HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-10-05, Page 5i ppiESDAY, OCT, stht • THE LLICKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • AMBERLEY About ninety convenors and counsellors of Christian. Educa- tion comrriittees• throughout the presbyteries of London and Ha- milton Conferences of the ' Un- ited Church .of Canada met in Viiiity United Church, Ingersoll an September 23, 24, 25` to take part in an intensive programme designed to better enable them • to convey to their home presby- tery, the .aims and ideals of this • phase of the church's ministry. Members of the board of. Chris- `- tian Education conducted the various workshops. Miss Olive $parling, presented an outline of the new curriculum 'for church schools which is • under prepara- tion & suggested ways of Prepar- ing for its inception in the to cal chi,trch, Rev. William Black- more conducted counselling ses- stons for the church school tea- chers. Rev. J. Elton • Davidge us- ednew and dramatic methods of teaching the art- of counsel- ling. The' success of the confer- ence was due in large 'to the or- ganizational efforts put . forth by the 'field, secretaries: Rev. •Clar= epee Ferguson, London Confer-' ence, ,and Rev. Douglas. Lapp of Hamilton 'Conference.. The r em- phasiss of the conference which was considered to be one of the most successful.. to date • centred around the • •words, ,"Remember You. Promised", referring to the congregational promise to share responsibility in the Christian growth of the newly baptized. Representing. Bruce Presbytery were Rev. E.' Milroy of Under- Wood, nderwood, Convener; Mrs. F. Paddon gnawsINSURANCE Business 39 GENERAL INSURANCE , HOWARD AGNEW gency • Residence ` MONUMENTS For sound counsel, and.: a• fair. price on a monument correctly designed from. 'quality, material, rely on .. r 4 SKELTON.. MEMORIALS Pat :O'Hagan, Prop.` Established Over Sixty Years', Walkerton Phone : 638-w ; Ontario of • Southampton, Kindergarten. Counsellor;' Mrs. A. Eagles of Southampton, Primary Counsel- lor; . Mrs. T. Bell, of Aanrberley, Girls Work Counsellor.. Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Young of Goderich and. Mr.. and Mrs. Er-. nest Young of Florida. were re- cent guests with Mr, and Mrs, Walter Brown at. Amberley. •Mr. and Mrs.. Huntley Gordon and Mr. ; Williaan Blue of Detroit were ' guests . of Mr. and Mrs. William Courtney. of. Friday 'ev- ening. • ,1VIr, •and Mrs. Eldon Lowry''en-' tertained at a dinner. • party when , Mr, Carl; Watson 'demon- strated. ' the . merits of stainless steel ware.' A •number from here attend- ed the trousseau tea given by ' »Mrs. Mac» Boyd in honor of; her daughter, Mary, prior 'to . her marriage to Mr. Ernest Gibson. Mr. and Mrs. James Mills of Weston were week -end ' guests with Mrs Mills parents; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 'Smeltzer. • Miss .Helen;'Godfrey, daughter of •Mr. and Mrs. Reg Godfrey 6th concession of Huron town- ship is taking • a, course , at -Mc- • Doriald ' Institute,'" Guelph. ` •• • •. It •was with • regret that. -,the .many friends of Mrs. Frank Har- rison (Nellie McMullen) . learned. of her death following an opera- ' tion at. Hotel .Dieu, Windsor, Ont. on' September ' 30th. •Mrs.• Harri- son : was the the daughter : of the. late Mr. &' Mrs: Alex McMullen, ` 4th concession.. Huron.twp.. • where :she •' spent her girlhood days, later. ' going` • to Windsor where she h .•since resided.. From • ,time t trine she and • her hus- bandvisited in' Tier home • com- munity and . were always .' wel- come . guests_ Our sympathy. goes out; to ,the ,bereaved relatives at this time. • ' Harvest » Home Service ' was held .at Lurgan • Anglican , church on. Sunday. .With the traditional .floral, fruit and vegetable : de- corations • the, church presented a pleasing appearance: Rev. C. F. Johnson of Wingham wasguest speaker,: taking' •for his text, "Where hasn't thou gleaned . to- day?" Ruth 2: 19, He stressed the need of good reading for in- spiration to ' higher standards of. living & to' beware of being way- side gleaners. "Every day, he said, should be a day of thanks- giving." Under ;the.. direction of Mrs. John Emmerton . the choir' rendered special music for the occasion. • •• A short business meeting of the Reids Corners, Women's In- stitute. n stitute• was . held on September 28th with Mrs. Donald Courtney and Mrs. »Kelvin . Henderson pre- siding. Interesting' reports.. of the Grey -Bruce Area Convention. at Walkerton were given by Mrs. Melville • 'Henry and, Mrs. Sam Geddes.. Hostesses ail the . lunch .hour were Mrs. Ross S'hiells and' Mrs. W. ' . J. • Courtney.,' A ' number »of ladies ` of the community enjoyed the . Needle- craft course eedlecraftcourse , sponsored by •the Women's Institute 'of Reids .Cor-. ners. The two day'"course was held in ' the Community hall with'. Miss F. L. Wright. of Terra Cot - la instructing the class in, :smoc- king.» needle point and '. cross stitch work. With time • and: 'pa- tience some beautiful'' work may. be ` accomplished in this craft. HOLYROOD sympathy of the ' commu- nity is extended. to Mrs'.. • Harvey Houston in the sudden » passing of her 'brother,. Mr. Ray ' Taylor in • Walkerton on Saturday. 'Mr. ,Ernest Ackert, : Lucknow :received word last 'Monday .of »the death' of his sisters Mrs. Ro- bert Harper (Lizzie) at ,Leney, Saskatchewan:, We .: extend . our, sympathy to :the relatives. -Mr., and • Mrs. 'Allan Gammie,: Arkwright visited Saturday. ev: Clotheslines .snake ,danch skipping' ropes �I d that's about all that cati be said in lav o'tr of C ll)tllc 1incs in •this modern world • of electricity.. What a "Cindci dii'' change has come over our woman's. world with today's wcathcr-oroof utomatic electric dtiyerstl Never a care about the wt:•r`itlicr on tit tsl day . no more heavy • laun"cl y basket to lift no more tedious, back -breaking ``hanging -out." , `'Your surroundings change• too; i hen you'own an automatic electric dryer nn more drooping, dripping basement wash. • ings... more space in the yard for outdoor living. rIsn't it time yo ' u` made sc>Ine little "skipper" a,presen't of,. . , your elotheslir e? BE SURE' TO VISIT THE HYDRO EXHIBIT AT THE 1960 INTERNATIONAL PLOUGHING MATCH, on the farm of Thomas Hume' & Sons Springfield, Elgin County, Odober lith to 14th • { osallosie leeepasmirnamee ROY HAVENS. PAGE FIVE : ' Plumbing and Heating Esso Oil Burner Sales and Service FOR SAFE, . DEPENDABLE Convenient budgettemps-+ up to• 5 years to pay ALWAYS "ROI TO IMPERIAL FOI ANI II$f ening with' ' Mr•: • and Mrs. » Max Bushell. George Mr. and Mrs' George Hether- , ington» and . Jimmie and Mr. and" Mrs.:. ' Jenkins, •Bluevale visited Sunday with Mr. • and : •Mrs. 'Ed - . die Thompson, . Mrs. Thompson . . Sr. and Marjorie., • , • • Mr and Mrs. Harbey MacLel- land, Orillia, newly-weds' . were callers at the Harris home re- . cently. . Mr. and Mrs McCallum and Shirley, and Mr.% Iceland Kauf- man of . Listowel spent Saturday evening with Mr: and Mrs. Lloyd;. Ackert: . A reception was held in Holy rood. Hall '.on Saturday evening. for Mr. and» Mrs. .Wayne. •John. 'stop (Ruth Hutton) Hugh Lane read an address of .best . wishes and'•Lorne Eadie -and Harold El- liott presented' the couple with :a gift of money. Farrier's Orches- tra• played for' the . dancing.,' Mr. °'.arid Mrs.; :Douglas' Smith and,. Chris.. visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs'. Jim Smith, Harold • ,and'.Bob. Patsy . MacLennan . is: home from the Hospital much 'improv- ed' in »health and : has started to school.•`' MVfr:'' and . Mrs.. David. Wright, Toronto, . visited .last week' with her brother, Mr. Sam Farmer '& " Mrs_ Farrier: • Mr. and Mrs. Maurice, Hodgins • of London, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood •:Hodgins and Garry, Toronto spent the week -end with Mr. Mrs. Mark Johnston:, Miss» Joanne Conley' visited.. with her ' aunt • and» uncle, Mr. & Mrs: Cliff . Johnston and Barry over the .week -end. • / !s Your `Subscriptibr ' 'Paid? 'STOPS! Felts trees up to 3 feet in di • ameter:;Cuts 18""trees in IS-. .seconds. Only 18t pounds.; Famous Hornelite quality. Have a PREM DEMONSTRATION'. bat and ctwq IVEA • DISTRIBUTORS Goderich, Ontario Tel.: Carioca 2821 V, • • ire