HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-10-26, Page 11WEDNESDAY, OCT. 26th, 19x60 ` A. M. HARPER. ; AND COMPANY• Chartered Accountants • . �. West Street GODERICH, . ONTARIO, Telepphone JA 4.7562. ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT GODERICH, ONTARIO ,Box 478. Phone JAckson•' 4-9521 :R. DU .VAL ).C,, • Sp.C. Chiropractor• Physio' and Electro Therapist Wingham 4 Phone 300 (Officelocated iii former - CKNX building "on. the. Main • Street) 'INSURANCE.; • FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY AUTOMOBILh. AND 'LIFE ro. Protect Your. Jack,. Insure With Jack Today. . 'A. McDONAGH ILL y3, Lucknow, Out 'Phone 61-5, Dungannon • S. HETHERINGTON,• " X41!°� 'h �r.� �'.♦ ,.. s•l.. 'Barrister, Etc: *Ingham` and. Lucknow 614:',LUCKNOW:' Eaeicl Monday bill_ Wednesday Located .in . the Municipal Office Phone *Ingham Office 48 • Residence STATE FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOB'I LE INSURANCE Investigate Before.. ,investing REUBEN 'WILSON. •R.R. 3, , Goderich • Phone 86-r-8 Dungannon THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ° ONTARIO PAGE. ELEVEN GERALD N. CROOKS DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC Phone 5.45. KINCARDINE, ONTARIO Office hours: Daily Monday to • Saturday • Wednesday a.m. Evenings. Tuesday,.: Thursday,. Saturday • 'MCLENNAN and'.•' • MacKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted . accord- ' ccord- ' ing to your wishes at your Home; your Church, or at our Memoriai Chapel atno additional charge. Phone 181, Lucknow, Day or Night Wi NGHAM• • 'MEMORIAL SHOP We: Have .Been Memorial Craftsmen for Thirty -Seven "'Years, Always Using THE BEST GRANITES. Along With'. Expert Designing and Workmanship. • Prices Most Reasonable Cemetery Lettering ,a Specialty' • R.. A. 'S POTTO N 'Phone 256„. Wingham,• Ontario • G ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist Office on Patrick St., •just 'off the Main St. in WINGilAM ' Professional Eye Examination Qptica1 Services For appointment, .. Please Phone .770; Wingham R. W. ANDREW • BERT YULE .DIES, WAS BON HERE • G. H, (Bert) Yule, Q:C., one• of Saskatchewan's outstanding consulting' lawyers. died at his home in Saskatoon on Sunday, October 17th at the age of 71., ,Born at Lucknow, Mr.. Yule's. forbears were prominent early, residents; of Lucknow and. Ash- field. His .father, D. D. * Yule was principal of Lucknow Pub- lic ',School from 1885 until 1901. Prior to .that .he taught school; at Lochalsh and the 10th Con cession . Sohool in Ashfield. Bert Yule's_. mother was .the former Jemima Grant, daughter. of Rev. and' 1 trs. Alexander. Grant 'of' Ashfield., Rev. firant was the first: resident.. minister of Ash- field Presbyterian Church,_ ,and ministered to thatcongregation. from 1865 until 1886. Bert Yule was born in Luck- now and . attended .:puiblic.' school. here. At. 'the age of 12 .he went with •his parents .to Owen Sound where he attended' , high school:. He took his bachelor of arts at. the University ..of •Toronto and his bachelor• of law, at.the Uni- versity, of ° Manitoba. He opened' his. first 'Practice • In 'Saskatoon in' 1914, and in .1926 became . a King's 'Council. • He was working at his, practice until his death. 'Confined to his bed due to failing' health ` during the last few days,. he still car- ried on much of his . work from his.. home. . He died • of a Cerebral: 'haemor- rhage. • Mr. Yule: was the city's first K: J. • MacKENZIE, O.D; Optometrist :NO �' IN RIPLEY EVERY • WEDNESDAY„ • .Office Hours 10.06 ; a:m.. • to. .9.00` Phone Roy MacKenzie; Ripley 96-r724. for appointment. R. W. BELL: OPTOMETRIST GODERICH JOHNSTONE's:I FUNERAL • HOME 'Phone ' 76 Day . or Night USE :OF FUNERAL HOME At No Extra Cost . • ,Moderate Prices Established .1894 IMPERIAL OIL PRODUCTS for protnpt service, • and quality . products, Cotitact. + • ,GIANT CHISHOLM' N • collect Duyfgawiton 194r-1 or 10 Lttcknow *Always Look '1'''o Imperial Fdr The Besti' Barrister and Solicitor LISTO W EL, ' 'ONTARIO IN`.LUCKNOW' • Every • Wednesday and Saturday • • Afternoon • Office in the. Joynt Block' Telephone: • Office 135 `' Residence 31.-3 ' .,LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE; .INC. • :Phone Lucknow 71 TED COLLYER Registered Master Electrician. . ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing; in: • Electrical Wiring - and Repairs AGENT' VOR .SPARTON. TV and All Electrical Appliances Phone 46-r.-25,, Lucknow ROBERT E. IRVIN GENERAL GARAGE Dealer In OLIVER .FARM MACHINERY and complete FIRESTONE. LINT �. phone Dungarinbri 53 }'. T... .Armstrong Consulting`• Optometrist The Square f, (Phone;. Jltekson, 4-7661),. """•"• • H'URNACE •OIL, STOVE 011., ••li*EROSENE, ; GASOLINE See or call • WM. • A. "BUD". HAMILTON, Phone 220-w'Lucknow • ,District Agent .,for Cities Service lawyer to do' extensive consult- ing counsel, work, for which he was retainedby other barristers. Active • in community'. affairs, Mr. Yule was former president of the Blue. Cross and of the Saskatoon Bar ' Association. He was a member `the t he Blue .Golf Olub and of .St,. Church. • ofFormanyyearshe legal advisor to the Star -Phoe- nix. tar-Phhoe-nix.' He was a former president of the - Saskatoon. Liberal Associa- tion and an unsuccessful • Liberal candidate for.: the Saskatchewan Legislature in the 1925 general election. NIr. Yule • is. • survived by •his wife, Hilda, who lives at 224 Poplar 'Crescent. They have no. child ' en. Be Yule was the' youngest of a family of six: Surviving is a sister -Mrs. F. H. Main (Annie May) of Philadephia. • He •. was predeceased ' •by a '' sister Mrs;' (Dr.) .,Mentz ; (:Mabel) of Phila- delphia ' and two 'brothers ' Ste- wart • and .William. There was another,. brother• Jim;, and it is not certain. here whether or. not he '.too is deceased. • BROWNI,E.NEWS. The Brownies held. their :regu- lar ,meeting; on Friday, October 21st: with sixteen little ,girls in attendance. • The meeting opened with . a game; followed by Fairy. Ring and' a ' work period, The Brown- ies dramatized Nursery . Rhymes for the . Tweenies and' then all played •"The ` Brownie' in the Pack." Taps •,brought •a busy' af- ternoon to a close.. , Several . Tweenies . have not se cured••unci f orm. s yet. 'It would' be appreciated if anyone having.. a Brownie, 'dress,' belt, tam or• tie for sale would phone ,•MrS. • Gor- don Montgomery, , phone 254. LUCKNOW C.G LT. GROUP TO COLLECT FOR' UNICEF` ' • • • :Irl 1959,•' the Halloween: For UNICEF program across. Canada collected $200,000 in dimes,' nic- kels and 'pennies' to assist needy Childrenin other . lands: • The Unite-d---Nation's—Children's Fund extends its services• td '106 :'different countries,, areas . and remote islands. helping children in many *ways. Distribution of :milk is' one 'of. the most pressing objectives along with medicines,: ointmentsand vaccines for health ;preservation. The Lucknow. :C:G c.:91..r. ,group,. sponsored . by: the Lucknow Pres- byterian Church, will stage, a collection :' for this cause on. Fri- day, October 28th,. ;from 7: to' :8 p.m. All the • village ..will ' be, canvassed. Give generously. JUST is provides enough vac,- Cine to: protect a , child .frotn Tuberculosis; . . JUST lc provides .5 large glasses of milk, fox ' an undernourished child, .; JUST 5c ,;provides'; enough • peni- cillin toy cure a child of yaws, •a deforming tropical. disease: LDHS NEWS , • • ?Editors:` Roy Ilaldenby, Danny Dalton. . • Wm Zettler Orr' Tuesday, October 18th, 1960; the . Royal Canadian Ai> Force Band: played • for the en- j oy rnent , of the students, for an. . hour. A numiber of parents also • attended.. It was a 55 -piece band Which played classical music as well as :modern; A soloist from the group sang two songs. which were' enjoyed' by all. ;On Wednesday, ' Thursday and.. : Friday, • the usualembarrassment took place among' the • students of Grades 'nine — and as a result of initiation.. . ' We'll give You an idea ' of what they wore. On Wednesday 'the girls wore 'a decorated paper laag, hat, no '`makeup, necklace made of, at least ten bugs,, grain:: sacks- es ° their skirts, gloves and boys shoes. The .boys had to' wear a dress; with their pantlegs rolled up' above their knees, women's ny- lons, high. heels: ,mismatched. ed shoes, lady's .purse and . a grain sack for books, make-up .• & rib - bona' in • their'hair. ' • The Committees were• T named for. ;;the ;Hallowe'en dance .. phis week.. ,This • :dance Is being held Wednesday, October 26th• at 8:30' • Mrs. Kirk, our principal's wife,' is taking . the .place -of • Miss • Rumble who is sick. 'A .Science !Club meeting took place in the gym at 3:20 ori,Mori day, 'October '.17th::, A trip yto .Dow : Chemical., •: plant at Sarnia. Will take :place,;'the first week in November. ' The Band he, a ;formation. mgymeeting :on. `: Frday, . at 3/2. 0 .: in' nasium: i. • . The . cadet . corps will also ' b'e formed • in the near future. • The mid--terth --report --card s. will,.be out the end of this 'week. • BIG: POTATOES • ' Harold Greer has .harvest- ' ed a good crop of Sebago po- tatoes this fall, .and 'we/Saw a sample . of some . of 'the , big; ones on Saturday. , Eleven `potatoes: practically filled a large • .' basket and totalled'' 153/4 pounds. The biggest , one weighed 21 pounds," "Toby", has . extended. the • gardening operations; at the • Private Hospital and at his • adjacent residence, .'the, for- . '. mer ' Harry McQuillin" home, ;with the . soil seemingly ex_: ceptionally rich acid +produc- tive. In: the ` spring 'a straw berry patch , produced pro lifically, ries asses, (FALL.. SHIPMENT RECEIVED) rades • • and Dairy 32% Supplement 'A' Gives the added lift your herd requires, especially in'the fallmonths when 'hunt mg food is an energy user. • Available at: Wirn. Knecitei and Son Ltd. Lucknow' /ranch,, Phone/IL' THERE'S A NEW . LIFE FEED FOR EVERY NEED" •