HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-10-19, Page 2THE LLICKNOW SENT1NR I LUCKW+iOil{fi ONTARIO•
we Recognized•A...s.
;ogle Mark SOth Anniversary
Ten Years Ago
`white ,gladioli for ned the back -
A petition was largely signed
ground • in Pine River United
by West Wawanosh Township.
ratepayers requesting withdraw-
al from ••'the- Wingha'm District
High School to join the Luck-'
now district.
,•Lucknow 'Council by •acciama-•
tion. was ,Reeve J. C. MCNab
(succeeding W. A Solomon)
Councillors Ernie Crawford,
yr'- • 'Russ Button, ' ;,5, E.Robertson,
Officiating clergymen *ere the • Innes Mac�Svieen,
bride's father, 'Rev. Hutton, and Bob Simpson was president ofy,
Rev. Douglas Dunlop .of Rile.
.the Legion,' •
,Miss 'Mary 'Boyd was organist- Rev Dr. Charles H. MacDon-
and -the soloist was Miss Mae'' aid ended • a 25 -year ministry in
LWEDNESDAY,' ,OCT: 19th 1.9.64
Church on Saturday,. 'September
24th, for the marriage of Ruth
Eileen Hutton and Wayne Came
ron 'Johnston. ,• The .,bride is the
'daughter of . Rev, J.- C. .Hutton
of Pine River and the late Mrs.
Mutton, The groom. is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Mark ''Johnston of
Hol oad
The secondary municipal �c ill
wan 'being given a 30 -day
ink .test to see if the turb„h, •
(sediment) .could be. cleared.
George Collinson. of Kxnt4:i
was • severely injured when
tied 'ander a tractor' draw,
Levi Hodgkinson, 32 16st. " s
hand and . was ',almost blinded.
by a premature dynani:+r Et;
plosion while. ' blasting a huge
A Lochalsh` native, Mr. ,J u,,; ce
Malcolm, A. MacDonald' 'was '.el-
evated 'to. the'Post of Chief Jus-
tice: of British Columbia.
Sutherland of `London who sangLucknowr, upon accepting a call Thirty Years Ago
'2"; "The Wedding ' Prayer" and "0 to the Belmore and, Belgrave • ,W Iter B. Craw graduated
l'erefect Love" during the sign charge. , • from" Emmanuel College as a
ing of the• register. ` . third, generation in the rninLitry..
The bride, who was given in Twenty: Years Ago His grandfather,• George"
marriage e by: her father was Charles A. Robinson, Craw 'was pastor' Rei Geon
M.L.A. at li =;•dale
charming, ;in a: princess ''style for Huron -Bruce. • died at the age f Presbyterian Church fay ;;, .en-
gown of white peau -de -sole: vas first of 65 after a . long illness: He •titre • Ministry of 31 tie '. His
fashioned with'a slightly scoop- elected ill 1926. -• { four sons all entered the m _
ed` neckline edged. with French
lace and. seed pearls. Panels ,of Harold ' Parker died• suddenlS,
ham,. French lace edged the overskirt at' his home on Con, '6; Kinloss,
• . A veteran of . World'' War
e ` tin to Avluch formed 'a chapel train. •
ntinel ,rhoto yrer veil of French tulle ':illus- was employed .for, several years:
• the tore fell from a headpiece of. net with •fi W. Smith as a mechanic,
Residents of " St.. 'Helens all •• of . residence at the rear of Pr .
s ion e � husiness.
and later had , his own
their. Mr. and. Mrs.. William until the last day of .:1959 when leaves and seed pearls. Her •';2....- d in his th y came to
l o •ust ue ,was' of white ' `" dy' Nicholson, CCF, was.'' Lucknow from •Teeswater at'the
Isaac :�tlier observed;:their 50th trey, moved . tat their h use,.y J Cade bouq t ��. . e
e i : last Thurs-' south' of the.. store . on ' the : east denies,. 'button mums and _.ivy, elected 'to the trek, ' House' turn; ; o e the. conte rY . aro '' for
�eddm� ann versary , .. ..
October 13tH. Open house side : of the ;road. Isaacs ,mother . Stuart Gilchrist of To= 'm the MacKenzie ::constituency decades succe_c lc rn
Oa*, o bn Saskatchewan
, was o�.ed' at.: their • home just .and. R'Irs.•' W.'Gordon Gordon; had Prev'-revi-' .Tonto .was .matron of honor and•' • • aged the: • I:ucknow• :Table Go�-
south of the store in • St, Helens ausly made their home. there un- Rev. 'Douglas Macpotiald was
was gowned ' inn � •peau -de- P
ian Church, by his;' : father,. Rev. at Wasaga Beach to, find his cot=
Douglas • ' - ' •ashes — stip w� t .
C. H. • MacDonald.; was stage iii l � from
eco I
stry:, Father of Walter .Craw.
was Rev. R, W. Craw who ,area-
cited in Lucknow and ear''v in.
his ministry , at St. Helens. •
,The 'death of John Button oc-
carred in' Victoria' Hosaital., Lon-;
on i 74 . ear. He
an afternoon. and. ev til 'their, deaths.'. It was unoccup- sole . featuring a bell shaped ordained in Lucknow Presbyter- ' Rev C." H MacDonald arrived
ening, and on Saturday, a • family s ied for four years prior, to Mr- skirt scoop neckline..and.
:dinner was held. 'at the. Tiger y and .'Mrs.' 'Miller • nioving q p
into it, vaster sleeves. Her
Dunlop Inn at °Godericli- • The.'..Qeneral store ,at St Hel- was. a, wreath. of bronze=toned appointed minister at'' Alma St.1,a fire'the• previous dav, the.
$ Church in, St. Tho-1"cause of which .yeas a : mystery.
Scores of friends and n "�h-'° ens is over one .hundred years alums and • her flowers were a
eig Presbyterian
.' and tt he Miller: '.name: l s' crescent .shaped bouquet 'of oT- mas.• •' Within three month- : o its
hours �oalled ' of .the Miller Home: �- old , . crescea ped: : q .g•
ib'een• connected with it fore the den 'mums. : • ss Mildred Ritchie: was ap- initial .defeat,;'a ,water � ta.*Tt' &
oa �iu��v . to extend ' canb�at .l• . .
best' Wish e'•i st seventy-six *.ears. rid `ds' "were..,Mrs. `'Claire pointed, manager of the . •$ell fire protection' b -law' was a .*i
niattaas andWishes. T`h pa E e-^_
s were received' by- Mics Diane , has been ' an •
fhce, succeeding F. suba3itt'
ilii ardent•. T'liiell Toronto :.:and::' firs;. Telephone o. , ed to- 'the ratepae ,, of
, ,
'Pouring • tea were Mrs- .B..' actio ely ast�ociated with the pro- "Their ,gowYis Were, sty' M r, -
.. Against" '10.,
ed •her 94th birthday. � • .: '• • 50� F r 1
Green,' Mrz' Lorne �`oods, .'. ...Miss Motion of snort, a legal fan,. and. ' lorry to that :•. of .the matron:. of A.
The October' meeting., :of -~E
K mail: ` Women'`s Insti ki e � a
held' .,tile Community . Ham:.
Miller and Gordon Milier.1 ;al hislife ' having been Donald ' Hutton of . 'Pembroke M Paterson Lucknov�r who this time
Isobel warn/Ian 1 ,
F 'r 1 _ Mrs. Wm.' : Scrimgeour : observ-their' approval by a ' mai o- i of
Wilhelmina : ' • Rutherford, J' Mrs' in later years an enthusiastic honor, in ' shades of gold and'
John' Cameron ',''arc :717: J.'g Sal-; Participant" in ' lawn . bowling, :.a cinnamon ' and thein crescent .
bronze* .and $333' IN . =LICE
du • :Which was `to have been !Prizes. . The Bred Heifer Classic sale
w, • • ! P Gertrude tee Walden .as flo- o
s � .. f . Holstein heifers :sponsored by
keld� azict',A#r.. FYank Mc.Qw_ illns.,l spit :he' continues to', enjoy` bouquets were' of ' AVFSA ,
Mrs'_ McQuiliin `performed this'qand incidentally, .win •a fewl'gold.mums.
done ,by her. ,mother, wase sud-) Isaac Willer's. service ' to the wer girl wore a frock of white:
t � the: ' Bruce county Holstein
been 'a b word for years; and uu puff sleeves..and +cumber- Br�ecd Citii d" h ld Oct her 1 tier read fro *'
• .: ye- • •• .. th p 12th in the Winter.' Fair Buil ' 4 sic the. ''date ior
the ••,`shopper' ander bund. She carried a basket of c"' t,'
(�"alkertan was � a cosy success 'con County Rall* ' to � � e"•d ?i
n ofOttawa • •was g selling fora of ,325 for , burn.
traditional: and was at One tir"me bearer. i
. � '. � a . general ati-era�ae', 'of � each.. ;. Plans . were ' made • for a �`.�
very: ably recorded in a poem ,Elwood .Hodgins of . •Toronto r
penned bythe . late: 'Mrs'. Fttra- was ' best man and air. LloydThe tap price of S5,°0 was paid - •a ternoort` ige ertair � :Dt?:•
'' ► by James : Needham Ripleg, : ,to ° gannon, Tiger Dunlop•.:.
beth (Rutherford) 'Bail_, caption Johnston: of ;,Holyrood • and air.'
.ed;Isaac Millets litck'�' Me�'�+ezbr Bros-, Rigl+er, `for the erich• Institute's on Oci < t
: Donald ' .Hutton' : Qf Pembroke:
two 'year.. old heifer,'�ior�daleQ•at•'2:30_
Gov ernes ' .Ma'delame, . H_ C_ Mrs_ George. 11oncrier - a v e
den death• occurred• jib's. a. w n people .of .that .community has or., over• gold, fashioned
Breeders . an e o e was m' h
days before.:
Assisting with the serving!
'',were :.Mrs, : Gordon'. lttac1nt„,
(forot ), iron Tom' Todd (Hel-;,
en),. Allan ':Miler, Mrs. Gor !.
don Miller. Mrs. Raymond Laid-'
Isaac, as' he is, popularly known,
was -born in Auburn. • . years,
ago on October 15th, the sono af.,
Mr and• Mrs: Richard $.'iil;er.
'hen•'. he. was one year of 'ago'
the famitV .moved to St.."Helens
where they purciased • the gen-
eral 'store froni John • Garden.
Mr Mier Siad' previo• taught
;cool 'at A,ub~arn Prior ,ba John
G -.don. William Gordan owned,
servi' ' he . proFided' on : his bronze and. gold Mums.. Stephen'
�, became •'ful event. � with t_hrtF-one 'head the .'Knox •United • ca:i*;c•� •.:�&
daffy\tries tt Luc1 no ` Johnston . Otta ring
total of 510 f
• Serve :Church.' Wali . :were' ushers. • . ••
Blit ' most noteworthy perhaps • A 'wedding' dinner .was held at, ��•r -„
Cooper. of �Lucknow bought a report on the visit to B
is the 'mice Mr and Mrs. ,Mil- Reids'•:Corners Community 0811,
,bred: ..heifer from Dr_" G.W. County Home in 'C'a±
ler hat*. eadered • to their. church, with the bride's, mint; Mrs- JW ' F;
.and '
'e ion`
ful stock
oeca oar of
was. recignnied • by
egationi when a. beauti--
was panted on the
t3 r ?ring er'-S'a rF,
Anderson 'of 'Sarnia recei Ing in
a blue silk crepe ds Arita pale
blue':accesori+.es and a come of
pink row. The' groom's mother
Toole of Walkerton for $355. one having used Gr
or silk stack
the 'next .meeting, can.'
forwarded to ;the' Ho C:..
The ' foilowmg address mar-' :wore A royalblue lace dt' -s Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Hackett i
the .stone and he is believed to:, izzes their " valued and devoted',
have been theor g '- 1 store- leade p.. and assistance, in this'
keeper at St.. Helen's . Isaac has ,, r rd
a brother. 4."tGa� , i .' C - 'Dear Mr.and Mrs.
Baty 'and a , mer M� Stanley'', We the rmemne- s and•ander-
Tai for tF a ce h, in tictora. enty • of Calvin ` tn':ted Church:
Two TD e•. Itilioert and Char- •rs11 to congratulate you on the
les, . died :.yeas 'ago and . on'ci von"- Golden Wed-
a sip -tom 3f ' Wa lace Miller 4-35'^',1',:. rt*'iVer►arr. , u
tCn i'.t '. the yam, : in therc.igh .:he years you 'nave
die s: dde ri y`t,i t fir. . ", ww k -e'_' fa thf" ' : se,' viice , to•
da• ys 1S..t�.{.0 ta3i+r7i. Vr',..', v^G.l+iL.e .y, -Oars cfra�:�t..:u.�.� .and '!�i�.++.��'caJita•��Y..
the �• - 'r-= - r: • YOu and your : 'i r r: have
Mme, ' M =ter s - :z, ' was 77' in : and are.. a ower of , t*- a to
My. was the i,: n" L4rga et
-utw'Tso' daughter. ` cy^,_M%4.ru... 3E i:
ee:. have gen
• M` . • J n -1tr e .., .. r i. 1 -..>
'�'. a..-.,... ^L•:.e � a�....Y G? � ''",r' �` -:.tom; ��„"� '.L`•1tt
�—` w '��t St. 74e. `. t . :.: a tic..:�t r. having L_
with blACk- a -�ories and a car-
age of pink nr
The bride's goring; away 'cost-
ume 'Was a brown and. :ga-eeeri
blended tweed ' suit with ' beige
fur felt hap; avocado shoes Hi' ,e
- green
and ba with,a corsage of gold i Mr and Mr& Fred • 3nderson..
rnumq`• ' Lucknow visited on Sunday with
Foli awe ' 'a ' w'edclng " trip • • to! Mr. and 'Mrs- Charlie Anderson,
Cape Cod and. New Fi dlana it being 'Mr der ra's birth-
Stat-' Mr and . Mrs. John ossa ;.
took uP r dence m Toronto: Mr. and Mrc..Ne:si Raynard
visited with Mr.. and Mrs. 'Wal-
ter Demser • on `Siiiiday...
• Mr. and Mrs. . Wx Ritchie. '.
and Mrs, Tom Bake. Mrs. Jean
Paper—:till- and &s. Nei n Ray -
‘-stied. Friday with
and 'Joan sit ' the week -end in the current event,
•Mr'. and M .' Jack 'McI'ean g( Ttse' nee g c seen
family • of Wroxeter , -pent :Siir2- Queen and
social half ' ho:IIr'.,
day . with art:d Mrs, i- ey , R,
vand, Community- togeter • p ,fi
..Would: a ' '.tour ski .our tee- we.
ash you to accept this
i ter.
and we i"Cik,{tha'r, w always'
serve °�, Te'•�•yIl+. +�" rycz of our love 2i't�.-.. 'and Mrw' 41T!1 'Smith.of
Li c..S i'.. u 7t '.. ..G:�a'.'4' : r G� fir ' S e'''MV ar dd- +'��.i•,i V'•�i..
. L- severs:. `
Ott. 1WDrr
,+- L,t.ri'iJ.i'S'•` ++'R"...+i... 'sir,as t . s , ••
Foy • 0."3, . .:W :...&='
nave ` zie a» S. i.e.=.._"`.-' where
1.'Cai has -teen -,:. ekeeper� e
'quit.<"a w4a' at the x .put
�.' a++�i� ' M�'�►'�" „' i.' aw. r.+r:.�. ��... a...rr�-a.,a..�w. 'wit=
'' o: w+ w~ ' �."
• a a. w 4 +...w w.
ter v ,./arS
de and . C.:. k i' :, to sen.
cis .�..�....
•r!'; 'sem i•aT
Siz=ed .. •, behalf F..'fi i•. �• �y•..r:�.•..'I. ',
OQ+t..t .ti::.40,2tober
Woods. s. ': 4fc
C{ err .,'ma. Wiese:. �FrP-
,". Gro -t.:
NEL:::- ar s ^ - l+u 'aria Mrs.. ..- •C`• nave
•..w.+` a.0 ''�"u•tw� d—en.�`i'.. _+c a""` ny �'• � i k �"+c zee a` w`A:i� '�. r•t"'`.s ' 1,1-‹.
i . Wil7 .Y.� :'+ice C ,ix'�'+^�.+"�•r u' •m
• i.
' ... vct.w�� ret. ,e'+`,e'. 'y��'...`.Y.�,.x,.i,n'
r" .
JrAilsai *14 4*
�•'+t+i., w 91,.•�.�'Gr. wV +oo 0,4....
• sw...+a. .'t'�a.
'a e.47
;Al ..
w.r. . w
s .
lam . o 1,14-t a 'Mark da ti tier.
b - t' -
• W'. . :e+ Mr„ and
W. G. •; : S�t•..nay.
• •
COL `SON — At; " .:vim
HOspit /.
nth 196'0, to Mr. a w 4t.-.
C'ollirtcon. R R i,
M• y•
STAY—A.. may_
er' $asp :a<• . .
tom , St- ., lei. ?o, •_.
r-- • ,Lc -'n ley. L. --
daughter'. daug htea.
roue the
.. '
Friday, ,October
Tzu ay , October 25th.:. : •
'ton. Lacii Co a t " : ' ,-teONTARIO CREAM PitarbOttass
• i A1u[ET KG **Ail)
0,4404 Mtn