HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-10-12, Page 4}PAGE FOUR
' A
WEIDNF.S�I}Ei',. OCT: 12th, • 1960
CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ,41, RATE$ --:.Fust Insertion 2c
•per word, minimum charge 50c. Repeat Insertions, 11/2c' per
word, :minimum 40c; Notices; Cards of Thanks and Corning
Events,. minimum' 7.5c. In Memoriains, minimum $1.00. 25c
extra .for replies; to The Sentinel. Billing charge of 1 Ob for.
each bill. rendered:. •
Oe ,SALE; - three Durham
heifers, bred July -and ;August.
Simon de Boer,, R. 1 Lucknow.
FOR SALE - boy's 3. -piece snow
suit, size 6, : in like new condi-
tion. Mrs,, BlakeAlton, ', Belfast, •
phone . 84-14, 'Dungannon.. •
R 300 ' Red Sussex
pullets, , five months old. , Carl
MoClenaghan, • phone 402-J-1,
Wingham •
t?OR SALE * dry stove . Wood:
Apply. ' to Alex McIntosh, Luck-
now. ;
TRUCK FOR SALE'. 1956 -,
ton •.Fargo in :good• shape, • new
rubber all ,around.. W.. A," Ora -
ham, Phone 89-r-4, Ripley,:
PIGS •FOR . SALE - ' 8 chunks
for. sale .Apply to Herb. Buukton,
R.R. • 6Lucknow;; ,phonb26 r=10,
Ripley. ''
FOR SALE - purebred Sussex
ram. Apply : `Lawrence McLeod,
phone 46-r.22, Lucknow. '.
FOR.. SALE • •= Easy .automatic '
washer. In .good working order.
Greer ':TV •and, Electric,. :.phone.
110 Lucknow;
FOR SALE' • - ' a box stove •' in
good.condition, Mrs.'' Wm. • Mc-
Intosh, Lucknow.. '
FOR SALE - girl's "Little Is ug-
get 3 -piece: coat set, .blue, •size
4; also a , boy's . blue winter jac-
ket with food, 'size 10-12. WS.
Bud " Thompson, phone. " 187;..
Lucknow. .
FOR SALE'-- . girl's; beige'winter
coat, size, 14x; girl's -red' jacket.
with , white .. fur trim, size •14.
Mrs. Jim McNain, .phone 110-r7.
30,; . Ripley. k'. .
FOR SALE, - ':girl's blue.: Ken-,<
wood. hat, ,coat. and • leggings .set,
size' •3-4 years, freshly .dry-clean:,
ed, like new. Mrs. L.' C' Thomp-
son, . phone 33.'Lucknow. • .
F - I.H.C. "Cub" ' tree-
for with 6' side, attached. mower'
and front mounted 'land leveling
blade. Apply Oscar White,' Luck-
now, :R: R. 6, : Phone 'Ripley 167-
r-25. , .
k. FOR SALE -1000 Red, . x , Sussex
pullets, ready to lay,, 6• breeding
'ewes :and • 2 ' collie pups, Arnold'
Alton, . •R.R; ' .7 : Lucknoyv, phone.
Dungannon 67-r-.1. ,
ALASKA -: Defense construe'-
L..,-... ;b s d
TWO LOCATIONS available 'for
your purchase of single copies.
of The. Lucknow , Sentinel:. are
George's Snack . Bar . or the Sen-
tinel Office. , •
. 100 acre .farm,
12th • concession Ashfield, 95
acres workable, •5.. acres bush, :9.
room • .solid brick' house, bank..
barn ' 40x60, ,hydro: and 'running
water. Property of the late Mur -
do Matheson, write.: •or .. phone:
W. R. Matheson, C•hesley, phone
460,_ .evenings' 267W, •'
LIVESTOCK Bought and sold,
all' kinds. . Phone 41 Lucknow. or
77-r-1, . Dungannon:
WOOD FOR SALE.-rgood hard
maple. wood; iii truck'' load Pots;
also hardwood , • slabs, , softwood
Slabs.and ' sawdust in any 'quant,-
ity. Bruce MacMillan,•. Lucknow.
WOOD FOR SALE -hard maple
and elm slabs, truckload lots of'
about 4 cords, also sawdust,
wood. delivered free of charge
within. radius • of '12, miles:. Spence
Irwin, phone 171 • Lucknow.
Lucknow - Legion will hold a
cash bingo in the Legion Hall .on
Thursday evening, October 13th.
Twelve regular games,. 3, share
the -wealth .and a jackpot ,game.
of 55. numbers for $55.00. .
A reception for Mr. and 'Mrs.
'Ross Henderson '(Irma Forster)
will be held in the" Legion Hall,
Lucknow, , n. Friday, October
14th.• Carru hers . Orchestra,, , ev
eryone' welcome. '
grey -Bruce Hereford Breed.
ers 'sale, . Coliseum, Owen Sound,
Thursday, October 20th, 1 p.m.
15, bulls, 7 Females bred; some
of ' •the. bulls are tested, . eligible
.for 'government •grant. • Lunch
available: "
October' 21st ' `Ontario Club
Shorthorn Sale, , Singharnpton.,
October 22nd -John' D. Currie
Shorthorn Sale, Nottawa,
Special' `:evening ` ..of entertain-
ment by :: the Lucknow and'. Dis-.
'"trict: Horticultural Society :in the
'Town Hall, Friday, 'October. 21st,
.'8 p.m.' .Reserve .this date' for, the
complete showing . of the "asa-.
•dena• Tournament of Roses ,Par-'
ade": in , full • colour and'sound.
(14 bands):
Members • : of 'the Junior Horti-
cultural .Society will call ' at your
door with tickets. Ticket Holders
will' be• .eligible for 2./valuable
door prizes: Tickets 25c each. '
WAST TED TO BUY : - a .quantity
Of,, good furnace • wood, .see 'Geo:.
See .and hear, our complete' stock Frrish• at :George's' Snack Barr
of h 162'L . k w:'
• . New • & .. Reconditioned ' TV's
uc nod
Special prices on our 1960 Models.' ay. up ,to .35c.per'dozen over•.
Grade..,A Large. We take some
Lorraines;, Beauty Shop in
Lucknow will be dozed for two
'.weeks "'from Mondafr October
17th. until, `Monday, October .31st,
inclusive, and will re -open, on
November '1st. '
Westinghouse Deluxe `30" 'Range p
Reg. ; $3�59.0Q, Now $225.00:.
Westinghouse • 'Regular, 30" 'Rogge For full details write Tweddl.
Reg- 249'.95, Now''179: