HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-11-02, Page 3A WEDNESDAY, •NOV, 2,nd, 1966 - fl THE PiaPT.07ii/ StNTINE1, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO.. SAVES YOU MONEY EVERY DAY • TURKEYS ON HAND Always Special,f'riee for Church or other Organizations. I ICED ROSE- TEA BAGS Save 6c, 60 reg. . .•, . . . 73c MONARCH SPONGE PUDDINGS 4 delicious flavours, Save 5c AUSTRALIAN SULTANA RAISINS 2•1bs., . • . • • . ••, . • . 49c GIANT BREEZE 15c OFF PACK Cannon Tea Towel in each pkg., Save 22c pkg. . . • • • SUNSPUN ICE EAM 2 to a customer, 1/2 -gallon • .. 79c RED and WHITE INSTANT COFFEE 5 oz. Jar. .. . . , ........ 75c 69c GOOD PRICE ON POTATOES 'PHONE 26 FREE DELIVERY • Store FIRST WAR VETERAN • . CANADA SAVINGS BONDS. Must Be., Bought By . November 15th .9 • GREER, Phone 4p -i% Luckimw,`.. . , • • • Localit General ., •• Mr. and IVIrs..W. B. Whale and dif.. vl son, Brock Jr.', visited at the Sto- . . • . , thers home over the week -end.. N .Mrs, Albert Little • who has Wm. ,Hewat visited the end, of been' visiting friends in Kincar- the week. at the home of Mrs cline••returned home last week , ,R. H. Thompson. • . • . Mr and Mrs Lyle Gaynor anti • • Tavistock . Mrs J ' W. Joynt, United • family of Tspent• the• Church ,choir leader, is presently week -end with Mrs Albert Lit- , • • flaying a few.'hofidayi from her •• • choir duties. , •' •• • •Mr. arid 1VIrs. A. E. McKim are , - Cliff. Crawford has, i'eturried SPending • a week in Lynedoek home from Wingham Hospital with Mr.. McKim's sister,;Mrs. where he has been - hospitalized , J. B.: Linli. • . .' with a heart condition. • Miss Sarah returned" McQuaigMr .• 'and Mrs • George A: ,Lin-; to Chicago after holidaying the 1,__ y of Detroit were. Week -end' ,past two months ..at the Family • visitors with Croclerieli; Belgravehome and Westfield relatives Mr. W. • . Doug Harton 'left on Sunday'. Walden returned to Detroit with to spend three weeks with re- 'them. •.. . . , : 1 latives and friends in Toronto, .• mr, and .Mrs. Wm. G.. Hunter Detroit and North Bay. ' of :Ashfield ,have been in 0,tten- . •• Gordon Ritchie- has : returned dance, at the Federation of Ag - home after being •a • patient for ', riculture annual convention . at the past eleven weeks in the ' Toronto on Monday, Tuesday, & • ' Wingham' Ilogiital. : . ' ;Wednesday of this week Mr.: and Mrs Allan Durnin of Mr. and Mr's Wallace Hoge - London . and, foimerly of Luck- boom and children of Napanee .now, visited last week with /via- : were week -end visitors with her tives in ' the cornmunity. , .Their 1 mother, Mrs. Albert Alton and daughter, Mary has been in •Ger7;, other" relatives.... ,• ' * ,• . 'inanY since,. spring: She is Mrs ' LI renewing her Sentinel Danny kiebtirt, and her husband ' is serving in Gerniany with the r4 Subscription, Mina ' Graham. of L-hillicothe: Ohio; .comments on • . ' the good weather they *have been enj yin.,' and* attif butes that it 7"—."...'"7-64"."4"1"—"""I', f ; maAe.the election hot air which. . i keeps it warm. , Lucknow I '. Mrs. Nellie Scott of near BrOs- • . . • I. sels, who ' made her home with Presbyterian Church, i. ,.1‘.4i% and, IVIr.* . . • . Orville 3ones when , Presbyterian 1 ' • : ' • .1 they resided here, 'epent laSt • Rev, Roderick Macteod week with' her niece, Mrs. Lloyd I • Minister • '1 ikshton . and , Mr. Ashton, and : I visited with frienda. in the coin- munity. '' • §UNDAT, NOVEMBER 6th i 1000 aan: Sunday School - ii; , leal1/4,‘1,cr. , atrihdi ., Mr:.eepli Ciot5i1115clisbnudr:; I. • 11:00 In • Morning Worship i i ' I ' where they vill Spend the win- '. .. ..,'y ter. with an old friend Mts. An - '•I nie Keats -ho was a neighbour 4 • 1w RCAF.. • — ..„ DAN "IL MACDONALD Last week, we :reported' the death of , Donald 'Roy MaeDork• ald Of Smiths Falls , and a for- mer Lticknow district resident, I ,who was one •of the first to en- list from here in' World War A few weeks before •his death, 'Dan sent a.,.donation to the old • home. town for the artificial ice fund.• .. • 1 Ladies' and' 1We/es Wear Fashion ?Phone 85, Luclmow uhdation. Garments... Mold and Hold all that -••••• That is Yours by being fitted by a Corsetiere --- into any • . . Corset, iCOrSelette, Girdle,. Brassiere for 'that warmcomfortable feeling. Drop in and see the new Fall range. Large assortment in Belts,Wraps: and. Maternity Garmesib. NEW STOCK Men's Ja.ckets SP9rt Shirts Sox and Ties , Sweaters — Belts f!Yiamas — Hats Caps — Underwear Coats — Suits Trousers -- T •shirts• ITop Coats SPECIALS i 3A white eottonblou.se.s 12 to 20 --,• Reg. $5.00 . Now $2.49. Orlon PulloVers, all col- .• ors. 12 to 20:Reg. $4.00 • Now For $2.00. • Children's Headwear Half Price Cotton Slips — ' $1.89 Hose ---.Seamless. 241.50 INITIAT•E TEN IN LADY FORESTERS ATTEND OPIEN'ING OF . NEW FERTILIZER PLANT ••• . ' Ross Robinson, manager. of t the Lucknow District Co-op, and! Stewart Jamieson,a member of the local staff, Were in Allison - burg last week for the official 0 -pelting of one of the most up-. to -date fertilizer manufacturing' plants m Ontario belonging to United • Co4iperatives of Ontario • Over $600,000 was invested in t e new plant, 'which began op- erations last spring to produce granular -type • fertilizers. for to- bacco farmers and others. FarM-i ers, attending the open house %vete . taken!. on guided tours of the :new plant and, shown how fertilizer' was • manufactuned, miect and bagged ready for dis- tribution: The new plant. is also equipped for handling the pro- duct in bulk, and will serve as a warehouse for agricultural cheinicals used in crop produe7 tion. ••••,! — of the Kingsburys for fortY; • • . . ivears when they lived in Dun-, • BORN • LEA — At Wingham Gen7 ‘eral Hospital, Tuesday, October LucKNOW • 1 . . 1 . Mr. and Mrs. Carman Beaton . i ,:f D,,troit were visitors, in the UNITED CHURCH I tommunity. Carman ' ha S not •Worked for several months since Rev . liowarl W StraPP , suffering a heart attack and Will 1 , 0 , -Munster 1 a• railroad conductor 'for some g not be able to restnne his dales 1 "NDA'//"."1"B. , ER 6, 1 . tinI.YPatl; d Mrs. *C. M Johnston ! I 10:°°and Douglas of Sarnia and Miss . aar0. Chureh SchoOl I Flora , Webster of . Kitchener . 11:00 a.ln. Month* , worsio, spent thc week -end at the home . pf the ladies' parentS, Mr. and 11"46.6.6*"."""'""Non- ••••40:....i.m....4....' Mrs. Richard Webster. • • 19th. 1960, to Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Leader, LticknoW, a son. • • Jim• Hackett a the RCMP -rit Chester, Nova Scotia, and Miss • PatriciaStoddart ate ,,speriding three weeks vacation at the home of im's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Hackett. Jird has been with the Force for over five year& • . 'Court Sepoy No. L 818 Lady Foresters of Lucknow held an initiation in, the Town Hall on Tuesday, October 25th. Visiting Courts from Wallace, Chesley, Constance .apd Granton attended. The, degree team from Gran= ton initiated ten members of the Lucknow Court and one from Constance. 'K. Richardson, P.M., and W. M. Matzatitre, D.M., spoke to the new members as well as Dorothy,. Hern, DH - Ca from Granton. - The new members are Ruth Mather, Lorraine . Arnold, Sus- an. '1VicIsTaughton, Irene MacRae, Agnes Farrier, Marie Button, Edna Watson; Elmira Finnigan, Noreen Pritchard, Gertrude Scholtz. • , , • 'This group raises Court Se- pdys membership to over thirty., • • HANNAH MaeriONALD The death of HannahMacDon- ald occurred in London on Mon- day. She was born Kinloss Township on September 15th, 1878. The funeral service was' conducted on Wednesday by Rev. Roderick MacLeod at the MacKenzie . Memorial, Chapel with interment in South ,'Kin-' loss' Cemetery. • ," . 1 . , . • A PLEASANT MONTH • ' , • The official weather records , • substantiate the fact that Octo- ber was a very pleasant month "with an even temperature and • , •more sunshine than usual For eleven days Of. the month the temperature was over 60 de- grees. There was a high Of 71, degrees and a low of 31 with * 2.37 inches of rain and 15 inch- es of snow.. ENGAGEMENTS The engagement is announced of Daisy Lambkin, daughter . of Mrs Flora Lambkin of Gorrie, • ' and the, late Mr. L.ambkin,•• to Gordon Carter of litickrto*,.. son of. Mrs. Pearl *Carter. • The marriage `to take place in: Wing - haat on •Saturday, November 5. • Lycedm Theatre WINGHAM Two Shows Each Night Commencin,g• at 7:15.p.m. MATINEE. Satuida Afternoon, at • 2 .114111-, NovemberThursday, Friday, Saturday, 3, 4, 5 • • Gary Cooper Charlto Heston' •• THE. MARY DEARE from' tuberculosis in:Canada are men over fortY. • A rousing tale of adventure & ' ' ' . • intrigue on the high seas. At .the .bred heifer sale of the Huron County Holstein Club, MATINEE There will be a Lorne Forster of Lucknow paid special showing of Short sub - $300 for' an animal consigned by jects and Cartoons , John Douglas of Gorrie• 4r-•-•-•4•4••••••-•-•-4-•-•-•-•-•,!;97,-.•-•• 4-44.4-•-• THEATREGMMICR , . Now Playing — .Gordon Scott with Betta St John hi ' • -TAI1ZAN THE MAGNIFICENT' —Color f , , , • ALL WEEK -:-- November 7th to 12th . „ „ ........._--- With the same riotous 'cast tbat convulsed you in "Carry On Nurse corne..1 the hilarious sequel , , . '•.j 1 ' 1 e • A full week of giggles. gaspi: and guffaws. it's a tonic — Don't miss it!. Ps-s-st "Psytho is corning soon. • Adult EntertaiUftrent • „ . . •.• • • .., 4:•"' • , • • • ., : • t • • • • • • • I •. •