HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-10-19, Page 16P '"�`3�I�T�1� i ■T ■ , ✓ � :4 TIM .141VCICNOW SENTINIaL, LUCKNOW, ONTABO ■ VIGirls' an+ - Boys' S' -PIECE DRESS COAT SETS: ij Attractive Styles assorted .shades, all ,:fully' lined with. . 'J5 generous. hem and sleeve allowance, ,and, lined suspender a' leggings with zippers 'Fashioned fkom wool and mohair II wool broadcloth' wool tweeds r ' ... • ■' r, 2. to. 3s;' :,,, .. . , ,' .4. ,$12.95, $19.95 and $22.95 • ■ri;4 toy6x •.,••, .•,.,'. $19,95 :and $22.95■. WrordiESDAY 19th,, O08Q. )1* BARGAIN • FOOD1.AN 1 GIRLS' WINTER COATS ; ■ : Winter "winds will soon. Abe blowing ,• snowing and here to ward off the cold. prettily and warmly, are ■ girls' Wintercoats, all lined'with rayon satin over warm a interlining: Fitted styles in the group, some looser styles , , .p fashioned from wools in tweeds, checks and solids.. -■ Browrt, red, green and blue. 7.to 12,:,.. ,. .•, 18.95 to- $24,95 ■ 12 to 14x , .. $19.95 to '$29,95 in '.'DUFFLE .COAT'S:', for Boys . or 'Girls $7.95 ■, 3 to 6x `;with detachable quilled lined hood, 'Lined with •`.quilted rayon over warm :interlining, storm cuffs, Zipper•. ■ and clasp closing. Charcoal, red and grey, sizes 3 to 7.. i ' PRAM SUITS - "6. ONLY Pink, yellow, 'blue. From $9.95, to $13.95 • 'SEE_ B.1 SENTINEL APPLE Ma WHEN PURCIASING .ANY OF; THE ABOVE ARTICLES ■ ;OTHER GOOD VALUES ■ 'Girls lined plaid' slacks' --•-- •:3 to' 6x ■:8 'to 14 •. . . ... Skirts' - pleated in assorted plaids, 8 1ka, Girls'- Car: Coats, 2` 'to 6x '. ,■ 8 14'.• ` i' Teenagers a Car Coats ■• ,Sizes : 12 to 20. Red,. Loden. Green, Toast. ■ :` A. Speciar buy at . {. . Boys' and Girls' duffleeoats.' with hoods, . fully winteriz- ed, sizes 8 to 14 only • . $3.95 Suburban Coats, ,8 to• 18:. • ' $1.1.95 and up. Leotards:: for all sizes °'. $1`.89, $1.:98,'$2:59' & $2.98 Boys' . Plaid Shirts -for fall and winter wear. Special, 3 to 4x . 79c, Sizes' from :8 to 14 . 98c Boys' and . Girls' :Shirt and Jean sets, Plaid shirt with • lined corduroy Jean to. ;match;' Sizes 3 to 6x: Special , , 2.25 for the set. Boys' Shag Pullovers, 8 to 14 $3.95 Green, beige, brown.For the High`. School lad to 12 ■ ■ ' ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ • r ■• ■ . ■ •'.I:•29 • '$1.9.8 3.95 ▪ $7.95 "■` $9.95 i ■ ■ ■ ■ • $9.951 ■ • ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■, ■ ■ ■ • $5.95 '.1 ■ . • THAT there seems no end to spiraling• "-costs, .:This,•'Week we had • to replace a' $000 -watt heating `element in . the .nnetal ., pot, on the mat casting „Mach- ( . ine, : The cost was $47.50. A similar element, not so long l ago; cost $36.00 ! l THAT `there has been • a remark able ' response to.the'advance l: sale of tickets for the coloured•i film' showing of the Pasadena. Tournament, of, Roses in ,the Town, Half on this Friday +ev- ring, The event is sponsored .:by the , Lucknow and '•,District. Horticultural Society: Advance i. sale . tickets entitle you . to a.' chance on tyro. valuable :;door •,prizes..:Members of neighbour- ir;g societies are expected, 'to :attend, which :indicates a capa- city ', audience; THAT George' Elliott •`has _ been. ,under „the ,,doctor's` care hgain. . citts and.' bruises an an accident for the past 'week. His condi-s. near Wroxeter while Don was tion is improved, but iV is ex•• working on a:' telephone Gine. peoted he 'wpl:l ;be taken to Wingham,' Hospital; this week, Their , daughter Ung '(Mrs.'`' OMacLeod)` ' of' North Bay '.'and children Mary Pat and Robby are visiting' with her parents: UICE. SUPER SALE Large 40 oZ. feature;; IUR OWN BLEND .TEA. 6e off. Buy, Several Pounds. On :Sale. Poun SODA CRACKER . SALE. Save 8c.. , Weston's Salted ,or Plaut. Special. Pound.•. TOMATO '-SOUP SALE. Save . 9c . . Campbells For Quality. Feature. tins JELLY POWDER BgALE. ' Save 9c.&pkg 4 Shirrif f s Assorted Flavours. Bargain, EAD UARTERS F R . ALL FRESH PRUITS 'AND H . O Q . .VEGETABLES..: AGAIN ;THIS' YEAR' AS' IN 'THE SPECIALIZE' In 'APPLES B The'BUS ' EL P AST' We.9. , ..• . Y .. Ir,I E. Values :Effective. October' •20, 21, 22. THAT Donald . MacLeod of :Luck- suffered, a .broken nose, THAT Tom: Austin returned re- cently from•, Victoria- Hospital where he underwent surgery: It' was Mr• Austin's ' sixth trip to the hospital 'an the past- .3 ` years, THAT "Rev.. J. C. Hutton. of 'Pine River -'and Rev. -Douglas Dun- lap of Ripley conducted CKNX Church of: ;:the "air service on Monday and Wednesday,; of this week ;respectively, Rev: R H. McLeod of Tiverton,. who is: corning ..to Lucknow Presby terian 't Church, will conduct Thursday's, service.; ■ ■ • AGENT FOR 'KINCARDINE CLEANERS lee Pick -Up and Delivery.Monday` and Thursday and MEN'S WEAR' • THAT Bud Hamnilton's • home• on Outram, Street is much' im- proved in .appearance • by a .new siding, the work: being done by. Jack Parrish. ,_ } , ..,.. . ,a�T'HAT Harold t 1 o ofKelowna, BC. sends, us a change; of ad- dress:•for' his Sentinel. and adds 'Have noticed' that ieorge •Joynt is domg a good job hs reeve of my former Sepoy home 'town. Say hello for me." THArweeklY.. a' 'ers in' Walker pP • ton and Wingham are increas ing their;. ;subscription • rate to $4.00, • a , year . • ' • THAT. communion, services will • be held jointly by Ripley and. • Lucknow congregations • on • Sunday. afternoon at 2:30 in' 'St.• ;Peters Church.' arid 'by Dungannon and . Port Albert congregations'' at Dungannon at COO.' o'clock: • • THAT Mrs: G. D. ' Kirk is, sup lying. at, the Lucknow ; Thst- rtct:.= High School iii: the: ab- sence. of . Miss. Nora ` Rumble: who . is ill. THAT Mr.: and IMrs. Harry Tor-, ranee of: North Bay have been visiting .with? Mrs J. D. erson, and other 'relatives. Mrs.; Torrance. will attend the -con-` vention of the Women's Hos-,,. pita) Auxiliaries to be held . at the Royal York Hotel from. Oc- tober 23rd to 26th Mrs. Tor- rance, or rance, the former Eunice "kat-:: Intosh of Kinloss, ,is President` of ' North Bay • Civic . Hospital Auxiliary: and : is on the regist-` ration . committee of . o the ario Association THAT" Mrs:. Lorne' ,arra r'xl sh, has recovered: from a minor stroke' w'hich'•she. suffered; last :Satur • %day, more iing and isable to be • up -,and about. Be: Sure , To ''Attend The Lucknow • and District Lions Clu The Advance -Tunes reported that the was being dis. Mantled;•: iii preparation for -a replacement job` and he was: strapped to the tope.; of a • 30 foot.. pole when it snapped .at. the `. base.. Pole•'and workman s`t'ruck the ground ' together THAT. Youth ,Sunday was ob- • served in St :.•Peters' Anglican Church, Lucknow, :with mem- hers of. : the. Lucknow Girl Gwwde ; troop in . ,attendance With their leaders, '.,Mrs. Har- vey_'Irwin and ; Mrs, Clair John:' store. • Rev: Wilfred Wright, de- livered': a. ;timely. address. THAT.. Mr.. and Mrs., Laurence Compeau, former `. operators of • ithe Mayfair :restaurant; : until May of 1959, were callers in town ' 'on ' Monday .: They: are now :.operating; a general . store and ..service :•'station att: War minister, near Orillia Vie. Sell: Fur 'Less • Phone 119; •LUckpow ' AMBER.LEY ' HOLSTEIN ';SOLD FOR. $1;32$. wONDERwEAN PIG STARTER $4;15 per cwt. R FINLAYSON Jim Bradley of sAmber re .cenved $1,325 for a 0, -year-old Hofs-tein cow at ` the All_ .Canadi an Holstein .,sale held at:.Oak- ville `. ori Monday. The purchaser. ;was • EdiSeedhouse M of .Uppter- grove, Ont. ' 'Altogether,- 13 head' exceeded .$1,000 mark. , The 65 • Bead sold realizedi $57average '&of $844,, each . A total 25" ani-• Mals was • sold for export, ' .these :going to , the United,, States, Mex- • ico and Peru: ; A Wisconsin. Breeders . Co-op, paid' $6,500 for a 5 -month-old bull, • and : the Waterloo' Cattle (,Breeding •'.Association : ` d $5,000 for . a, 6 -month-old .b Maple a Heather Royal Delight. ' r , LADIES' • the AFTERNOON' --i .2 30 p.m. •Y. :300 • Li NS ' MEMBERS' WIVES WILL HAVE A: BAKING COUNT An Proeeedd For Civic and Welfare Projects y A rs THAT •Dr. arid Mrs D. R. Fin- leyson' : of town were Thanks .giving visitors in Toronto with :thein son and, his wife, °Dr. & ' Mrs. Donald'. M. Finlayson; with their daughter . and, her. ' husband; Dr. and •Mrs.. Ed'. Summons • .-and• with • their , daughter -in -,law,. Mrs: (Dr) • W..' J Finlayson of Aruba 'in. 'the Netherlands, West Indies. ttte N e , ., Mrs.. Finlayson visited •with her parents in Toronto .8e this week returned, by air:. to •their Home off ;the northern' 'coast„ of South America Dr. "Bill" Finlayson is ;doing post gradu ate work'.:tliere in obstetrics &..: plans to; pursue ;past graduate uro a next.year. studies. 'in E p • HONOUR. BRUCE ,COUPL1 ON;.;SIIVER, 'WEDDING • Mr: and 'Mrs. Stuart Bradley of .Tivertsin were . ,honoured .-st a surprise party 'Saturday," Oct. .8th, 'at 'the. home of their daugh-. ter and son-in-law,Mr. acid Mrs.` : •Ernest Young, -the occasion be- ing their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary. ' . Present' were ' • members of their' 'itamilies ' and a feW dose friends. who enjoyed;. an ' evening of music and 'coriiriunity: sing- ing. Mrs. Young read an address% Of; good Wishes and 'gm's: *ar presented . to 111x• and Mrs:, Brad- . ley.. Lunch Was served ...: On ;W,ednesdaY eVening a Own' ber of,'neighbours 'gathered ' at the : Bradley home *hen ,:gam2s an& contests Were enjoyed Mr, and Mrs. 'Bradley ''were ;presented'. with a gift tb which , they Both expressed their thanks., The • ladies served •a dainty l'u'nch . and a social heir' was: • •spent. Si