HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-10-05, Page 7wEDNESDAY,; OCT. 5th, 1960
ar an
1959 ' Pontiac Laurentian, ,automatic, "fully equipped $2,459
1959.: 'Pontiac Stratochief sedan, fully equiped
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1954 Buick sedan, automatic
• .. _ $895 •
Number .of 1953 and 1954 Models; from $295. `to $750.
2--1958''°Chev. %-ton pick-ups, with fleetside body,, •• $1,49$
1955 Chev. 2 -ton. dump • $895.
1954 Chev. 1/_ -ton'' pick-up .: $595
';.Cities Service Dealer.'
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Phone 173, Brussels
At Pine Royer United' Church
1Vlanie on:. Saturday, September
10th, J'anet. Hazel Catherine.
Thorburn, daughter of`Mr :and
`Mrs.. Duncan. Thorburn . of'm
berley,' became 'the bride of
George Wayne Nixon,. son . of .Mr.
and ,Mrs.' Isaac Nixon, R.R. 7
L'ucknow.. Rev. J.: C. Hutton 'of-
ficiated• • ''
The bride's gown :was of bone
white; rayon .brocade • with mat
thing, accessories : and, her ' cor-
•;sage was of ,red '.carnations and
ivy. Miss Joyce •Thorburn was
her sister's attendant . in a dress
• of green arnel: with . corsage, of
pink 'carnations: Ralph Nixon
'Was: his. ;brother's 'attendant.
A .wedding, dinner'' was held. at
the home ,of: the ;bride's' parents;
with Mrs. • Thorburn receiving in
a brown`. rayon dress• with' cor
sage. of pink . carnations.' The
groom's: niother. assisted . in a
green ' arnel dresswith, corsage
of pink carnations..
° :,Eor• a :wedding trip to • Niagara
Falls .and other. Western' Ontaxio
points, the bride wore . a blue
suit with matching accessories.
in turquoise and -black.
Mr.. and •Nrs.' Nixon 'will- re-
side at .Lucknow. .
Guests 'attended the '.wedding
from . Hanover, Toronto, Bel
grave;. Lucknow and St. Helens.
Sympathy • is extended to `Mrs:,'
Harvey Houston in the sudden.
passing. of her brother.
Mr. Tom. Austin underwent an
operation. in London on, Wednes-
Mrs:,.. Frank MacKenzie and
Mrs • Evan Keith attended the
4-H Leaders training course in
Ripley recently; ,
Mr. .and Mrs. Currie Colwell,
Bruce and Betty returned., ;from•
a• trip to .British Columbia. last
Three , eolith Kinloss . boys'
birthdays fall on the same" date,
October . 2nd. Allan MacDougall,
Bruce ! MacKenzie. and Ross Ha -
Guests this' past week at . the
home of Mr; and' Mrs.' ,Lloyd
MacDougall 'included Mr. ,and
Mrs, Bob: Grant° and daughter of
Chicago and Mr.., and Mrs. Wil-
fred .Parrish : of Ashfield.
South Kinloss Y.P.S. .
• The October meeting of the
newly. organized Young, People's,
group was' •held . in . the church.
Sunday evening, .`October 2nd.: In
.the . absence of 'the. ` . president,
Carol Stanley, the vice-president,
ROSS Hamilton- . • presided:: • The.
themeof the • programme was
Tinhganksgivingpart;withseveral talc -
There was. a ' good attendar'tce
and this 'enthusiastic:,igroup' plan
to' hold regular meetings .from
now.. .on.
'Congratulations. to ,Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd. Husk ' (nee'
Haldenby) who •.': were married
Saturday. in the Anglican Church
in I}inlough. • Relatives and.
friends fromhere,' were in at-
tendance at the wedding. -
By W. B. T Smiley
Canadian males, in . general,
are agreed bn one. thing. They
nod judiciously when they hear.
that. delightful song from the
Musical My Fair Lady, which
asks the question: •"Why can't a
Wolman be Like 'a. Man?" They
realize,reasonable chaps • that"
;they .are, what • a• pleasant, pla-
cid ,world it would be• if women
could, • by • some miracle, ' be,
transformed into sensible, kindly,
decent, regular, jolly,' good-nat-
,ured, : easy -agoing people like
Canadian females are just. as
mutual on a- gripe to which my
wife gave vent the oth(r'evening,
for perhaps the one hundred ,&.
eleventh time. "Why is. it," she
fumed, "that Canadian ' men nev-.
ertreata woman as a • human.
being?" • . • , . . . • . .
"Wuddaya mean?" I asked in
my courtly,Canadian male fash-
ion. She
ashion..She told Me; It. seems that
Canadian men lack, .among oth-
er things, . gallantry, good Man-
ners, and' a good, . sound leer.
A woman, she says, goes t� a
party with her husband She .,has
a nevv dress, a new hair -do, and
reeks of: "Treachery" or "Pure
.Vice" or something .: similar for
which she has ' shot $'5. ' Three.
minutes . after she arrives, ' she
.is.' . sitting with a: circle; of . other.
women, . babbling: of `babies .'aric
bathrooms, dryers, and ..drapes.,
All 'the men are out ` in the kit-
chen, • drinking happily or hud-
'died at the. other' :end of the
r. and Mrs. Murray Render.-.
sort' ' and family, Lucknow, were
Sunday ' visitors ,with Mr. and
Mrs Jas. Wraith:. . • • '
• Mr..' and Mrs.• Alex -Whytock
spent. Sunday with Mr. ,and Mrs..'
Carman Whytock, Whitechurch..
Mrs, Alex Whytock, .4-H .Clu'b,
leader::. for "Cottons May. ' Be
Smart" held the first meeting
at her ,.home Thursday ,'evening.
Officers Were. elected. • There
were 5 . girls ' present.,
choose your
\•Cbz. ', �,
l' be pleased withthe
.You will. many styles by equality manufactur-
will be � underu
et�s' that we have to offer. Feel
l freeeat alll ties to drop in and
Lick our stock over, Youobligation. ,''
Also, see our large selection of .
, y ' :At� Red ed '��Presentlyu� prices
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p:. , .o as .Shopping itOW
• It wiltgy y n' to do some of ''your Chnstm
when Fall stocks, are at their best.
p1�UNE 1$1,. f,`fJrCtt1V'OWi ONT.
... ,
. ,
living roam, haggling : over
politics . and football. •
The only com m ication : ' be-
tween , the sexes dining - the .ev-
ev-ening,. claims. 'ay Old Woman,
o currs when one of the ,men
,toilers •
across the. abyss: Hey,
Mabel! : What year' , did we get
married? in an effort to prove,
his ' point about which ' year Ot-
tawa. won the; Grey ;Clip.
One : other. point of contact 'is
made ;between the segregated
groups, says My 'Girl, -.when the
hostess serves the - food. Weaving.
among.. the ':flailing arms of • the
men to pass the: pickles, she 're-'
ceives'' less. • attention than a
waiter' in ..a beverageroom, she
avers. .
The way she • 'sees it, the sexes
"should mingle 'freely. The wom-
en should stand about decora-
tively, ...looking slightly seduct-
• ive To them • should ' come a'
steady :'procession`of men; who
indulge in ' fierce. discussions of
/art, politics arid': religion, . in •the
process' /bestowing . on 'these mys-
terious* •and . desirable creatures
an occasional deep, longing look.
• or a ' whimsical frustrated lift • of
Well: sir; fellows, : You'll be
glad to 'know that I didn't just
:sit there and swallow all this
Stuff' without' corning : back .with.
some pretty good ,'Ones of my
` own.' First of all, I pointed out
that this .is a 'young country. It's
only' a • couple of generations
since the then did all their drink-
ing out. in . the harness shed. Al
ready they've got,' inside; into
the kitchen, and they, don't even
s t-otz 'the ,st.ovi „
I also ;suggested' that Canadian
men 'are hag-ridden. All they
heat . fromtheir wives when
they come home from. work. • is
about how ' there's something
wrong with the washing mach-
ine! and that darn milkman", On-
ly left two quar'ts,. and the, kids
have been awful today, Joe, and
you've got: ' to `' do something
them and
about • , . the church
is after me again for ` pies
and I . don't see how you
expect me to keep this 'house
up without a cleaning .woman &
if you, think you're going' fish-
ing on Saturday . . .
Not a sensible, kindly; human
expression in the entire out-
pouring.; Not a trace of a fernin-
nine wile, a dab of perfume, a
black• negligee, or a soft •look.
Not a 'suggestion that she's glad
to. have hint •home. Not a 'hint
that he might have had a 'few
things go wrong today at work.
Not the' slightest admission that.
she might be a bit of • an old bat.
Not even onelousy, cold beer in
the icebox, because she split, the
last ore . the. other female
martyr from next' door, this, af,
Thirdly, I Observed' that we
Canadian males are not, to .be ,
compared,even by the most
wildly romantic woman,. to the
-princess,. the intellectuals, . • •and
the waiters of Europe. I'd like
to see one bf them fix a kid's
• bike, put on the storm windows,
or, stand calmly tip. to his bos-
om • in icy water, fishing rain-
bow trout,for eight hours, with -
Out getting : a bite. ?'Te are,, as 1
mentioned; iron , men compared
to those ' hand -kissers. „
Another • thing. Time . after.
time, .1 have tried' to engage a
Canadian woman in a continent-
al.• - type conversation. "You're
looking;° particularly delicious
.tonight, my. dear," I purr.."Hoo;",
she giggles,. "Diane is :doing. far
too much homework for her
age."- Or: "Well, .you've Certain-
ly. been busy at the punch. bowl,"
she . titters. Or: "Oh, this is just
.an old thing I picked up in
Eaton's," she blushes.,. •
Trying /)to get a• Canadian wo-.
man ` into a . sexy, . scintillating.
;conversation is about as. easy .as.
trying to convince a :millionaire
that' ' he' 'can't take, : it' with ' him.
Butdon't be discouraged, girls.
We're coining along ,fast: :Every,
so often, you'll see a ' couple of
us rise When you enter the room.
>ut don't be. 'annoyedif we
manage to do it without looking
at you, ; and without missing - a
single adjective .in .our: `descrip
tion of the golf : game we turned.
in :last Sunday, ;
• Sergeant to squad of •recruits.
On rifle' range: "This type bullet:
will' ;.penetrate/two feet:' of 'wood,
so .remember. to keep your head's
down." •
College boys who type letters
home naturally -.Use the touch.
system. .
fanzily visit