HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-10-05, Page 11sorosDAY, OCT, 5t$,; . 1960:
• MarkOd-50th.,. Anniversar
NIr. and Mrs. T. A. Cameron, where they'since .resided: Mr. Ca -
residents '
aresidents' ofthis community for meron has . been engaged :in the
over forty years; .observed their insurance businesssince coming
golden wedding anniversary last to Lucknpw. Mr::and •Mrs.. Came=
week with •"open house" on ron 'have': both been faithful
Wednesday, September 28th and church workers. At the age of
a wedding dinner. : on Friday ' 24; ' Mr. Cameron , was ' app'ointed
Mrs. ;Cameron . is the former to, the Board of Managers at
Clara. Purdon, youngest • daugh- ' Hopetown,.. and' throughout the
'ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Pur- • years ' has been active in church
don and 'was born in Dalhousie work in Ashfield and Lucknow.
Township in Lanark •County on He is a member of 'the Board of
• April 30th, •1890. Managers of. Lucknow Presby
• Mr. Cameron is the eldest son terian Church.
of Mr. and Mrs.Jarnes L Carne- :• Mr and Mrs.. Cameronwere
ron and was born on .-February sadly ..bereaved eaved in • J'ly of 1952.
26th, 1888. in Dalhousie Town_ .by the; death: of their son, ,Glen
ship., They .were married at the from a cerebral hemorrhage
home of the Iibride's parents at leaving his wife, . the former,
McDonald Corners, •20 miles nor- Gladys Cox :who. he married in
th of Perth on .: September .28th, 1937, and a. young family. of.
1910, • py Rev. A: J. . McMullen,. 4 boys & 2 girls. Their second .son
B.A.' Their 'attendants,. Mrs. Alex Ralph, married Eupherr',.ia Rin
.Gloss' of Arnprior and Mr. Cam toul in June''of 1938 & they reside
eron's brother, Mervil Cameron on the a home farm, having a fa
were both herefor the .50th an- roily of three girls and two'.boys..
Mr. and Mrs. Cameron farmed
at'. nearby Hopetown until the'
spring ' of . 1918 when ' they: moved
with their three . 'children, . Glen, a daughter.
6;.•,Ralph 4, and Jean, l% years, Last ''Wednesday friends and.
to Cort. ;10, Ashfield Township,:neiglyours called during the af•
Their only. daughter, Jean;
married . Mason "Robinson They
farrn 'in: East, Wawanosh and
have a family of • two; sons . and
Where Mr. Cameron ,purchased'
the Win: Irwin farm no* ,owned
by his son' Ralph: '
. In 1938 Mr. and .Mrs: Came-
ron moved. to the Henry Mullin'
farm which they sold that • sum-
mer ` . to . Clifford Menary. On
September lit, '1946, T. :A.' and,
Clara, as they . are 'familiarly
known ` m ed t , L eknow
ternoon and ` evening . to extend
Congratulations and .best wishes.
On '. Friday •a family dinner was
served in the Presbyterian
Church, with 'Presbyterian ladies
catering and the. serving done
byrriembers of the C.G X.T. •
'Mr. S.. E. Robertson vvas:• chair-
man and after the introduction'
of the 'guests a minute's silence
Fastball fans 01 a few years
ago will be interested to. know
that George Zug formerhurler
for Walkerton, is still throwin'
'em in for Waterloo in an inter-
city league ,that takes, ,in °, the,
twin cities, Guelph and a few
other surrounding towns.
The writer had. the .opportu-
nity, .to see. Waterloo Halms, . 'for
which George pitches, ..defeat
Guelph • -Wellingtons • 5-3: in ' a;;
twenty-one inning ''gate. on Sa-• •
turday afternoon inGuelph.
George . ,was a polder . of
strength for every', 'one of •the.
twenty-one': •innings. Red Sit
zer on the mound lqr Guelph
pitched all the way but weaken-
ed towards the end of the game.
At ' the end of nine innings,
the score was dealocked at' 2-2.
In the first half . of the tiweny
firsts Barry .MacLeod ' formerly
of -Kincardine, ' son-in-law , of
Mel .Bennett who , operates the
: Sepoy Store, doubled to 'Score
two. runs and then scored him-.
self. to . Win the game. •A home-
-run by Guelph in the last half
failed, to. change•'.the _picture &.
Waterloo won' the championship.:
Also playing for Waterloo was
Danny; Shpak, former :player • for
1Vleafordin the fastball• series.
Alex McNeil, former Port Elgin
ace played for Waterloo until
last spring when he moved ` to
Toronto, . . .
Never mind ° the 'business out=;'
look. Just be on the .lookout for i ,
was observed in- remembrance of I.
:departed relatives. •Rev. ,Rode-
rick McLeod asked. the blessing.
The. .toast to the ' bride .'of,' 50
years was proposed by Mr. Mel-
ville McDougall,•and was replied '..
:to by T A. Cameron and tby `•'
Mason Robinson as it was; the
° 19th. anniversary .of their wedd- i
ing day..
Greetings. were. extended" as 1
follows. frornthe church, by
•S..E. Robertson,; f rorn the neigh-
bours, •.by. Rev: Gordon, Kaiser;
from the family, by . Ralph., Ca
meron;; from' the . !grandchildren, l
by Cameron Robinson;;: from, the
,guests,;,by'Rev Roderick McLeod
and Mrs. Campbell.
Mr. Cameron thanked' the":1ad
ies. and C.G.LT.• for the splendid
dinner. Musical nurnbers. includ-
ed •a solo by Miss Beth . Caineron;
accompanied' :by Mrs. Robert
Cameron; piano .selection. ' .by..
Marilyn Caineron,. accordian sel-
ection byo,Lynda Cameron and in
Lange Syne With; Mrs. Katie!conclusin the singing of Auld
Campbell .at` the . piano.
Cameron .Robinson read 'a com-
plimentary 11 verse poem . as' a
greeting , from ,:the • grandchildren
whieh we regret, , space does not
,perm•it is ..to publish. .
cords o
w�ond, bought°last year from farmers by
87. tit
Each• pioneer dealer"•has been supplied :with.
local details on where, how and who to ;sell to.
'Drop. .in ' to.day for complete information
/ favourite
,and•a'demonstration of .Canadats'fav •
Chain Saw..
'0.00 ®s159st,
�%, . MODEL 400.,
1. Complete with 12" aitgchments
MOOR 600
Complete with 16" attachment*.
Holyrood, Ontario,
putt Batteries
$ 7.95 ,: , ' . 18 Months Guarantee
$11.45 , , :.. , . . ' 2. Years Guarantee, .
$15.95: "48 . Months Guarantee
(With. •Exchange).
heel Alignrnent,,afld balancing
Motorcade Dealer Phone 3, Lucknow
at. the.
Mou11ay Qctober i?
•at .1:00 p.m.
` a ` Sales. Manager .
Robert Macintosh, Phone Ripley '164-r-1
E.84303, 241 'Horton St., London.
Murray Kairshea W.I. Special, •
W.I, Kairshea W:L, St..
DAY SPECIALS Peters Guild. ,
The following listings are' the
• winners of the."Specials" , at the
,Lucknow Fall •Fair.
.Dairy, and ,table supplies; Mrs..
Mid Hunter,'' Armow, Simpson:
Sears' award;• Mrs. Stuart Hun-
ter, Armow,. ',$5. • merchandise
Mrs:' Lloyd 'Arnold,. Kincardine
1, , Eatons of Canada: Livestock
McGillivray and Son, Parsley, a
new 'exhibitor of, Polled Angus
cattle who won by one . point. i
Magic '• Baking.: .Special, 1Nlrs•.
John McOharlets, R. .1 Ripley;
Domestic 'pie and cake coMpeti
tion, Mr's.. Ross Gammie, 'winner
of both; Gorman and Eckert
special, Mrs. Stuart Hunter, Ar
pow. • ,
Best Hooked ' Rug, Mrs. T. J,
Salkeld, Mrs.' Roy Mundy, ,Wing -
ham; Handicrafts fors wornen 65
Or . over, Mrs. T. J. Salkeld;' Mrs.
N. G. MacKenzie. • ' •
Woinen'S ' Organization • • 15is-
play, Kairshea W.I., Lucknov,r
VI; , Kintail W.I. Special, Luck-
nW.T., .St., Peters Guild;; 4-H
Horn making Club, St. Helens
Han icrafters, Colwanash; Holy-'
rood W.I. Special, Barbara Mur-
ray, Phyllis Clayton, Barbara
Phone Berme 2424
p T-sr1- Br
Mr. and 1VIrs. Emile M:acLen
nazi and family ,.visited• in Pal-
merston on Sunday. ,• •
Mr. ' and Mos Lloyd 'Wylds .&
family '.of pley and Mr. and
Mrs.' Warren Wylds• and family •
Spent Sunday •with Mr. and •Mrs'.
Dan Wylds.' '
Miss Murial ;Farrish of . Tor-
. onto, Sunny-Broeli ta` s off'
is. visiting. her mother, Mrs; Ken,'
neth •Farrish.
Mr:. and Mrs; Eldon MacLen-
nan entertained at a dinner par-
ty,. on Friday evening.
Mrs..' Daisy 'McCharles `spent a
'few days visiting in Lucknow
"with Mrs. Ruth • Brooks..
Exhibitors' at Teeswater Fair•
from this .community were Mrs.
Loin.e Luther, Mrs. Peter Van •
derlay and. Mrs. Oliver McChar-
` les. 0
The Explorer Group met', in
the . church .: on' . Monday after-
noon with M'rs. Luther and. Mrs.
Wylds ' in charge. '
• Visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Jerry . Cranston on. Sunday were
Mr. and 1VIrs,. Frank Ba wring,
f Misses Viola • and Ruth R.ietiard=
soli, Tgronto:
al ;