HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-10-12, Page 3NjSpAY, OCT. 12th,: 1960 • TIIELUCKNOW SElnimEL, LticisNatiOrmitio ; PACE num SAVES..YOU MONEY EVERY DAY RED &. WHITE . HOMOGENIZED PEANUT' BUTTER 3c ofd pack, Save 8c 16 oz. GREEN GIANT FCY. PEAS Save 4c, 15 •.oz. tins ...:.. ,' ; 2 for '35c: HEINZ FCY. TOMATO JUICE . . 29c MOTHER PARKER TEA BAGS Each pkg. ' contains Wm; A. Rogers. • Demi-Tasse spoon, Save 6c, 60's .. 73c WHITE CROSS WHITE TISSUE Save 9c, .rolls ...• ...... .. 4; for 49c Save 4c,. 48 oz. , . • .. , . ' , . 31c MONARCH COMPLETE CAKE MIXES 4 flavours, White, ;Choc., Gold, Lemon Save 4c. 141/2 oz. . .' . . 29c PREMIUM BONUS . OFFER ; . On Imported Open Stock Dinnerware English Staffor4shire Yellow Rose Pattern•' 22 karatgold. trim; 6 piece place setting only ' $1:49 with $5.00 purchase. 'PHONE. 26 FREE: DELIVERY tare • earan,ce OF ALL 1960 • TELEVISION from . ... . ELECTRIC RANGES from DRYERS, Reg. ' $249.95. Special REFRIGERATORS from WASHERS with ' 12 , .year guaratee (and your old machine.)';: .TRADE-INS ACCEPTED TIME. PAYMENT PLAN AND .SERVICE ..:. $199.95' ... •.$149.95 ,., $1.85:00 •`$:189.00 $1.24;.50. 1. i.e.CtrI.0Bolt Owned. and Operated' by • Clarence• • Greer & Wm, George Whitby .underwent .a Minor operation on his nose on Thursday. , at Victoria Hospital, London, and was able to. return horne• Sunday. i 1 1 Lucknow Presb:` terian'Church 4 Y i ' 'interim -Moderator • Rev. 'Neil McCombie, Ripley. SUNDAY, . OCTOBER 16th '! I 10:00' •a:m. Sunday .School . 11;00 a.m. Morning Worship.: a�.::aa....�.` ora.. is LUCKNOW UNITED. CHURCH: Rev. Howard W. Strapp Minister 1.! SUND'A .003•TOB1 R l6tb 10:00 a.m. Church: School 11.00 a.m. • bivine • Wors1'ip focal & �enerala ELECT 'THIRD HURON 'BISHOP Archdeacon Harold ' F. Apple= yard, la.D. of Grace Church, Brantford, was elected third•. Bishop of the • Diocese of Huron. His headquarters will, be in Owen Sound and he will have charge of the Counties of Huron,. Bruce, Grey and, Waterloo und- er' the • direction • of Rev, George N. Luxton. Rt. Rey, William A. Townshend will ' continue as Suffragan bishop of. the Diocese. 1 Archdeacon. Appleyard. was '' born 'at Clarksburg, the son -of • Canon and; Mrs:. E. Appieyard.. His .brother 'is Canon 11. T. P. Appleyard of. Preston. He, receiv- ed phis early education at London. Woodstock and graduated from Western University in 1927 and Huron College in 1929: An hon, 'orary Doctor of Divinity degree was conferred on Whim from the Lyceum Theatre • "WINGHAM Two Shows , Each Night .• Commencing at 7;15 p,m; MATINEE ' Saturday Afternoon at 2 p.m.. Thursday,. Friday; Saturday, October 13, 14,, 15. • Harry Belafonte, Robert Rayaa• Shelly Winters • ' in • •'ODDS AGAINST• TOMORROW . (Adult .Entertainment) •A hard-hitting film • about • then- social stresses' that. drive men robbery and ;murder: . 4 There will be a special showing.• University of Western Ontario of- comedies and ' cartoons on the in,: 1959. • .matinee !aturday• afternoon in He was ordained, in 1.930' and place. of , the • above . feature. ; , IKerwood, Mea served at ••Bervie _ . • _ . Mea - ford and Brantford. •He • also ser- • ved in the Canadian Army for .HOL'YROOD 'NATIVE four years as a chaplain during • the second world war and won DIE • IN THE WEST the Military Cross. at Twenth'e MRS. R. J. AARPER Canal; Holland. In 1951 he was : made a Canon of St: Pauls Catl - The - death of Mrs- B J: 'Har edral 'and in 1954 became Arch_. per occurred •in Saskatoon. Hos deacon :of. Brant • pita'' on .'Monday,' September 26, His wife • was the former .at the age of..81. Her • death oc Muriel Jarvis of London. They curred • the day • after • . she: had two have tsons, Edward and . undergone an emergency : major David' and 'a daughter- Nai et'.. operation•, fon a• gall bladder dis order. • Mrs. Harper "was the •former Lizzie Ackert, daughter. "Of the.' late John H. ;Ackert an°d 'Emtly Smith •'of:.Holyrood. where '.she was born and•,raised: '• Miss ,Ackert inarried Robert J. Harper , also . of the • Holyrood community, who Was ,.born.. on the •faiim, now owned by Orville Elliott • Mr. ,arid. ' Mrs. Harper, . Went West • over' fifty ' years' ago and ' :farmed, in' the ,Leney district lin' Saskatchewan until retiring . to. y. London visited with Messrs. •• Ni"r.:.:and Mrs:. Jahn .Crow ` of L,eney a' 'few years ago:' .,Their , Hossack and Wm. ,John 'Bain. & . Wayne, Mich:, were' Thanks,giv-: sorb Robert continues tooperate. with !Miss Annie MacLeod 'over,ing visitors'. with her parents,; •the • farm.: • , the Thanksgiving- holiday,.. Mr. :and '.Mit..iniac MacLennan. The. funeral • servicewas.; held Mrs. 'Alice MacKenzie • is a patient in Owen' Sound General ENGAGEMENTS and. Marine Hospital... Mr. and Mrs: Gordon' Stobo, • "Mr. :and Mrs:: Stanley ..Burns KR. 3 :Teeswater, w7sh to an- of St. Thomas •Spent the week- . nounce • the engagement of their end with his parents, Mr, and .daughter; Betty Anne, to. Mr:. Mrs. T. . K' 'Burns. Mrs. R• . H. ;Thompson and Miss Helen Thompson spent •the wek-end• in Windsor with. Mr.• and Mrs: • R„ ,A.' Thompson.., Mr. and Mrs. Bert • Bain of, 1 Harold 1Vloris: Elphick, son . of Mr. and:Mrs. John Elphick R.R. 3•. •Lucknow: The weddingwill take place , on October 29th, 1960 in Knox Presbyterian .Church' Teeswater. Holiday visitors ' with Mr. and. Mrs. Crow . remained : for the at' Leney . • with interment , m� • ,nearby Perdue Cemeter • Mrs.: J. L. 'McMillan rwere; Mr, 'week. o y y. • fam- Mrs Harper " is survived by and •Mrs.:Bud:-:Griffin :and Mir. & Mrs: Campbell 'Tl• n}p her husband; a son. Robert; three ily of Detroit.'. and . Miss. Abbie son, ; Patricia: and: Joanne,.Mrs; daughters Muriel, Aleta ,'and • Clifford' of Stratford, d Thom and, Doug Stanley ,Irene; one ..brother . Ernest''Ack- Mr. and Mrs. Charles,'Steward spent Thanksgiving week -end in ert of . Lucknow: and a: sister, Mrs. Norwood with •.Mr.: • and • Mrs: Ron Emma Goulding of 'Regina. •Mrs: have returned . to their home, , Rothwell; Harper was predeceased bytwo having spent the p*§t` two weeks in' ,London with their '• family, Thanksgiving Visitors • with brothers; Afiner .Ackert; in .1931 Mr and• Mrs Art Breckles were and Rev. Harold"Ackert in 1946.. Mr_ and. Mrs.; Ed .Powell, Milli- ken; Mrs.. Gladys Davies, Toron- Mrs. Lorne . Johnston, Miss to; '.Mr : and Mrs. Albert Shelton, .'June Collyer & Mrs . Stuart Co11• - yer attended a shower on Friday night at. the home of Mrs; Robt.. Bogie, Nile, in honor.. of . Miss Mary, Lou Plunkett; whose. .marl.' nage . 'to Keith Collyer takes place on Saturday. 'and' also -visited with . Mr. and Mrs. Harvey., Treleayen.. .. • Mr. and Mrs. Jack • Wilson, T Sandra, . and Ross, and Master Parkhill; Mr. and Mrs. 'Harold` Gary• Granger .and Miss ' Winni- s fred 'Stewart: of London, spent. Haldenby, , Sheila, Barry, ; 'Geor- Thanksgiving week -end with ge; . Mr,.. and Mrs.. Walter Breck; Mr: and .Mrs Ph 'lip Stewart. les, Laura, Phillip,.. Arthur of •Mr• and ivirs • : Bill :Johnston,: Whi echurch Kinlough and Wayne Henry, Of :M,r.':'and Mrs. Bill Barrett and Thain'" and •.Elizabeth, Mr.. and family •of Toronto visited : on J Mrs, Art LeGrand and Robbie, .-..-.:.;..-•. ,- .-..-4-.-.+. -.-' .•.• Thanksgiving. week. -end with. Mr:. Mr. ,and Mrs.. Bain • Stewart, all ' Mrs. Ross MacKenzie: ' of Toronto; were: week -end Visi-Tl.: *• .T T i L - andMr . . Mr. and. Mrs. Aubrey Higgins tors, with jr..•and Mrs. Noble of Detroit spent the past two Jolinston..' ' d Mrs. E. 'K: Hume o diltran and other: relatives in, Carlyle, • 'Saskatchewan? spen weeks ,.with ,Mr. and. Mrs. Herb Mr. an the comrjiun'ity: • the week -end with Mr. ,and Mrs: Rothwell and • ltose,� D' C• b: Mr$. Lo Mrs; Ron binson Kingsof ' Westover;.uryOntarigieRoo, mart'and. Mr: and Mrs., Wei cirri visited with her cousin; C.`, Golloher of Norwood attended . YA: Kingsbury' and ' Mrs. Kingsbury. the funera 1 of Mrs Wallace• Visitors ' over• Thanksgiving Miller. •• On their return they Week -end at ' •the dhome of • Mr. were accompanied by . Mt s. Ed. Mrs. Ross Cumming ' were: Mr. Thorn... and Mrs. Leslie ,,. Cumming arid', Mr: and Mrs: Hugh Rutherford ' Mr. and Mrs Jim Cumming , of and 'family' of • Kingstbn Sherif Sasl atoo� ' arid. Mr. and Mrs. Thanksgiving :with his parents; Frank: Cumming of Ripley. ' :Mr: and 'Mrs. Wm: Rutherford. .r On their .return they • were ac- Mr: and Mrs. Gordon •Neable conipar7ied by Mr: Rutherford and Brian • of 'Brampton, Helen who will., spend :an extended Neable of London, Mr: and Mrs. visit: • • Wm. Neable . and 'family' of hangside were Thanksgiving TheLtrcltno�' V�omert n• stt-• visitors with Jack Wright and. their will me'etin in• the town hall this Mrs. Grafi arri. hh ld tl rr • regti r Octobez"•i4th at 2.30 p.m. On a two-month holiday from, Mrs. John: Emerson will :show a Paris, ii'rnce, Mr. and Mrs. John • .land, .eland and Finlayson have • been visiting f i of 'on En'g • with Mr. 'and Mrs. Donnie Mac -- will Mrs.Donald givre a ` demonstration .ori i Do F d and SdnM . ,and oheirs. G rd- Cerarnres.• Mrs. M•orgat�der Y, will,' give; the motto. This and friends in the Lochalsh. and son Ripley communities. Mr. • Fin- ing. the ,gi•andrnothers' meet- ng. All embers are :requested layson is a native' of Lochalsh, to wear their.. most ancient hats the son' of Mr. and Mrs,: Dan or pay: fine. �• Einlayson. 1 I. 4-4444. GODERIC5' Now Playing The :best Stu* ever filmed "THE GREATEST. SHOW ON EARTH" All tie . splendpr• of Ringling Barnum' and •Bailey's Circus • —''In Technicolor. — t Thursday,; Friday, • Saturday, October 13, 14, 15. Mo 'day; Tuesday, Wednesday, Ockober.•17, --- Adult Entertainyrnent —. THE: •TH LRD VOICE" A gripping ;.suspense, drama from the novel by •: • Charles Willianis — In Cinemascope + Julie Lcndon = Edmund O'Brien' . Laraine Day• • • 4. • Thursday, Friday, Saturday, October 20y--, 21,.:22 "WILD. RIVER" In Cinerhascope and Technicolor A picture to remember, great in scope and story, •+ Montgomery Clift Lee Remick Jo Van Fleet .t: y t . Comi ;:: ' Sandra Dee •r O PER301rS ' In "A.. Summer Place.. h vTows of �Gt vyowls o*t� ov• ; .• ♦�•i•♦-+••�•f•� •+•�•�•�•i►.:�-w �►�•4-�I��•�••iw•�rd �• r . ADMITTANCE • RE..STRICTr0