
ness period, Mitt Flora Webster
took the chair for the follow-
ing program:. teripture 'readings,
Mrs. N. McKenzie and Miss Su-
sie Gibson; an interesting sum-
mary of Chapter.III, The Vision
RecoVered,. by Mrs ' K. ':MCDon-
-ald; a solo by Mrs. E. Ackert &
elating hymn and Prayer. Re-
freshments were. served by the
Committed,' 'Miss 'Flora ,Webster,
Mrs Hall, Mrs E. ACkert, and
kiss Olive Webster. ' .
Afternoon Auxiliary
The Afternoon Auxiliary of
the Presbyterian 'Church. met MI
the Sunday School room on
-Wednesday afternoon, October
',2nd with Mrs C., .Cooke! in
/charge and Miss ' M. Malcolm at
the piano, and, with an atterid-
an6. of *20 members. A hytnn.
was sung, followed by retpon-
siVe 'reading from i Luke 22. 31-
34 .and 54-62, followed by prayer
by Mrs. Cooke. Miss Carrick took
the Bible Study on the 9th Com-
mandment Miss Nellie Malcolm
dealt with the correspondence 8t.
buimess section and informed us
that the leader of the Mission
Band would not be able to .un -
the HOok. Study on • Africa a.n(
also presented 'Current Events.
Mra._...• MacKinnon. la(
• . . ,
charge of the Prayer Circle. Mrs
H. Buckton who is hostess to
the December meeting .announc
•ed„ that. it. .will he „held at Oil
home of her. mother, 'Mrs -
IVIatConnell in town. Mrs. Dickil
Mrs. bouglis Punlop sang a Solo
accompanied by 'Mist Beth Mac-
Tavish. Mrs. ()sear White gave
the highlights” of a chapter in
the study book . Barbara and
Jean MacTavish played, a piano
duet. Mrs. Donald MacTavish
presided ,fpr the business. The
roll call. was answered by 21
members. •Six visitors were pre
sent • ••,
Candy was brought to the
meeting'••to be tent to We.stinip,'
Stet- Hospital, London, It was de-,
cided to send ten dollars to
CARE. Mrs 1VIelvin Coiling read
a letter from Miss Edith
missionary ni Angola, Laurie
McCharles and' Margie Maerav-
ish` took Up. the .Offering which
port of the givings at, our Thank
Offering meeting. An interesting
talk �n "The Man Called Petr"
was el/en by Mrs Morgan Hen-
derson,, which we enjoyed. Mrs.
Robert Reid closed the Meeting
with Prayer..•
South Kinloss W.M.S.
Mrs. Ross MacMillan and Mrs.
H. Campbell were ,Directors for
the November meeting of South
Kinloss W.M.S. in the church on,
Wednesday, November , 2nd. Mrs.
Buckton presided and Mrs. 11.
Lavis took the place of the Sec-
retary who was unable to .be
present. The roll call, was ans-
wered by a Bible verse contain-
ing the word Love and It Cor-
inthians, chapter is ,was the
displayed the .supply of Christ
mas Card boxes for sale and •
good many purchases were made
• • • .
fear of attack from ether animals:
•• But wherfold age‘comes the• •
'animals lose their fear of him
• arld he is attatked and.destroyed.
Fortunately men and women, unlike •
the lion, can have a happy old age -
11 they prepare for it. The best,waile
me. j.'Kinahai
•RA.. Zs
• Phone Wiughatn.