HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-10-26, Page 7WEDNESDAY, OCT, 26th, 1960 THE LUCKNOW SENT NEL, LUCKNOW',, ONTARIO WHITECHURCH; Mr. and Mrs. Carman. Farrier Long Branch spent the week- end at the home • _ of Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Farrier, of Mr and Mrs. George Ross. in Mrs. Margaret Buckton left ` Owen Sound,, on.,Sunday for her home in Vic Mr. and Mrs .Victor Casemore' dnd toria B•C, after sping two I of Brantford and Mr. •and Mrs. weeks with Mr, and • Mrs, w.: R. Sozoncuch and family of London Farrier, visited on Saturday at the home Attending the Bruce County 'Of. Mi • ' and Mrs. Tom Morrison: Wornan's Institute Rally at Port •I3,ev. T, E, Kennedy of Blue-: •. Elgin on Thursday were: Mrs Vale was in .Charge of the com- Russel Ross,' District Director, nmunion service and baptismal Mrs. Jim McInnis, Mrs Walter service: on Sunday at' the .Pres ..Lott,.Miss.'Annie Kennedy' and. ,. byterian Church, Katherine Eli-; Mins. Victor Emerson who had zabeth, daughter of Mr•. & `Mrs; charge of the public •relations.°.Wilfred Walters was: baptized,, officers `group° in the absence of Mr,' and: Mrs. "Walter Arscott J rs. Harvey Houston. Mrs.: Don visited' on Sunday at the home °. McCosh area ; chairlady • was of Mm • and Mrs. Dan Cassidy at grourr leader for District Direc- B.luevale. tor. Mrs. D. Cameron ofWal- Mr. and Mrs.. William Humph= kem ton led the presidents ' and I'eY of St. Helens visited on Sat- • Mrs.• 'r J; Cornish of Chesley led urday, at the .home of Mr. and •the secretary.,. treasurer.' Mrs. Robert Burdon.' Mr.. and Mrs,. George Fisher • Percy. McClenaghan •of Luck!- visited uck-visited on Sunday `at the home' now spent the week -end at the of Mr., ' and . Mrs. Bill Gibson of . home. of Mrs. George Mc.Clenag- Zion • . Mrs.''J. Musgrove of 'Wroxeter' There was around '.50, people and Mrs. Bennett' Mitchell ..of attended, the •Special Thanksgiv- Molesworth visited on Sunday at ing Thankoffering service which the home of Mrs. Doris Willis, was held in the United Church Mr. • and . Mrs.. Irwin McCien'- on Wednesday night. aghan and , family of St. Thomas Mi s Donald McDonald of St. and Mr.'and . Mrs. •Melvin, Mc•- Helens will spend the, :winter •Clenaghan and Michael of Wat- months at the home of Mr. and erloo visited on Sunday at the Mr' David McDonald, . White home :of Mr; and Mrs. Ben,' Mc -church: Clenaghan. ' :Miss Mildred McClenaghan re- turned home on Sunday. 'froth a two 'weeks trip . to: Napalm' ' and the' Queen Charlotte • Island, • • B.C. Mr. and .• Mrs. ' Jim McInnis spent 'Monday . in London. • .Mr., and'`Mrs. Nelson .Kerry &' Mr: and Mrse Melvin Kerry of Paisley visited On Sunday at the home' of •Mr. and Mrs. Albert Coultes.: Mr_. paid. 'Mr. Russel Gaunt; Mrs, Margaret Miller ..of Luck now,'_ Mrs. • . Dan , McKi'nnon, ,Mr. Mrs. Wes Tiffin of.Langside. is a patient in Wingham General Hospital, Mrs. Robert—Ross will spend this, week visiting at the t home .. HOj1..YROOD; FA.L SPLAYING WITH PAGE, SEVEN EMBUiQX' E TRADE MARK BRAMD OF 2.4 DO KILLS YELLOW ROCKED' HERE'S ;PROOF "''Embutox' E killed 18% of Yellow 'Rocket an d Chicory in my alfalfa and timothy pasture sprayed last fall without damaging the alfalfa ortimothy," says Desmond Doyle, Kingston, Ont. "'Embutox E' is certainly the answer to „the Yellow Rocket • and Chicory weed problem.!`•• USE'`EMBUTOX'E TRADE, MARK BRAND OF 2;4-D8: IN Alfalfa, Birdsfoot Trefoil, do- 'vers, Io 'vers, Meadows and Pastures ,. Write for Literature and Information Is Yellow Rocket a week problem on your farm? C et at the root of it by fall spraying. with `Embutox' E. With this farm . proven selectiv e spray,killing action • starts with. the roots That's'. why you get•a positive + kill ... no regrowth` from the roots.. Increase' your yields and profit by spray ing with `Embutox' E, made.ekclusively by' M & B,, world, famous name in agricultural cher0Cals. ;• • RECOGNIZE THIS WEE.. PROBLEM? ' YELLOW ROCKET IN FLOWER AND• ROSETTE STAGES KILLS: YELLOW ROCKET Canada Thistle, Sow Thistle, -Rag Weed, Field Bindweed and many other annual and perennial. weeds. MAY .&. BAKER. (CANADA) LIMITED 180 Bellarmin Street, Montreal '11: Lucknow District. •Port :Elgin last Thursday.-,- .1. Mr. • and .Mrs. Leonard John- ...stun ; and . Frances; Kincardine . Mrs. Riddell, Bervie,who had 'were Friday evening visitors the misfortune. to' fall and .break 'with 'Mr, and Mrs..Mark John-: her hip a few weeks ago, passed stop. , • ... •: away Friday,; October 21st at'Mr and Mrs. Wayne ''Johnston London hospital: We extend our of ;Toronto spent the week -end. with his sympath to�. her anddau' hter � , parents,Mr. and. Mrs:' Y gr g , Mrs. Max 'Bushell' and other' re- Mark Johnston: latives. ,. '' . ' ' •. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sterling Mr: and "'Mrs. Jack ,Ackert, family, . Clinton, Mrs. E. Wacker, Alyirier arid, Kevin,. Mr. & Mrs. of .Lucknow were. Saturday `ev-' Ewart. Taylor,• Lucknow, , return- ening visitors with Mr.' and Mrs. ed.• home lata - week 'from,, their Jack Ackert. Alex •McKenzie of Lucknow and Mr.. and Mrs. Morris .Reid and MrsY�Arabelle Bushell.of �Strat=• trip to 'the west. coast. -. . , daughter, Mr, and Mrs. Leonard ford. ;were,, a few of :the guests ; Mrs. Thompson Sr;' Mrs. Eddie Reid and family were Sunday why ' attended _tile . Casemore- Thompson and • . Marjorie visited visitors.. with Mr. and Mrs. Rag- McDonald Wedding which--was-this ,.:.past week with Mrs. John, 'nota Ackert, .June and .Ernest. ' held; in the: 'Whitechurch UnitedElliott; Walkerton. , -: i --,-Mr— and_Mrs:. Ein1ay MacLe .. n - Church'' ori Saturday: • Mr: and 'Mrs. Clarence Young nan, ' Mr.'. and: Mrs: Donald Mac- Miss'F`rances Henry of 'London and '.Kenneth, 'Lambeth, were Lennan, attended the wedding spent the week-end.'.at the home recent visitors :with' Mr. and • in Ashfield Presbyterian =church of 'her parents,, Mr. and : Mrs.. Mrs : Max: Bushell` and Family:, on Saturday, October.; 22nd :of. Bill Henry:' "Mr: .and: Mrs. Aubert •:Smith, Louise MacLennan and Bruce Mr • and •Mrs. Beverley. Rooney • Underwood, visited • .Sunday 1 Miller. Finlay MacLennan acted of Kennilworth and Mrs. 'Ada- with Mr. and Mrs: Jim Smith:.. asan usher at his sister's wed lene{Dowling and 'Laverne. visit Mr. Donald Johnston, Simeoe,• ding ., . ' ed on • Sunday at the home' of spent the' week -end at his home. Mr., and Mrs Sam . 'Farmer Mr. and Mrs.. Robert Aitch. ison. Mrs. ph Johnston, Mrs': visited Sunday with his mother Mrs: Walter Lott is• spending' Wm. • c son, Mrs'.' Alex in Stratford; ' this week .with Miss •, Margaret Percy •.and Mrs. Jim Smith :at- A very enjoyable evening • Robertson in. Ripley. tended the :Institute ,Rally. in, was spent in the hall on Friday, October '2lst • when the Holyrood Women's Institute sponsored their' .annual Hallowe'en, Mas- . que:rade'' dance. A ' of the' new .wing ''at Kincardine hospital. ,A ;blood' bank.•will .also be established • with a . trained technician ' in charge. ,; • Mrs. ; ;Eldon Bradley picked 'a fine sample of raspberries last Monday, which, ' is a ' rarity at this season' of the •.year. Mrs ' Blanche Dean' of Kincar- dinewas the guest of- Mr: and Mrs. • W. J. 'Cour niey on Friday... CLILROSS CORNERS' '• Mr. and •Mrs: David Ross, en= • tertained , Mr. and : Mrs. John Moffat' at a dinner Friday even- ing, it being her parents : wed- ding anniversary. '• • ;:1VIr._iA1bertStewart, Kincard- ine, spent a'fewv ays with-/1+ir:- and Mrs.. Torn; Stewart ; 'Miss Marie. Becking, Stratford, spent' .:the week -end at her home here. • ' Mr. '.Art '• Graham has :returned to .Sault`. Ste: 'Marie after renew - 'ing acquaintances in the com- triunity. • Mr. and Mrs. • John Schumael , er spent . the week -end at Wind- sor. Mrs. Frank Broom • and 'Reg WereSunday visitors ' wwith Mr. and Mrs: Albert . Melton, : Park hill.: Y . Mr. and 'Mrs Alex, Whytock were dinner,. guests Sunday • of Mrs. Annie Wall, Teeswater. NO DEER HUNTING SEASON IN. HURON, Open'' deer hunting season In Grey and Bruce counties ,this.. year is. from November' 7th to, 12th.' There'is , no; -open deer'• hunting in Huron. county; despite ..' rumors • to the effect . that there -might--..be; accordng to.. ; the On- tario : Department : of , Lands and Forests:. .• Canadians top residents of all other countries in telephone '.cal- :•• ling, averaging • about 511 .con ver-sations per 'person a year. , . • • 1959/Pontiac Laurentian automatic, fully equipped 92,450 1959 Pontiac` Stratochief , sedan, fully equiped 82,295 ,1959 Chev 'Sista. _ne sedan . automatic, fully equipped' 92,195 "1.959 Cher Belair, automatic, fully equipped 52,395 1958 Fo . .. .• 92,050 ' 1 rd Fairlane, •automatic • 1958 Che_v' Standard Sedan,:. ar.. :.. ..:...:... 81,895 1956 Ford' Custom •Sedan, with automatic =.:... ••�• ••rr 91,395 1956 Ford coach;. 8 cylinder ,.r.., ,, a ., ..... 51,195 1955 Chevrolet' Deluxe Sedan :Y.,:...,r,..;51,150' 1955Olds Sedan ;' ..r,r ....Y. Yrr .,.r. 1955 Ford; Fairlane .;.�..... X1095 1954 Dodge Sedan; Special a , : Y..r:.. Yr.r .r, a "5495 1954. Buick , . . • ' • ._ ..r.:: 5895 Buick " sedan, automatic;• ra.'„c::rr�aaa.•+. Number1 54 ,Models from •1.$'495 to 5759. of 1953 and 9 TRUCKS! • -ton pick-irps, with fleefside body ...'61,4955 2t!958 Ghev. ' 1,955 2ton dump 5895 194 Chet/• /r-tonpac•k uj. r.. . $595 ... BrUsseiS• Motors Phone 173,Brusseitt Cities Service. Dealer' AMB•ERLEY • Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Bradley and family .were guests, of ' Miss Verna' Dunsmore • of Stratford' on Sunday. They :also attended Anniversary services of ;Central United • Church. "An interesting • feature.' of the: service .was.. that it• was held •in. Shakespearian Theatre.' Central. ' United 'Church was destroyed by: fire sometime, ago . and plans:, fora new 'build-. ing are' ' being considered. Messrs. • George Edinonson, Donald, Courtney and Leonard. Courtney attended, the plough- ing • match at Springfield Iast week. r Numerous • flocks of wild geese have ,.been sighted : in this area• and judging from number' whichhave been ' brought 'down and wild goose will, be On the menu in "many households. , The Annual Holstein banquet was held in Reids 'Corners Com- munity hall on •Thursday even. ing with 185 persons .partaking • of ' a s'iimptous dinner.. The guest 'speaker for the evening wag Dr. Finlay Stewart of Kitchener, who gave an inspiring address. 'The Orange Lodge meeting.. was held on 'Tuesday, evening : with a good attendance. Dr. J. B. Tindall of Ripley was present t� outline , plans for acanvass toaq uip a hew laboratory 'which will be located in the basement THE: CHILDREN'S :' A 1D::SOCiE TY i OF THE .COUNTY OF BRUCE Box--- 270. Telephone ' 197 WALKERTON, ONTARIO i. h. D,, MUIR, President • H. S. CONGDON, Local ;Director DONALD •BLUE,• Secretary W. B. HILL, . Treasures Dear Friend '. Your Children's Aid Society believes .that Family ,Pro tection. Service is its most important work . 'in the :.field:. All' Churches' teach the sacredness of the •bond that exists between parents and childr'en and children and parents.;'' A happy and secure home should be every. • child's right — not' a ,privilege., A ' broken home invites emotional disturb- ances and 'is •a ,prime ' cause of fuvenile . delinquency Me'ny hours are spent by. workers in the field discover- •ing and' . correcting the 'basic, causes for these ills: ' Some of the problems • are relatively simple While ; others invol *e' long 'periods of intensive casework; We must be able to 'offer this service to all who need it: Men 'and women. who ' love their' com nunity, their people and their God,• assist directly',' by their gifts today, in, moulding' better citizens :for tomorrow.. • Oiur' Annual Appeal needs your support. Over the.. past five years, cont'ri'butions ',for protection services in this County have declined 'steadily. We will be. unable to offer adequate protection services if they continue , to 'de- crease. Our target for this, year is set at '$3,500:00 or ap- proximately", ap- p y, per person in Bruce County.Since • 1955,. • rokimatel 8c operatingWill You�hes 1p us risenave everywhere. our' target for 196 y 0? Will you assist us in ' providing protection services '.in this, County? These services 'are aimed. at keeping children in their own, homes • by making ..these limes adequate for them. We express ourappreciation in advance, with a ;grate- " nI You." .ul Tha • Yours sincerely,� K. D. M.LrIR, . President. NOTE,t• Please make all cheques. or ,f Oney orders payable to the Children's Aid Society of the County of Bruce, Box 270, Walkerton, 'Ontario. .Please do not send cash. Al! dorsa- tions .011 be receipted promptly.. e. r •.