HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-10-26, Page 4`PAGE FOUR. L'UCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW ONTARIO Wlill *0.4Y, OCT;, 26th, .1964 - CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RAT ES"• ---First Insertion 2c per word,; minimum charge 5 0c. Repeat Insertions, 11/2c per word, minimum,.•40c. Notices, Cards of Thanks. and Coming Events, 'mini'mum 75c. In Menioriams, minimum '.$1:00. 25c extra: for replies to The Sentinel. Billing charge • of 10c for each bill rendered. FOR SALE FOR ;SALE'— 1951 ,Chex, 2 -door, good condition, . priced to sell. Ca/1 206-r-22 Lucknow. ., FOR SALE 1950 ,• Plymouth .sedan, or will.trade for livestock. ,Allan Ritchie,. R. 3 Lucknow; phone 'Dungannon 69-9.' FOR .,SALE—pair of . snow, • tires, size '590x13. -Apply .Wally Brec- kles, Kinlougb garage, : phone • 24-r-24 Ripley.. D tESSED DUCKS FOR SALE - Beady now or order for: -;Christmas.' Apply • Mrs. Keith Cranston, 64-r-15, Dungannon.. SEE ,.'1141E "Coronet" Stainless, Steel Cookw:are,' can be bought 'by the set on*individual pieces:' Wm. Murdie and Son. FOR SALE — 14 feeder steers weighing, between 700 800.lbs: Bill Button, Lucknow, phone 58 FOR SALE L.. 6 . black •* 600 • lb: stocker; heifer; 4 black 700 1b.. heifers,in 'calf and 4 •black. cows With first calf: Stewart °Shiells, phone 13-r-17, Ripley. SEE ItUSTORAFT ,CHRISTMAS CARDS 'by. the, box now on dis play .at Finlay Decorators : and Gift • Shop, Lucknow: FOR SALE — Girls' winter coats, green,- size; 12; grey . with,. red trim, size• 8-10. P lir cleaned. Apply; at ' Sentinele ■ 'ce., • FOR SALE top- soil, gravel, fill and cement gravel: ' Contact JackFarrish, phone .286 Luck-' now. om TRUCK FOR . SALE. 47 - Ford, -ton' `truck, no .reasonable;. offer refused, winterized. , Wm: A. Graham phone 89-r-4, Ripley. FOR SALE Beatty deep,, well pressure . system, ; complete : with tank. •J S. Robb, R.R. 1, Ripley, phone 14-r-30. FOR SALE —•- :22 hornet with .6. power scope and a used 22 au- tornatic, , Greer TV ' and Electric, phone 110, Lucknow., Special Prices on Dryers from $154.00 and up, Greer TV and I' WANTED 40 or 50 : head of Electric,: Lucknow. . cattle to feed for the winter. WOOD FOR SALE tree . run Goderich, `phone 110-r-30, Ripley:. or body wood, any quantity:. f Contact ' Robert Helm, R.R. 3, ' WAN.TED -, general housekeep- •' I..ucknow, phone 61-r-9, Dungan- er, presently in . Wingham • and FOR :SALE FOR SALE Easy'. automatic washer in good 'working order. Greer ' TV .and Electric, ' Phone 110 .Lucknow;: .FOR SALE Hot water tank complete: with electric heater, thermostat ' and, insulation;. also number of storm windows : in new condition Phone 161, Luck now., • ' HUNTERS —. The hunting sea-' 'son has ' arrived so see us for your hunting requirements `— licenses; rifles, shotguns and .am- munition.' Greer TV and Electric, phone 110 Lucknow: MORE . FOR ' YOUR • MONEY, SALE at: the Mildmay Furniture Showroom, featuring. upholster, ed furniture, etc.,''` See . the 11. piece Livingroom Group at' $219 Trade-ins accepted. ` Show cush- ionsuite to'' salesmen ' from old n for evaluation of .your suite. G. , E. SCHUET.T, MILDMAY Free' delivery: ,. Time payments. PERSONALIZED LABELS -300, v�n'th your name and address, in plastic dispenser, only $1., Don Thompson, Lucknow. TWO LOCATIONS available for your ., purchase of single copies of The ' Lucknow . Sentinel are George's Snack Bar or the : Sen- tinel :Office. LIVESTOCK `Bought: and: sold, all kinds. Phone 41 Lucknow or 77-r-1, Dungannon.; STOOD FOR SALE—good :. 'hard maple wood, In truck load lots, also hardwood ` slabs,, softwood slabs and . sawdust in any quant ity: -Bruce MacMillan, Lucknow.' • SAVE ON DIGEST Christmas prices now in effect for Reader's 'Digest one year, new; ,Or renewal, regular ' $4 SPECIAL PRICE, . $2.97. Take advantage of ' tills 26% reduction and order no* from The Luck- now Sentinel, phoe•: 35, .Luck - :now. `Mail, orders gladly handled. COMING .EVENTS CASH BINGO THURSDAY Lucknow Legion. will 'hold, a cash bingo .in the'Legion Hali on. Thalrsday, October 27th at 8:45 Twelve regular games, 3 share - the -wealth and a jackpot game. of , 57 ,lumbers. for $65.00., • ATTENTION PLEASE! • TheLadies' Auxiliary, Branch i 309, s holding'; a Masquerade Dance, Friday, October -28th M. the Legion Hall. Boyd's Orches- tra. Prizes for those in costume., Admission 75c.. ` Lunch Counter:' Come on folks, puy on those. costumes and- come to • dance & have . some, fun. Let's make this dance ''a t;ig success for • the ladies. • . TEA AND' BAKE ' SALE The W.A. of St. Helens United: WANTED Contact .Jas: .McNair, R; , 3, bon: (will - be moving shortly . to Luck - f .now: Mrs.` Lloyd Machan,phone • FOR SALE — 150 Red Sussex l y Wingham 4981,. after: 5, ,.lief. • • pullets: " Carl McClenaghan, R:R: e , Luc ow,pho e 402-J-1, FOR RENT Wingham. • t FOR RENT ; shouse' with mod - FOR SALE Girl's winter ,coat,. ern conveniences, ' four miles teal blue,. white; fur collar, • size ' from Lucknow on 4th . Con. of 12 Girl's.' 3 -piece coat set, navy 1 Kinloss, • available immediately, blue, size 5. Both in good con• Anderson Flax '.Products Ltd. Jardine, phone F ' ' • phone • 21-W, Lucknow,. � ' : ' dition Mrs. Ken Jar • 227,' Lucknow. FOR SALE - 12 head of cattle i FOR RENT •=- 20 ton Mobile Crane, Harry. Adams, Contractor,. weighing 700 -- 900 lbs. • Contact ` 309 Huron Road, Goderich, Ont., George Graham, ' Kinlough, { phone Jackson 4-8451. phone 2313, Bervie: t DROP IN AND SEE the new Presto Steam Iron, with the World's largest sole plate -30% longer 'steaming time: Wm: Mur- die .and Soni FOR SALE custom: built push-button. radio or 1959 or 1960 Chev.,;. also 2 -wheeled 'trail- er. Jim Boyle, ' Lucknow, :phone 141, , 4 COWS FOR SALE --- one Hol- stein, one part Ayrshire, 1 Roan, , 1 Hereford•iolstein cross; three due first ` week. in Novethber, 1 in December. These cows all brood tested. Phone 529-W-1,, Wingham, Fred- Tiffin, ' ATTENTION. FARMERS DEAD , STOCK REMOVAL, • We' Pay $6.00' for Sick, Down, or Disabled Fari Animals Depending. :On Condition. Smaller Animals Removed Free l'o7r Fast, Sanitary Removal. CALL TOM FOX ` Ripley 15-r-20 ,Collect Church: will hold a tea and, bake unfinished: Closest. $5,000 cash. sale on . Saturday, 'November 5th,. Phone. 130-r-4 Lucknow,:• in the . Council ; Chamber . of: the ' Lucknow Tbwn•Hall, . REAL :ESTATE'. FOR SALE . One .solid brick. building, Purple Grove Church, said to be' 45' k 30'. Situate 'on the North ,East corner of Lot 6, Con, • 11, Huron Township'. Pur- chaser to remove all debris and leave the,grounds clean. Highest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. .4 ' Apply to, Walter . B, Walden, Box 142, Ripley, .Ont,• FOR ` SALE — Solid: frame house on ' one 'acre, • 8 rooms and large summer kitchen, . new siding,, windows and door, new 'alumin- um combination windows, and door, 3 -year-old 'pressure system, 3 -piece ' bathroom, extra, • lava- tory, eavestroughing.'' Included are oil space heater and 200 gal. tank, wood -coal stove, electric cooker. Interior improvements REAL .ESTATE • I N MEMORIAM a CAMERON --In memory of Ken- neth Cameron, who. departed this life on October 24th,. 1945. ' . We miss you more: • ' . With each passing year, •Yes, • more 'than words can tell , But we know you are safe with Jesus,. For while here you served ,Hien - well. • .; • Sadly missed and ever remem- bered by his . daughter, . Grace George 'and: grandchildren. In? 'Memory of .: Mrs. Jessie Desch (MacDonald). who Passed away 2.. years ago,. November; 31, Remembrance is a golden chain ` Death tries to break,. but - all in vain.. • To . have, .to ' love, and. then to Is, q Part. Is the' greatest sorrow of ones', heart. , The 'years May. wipe , out man things: But this they wipe out :never The• memory of those 'happy days RANGE AT :RIPLEY Ve ry good six room •home with When we, were all together. • Hallowe'en dance, Ripley Twp. bath. and garage, located in. Dun- gannon: Price : ' reduced. from $3,500 `to'`$2,200. This is an ex, • .Sadly . missed' by Mother, Sis= Hall, Monday; October 31st. Ad. tern, Brother and Aunt. mission 75c, in costume, 50c,. Everyone ' .welcome.. ' Sponsored by Ripley . Huron . Legion. �! BAKING ' SALE • The Local. Association of Girl Guides will sponsor a sale of homemade baking and candy in. the former Raitlby store next to Murdie's . Hardware on' Wednes- day, November 9th at 2:30• NOTICES A Court of Revision on' the 1960 assessment roll of the - VR-. lage of Lucknow, will' be held at the Municipal 'Office, Lucknow, On Tuesday;.- November 8th, 1960 at 8:00 p.m'. ' E. H. AGNEW,•Clerk:' A .Court. of Revision .on , the Assessment Roll compiled :''in. 1960 for the Township of West Wawanosh will . be held in the Township Hall, West Wawanosh on . Tuesday, November, 8th, 1960: • J F ' FORAN, "Ilwp. ' Clerk. • There `will be • a :•speciai•'meet= Mg of 'Maple, Grove. L.O.L.` :on Thursday, Qctober 27th, 1960, to plan . for the annual meeting &.: supper. CLERK'S NOTICE. OF FIRST POSTING'. OF. VOTERS' 'LIST Voters' List, 1960, : Municipality of the Township, .of Kinloss, `County 'of Bruce. Notice is hereby ' given that I' have complied' ,with Section 9 of the Voters' List Act and that I have posted up . at my . ofifce at R.R. 2, Holyrood, on the 22nd day. of October, 1960, thelist of all persons .entitled to vote in • the sail Municipality.: at, municipal elections and; that list rel- -mains. e= •mains ' there for inspection And I' hereby' call upon ,'aIl voters to take ' immediate pro - ceedings 'to have any. errors or omissions corrected according to • lave,; the last 'day for appeal be- ing the 5th day. of November, '1960. '' Dated this ' 22nd day. of Octo- ber, 1960:` • J, R.' Lane, Clerk of. the Town=• • ship of '' Kinloss. ceptional r: good buy. 150 Acres. of -Clay loam land. with •very good • buildings . on highway 86 Owner anxious to' sell and, can be ' bought ` reason- able ' 315 • 'Acres of rich productive land, three bedroom one floor. home, ' large barn, stabling for 100 head- of cattle, water .bowls, silo; drive in shed,. garage. Milk '• contract $1,000 a month._: Located on'the''Highway. Wealthy , owner anxious to :retire Price $32,000: •- 200 Acres of ,choice loam in a• • prosperous farming district, two .homes, .two barns with pressure:.. system, ..milking, parlour. and .• cooler; Milk contract $1,200 ' a month. Full' price $26,000. Can also be. bought,. withstock and implements (The last two farms • listed are are .'in' the Clinton .area)., We have' a good list of farms 'and some with ' lake frontage • /JOHN; BOSVELD, REALTOR'. 40 Wellesley St., Goderioh, ' Phone JA 4-8762 ;. CARD. OF THANKS Mr. and Mrs. W. ` I. Miller' wish to -thank their many friends •& neighbours who ' called or sent. greetings : on . the occasion' of their Golden Wedding Anniver=, saryr : ,Especially do they wish to thank the ;St: 'Helens congrega- tion for their gift of a beautiful clock Is.. Your. .Subscription Paid?. {1 WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ' . ASSOCIATION.' "Where Better Bulls.• Are. Used" ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION. SERVICE is, • provided from bulls .• of all' breeds. • We , are farmer owned and •controlled and operate at CI�EIr~K'S ' ,NOTICE OF FIRST POSTING ' OF VOTERS' LIST• Voters' List, 1960, To' .wnship of Ashfield, COUNTY OF HURON Notice is hereby given that. I have complied with Section 9''of The Voters' List Act, 1951, and that I have• posted ;up at my. office at Kintail on the 24th day of October, 1960, thelist of all persons entitled to - vote in . the said Municipality of municipal elections and that such list re- mains there* for inspection. And., I . hereby call. ' upon all voters to take immediate pro- ceedings to have • any omissions or, errors corrected according to law,' the last day for appeal ,be- ing the 7th day of Novetnber, 1960. , , Dated this 24th- day of October, 1960. • , pson, Clerk of ,Donald M. Sim the Township of Ashfield. Summer calling limits Between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m.. week days 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. Saturday evenings For service or more information calI:- TIRES!' ' — TIRES'.'. Clinton Zenith 9=5650 All 'types of tractor tires, sold. ROE WONDERWEAN' PIG' TARTER S R $4.15 per cwt.: F I N L.AYSON SERVICES CUSTOM 'BUTCHERING • Beef and pork , sold in any \;' quantity. Custom .butchering': in. Government., licensed abattoir. • Pigs every. Tuesday: Beef '. from Monday .th roug 1 . Thursday: BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET FILTER QUEEN. Sales and Ser,.:. vice, repairs to all 'makes: of Vacuum cleaners. Used 'cleaners of all makes for sale 'Robert Peck; Varna.' telephone Hensall • 696-r-2: • ATTENTION: CAR BUYERS. Our Low Cost Financing Plan ,Will help you make :a better deal.. See us" for details now BEFORE : you buy. J ''A McDonagh Insu ranee, • phone..306• Luckne'W AUCTION SERVICE , Allan Maelntyre:' • Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow; Phone"'281 •or .and serviced, lowest prices, also Collect Kincardine; 460. • DEAD STOCK • SERVICE Highest Cash Prices $7.W, Paid for 'Sick,: Down aor Disabled. Cows & Horses • t►Iso Dead Cowl and . Horses at • Cash Value Old horses 4e per pound GORDON TAYLOR Phone 44-4-24, kiteiMow R.R: 2 Lttckniow • ,24-hour' 'serrviice complete • selection of all- types of, . tires•';;'.'Bruce MacMillan, hucknow. AUTOMOTIVE Glass-+Steering—+Body' Repairs Lubrication, etc. For 'Quality Service, see DAVIDSON'S TEXACO SERVICE Phone 820 Goderich. No. 8 If ighwaY PROBLEMS? Money to . Loan, on any ' propertYr Anywhere. Don't Delay — Write Delray:. The secret of bur success Service: NTS, DELRAY INVESTMENTS, 450-A Wilton, Ave, ME: 3-2353 Downsview, bait: