HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-11-02, Page 4PAGE FOUR THE. 'LU•CKNPW SENTlNRL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNAY, NOV. 2i4, 1960 Itt • • ,,CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES - First .Insertion ' 2c per word, minimum charge 50c,. Repeat. Insertions, 1 %2c per word, minimum 40c..Notces, Cards of . Thanks ' and. Coming Events, ' minimum 75c, In Memoriams, minimum '$1.00. 25c ' " for e lies to The Sentinel. Billing charge of 1 Oc for extra replies g each bill rendered. FOR SALE FOR • -L, dining -room suite, bedroom; i suite. Contact John 'MacRae, Lucknow, phone 94. FOR SALE '— about ,300 three- way cross ' . red pullets, : six months . old,' ,Donald. Murray,. phone 56-r-2, Lucknow: FOR SALE -- white baby bug.: gy with chrome trim,- in; good condition, collapsible ,basket type.: Mrs:; Donald Murray, 56-r- 2, 6- r-2, Lucknow: FOR SALE — two boy's car- coats, size 12 and 14, Apply Mrs. Oliver , McCharles, R.R. 3 -Luck- now ,phone 164-r-4, :Ripley. FOR, SALE -- Coleman: oil stove in good condition. Apply to Ro- bert Finlay, phone 218, Lucknow. SEE THE "Coronet" Stainless Steel Cookware, can be bought by the set or individual, pieces. Wan. Murdie and Son. • FOR SALE — 100 -Red x Sussex pullets, 6 months old;; also 6 breeding ewes.. Arnold Alton, phone Dungannon' 67-r-1. ?OR SALE/. : Kroehler rocker• and rollout;. chesterfield. Gordon Bailey, phone • 115 Lucknow SEE aUSTORAFr 0 'DMAS CARDS "'by the box now on dis- play at Finlay Decorators. and Gift Shop, Lucknow FOR SALE — Jersey cow, 4 yrs. old,: blood tested, due tocalve. early November: Earl ` Cranston, R. ?3 ` Lucknow, phone ' 61-r-4, Dungannon. i Cllt-• ATLE - 5--heifers_,dueto FOR SALE FOR . SALE Easy automatic washer in good working order. Greer : TV and Electric, . phone 110 Lucknow. - : FOR SALE. --' Hot' water. tank complete . with; . electric heater, thermostat and '.insulation;, :also number of ' storm windows ', m new condition: Phone 161, Luck now• ELECTRIC e a • MILLS, oat rollers ' or household ' appli- ances, try, ' Co -Op . BUDGET PLAN; low cost, repay easily & conveniently at your local store, you . receive family protection through Co-operative : Lif?' In- surance Co., select a monthly or MPLOYMENT. OFFICER: $3900 - $4350 UNEMPLOYMENT' INSURANCE: 'COMMISSION:. WALKERTON, 'Ontario' Several years .Of experience re- lated to: the dutes, of the position. O i• COMING, EVENTS' � �- ' CARD OF THANKS CA$8 BINGO: THURSDAY'. Lucknow Legion will hold a cash bingo: ha the Legion. Hal.Pon Thursday, November 3rd at .8:45 Tweliie. regular games, 3 share the -wealth and a jackpot game of 58 nunnbers fore $70.00;. • ATEA AND BAKE' SALE t' Documentary. evidence f h gh • • The°W.A, of St. Helens: United school graduation will be requir- Church will hold a tea and bake ed. . • sale on 'Saturday, November '5th, APPlicatiOn forms available at National Employment and Post Offices where displayed are Pos- ters of information as to resi- dence and qualifications require- ments. . Apply BEFORE'•. NOVEMBER 18, . 1960, to the Civil Service Coin- mission, ommission, 25' St Clair Avenue. E., Toronto 7, Ontario,, in the Council :Chamber ,Of the Lucknow Town Hall at 2:30 p.m.. BAKING SALE I7�he: Local Association..' of • Girl p Guides will sponsor a sale of .. r homemade baking- and candy' in the. former Raithby` store next, to Mitrdie s Hardware on Wednes- day, Nover nber 9th at 2:30 • WANTED 'WAN1iElD -- Cattle to 'feed' for LOST on Havelock Street, be and the United tween Gough St, winter months. Russ Ritchie, Church, : •a •lady's . Bulova wrist RJR. 6 Lucknow, phone 10-r-7, watch. 'f`G.' Johnston" ',engraved on .back..: Reward. Mrs. Lorne Johnston. LOST Ripley; • .. • • FLOCKOWNERS WANTED Up to .35c . per dozen more for your eggs over Grade A price is worthwhile. We pay this for hatching eggs and require all breeds. On some breeds we ..take seasonal ':..,re a eat schedule eggs every week/,of the year. p , , - l For full details;'write TWEDDLE Lucknow District Co-op, . phone 71,. Lu%knogi, CHICK ,:HAems- e . LST ED, FERGUS, ONTARIO. - FARiM FOR SALE -- 200- acres, Lot 13,'14 Kinloss Township, ' %- • mile.., east of 'Hol ood .on. • h- e High- Way 6: 4 -bedroom "house, living.: Anyone wshng tickets for the room, kitchen, bath,.hot and ° cold Lucknow and District Ho>rticul- water. and water in , ;barn. 18;,, ; banquet on .Mon= tural Society acres of second growth maple & day, November 21st, May obtain cherry-bu h. Possession May 1st: them at Schmid's,' Jewellery Write George. ''.Colwell, • Ground- Store, birch, B.C., or contact ,Currie' . OPEN• HOUSE Colwell, • R. 5 Lucknow. . Mr. • and Mrs. Charles Burt, NOTICES • TWO' LOCATIONS available for Queen ./ St. South,. Kincardine, will be at home to their friends, your purchase • ' of •'single .copies ' of... The Lucknow Sentinel are ours nd rees 'on: George's Snack Bar 'or the Sen ; Saturdayand neighb, November. lithlativfrom; tine Office: 12 to ' 4 p.m: and 8 to 10 p.m., the x ' occasion being - their Golden r.LIVESTOCKBought and sold, Wedding Annivers YTheY will all .kinds. Phone 41 Lucknow • or also be : at home at the residence 77r-1, Dungannon • of their . daughter, Anne, Mrs: Bern °,: .Norris,' 97 ' Gothic "Ave,, WOOD FOK' SALE -good -hard Toronto on. November 19th. 'maple wood, in truck load lots, .NOTICE. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FIRST ., POSTING or : VOTERS' LIST Voters' List, 1960, Village of Lucknow,: County of Bruce , Notice is, hereby given that 'I have complied with ;Section. 9 of the . Voters' Lists Act, 1951, and that 1 have posted, up at my Of-` face at Lucknow, the 29th' day . of all r-. the lis of r:.1960t • October, I , ,per- sons entitled to vote m the said Municipality at •'municipal elec tions , and that :, such list remains. there for inspection: And I. hereby • call upon all voters' to take. immediate' pro- ceedings tohave any omissions or errors corrected'/according, to law, -the last . day • forr appeal be- ing the 12th • day of . November, also : hardwood slabs,: softwood CLERK'S .; NOTICE OF 'FIRST' POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' List, :.1960, Municipality SAVE ON DIGEST ' of the :Township of Kinloss, freshen soon, and one ' second slabs and sawdust.: m any quant calf. Holstei=Angus cross. Ernie ity- Bruce, MacMillan, Lucknow. Hanna, R.. 1, . Holyrood, phone`. 172-r-12 Teeswater: • ' FOR SALE — .22 Hornet with 6, power scope, Greer TV and Elec- tric, phone 110;. Lucknow.. Christmas prices.now •in effect• County of. Brace. :.• Dated this 29th day,of October, ,1960., E. H: •.Agnew, • Clerk .of Village of Lucknow ISN: 'MEMORIAM WFBSPER In loving • memory of._adeai:�..wiiife and Mother, Mrs. Nelson' ' Webster, who ' passed away' .two years ago November. 8th, 1958. •- Deep in •the 'heart lies a picture for Readr'Digest • ice is .iven : that I Of a loved one laid to rest, s•- •one •year . • Nothj .. 1 ereby g new : or renewal, regular:$4, 'have complied with Section 9 ; of .., '.... , SPECIAL .PRICE' .97. Take the Voters List .Act and that I: advantage of this s26` reduction! have posted up, at my ofifce at' QR mix top soil, 'gravel, R.R. 2, Holyrood on the 22nd day fill and. cement and order ; now from The • Luck- of October, 1960, the list , of . all gravel Contact ; Sentinel, phone, . '35, Luc• k- Jack,` Famish, Phone .'286 Luck- now, . now:. "' now. MAI' orders gladly : handled. 1 In memories frame' :we shall keep Because she was one 'of the . best. Sadly missed and ` always re membered by her husband and persons entitled to ; vote in the family. said • Municipality at . municipal elections and that such list 're- WATERLOO 1960 . BRIDES will be . pleased FOR` SALE -_ -- 30 Sussex x Bed t� " ! .. , . � with the•.. Our.:Weddng Book., . Mains there• 'for'. inspection. pullets,' 5% months old. ' :Evan : that " can be seen at The Luek-1. ` And ,I hereby call upon all l voters to takeimmediate prb- ceedings to have any errors or omissions corrected according. to Reith,: MR- 5, Lnek ow, phone ' now Sentinel...:. Records every r' 209 -13.. • / minute ,-••from.,...:the = . courtship • through to the.new home,. space. Special •.Prices on ;Dryers . from • • . $154.00 and up, • freer TV and for recording of shower Sc wed- law, the last day for appeal be - Electric, Electric Lucknmv ding gifts,. g guests, etc, wedding ing the .5th day.of . November, . phone 35, Lucknow: 1960. WOOD FOR. SALE tree run Dated this '22nd day of Octa or :.body .wood, . any quantity., Yoar Subscriptiori raid? her; 1960. ' , Contact ' Robert helm, ' R R. 3, • L R. Lane, Clerk of the Town- ' RENT ° ;61-r-9, Dungan •. •.. . ship of Kinloss. . " • Lucknow, phone: • non. FOR RENT house with mod- .CLERK'S . NOTICE OF ' FIRST DROP IN AND SEE the new ern. conveniences, • four . mires POSTING • OF :'VOTERS' LIST Presto. Steam Iron with the . from Lucknow' on 4th. Con. of World's largest sole Plate -30% moss, available , iromediately,1 Voters' List, 1960, . Township of longer steaming time. Wm. Mur- Anderson Flax ProductsLtd., Ashfield, COUNTY OF HURON die and.Son. • phone 21-W, Lucknow. ,. Notice is hereby .given that .1 FOR SALE—Household Articles , FOR BENT• 20 ton Mobile''have complied with Section 9 af: ' Chesterfield. Suite, Continental Crane, Harry Adams, Contractor, The Voters' Listed p1at51, any:. • that I have posted up at my. Beds, ' Oil burner, automatic% 309 Huron Road, Goderich, Ont, office at Kintail on the 24th day Frig (Servel), Filter Queen phone Jackson ,4-8451., of October, 1960, the Iist of all. ' Vacuum cleaner, Occasionala l tab-- ,: ;persons' entitled, ° to vote in the les, 'Singer Sewing Machine, ta- ` • , , . said. Municipality at municipal ble model, blankets, dishes. Ap ATTENTION. elections and that such list re - ,ply Mrs. Mark Raithby, Luck- maims there for inspection. • now, phone :175:.. FARMERS And I hereby ' call upon all HUNTERS — The hunting sea- DEAD STOCK REMOVAL voters to take. hnmediate pro - soar" , has. arrived do _ .see us for 'Ife. pay. ore errors accodings to hatre any rding t omissions your hunting requirerinentsg o• licenses, rifles shot and ami Disabled law, the last day for appeal be g for Sick, Down, .or Disabled , rug the 7th. day of November, munition.Green TV and Electric, phone 110 Lucknow. .. SEWING• MACHINES FOR SALE: (Slightly marked) New . floor. enodels, Singer, White, Arrow sewing Machines (used only for demonstrations) from $39.00.. SM[TT S SHOPPING CENTRE rc• 'Hanover, Ont. _ • Faxon Animals bepending On Condition Smaller Animals Removed . Free For .Fastin Sanitary Removall CALL .TOM. FOS;' Ripley 15440 Collect 1961. , Dated.. this 24th day .of October 1960. Donald M. Simpson, Clerk of ,the . Township of Ashfield. • The death rate from tubercul- osis ' in Canada is twice as high for 'nen' as for women. CATTLE .BREEDIN.G.• ASSOCIATION "Where :Better. Bulls Are • Used" ARTifiCIAL .INSEMINATION SERVICE is provided.from bulls of all breeds: ; We are farmer owned' and controlled and 'operate ' at cost. • The farnily . of the. late Mrs. Roy 'Alton wish to. 'sincerely thank relatives„ neighbours and other friendsl• for their many kind acts: and expressions, of sympathy in their loss of a dear mother, ' and to. also .thank all those ' who ' were so• kind • and • thoughtful during Mrs.. Alton's long illness. ° 1 Gordon Ritchie wishes to sin cerely thank his friends and neighbours: for remembering him • with. cards, ' flowers and treats, and those who visited, him' while • a patient.. in , Wingham Hospital. . Special .thanks to. Dr. M. H. Cor - yin, „Dr, D. 1... Finlayson andthe nursing staff of the hospital, • Summer calling, hours: Between 7'30 and 9 30 a.m. week days` - 6'x00 and8:00 p.m: Saturday. evenings I sincerely wish to thank .all whoremembered me with visits, cards, gifts and treats while ' a. patient in• Wingham• General :. Hospital: Special" thanks ,to Dr. W. A. McKibbon, Mrs. Morrey and . the nursing staff. ' 'Mrs.' J. Wesley Tiffin. • Mrs, Gerald McIver of 651 Huron St., London,. wishes to sincerely, thank , the unknown Pearson or persons . who found her glasses , in. Greenhill Cemetery. and mailed them . to:: her, This. ;was much appreciated.. ' • H IILRAY FARMS ABATTOIR HOLYROOD• The home. 'of. choice • meats BEEF, PORK, LAMB :in. any 'quantities Schneiders. Cured Meats '‘VE. ALSO. DO CUSTOM • .KILLING . ' and : hang your meat in modern. coolers as long 'as' desired.: Pigs. on . Tuesdays and cattle every day.' No appointment necessary: • RAYNARD ACKERT 101-r-13, Lucknow SERVICES CUSTOM ; BUTCHERING Beef .and pork . sold . in any quantity. Custom. butchering in Government,licensed.. abattoir. •.Pigs: -•every -Tuesday- Beef . from_ Monday :through' Thursday:. BUTT'ON'S' MEAT MARKET • FILTER QUEEN 'Sales and Ser vice,• repairs to , all makes- of vacuum cleaners: Used cleaners of all makes for sale.. Robert K:- Peck, Varna, telephone Hensel' • 696-r-2. CAR .BUYERS Our Financing, Service, at Low 'Cost, wily.' help' you make a bet- ter deal. et-ter..deal. Ask. .us NOW before you buy.. J A. McDonagh lnsu-= ranee, phone . 306, Lucknow. ' ' AUCTION. SERVICE Allan MacIntyre Licensed Aucf ioneer. Lucknow,. Phor a 281 TIRES' TIRES!! All types of .tractor•• tires, sold andserviced, lowest,.• prices, 'also. complete : selection of all types of tires. Bruce MacMillan, Lucknow. . . ...... ..,...tit •' ... For service or more information call.: • ' Clinton Zenith . 9-5650• or Collect Kincardine 460 DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest 'Cash Prices, $7.00 Paid for Sick, Down or.', ,Disabled Cows & Horses also . Dead Cows and Horses atS Cash Value Old horses 4c per pound GORDON TAYLOR Phone 44-r-44, Lucknow R.R. 2 Lucknow Licence lyo. — 15OE 24-hour service 0', AUTOMOTIVE Gtass_Steer ng-13adY Repairs Lubrication, etc: 'For Quality Service, see DAVIDSON'S TEXACO , SERVICE • Phone 320 ' Goderich No. 8 Highway •• • '. PROBLEMS? Money to Loan onany property, / Anywhere: If • , Dont Delay, Write Delray. The secret of our sticcess -- is ' Service.' DELRAY INVESTMENTS, 450.A Wilson Ave. ME; 3-2353 • Downsview, On t. COUNTER CHECK BOOKS—we sell them singly or in quaftitie$ and take . orders for books sped' ,ally printed, :to your require- ments, For prompt serid Ce, phone 35, The' Lucknow Sentinel. •