HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-11-02, Page 12• 'By Suzanne; ave Ordiniarily$25.00 We are clearing all Suzanne reversible wool skirts. Color choice includes predominate lag shades of grey, blue, brown, green black -or wine :sizes .10 to 18.1 ther :Makers REVERSIBLE SKIRTS Otte -Third Off Sizes. 10. to 18, As low: as $8.95 and $9.95. LADIES' COATS .. . A `good selection of Ladies' Fall and . 'Winter Coats : at $29.95 to $79.95. CAR COATS ... dies' & Misses Car. Coats ,#rom $7,95 to $19.95.. Sizes 10 •to . 20. A good assort- ment of shades.. Children's COAT; SETS.. 'to 3x" and ':4`.to 6x. Girls' ". Coats .'8 to 12 & 10 to 14x ►11 at',Special..Discounts. 4 • Tliz Lu OW sE 1'11NZL, T UcKNoW, ONTARIO AGENT FOR `'KINCARDINE' CLEANERS . '• , `. 'ree Pick -Up and Delivery Monday and Thursday .and and 1VEN'S WEAR THAT " Mrs; ; Sam • Sherwood re - Porta a second: crop ' of "pota toes. In " late summer they planted .some spuds; which had sprouted ''in the. :cellar, ` , ands these are credited with pro- ducing the late "harvest." 'MAT Mrs::Gerald ::McIver` of London' was; a recent: visitor here at the' home of``her broth- er, : Wib Hodgkinson. While here she visited her parents grave in 'Greenhill. Cemetery, • Where she lost her glasses. The• name 'was in the case and .the unknown ' finder . mailed " the, glasses : to. Mrs. McIver m • Lon- don. THAT the. 'Gaelic will nolonger be entirely unheard in Luck- now, we • venture to say : John MacRae, Fina station operator speaks the Gaelic • fluently, but has 'rarely beenable to find. anyone in this district who can, converse with him. Rev. Rode rick MacLeod, the • newly in-' 'ducted Presbyterian minister,.', • scan:: speak the Scottish tongue, • and for sure this twosome will keep brushed . up on the Gaelic. ZION' . Mr, and Mrs. W. G. Hunter are . visiting in Toronto for a few days with Mr. and . Mrs. Fred Best. Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cook. We welcome Mrs. Cook to our community.' Mrs. 'Jake Hunter spent the week -end . with Mr., ' and. "Mrs.' Mac Scott: Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Kirkland spent Thursday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Stobo of Teeswater. - •Church• will be ' at 11 a.m., it tieing communion, for the . 3 churches. • n. ■ ANNOUNCEMENT . RE s; . . el . ■ AI U ia. ry rariceDayl, • i v ■ IN PLACES OF BUSINESS IN LUCKNOW . i la .sa 1 SEE '6Y THE .SENTINEL THAT its getting to. the 'point where the Legion's bingo jack- pot could, go any tune.' Tilts • week it's, 470.00' ' on -.58- calls. THAT there was a °good •turnout on Friday evening ' for the de- layed showing of motion picT ' tures of the Pasadena Tourna- ment of Roses, sponsored by the Horticultural' Society. THAT Mr. and Mrs. Bob • Arm- strong rm•strongof town motored west to near Brandon • to attend the, funeral of " his brother, 'Clan- Clar- ence Armstrong,•who died sud- denly on October 23rd. ,a. a : WM Be . a ■ ■. i 10 CLOSED FRIDAY FORENOON':. un NOVEMBER: alth, a s i ' for 'the ' a • OBSERVM,,.... ■ 4,NCE 'OF' REMEMBRANCEa • ■ v •"DAY s ■ w' r ■ le ' s Approved by i s ` Lucknow Legion, Branch 309 s . Lucknow' . Business Men's Association = 1 Municipality, of the Village of Lucknow s .• I , 4■f seusa■■aaaeeaiaae■®iliiiimusiau iisilaiiiaauaaaaei • THAT members of • the Lucknow, 'District. High School staff at- tended the•• conference O„ Dis-. • • trict 10, =Ontario.: Secondary November 3, 4, 5.. ' School Teachers' •Federation, held ' at Listowel last' Thurs- , tuckno YOUR WiDIDAY, 2nd,, 1960 BARGAIN • FOODLAND . . HIGHLAND PRIDE COFFEE .SALE. Our Exclusive. Top. Seller,. Pound. . , ,59c GRAPE JELLY SALE. Save 19c. Shirriff's Pure. 9 oz. Feature. . SUPER COOKIE SALE. Save 17c Any 39c. Package. Your Choice, ONTARIO NO. 1 POTATOES Fluffy White Cookers. 25 Pound Bag KELLOGG'S CORNFLAKES.. Save 4c. 'Economy Size., 16 oz. Package .. t ' 2:Jit1s.s...39c 3 pkg. $1 .89c HEADQUARTERS, FOR ALL ' FRESH FRUITS AND * . VEGETABLES, APPLES BY THE BUSHELL & BASKET: : Values.'. Ef fegtive: day. '•John • W. Kippen of Mit- chell was elected president. THAT Mrs. Wellington Herder; • son is •convalescing • following -surgery.. which she underwent at Private Patients Pavilion;. Toronto. THAT Reeve George Joynt, ex-' warden of Bruce County was toastmaster last week at the Warden's • banquet at Formosa when Warden Michael Fischer and Mrs. Fischer . of Culross Township were ' presented with a silver tea'servir ice. THAT Whitney : Coates and Son .recently' held a Hereford peen. tennial production sale at their farm near. Exeter Twenty- four females ;: sold for. ' an ave- rage of $ 10. George Kennedy, • R. 1 Lucknow, purchased 8 . of the females' at this 'sale. THAT omitted from _ last week's "rash of ,accidents,"` was a col- lision :involving" vehicles. driv en by Tom Kempton of Ripley and : Kenneth Mackenzie • of Ashfield, • which we • ..hadn't • heard of at time of writing: THAT Mrs. David Todd, former- ly of St. Helens, who has been. a. patient in Victoria Hospital, London since suffering .a frac • lured' hip, has returned to ,the: ' home of her daughter, Mrs. Vera. Macintosh of 'St. Catha- rines THAT Donald 'Murray of West Wawanosh, who suffered a badly, .broken leg in a bush. accident 'on October 22nd,: was able to `return to his home On • Thursday last. Donald• was • scheduled ' to return to Wing - ham ' hospital on . Tuesday to have the cast changed. A tem-, porary cast had been applied. until the swelling subsided. THAT members of the Lucknow Public School and ''other area schools'. the south Bruce in- spectorate had a , holiday on Friday 'while the teachers at- tended their annual conven- tion at the 'OAC, Guelph. Pro- fessor Norval' Richards of the OAC , was a guest speaker at one of the meetings during the day . • THAT while in St. ' Catharines for the week -end, 'to visit her, little grandson, David MacMil-. tan, who is in. Hotel •Dieu Hos-: pital • with a broken „leg, Mrs. Joe. MacMillan met Mrs. Jane Gray of Radio and TV, Hamil- ton. Mrs Gray was a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs::• David' ' Scobie, formerly . of traD ucknow. Mrs MacMillan al- so met Mrs. Scobie's sister,; Miss Norah Mitchell, 'of the FOreign f and, whbad been visiting Mr. and Mrsk Scobie 'for two • tonths. She returned. to Eng- land `and at the week -end. ' We'. Sell -For.: Less . Phone .119, buck: ow THAT' Mr. and Mrs. Donald . F. MacKenzie of Lochalsh have moved :to Wingham for the winter . months. Mrs.. MacKen= • zie is a member : of the hospi- tal nursing staff. "D. F suf- fered a coronary attack .. about a year ago, and has. to 'take it easy THAT Kathy Joynt, daughter of Mr.. and Mrs. George Joynt and Donna G-reer, daughter of 'Mr. and. Mrs. Clarence Greer, have each had ' d, birthday party in the past few -days, . marking their 5th. 'birthday, and at .Which they entertain -- .ed some little girl friends: THAT prizes', for the Legion's • annual,. draw:which is made= at the dance on November., llth are on display in' Ritchie's Barber shop window. They include' a : dryer, movie camera, record • player and 'electric clock.: Tickets are available from' all Legion members. THAT Art Clark is confined to Wingham Hospital with a seri- ous heart condition .° Art,; a construction; worker, ; suffered an attack at Strathroy recent=. ly and was 'hospitalizedthere for four weeks. He, came home on a Saturday, and was stric- ken • again with ' another at-„ tack on Monty 'and hospital- ized at Wintgham., THAT Jim' Lyons.. will ` be . 'the •+than •to see • if yo u want 'a lawn' mower next spring. There were seven of them at the Lions Rummage sale" and 'Jim ' bought the lot. ' He'll "tune" them up this. winter & have •them in good working order at a bargain price when the grass .. turns green, . •next. spring. ,THAT with ,Bruce County Coun- . , cil in session this week, the. November ' meeting of the Vil- lage Council will riot be held until next Tuesday:• THAT Mr. ' Loree, father of Mrs. Glen. Atkinson of ; Lucknow, died ;at Bellwood. on' Monday. Mrs. Atkinson is .a employee • of the Lucknow ',District Co- op THAT after ;being "dry" for . ap- proximately 46 years, Huron County got its first beer :store Wednesday 'as Brewers `Ware: housing Company opened its firstretail store at. Goderich. Forinerly under. the Canada Temperance. Act, both Huron and Perth ' Counties • repealed' the C.T.A. in •.a . plebiscite last November 30th. IN LUCKNOW Homes Will Be Canvassed And ..A ' Street Sale ' of 'Pop- pies ',held'. this :Saturday.. UY ' and WEAR A ' POPPY IN'. REMEMBRANCE Proceeds 'for Veterans' Benevolence • How Would You Like To. Win One Of These "` '' [Slime, Automatic Dryer and Howald 8 'M.M Movie Camera Electrohotne Portable • Record Player Westclos' Electric Clods. DRAW. TO BE `MADE ' At THE LUCKNOW LEGION" ' DANCE Friday, Nove nbeel ., th At The Legion Hall CET.YOUR TICKETS NOW From Any Of The Legion III/embers Or At Ritchie's Barber Shop Where PrizesAre On DispI*Y'