HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-10-19, Page 113.00.A Year In Advance =. $1.00 Extra To U S, A
Dungannon At 9 V $25.Q0 reward for
I •S Piano ews Has Keen Membry
he party .or ,' parties responis-i-
)Ie . for smashing' the door
leading to the apprehensionof
thee men's, public lavatory at. the
Mrs. Christina MacDonald of.
Lucknow quietly observed , her
91st birthday on Sunday, Octo.
west end, of the Arena. ber 16th: She spent the day with
Lucknow.. Municipal .Council her daughter, 'Mrs. Eldon Hend-
erson, and Mr. 'Henderson, where
her . son Mr, Murdoch' MacDon=
BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION ald and •Mrs. MacDonald. of Pine
River'and sister; .Miss.', Janet
Construction work on the 'new ' MacDonald, Lucknow visited
Wheeler:•with her. • � �:•
St. bridge,, preparatory .Mrs: MacDonald.. returned';re-
completed this fall •'and for the
first time in. the history of' the
to. • P g • the concrete is ad- Gently from Wingham.Iospital
where • she was a patient ' for a
•couple of weeks.
vatic steadily. Work will. ,,be
Village there .` will be a .Vehicle
crossing of the Nine Mile River
at. this point.'
•At Monday. •night's meeting.,
members of , the Lucknow ' arid.
District • Lions , Club learned, of
final plans for the . rummage
sale scheduled fpr this Saturday
afiternoon • .and 'evening ', m the
• K. L. MacKenzie, chair ' of
the .Sale.Committee requested all
members . to',,complete their,can-
vass, for donations • on • Thursday
of this '.week, and bring them to
the ' Arena that day:, '. .
Fr. iday ; and' Saturday morning
A 'member of a West : Wawa- b f• ' •
ly= years ago ' she returned. to: Dunn He also reminded the ' Lions:: to
Sharon Strong, 10 -year-old
daughter of Mr, and Mrs:. Leo-.
nard •Strong of near' 'Seaforth,
was guest soloist. at;the :Lions
Club meeting on Monday ,night..
She thrilled the' •members, and
the' Zion .ladies who catered,, with
her several selections; 'and .after
the .: meeting •adjourned '"the
boys': ,crowded around the piano
to have Sharon give . them anoth-'
er ,encore and 'in. turn . another
rousing hand .from her, apprecia-
tive • audience.,
Steve Stothers thanked Shari -
and praised her ability and.
personality: Mr. and Mrs: Strong
accompanied., their daughter,. &
Mrs.. Strong "got the nod" to. say
a few words on' °behalf, of the
Sentinel Photo : will :be �deuoted to arranging; &'
vai.ous Ilya) s. A out twenty- ive.t tagging the articles
nosh .Township • - .pioneer
fame naturally proud parents.
Sarah Ellen Durnin• • of . Dungan- gannon to live permanently. ,.have their •' 'wives "brill an
g Y
•'" birthday- 'Miss Durnint_.who alrty and appearance belles her, the baking counter in connection TOP APPLE DAY•. SALES
The Lticknow, Boy Stouts held,
a :very- • successful., apple day. on
non, on Friday observed her Miss ` Duririn's radiant ,person a "- for. 3' "TENDERFOOT" SC
•� thing they can bake w 11, f, , .OUTS '
h known to her ::friends s as E1 3& 'years. •She is active about the With the the ''rim -image• sale: It was '
lee,. makes her home with her «
:brother, Robert J .Durnin and : - k about' a �year prevents __
• agop deposit has , ',been ,paid:
house each, day •although, a heart reported that the arena cleanup
ug er, • ora o .. , her from climbing stairs. She is • ,At.. 'Monday night's meeting
bis 'home across from the' Pres -.,a source of -, . :information to the.:Club memoers were further a
Church :in .the Village_ family about relatiVeS, past and vised of 'the calls they are to
Durnin . will be 87. • next' present, • because' of her keen make soliciting :donations 'for
i ionth• Flora . D'urnin is home ` memory: Miss` Durnin is a wan- this sale. Anything that : is, clean
economist for Grey County and �, '
•derful ,sewer' anti` not 'too :long in reasonable repair' and saleable:
'ides in Markdale
• a
go, :. made: a dress for. : hersel€. is acceptable. •' :
Miss Durnin wasborn on Oc- She .plays the . piano and reads Residents_. of the community .'
tuber 14th, :1862; on a farm on considerably. ' She . has always can: refer.- to last . week's 'Sentinel.
th sixth . of ... West Wawanosh.: been a •member of the. Anglican .to find' out 'what: Lions member
Saturday showing a profit of
$83.37 on the day's 'sales.
The /three . best salesmen of
the day` were Chester 'Hodgins,
Bill„ Chester • and Bruce: Hender-
son, all three of whom are new
Scouts this year. All told: 17
Scouts' took part in the sale Of
apples 'and•. are: appreciative of
the : generous response they re-
ere. fetor. pion `now re-' Church . at . ungannon an ca on' em. e s . o' ca'
sales. She • the: fifth in.• a' .longed . ta` the Ladies Guild when by' Thursday,' you
wh Wet Errin D d be lis th If .h fail t ' call i•ceived
• call
nilly of Delve of Charles health, permitted The . Rummage Sale 'chairman,
Durain.' and ' Rebecca Smyth, - `,Miss Durnins brother, Robert. K. L: MacKenzie, informed The
thatis of
both of ,wathe• came trona • Ire J., with whom. 'she makes,• .her :Sentinel the ass tance y .,
rand:; Her .father came.' to Canada' . home, is . the only other -surviving Lions ' wives' will be •, welcome in'
at the' age of:: five and .her, moth,- .member ofa• family girls displaying .' garments,: etc.:, and l
.,. _ of five g
�r at ,the age of eighteen Follow- and seven : boys. A brother, Dr. acting as salesladies:
lag thein marriage they . • settled l'Charles : Dur lin, :died at Long Plan Hallowe'en Party '
aa, 100'` acres. of ,land in' West Beach Catifor:sia,.'th4s• summer Donald MacK nnon . reported
. that the Committee had plans i
Waa®anosh, which at that • tune �• • Caring for' Miss and iVtr Dur -
'pias 'in i timber- They'bad , • i • :''present •time is Christa �d;yfor the ...Hallowe'en • party at
virgin .., � iiia at •the , . ..
a 1®g cabin aid' a_ to .barn.1 oekner• of Markdal'e.. Christa,. the Arena .on• October 31st. This
g L' will start at 7':30 ,with. a ctisturne
,fit • .fl864 , they •built a � brick ;�,vho has been in 'Canada 'only ,parade , � `around ;- Campbell St. .
use and in 1868, a frame barn.. two years, has been at the' Dur
rua : headed' by Piper Frank MacKen-
1t9Ilei�,`'until she' was. fo ` ,=:ffve rain; ` Borne. since Inst ..Feb ry .•
age, Cared or..mo.
er, and father, Followin their had :.lived ' ,iii Switzerland and - e six costume
. g is groupse foralL.cth ldreii' ,of pre- BAGS HALF=TON' MOOSE
death .in Dungannon, where 'they Chile,, :'•Scrub • America, before
d invshe comingto Canada with:: her, par, school, • kindergarten ane public , ON HEJNTLNG TRIP
o ed frorrt t$e.. farm,
travelled '•through Canada and etas, one brother -and' one •sister school • age, wrath, prizes • in each Baynard •Ackert of H
tine united States, visiting •bro-. She speaks Cernnari: Spanisl •St ''group. of 75c, 50c and 25c. 'There olyrood
an sisters, nieces and excelrtiorzal•1y' gond English • for
will be a peanut scramble and was• one of a. ;oursoxne who were
Sears of incl' f' her Moth- She a ative of Germany 'and zit. ..• ,
'Donald Hamiltonwas the "win-
ner of a nine -cup electric per-
colator at a' draw staged m' con-
nection' with Webster. and Mac-.
Kinnon's Crest Fall .Sale.
Lorne Cook's name ' will be
submitted as the local entry for
the grand prizes ,of• a food free-
zer, television set . and outboard
motor. • One name is submitted
from each stare .and Lorri'e's.
name: was pulled locally. ,•
s„ .and,, helping thein in her two years 'an •Canada.- . '.
a treat for each child: fr nt town on a' moose hunting trip , in the
and country• as they leave the Chapleau .district of north-west
ria: r
ern toio. gnarl bagged. •
are .Raise $52 For Sweaters ' the only ,animal. brought . down
NA'T'IVE LOCHALS>Br • • red to the Lions promotion of buil moose weighing half a ton
HELENS CORRESPONDENT Donald MacKinnon' also refer- by:' the` Harty; a four-year-old.
HS • S'>i'-. HEL
Rev,.' Roderick •
MacLeod will.
be inducted as: pastor of the.
congregations of Lucknovv, Dun
gannon • and South; Kinloss at a
service in Lucknow Presbyterian
Church on Thursday ;evening, of . •
next week, .Qctober 27th.
,The induction will be conduct-
ed. by ministers of the Huron
Maitland Presbytery, • which met
recently and approved. • the call, • {
which was.:.extended by this
three-point charge in late Aug-
Rev. ' 'MacLeod ' comes • here
from -.'Tiverton: where he Will
conduct pornmunion" service on
Sunday in concluding a ' three- '
year: ministry e.: He . will( •
conduct services ere on Sunday,;
October .30th. •
Rev. and' .Mrs. MracLeod and •
their two public . school age
daughters, •Sylvia ..12 .ancLCathe
rine 10, will ' move . here• early
next week to occupy the Manse.
It has been :'vacant since the, de-
parture :of Rev. and Mrs: Wal
lace McClean • . Iast: March to
Elmvale in the Barrie Presby_ .
On June 1st' South Kinloss, be-,
came a partof the .Lucknow:.
Dnugannon `charge. ';South Kan
loss has been without a resident
minister since .Rev. Robert ''T.
Marshall; went" :to Strathro3% a
year .ago,'
The L• uckiiow Women's Instil
tute will hold a short course on'.
Thursday- afternoon 'of ' -next.
week, ,when 'Mrs,', Gordon;' May-
nard of the'' ,Home Economics
service will speak on "low To :•
•Conduct Meetings.";
This should prove most inter-
esting. and informative,. and the
'ladies •Of any organization in the •
community are invited:
Neither : is,'. the• meeting' barred..
to 'mien They. too,. will be quite
Paul Henderson, 17yeap;old
son' sof.' Mr., and ,Mrs. Garnet Hen=
Berson of town, 'is playing Jun-
for A' ' hockey for .: Hamilton,
which 'team` is ,affiliated with the
Detroit Red ; Wings:* The Sciie�
Jule, opens on 'October' 29t1r.
• Paul„ is attending Central High
School in Hamilton. as a Grade
12 student. Last season. Paul
played • : Junior. ' •B hockey for
Gaderich and attended his home
school. He is .a right winger_
Ori Tuesday of next week,
W. A..Culbert & Sons .will hold
a productipn sale of 38 head' of.
Shorthorn cattle ' at their Maple
Emblem : Farms • west . of Dpn-
Ctub was again � to enter.' a Pee
:The • fishing which took uP' M . Culbert has been assoeaa
Recent w, . . *Twice in few few weeks death minor hoc ey and fe t if t
nsators with 11llr. -.- i Tw •
C d Find h h claimed member- of The
., . , ,Canada x ted r w
e ora ayson” at Loc a5 c airrie a Wee team i•rt Young • eonsidetable ,,of their time, was with • Shorthorn b d• -
;� ere. his nt. i y .'s t ru
s uncle and ani Serntan�.i . ..taft o
rat .conies .real • good'Th h I d d
rand I ,K. Finlaltson of pike, pickerel' and lake'trout. that .'this will be his last sale
Week competition they shpuld
Fie properly 'decked out or for-,
gotten about. •
• A. discussion of how to 'finance
the matter was to an
end when Harvey llouston; Har -
nee tug
:e catc rile u, e for oder forty years arida. states
The death .o` Mrs. Wallace' A. The four. largest trout weighed, as sales• manager, as -he turns
1«intaT.:: our' ° St. ,Hetenrs . a total .of 40 pounds with• the over 'more 'responsibility to':his
yson ns a sora of the , neo
. tate . .t - rr r L .,' µ given' .brought ; daddy: of them all, measuring 31 sons Bill and Howard 'u ho. are •
une= Fire correspondent who has g
rad Mrs. D.. ..
ted' was born.. at Loch- 'andvaIcte', service in this
,inches. , associated with him :in, the de -
tong y Students of the Lucknow • DIs 'velopment •• an' management of
Be studied law and at one role.. Mrs. Allan Allier. with the • Ile • Webster and Ross Robinson
e.' as assher.: husband; will tock the ,`°hill$ by the horns' & trict High School, whether they this'' widely known; herd. ,
with a law as4st; n.c.e of f
r _ ed i ., f corres- � made the r -u ads of the.rnernbers were aware of it or not, enjoyed• The• sale' • will be held under
.: "inoosebu . er" at 'the afeteri ,
peg of �hneh Eid carry �,n thethe� time � .. p � - _ � .. '
�. eipiii 'present ..
°m Slid° 'l+„ son of the Iatte ,Mr«! pondent. for being at resent for a $52.Q0 re rase. I'g , c a cover m •a 120 -font long else'. nn
new This: marks the third 'ben- It is recommended 'that. the ori Monday, courtesy (�f Ray- , the Gullaert Tarin.• A sale rang
' G A 'Sid"' off Luck -
Lion :colors: and crest. ; The 'other three members af.' the; animals . in ,the :sale will all
Last year the . Bantam team the party were Carnian 'Molina- be in one end of the shed., Up -
was outfitted courtesy of Ross
Robinson 'of the Lucknow. Dist-
to -•
rice Co-op '
least. ,ass•
y.. rani. d.
!' a
member-. f enation of the Miner family to outfits to be secured 'have. the • and seatirx rs b�t•ng. arlctalT+�d
4 tits news for The,
« Triiitayson ,is a'veteran of .write 5t• •1 -le •e
mar, I and was seriously Sentinel.
tautr in . few weeks ago, death clarm-
t�liat confiner. He. fat � •
e 'private ,.secretary to ed Mrs. Gilbert lrrayne. the faith-
Bennett, `t, forirtet' flit Kingshridge c orr`esporider t.
tie e M . '. e- " :, h; she, had written far the, . Alvin Harnilton reported ori
.. , nrinsier of Canada« + alt.hciu�. , � ` ' will
. ti «_ . , .. e•r for a comparatively short- Teen Town activities, which ... will
Z iayson stilt s nt nail- pap i.... • . . lifts. Miller. be taken to the ToIl Hall; as
rat t .�, ;;Go�reriairaeiat cur # .et" trate than:had . .. •has the Legion hall. is Solidly' , booked
ca /tars.. Fray `�e' sofa, Eugene.g' . .y
�'an advisory, for Borne titne.
"�'� � been cora.r,Q, otn this servl�.e« on. l tlday n�
RAI, of Teeswater and Clarence ; stairs. the ladies of the Dungan -
Thon son and Earl Stearnall of , y
.._ ... prio�' Women's 'institute will serve.
:Walkerton_ From Chapleau they, Iwu'h• during' the • day.
took a seaplane• north some `25., V There ate 17. bulls in•:the of
to eS`' to Lake Nemegosenda: :In Tenn¢ .and 21 • females.. all , ton
an area 10 tittles by 25 miles,' quality. Mr. Culbert says: "Ther"
there was only one therq uar-stock burls are top Stiff and are
tette . of ninirods;• . worth 4: 'ming to see."