HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-11-02, Page 6spia
We would extend; our sympa-
thy to Dr. and. Ws: P. J. I eahy,,
Teeswater • in the passing of his
father, Francis, Leahy of Douro.
Mr, and Mrs. Jas. Wraith
spent Thursday evening. at 'the
• dome of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon
Btobe when' , aunts 'and uncles.
. gathered to honour• Miss Betty
Ann • Stobo, bride of theweek,
ina pre -nuptial gath'ering.
,We are sorry 'to 'report .Ed
Green to bea •patient • in Wing -
ham Hospital*' We are glad. to
report that he, is making ` favour,
able progress.,
Miss, Donna Rintoul, student,
at the L.D.H.S. spent a' couple
of days with • Miss • Beverley
Wall. The two young. ladies' mas-
querading asan old man and.
• woman were, . successful 'in cap=
Wring first prize at their Hal.-
love' en Dance in Lucknow " on
Wednesday evening. ' -
Mrs:, Frank Brown. and Reg.
Fells trees up to 3 feet in .&
ameter. Cuts 181 trees in 18..
seconds..; Only 18t pounds.
Famous, Homelite quality.
(less bar and chis .n
Goderich, .Ontario.
Tel.: Carlow 2821
spent" ' Wednesday ovenhIg with
Mr. and 'Mrs. John Schumacher.
The High School . students
were free . from school Thursday
while ' their teachers attended , a
convention at Z.stowel:y : < •
Our teacher, Miss Betty Jean,
Hodgins., was at Guelph on Fri-
day attending ' a convention, so
the children had a holiday from.
school. '
Mr. and .Mrs. J'as, •• Wraith at-
t tended the Elphick Stobo well
ding Saturday afternoon in the
Presbyterian Church,° •Teeswater,
Members of the Kutn Dubl
Club attended a Hallowe'en:
party at the home ° off 'Mr. and
Mrs. David Ireland, Teeswater
On . Wednesday evening.
The farmers are ` especially"'
i .welcoming • this ' lovely ' weather �.
1 as it is giving them a 'chance to
try to, catch up with the fall
work, which is late this. year,
owing to •a- late : harvest
by late .seeding;' • " •
Sunday visitors with. Mr., and.
Mrs. Morley ` Wall were Mrs. Joe.
Wall, Mrs.. Cook, Mrs. Harry.
McKague all of: Teeswater and
Mr., and. Mrs. Mark , Johnston of,
.Holyrood.. .. /
Last • Monday ..night, October
24th the . 4 -HH club girls: met ' at
the home of Miss 'Elaine Meyer.
The meeting opened with the
4-H• pledge.' 'The ' minutes '.'were
'read and ; adopted.' The. roll : call
was answered by :.5 girls. They.
finished cutting ,out their dres-
ses. Notes were dictated on. 'stay
stitching and, -how to •use • a • Pat-
tern. They: made samples • of ga-:
thering and how'. to put facing.
on material. The next' •meeting
will be 'Wednesday night, at the
home of Miss • .,Marion Green,
Lunch was served. Marion• Grreen'
thanked'. the. hostess. . :
Mr. ':and. Mrs, Eric Woolley, "of:
Chesley mere' Sunday visitors
',with', 'Mrs. A. • Green :and .boys,,
Vr.. and .Ors Frank Green 'and
family, spent Sunday evening at
thesame home:
. Mr.: and Mrs: 'Lloyd Whytock
Keep this Chest' rreerer chuck full •of good food .• buys. It is
the best way to give your family a wide variety of nutri ,
tional foods without stretching the food budget. The newer
'Constant 'Cold Chest Freezer maintainseven temperature'
,throughout to preserve: the freshness and flavor of•'fruits,
i ,vegetables, meats and baked. ,goods: You :will love the:
conveniience':and economy of, freezer l'iv'ing with ;'a Constant
r Cold Chest Freezer.
Luckrow District
The October meeting of Reids
Corner's Womens" • Institute was
held in the Community Hall on.
Wednesday, afternoon with 30.
members • of, Kincardine: Wornens;
Institute •attending as guests,
Mrs.. Donald Courtney and Mrs.
Kelvin .Henderson presided, : and
alter the • business part :of the
meeting, Mrs. Ross Shiells.. in-
traduced Mrs.. Oliver. McCharles
ofOlivet, whb brought with her
a''•fine• display of articles` :made
from foam rubber. Dainty cor
sages, cushions, fancy dressed
dolls, bagsof various shapes.
During the afternoon, Mrs. • Mc-:
Charles demonstrated themak-
ing of ,a . table centre .which; 'un-.
der' her deft fingers, blossomed.,
out:'' into a lovely pink flower
with buds •and fern intermingled,
Mrs. .Eldon Bradley introduced
Dr. D A. Milne of•: Kincardin a as
guest. speaker for. the afternoon..
His address dealt with Mental
illness, :which people are' begin
ning to . realize may be correct-
ed in, many cases, by treatment
in its early stages. Mrs. A; Guest
gave . • pleasing aecordian select -
tions after which Mrs. Cecile • •
Hoilands gave a report on the
Needle Craft : Course, ,given earl- `
ier .in the .:month . and was; at=
tended by thirteen ladies ' who
;enjoyed the work. After, the I
closing Ode and grace lunch was j
served by `: the• hostesses,• Mrs. I:.•
'Sam .'Geddes• and Mrs. J CA:
Campbell: 'All. enjoyed. , a social
time over the tea cups. Courtesy
remarks- were given by °Mrs.
:Floyd' ' Weik of ;the Kincardine
Institute. •
• W NESDAY,, SOV,' 2nd, 1960
We - extend our sympathy to
Mr: George Moncrief of Ash-
field who received' the sad rites. were: Comic : dress,
news of ,the fatal accident which.' Robb, Maureen Bradley,
,claimed the life of his brother;
lliavid Famish: Fancy, dress, John:
Wi am Arnold :Arnold....:Moncrief `' of Bradley, Bonnie Collins and
Vancouver Island . Friday, Octo- Mary Bradley. : ' • `
1959 -Pontiac Laurentian, automatic, fully. equipped 52,450
1959 Pontiac Stratochief ' sedan,. ' fully equiped 52,295
1959.Chev."Biscayne sedan, automatic, fully equipped 52,195
1959 Chev Belair, automatic, fully equipped 52,395
1958: Ford Fairlane, . automatic ,,: , ,+ , $2,d50
1955 Chevrolet Deluxe Sedan ,, 51,150
1955 Olds Sedan :. ,..; 51,195
1958 Chev Standard ' SOan• ; _ }
1956 Ford Custom • Sedan, with automatic
1956 Ford coach, 8 ''cylinder
1955 Ford , Fairlane
1954 .Dodge . Sedan, Special
1954 Snick sedan, automatic-'• •
Number of 1953 and 1954 Models from 5295 to 5750
2-1958 Chev. %-ton. pick-ups, with fleetside body $1,491.
1955 Chev. 2 -ton dump ....... 8895.
1954 Chev. %.4on pick-up , 5595
usseis •ioiors
Ciller::: SerVlce Dealer •
Phone ' 173, ;Brussels
A " hallowe'en party was: held
in the school: +Theparents ` were
invited, and all 'report a happy
time together. Winners of:,' the.
bei 21st Only a .short time ago, Sarnia
y .
_ Mr 71Vloncr of had returned ;;rain i. nia . On Sands . and Mrs
Mr- Ewan MacLean...visited in
Ireland by Mane.: .
David Courtney attended' the: +'MacLean .returned. home .with:
omatch held at' S 'rin him. after a week's holiday:
Ploughing p g� • Congratulations to Barbara•
field last week. r
Corrine MacDonald ,'of: Ripley
Spent 'the week -end with Mary
Elizabeth Walden.
Members of the Pine River
W.M.S. attended • the Sectional:
meeting which was held at Chal- I
mers United Church' on 'Thurs=
day evening. Miss Edith. Patter -:I
son of Lebanon gave a fine ad
dress '... and showed interesting
films' which were: enjoyed by all.,
Mr: ` and Mrs: John ' Bell of
Kincardine visited with. Mr. and,
Mrs. Ross,Shiells on Tuesday
Mr.• and` Mrs. Freeman' Steele
of Selkirk spent . a , few ' days
with Mr. and. Mrs. W. J. Court=
ney of Amberley: .
Finlayson' for '. winning another
parents, Mr. ' and 0 • Mrs. Oliver, •
Mr. ' 'and Mrs. David. Elphick
and Mr. and Ws: •Kenneth • El-
phick were guests . at the . Elp-.
ick-Stabo wedding ; in Teeswat- •
er. on Saturday::: •
• We are sorry to "report. ' that
Gordon Finlayson and' Jack
Bradley are both patients in .
Kincardine : hospital.
:Mr. and Mrs. Robert Johnstone
of Detroit ' are . visiting Mr. and
Mrs. Duncan 'Fairish.
Mrs. Frank' . , MacLennan •is
holidaying : in Toronto.. and Mon-
Scholarship.' of 8500 : A' wife with 'a new hat 'often
Allan' McCharles of Toronto thinks the only taste her hus-
spent the week -end with, his band has is ,,in, • liis : month..
The. Novernber meeting 'oto Sil'
ver .Lake' W.]l. was , held •one
one week early on October' 26th
at ' the home , of Mrs. Clarence
Moulton. Mrs. Clarence, Hedley
The, meeting .,opened by sing; I
nig the Ode and repeating the!
Mary , Stewart Collect. Mrs .Mel 1
vin Husk read• the scripture. The is
roll call was ,answered with a
picture suitable to enter in. the•
Tweedsmuir history.. book. Motto,
How good were the old days, was!
given by Mrs. Harold Bander.- I
man and Mrs. Fred Moulton. To-,
pie, The 'history of S.S. No. 4,
Greenock rwas well. giver; by
Mrs, George Young. • • '
It was decided ` to •donate '$5.0Q
to• • the Scout -Cub organization
starting 'in the 'Holyrood-Kinloss
district. Mrs. Mabel . Campbell
Mrs. 'George Young gave reports
the Rally meeting, they at
ended in Port Elgin. on kktober
Lunch 'was served' by, Mrs.
George Young, ` Mrs Clarence
'Hedley and Mrs. Mabel Camp.
bell. •
and fami1yr •Wingha r were the
'guests Sunday of 'Mr. and . Mrs.
Alex Whytoclr
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