The Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-10-19, Page 13WEDNEOAY, OCT; '.9th, 1960 THF LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTAIUO. . • A. M. HARPER.. AND: COMRANY Chartered Accountants.' West, Street • GODERICH,. ONTARIO Telephone. JA 4-7562 ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC: ACCOUNTANT J' ODERICH, , ONTARI,O; Box 478 Phone JAckson 4-9521 • R, DU VAL. ,w Vhiropractor.'. • Physio and Electro Therapist :Wing�ham: 'Phone 300 (Office located in.'forinerCKNX building on the Main Street) iNSURAN,CE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY, • AUTOMOBILE:.. AND :LIFE Io Protech Y;Our Jack; insure 'With ,Tack' Today... .1. A. McDONAGH • K:R ,, 3, Lucknow, , 'Phone; 61-5,• Dungannon.,• R.S. HETHERINGTON, Barrister; Etc. Wingham and . Lucknow,' IN LUCKNOW • Each .''Monday and WelFn esday Located :in the Municipal Office. 'Phone Wingham . • '.Office ;4$ Residence 9� STATE ' FARM .MUTUAL• AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Investigate Before' ".Investing REUBEN • WILSON li.R. 3;,..Godericti • Phone 80-r-8. Dungannon -; • JOHNSTONE. S FUNERAL ,HOME 'Phone 76 Day or Night ESE OF FUNERAL.; HOME '1t No Extra Cost .rloderate 'Prices • 'Established ,.189.4 IMPERIAL.OIL "PRODUCTS for prompt service .and quality '':products, contact GRANT CHISN,OLIVI: 1'ltone collect Dungannon 19-r-1 nt 10 . L'ucknOW • : "'Always. Look To 'imperial. • -GERALD N. ;CROOKS DOCTOR OF CHIROPRACTIC • Fholne 545 KINCARDINE,: ONTARIO Office hours;• . .Daily Monday to, Saturday Wednesday. a.m., • .Evenings- Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday . McL•ENNAN • and i MacKENZIE. FUNERAL SERVICE ' • Services conducted accord= ing .to .your wishes at your. Biome, your Church, or at Our •Memorial Chapel ,at no additional' charge, . Phone 181, Lncknow, Day •or Night : WI.NGHAM EM.- RIA SHOP • O � SHO:•. We Have Been :. Memorial Craftsmen `for Thirty -Seven Years, Always Using, THE BEST. GRANITES Along With • • Expert Designing and: Workmanship. Prices: Most' Reasonable, Cemetery Lettering a .Specialty,. R. A. SPOTTON 'Phone` 256,: Wingham, Ontario ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office •ois Patrick • St., .just,, •. ''off the Main. St: 'in , WINGHAM ProfessionalEye Examination 1! Office . fice Optical . Services, •p:in. Ripley•;96-r-24 for' 'appointment: Far appointment,, Please Phone 770, Wingham ' R. •W 'BELL •R, W. A h! D R E W oPTomETRIST GODERICH DIED SOON.AFTER ANNIVERSARY. MRS. HOWARD I. MCGUIRE. The death of Mrs. Howard. I.. McGuire occurred in Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday, Oc- tober ' 7th at the age of '62. Her death which came unexpectedly and: saddened . the ' community, -was due to'.a brain tumor.. PAS 1,E TILIR' riieanefweu■■m pu mama ummonmenumnnuaasuni®■■i ■■ FOR -FAST, EFFICIENT OVERNIGHT ■SierVICe i, • TO or.. FROM • UCKNOW - TORON 'Just three : weeks'. earlier: Mr. and Mrs, McGuire were honored . by, a gatheringof relatives and; '•!• friends on the occasion of their. 40th'• wedding. anniversary, Mrs. ,McGuire. was the . former Mary Jane Bell,: daughr. of Henry E • . Bell and ` Susanna Smith, and wasborn in 'Culross Town"ship ''oni July 12th, 1999, On September 15th; 1920, .she *as married. at. Port •Colborne , to. • i::: her: now' bereft husbandr' After Is- le ■ ' residing for a short time in De- •, ; troit they' returned' to the Mc- Guire homestead on Concession 2: Huron Township; where they farmed. • until• retiring' to Wing - ham .about two years ago, .where •Mr. McGuire has• been ,assisting his son 'Lovell in' , a farm service agency. Mrs. McGuire. endeared herself to'. all':; who knew her & the fun- eral 'service • at• the MacKenzie Memorial •Chapel on Thanksgiv- ing Monday was .largely attend- ed. Mrs.. McGuire 'Chad been `.;a faithful member, of Olivet Unit= 'ed' Church, and later, of Wing= ham ,if nited Church, .:and • Tier pastor, Rev.. T .. Garnet. Husser of Winglain conducted the ,:service with ;•.Mrs. Donalda Scott as K J. MacKENZIE;, Optometrist NOW IN •RIPLEY EVERY WEDNESDAY Hours 10,00 • a.in: to 9.00 Phone, Roy. ,MacKenzie, 'Barrister and .Solicitor :LISTO.W)FL. ONTARIU •IN LUCKNOW., `. Every:' Wednesday. and. Saturday,. Afternoon. Office in the Joynt,Block` • •Teleph'one: Office 135. •,Residence` 31-J LUC1I;NOW DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE 'Phone buckilow 71 • TED :'COLLYE'R.• Reg.isterecl. Master Eleetris an' ELECTRICAL' CONTRACTOR • • •Speializing' Electrical ,Wiring and Repairs `A(1[ AGENT FOR SE'ARTON • .,TV and ; All Electrical' Appliances. Phone '4G -r 25, LGcltnow • ROBERT E IRVIN GENERAL GARAGE AA for ' gent. OL1v1 E', I• ARM . XACDINER7r: paid complete EIRE$' 0yE LINE rhonC ' T)ungannon '53 f. For The Best M F, T. Armstrong ' Consulting • Optometrist �' The., Square (Phone JAckson 4-7661) FURNACE UIL,t` STOVE '011:. ' °KEROSENE,.:,GASOLINE .f • See or ca11 Wm; 4. "BVD'"BANIILTON '. Phone 22Q -w Lucknow` District Agent for Cities. Servit . ■•. ■ •. ■ �' ■. ■ • ■ •■ • ■' ■• OC UC.KNOW Waiden SP+ • ONDON .4t: All L•oads •' Insured. • New 'Wingham Warehouse ' *: , Serving Wingham' and District Household Moving- Service to any Ontario' points.'': •No d Too Big :Loa _ No} Load -----____-- Too' Sinaill All Receive Care, When You Ship By WALDEN .BROTHERS al *:. PHONE :COLLECT:. ' on■ -' : ..SUPERTEST GARAGE ‘- PHONE 248,LUCKNOW lif • Wingham 15 Kincardine 530 : Ri u le • 193 ,` s' III '4,.t# iTell Your Traveller, or/ When Ordering, 'To , ■' 'i , ` SHIP '''BY : WALDEN BROS. TRANSPORT r' ■ ;By Phoning -RU 7-65 41 •Toronto or C;E >8-b 75 3 London. $ . .■ ieaa�iiauiaiiS■ii■a■uiaisii■airiisiiauu■anai■IR. 80TH' BIRTHDAY ;`MARKED' • 'BY. SURPRISE BIRTHDAY chapel. organist Internment' •was • in •Ripley, .Cee metery, , ,the' .pallbearers being Keith' McLaughlin; , Keith, thin. - bar; . Win.. • T. Bouls"ton, 'Herbert •:Clayton; :Sandy' McCharles ; and' ' iorvai :Stewart. Mrs..: McGuire is .survived by: her • husband; . 'two sons, :Arnold James: McGuire: of ' Sudbury:•and Lovell Howard of . Wiinghain; two sisters, Mrs.' .John Robb ;(Annie) of Kinloss and Mrs, George Iia1- d'enby` ''(Violet) of Kinlough; & one:brother, ' William . Be11' of Renwer,• Man. She. was : predeceased . by • a daughter, Verna Eileen -McGuire • on. January. 1st, :1932. at the .age 'of 9 years :and by, a brother, `Al bert Bell' in '1940.: C1yIS • DONATIONS STILL SHORT' OF THE GOAL• • • Lucknow • and'.; . district dona- tions' to , the. 'annual appeal : of the Canadian Institute For:The Blind, presently stand at• out• $250.00.- This is . considetably. short • of the current objective, & of: the response of other years. A surprise ,party was held: on Thanksgiving Dar, at; ;the home of Mr. and : Mrs: William G ,'.Mc :'. ;Innes at Walkerton . The occasion was the eightieth birthday 'of kr. McTnnes Present at the :gathering:were ..his 'four brothers and their wives,Air. H. McInnes of Stratford, James .• of Whitechurch; Thomas of Gor-.. rie; •and' John of Holyrood. ° A fifth brother, Jtobert• of . Tees - water was unable to attend.. There Were also three of : his sis- ters present, ' together With their:. husbands, ' (Minnie) ' Mrs. 'Alex Butler of , Goderich;: ;(S•ydney). Mrs. Gordon . Jamieson, also of Goderich, and (Lizzie) Mrs:. Or- ville: Tiffin ..'of Whitechurch, . Also included .in. the guests were y their :daughter. (Wilda): Mrs. Floyd Pratt and Mr. Pratt and two 'children, Marilyn and Billy of Walkerton, and their: son "Bud" and Mrs. McInnes df Waterloo, and .Skip Cartwright of Walkerton: •During the after- noon, :a number Of ' those pre. ent If• ;you.: have overlooked anak enjoyed 'a tour of the woods and ing your donation, please send river .front along 'the McInnes it. along • at ' once. There is no property after which a sutnptoiis'. , appeal' Donations• are . sent 'in lir. ey Suppe w s ;enjoy The• canvas in. • connection with this, t k r a ed voluntarily: The local chairman ...evening was, .pleasantly:'spent' .in i) is H D. Thompson. • cards 'and :dancing: ieef (FALL SHIPMENT :RECEIVED). wiry Gives the added :lift your herd requires, ing food" • is an energy user. ,7 r rupplement, especially in the . fall months when "hunt Available •at. • Lueknow ,Branch, Phone 78. "THERE'S A NEW.. Y.l `E FEED FOR *'EVERY, NEED" .7