HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-10-26, Page 10•
wpm, . Ai(4 OCT. 26th, 1960
L..QcHA1.41.11 FC.LK
a .Lov$ $H ' N* WS)
Mr. and Mrs: George Moncrief,
And: family spent the week -end
iu Windsor.
John McCharles: was soloist at
the : Miller -MacLennan wedding
on.. Saturday., .
lva Scott. of
Mr. and Mrs, Me �il 1
Kincardine and. 1VIr, and., Mrs.
Boy (Connell of Clinton _Visited
With Mr. .mid Mrs.' D.. R Mac-
Kenzie recently. •
Mrs • *Ewan MacLean is holi-
daying. in ` Sarnia . and Detroit
Mrs. Lorne Luther has, return-
ed home' after a two weeks holt-
day in' Ridgetown.. •
Miss : Edna . •.Cook; R.N. and
,friends of Owen Sound' spent the
• week -end with Mr. and Mrs.
Henry MacKenzie.: •
• Visiting with Mr. and Mrs.
Emile MacLennan for the week -
easy -to -get -t� Hotet :..The
900 rooms' and suites, with '
tub, shower, radioand TV.
Home of : the Canadian Pup
Room -Dancing :. . no cover, no•
`minimum Ample free overnight.
parking Fine convention Facilities.
Famil . Flan.
CANADA: The LordEdgin, Ottawa`
The;Lerd Simeoe Toronto
' :.CHICAGO. The Sherman
: The Hotels AnibassUdor •
9laimsity Avenue et Meg Strest,
ti'efephone IMpirs 21848 Telex 02245 •
end were Mr.
and Mrs e
e �dn Y
MacLennan, Mr. '. and Mrs, George
MacLennan and family, Mr.. and
Mrs Jack. MacLennan and Mar-
ion MacLennan all, of Toronto,
Mr, and. Mrs. • Finlay MacLennan
and family • and Mr. and, Mrs.
Donald MacLennan and • family
of . Holyroed ; . -
Fred, Ritchie) of Wiarton called
on friends in .the community re-
cently, •.
Mrs., •Mite •.Smith and Mr. and:
Mrs, Frank, .BarkWeil called on
relatives in this Community and
attended the :Cook reeePtion on
Friday, evening in .:Lucknow::.
Mrs. Robert. MacIntosh'is a pa-
t ward and MacKenzie pa-
tient M Victoria. Hospital: ,Iron
don. Court of Revision was"set, for.
A large crowd. 'attended' he. October. 24th'at 10 a.m. .
shower in' honor of Louise Mac-.: The . following bills . were'' or-
Lennan in ,Lochalsh, School ,on red . Paid en motion:of °of Brad
Monday , evening. Mrs. Oliver de P , • .. r
McCharles acted as chair/ lady ley od Accounts — Cliff Men -
for the following. program. Com- 112.50• John Hunter, 45.00•
bmunty singing lead by Mrs. Dan John Nicholson, 290.90; :Herbert
MacLean followed by games 'by C. Curran,. Read Supt., 297.00;,
Mrs. Bill Ferguson. Duet -by Mrs. Cauda 'Culvert Co., culverts,
B. Courtney and Mrs.:'B:. , Kemp- 240.$0; Corrugated Pipe' • Co.,.
ton. Readings Eby Margaret Mac- everts, 50.60; Treasurer, Co..
Lennart, Mrs. R: Ross; Mrs., of Huron,., paving, 17,751.05;
'who :!had • .• • VET
old • Dawson. to Toronto OLIVET
... us
been hospitalized and. just
PORT' ALBERT. turned to. her, home. Weare sor-
ry to hear Mrs. Dawson :has.
"""' been in indifferent health for a
Township . Council
met .Octcbber 3rd, 1960 with all
members present, • Minutes of
the. last I meeting were read and
approved on ;lotion of: Bradley
and 'MacKenzie, ,
By -Law ''I o.. 9. for the closing
of part, of Russel Street in . plan Three meetings of the 4-11
No. 2 . Town . Plot, • Port .Albert, Homemaking Club "Cottons May
was .:given three readings . and Be Smart have 'been ' held at
n notion of. MacKenzie, 'the .6th school of. Kinloss `under
passed o m . -...
and Gibson; the leadership of Mrs. Frank
The• Assessment Roll for' 1960'MacKenzie and Mrs.: Evan Keith
was accepted on motion of . Ho There are twelve members in
provement ' soon.
and the this . 4-H club • and it' is called
"Kairshea Kotton 'Clippers". At
the first .meeting the election of`
officers 'was' as follows: r
President,. Eleanor McNay;.
Vice -President,. Trudy Thom-
son; Secretary, Helen McNay;
Press • Reporter, Elizabeth Fin-
layson. -
At the first two meetings, the
girls' 'discussed the. alteration
of patterns and: 'thechoosing. of.
•. The third meeting was held,
•Sandy McCharles..Piano solo by Sandy Contracting' Co., : gravel)
$arbara MacKenzie, Solo by N1rs4mg . roads, 3,121.40; Dominion : at this meeting thegirls demon
B: Campbell. Louise thanked'the Roads, grader • repairs,..12.45: Art �. strated good posture . and the
.ladies for the gifts and .invited Youngblut ;rent of • pasture,: 20.00; straightening arid shrinking of
them to her; home . after which Wm. Gibson, .tile, .5:95; 'Mester material The' • meeting was clos-
a lovely lunch was served bring- Nicholson, : repairing tire and ed by each girl making, "a bound
lag an enjoy, abla evening t° a
bulbs, 6,30; •xaco. Auto Bodies, buttonhole: •repair . heater,
Oi fueland tax,3 0.96, Thistle°.00; Imperial l NEW or RENEWAL subscri
Oil, ,p,:.
Printing- ' Ltd,' Assessment R.oll;I tions" for the 'Family ` Herald • are
36.26;' County of Huron, Fence i taken,1y The Lucknow 'Sentinel;,
re -Robb Drain, ' 460.00;• " Village • phone 35, direct rePresentatives
of Lucknow, Fire calls Alton &;1 of the publishers. 1 year, $1.50; 3
Irwin, .100.00; Lucknow Sentinel,' years, $3, §; years, $4 Save' a
Envelopes, 4.44; Reis Miltenburg, ' lot of bother, letus:' handle your
77, chickens, 57.75; rSandy Con- subscriptions:
on Saturday, October 22nd and
The Octdber , meeting of the
Paramount 'Women's Institute
was held, •at the ° home : of Mrs.
Walter. Dexter.' The • president,
Mrs. Eric- Hackett presided,. over r
•the ' meeting, which was opened'
by the singing sof the• 'Institute
Ode. The •roll call was answered
by "What arn' :thankful For."
The motto "We have, every rea-
son to : be .proud of Canada, let
her be • proud of :.us, prepared
by 'Mrs. Robert, Campbell was
read by Mrs. Robert Reid.:
Some (highlights • on a. recent
trip to Kitchener were ' given ibyl
Mrs: N. Dexter. ;Mrs. Eric Hac-
kett ' gave a reading ; Mrs. Or- A pat • luck supper was enjoy-
ed at. the . church. Friday even -a
ing. ';Following • supper, , with
Mr. Gordon. Wall acting as chair-.
Finan,. -showed-
pictures of his trip to; Switzer-.
land and: the British Isles and
Mrs. John ' Pollock gave' ` a . skit,
tracting Co:, Dep... on Contract,'
1,360.00; Herman Phillips,' stock
valuer, • 3.00; Paul Caesar, asses-
sing ; and ..postalge,. • 565.00; Greer
Nursing.Heine; Hosp., ° 274:50.
Council then '4 adjourned,;;to
meet , November 7th at 8 •pain: '
A :Ritchie ' D.' M. Simpson,'
Reeve. ; • ' • . ` Clerk
land •Richards won the biscuit,
contest. Mrs., . Robert Boak con-
dueted a contest .After the
courtesy remarks- given -by --Mrs:
J..' Elphick , the meeting closed
with . the Queen and • lunch.
MODEL 4,00 so:
orimplete with 12 inch•
:Holy'roocl,' Ont Trio
' MODEL. 600 $21 re,
complete with 16 inch pttacb menti
-A Pioneer chain saw adds off •
season earnings tb the farmer who'
harvests his woodlot-a perfect
farm maintenance fool In.,fence
and building• construction and in
the cutting' of firewood.,
Phcme Bernie 2424
Buying 'a Hat, which were much'
' enjoyed.. Mrs. Wesley Young,
President of .the `Ladies Aid
thanked Mr Keith and ; Mrs.
Pollok A collection was .taken'
for the Children's Aid' work.
Mr. John . Mirehouse of Lyd=
.den • Sask., is on a month's visit
with his • sister, Mrs. Fred Tiffin
an'd. Mr: Tiffin. °
• Mrs. Wesley Tiffin' is a patient
in . W irigham ' General Hospital
• : having undergone a major ope-
ration 'Thursday. We wish her . a
speedy . • reCooery. • '
Mr. Foster Moffat is again; a
•patient in ,the 'hospital. Relatives
'from Toronto visited with: hurt $
during•the week -end. •
Mr. ' Frank Miller Who ' was a
patient h the hospital. • for the
past •• 11 days with :pneumonia;
returned to his home .Saturday
afternoon where he is convales
cing. , •
Miss Margaret ' McMillan of
Kitchener • spent" the week -end
. with 'her parents, Mr. and Mrs.'
Pat •McMillan:
Mr: and Mrs. Pat McMillan .
Margaret, 'Eugene, Robert, visit-
. ed . with : Mrs. McMillan's mother,
Mrs. Lucy Wangler • at the home •
. her sister, Mr, and Mrs, , Jerome
1 Meyers at Ambleside: on Sunday.
• Rev. T. E. `Kennedy of Blue
vale conducted communion ser-
vices- at Langside. and White
church churches .on . Sunday. Ile
also called on his . cousin; Mr.
Frank Miller and Mrs: Miller.
Wild geese' were seen .iri pro-
fusion flying south .on. Friday.
r Mrs. Win. Evans sperit a few
days the first of the '. *eek with.
her daughter, Mrs. Sob Brown
in London and also, visited with
Miss Margaret. Moffat in Toron-
to. .i : .
Gently with his sister, Mrs'„,
f.. Fd • McQu�li�n v�s�t yW�
, Sir alar-..
Mr. and 'MI*, Sandy :McChar-
les, , Poste, Mary and Lorie
spent the week -end. in Detroit,
Michigan, visiting with Mr. and
Mrs. Clarke.Colling. ,
'Mr, and Mrs; W. T. Roulsten.
and Mrs, Mae Hamilton spent a
few' days last week visiting with
Mrs. Annie McIntyre of Kinloss.,
Mrs. Roberts is. visiting with
friends in . Owen Sound this •
Mr. and, Mrs. Bayiamlton .$
family spent , Sunday in Kin-
cardine with Mr. and Mrs. Rus-
sell ` Tout. •
Mr. and Mr's. Alex :MacTavis
visited in Lucknow . on Sunday:;
Reverend' Mr. Renner'of Tees
water was guest speaker in ,Qli-
vet Church.- There ' were not.
many there to hear ,his inspiring
sermon, owing to the number of.,_
anniversaries in other ' churches.
Mr.. and Mrs; • Robert Osborne,
Mrs. Elmer Osborne and Miss
Donna Osborne were. at the Un-
ited Church; Kincardine Anni-
versary . services where • Mrs.,.
Robert Osborne's uncle was . the
speaker. They also visited •with..
ber parents, Mr. and "Mrs. Ralph
Scott of Chalmers. • •
A numiber from here attend -
,ed the shower. for Miss. Louise
McLennan of Loehalsh.
'Mr. Arden Mason has 'been'
unable to, drive ..the school bus
for : some ; time owing to a . foot
injury. , We .wish hiin a, ` speedy.
'recovery:: •A .
Congratulations to Mr.. .and
Mrs. 'Ken MCFar1an of :Kincar-
dine on. the ,birth .of . a ' son 'on
Saturday.. Mrs. McFarlan is a
former' teacher 'here. '
CN Money Salters!.
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tae`it easier -'take the train