HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-10-05, Page 4•• Greer TV and ElectriC 'phone 110 ' • .4 •• • Lucknow.: • .:. ;PAGEFOUR • THE wallow Emma', wocriow, ONTARIO WEPIOWAY, OCT, 5th, 1960 • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES --- First Insertion 2c per word, minimum charge 50c, Repeat Insertions, 1 I/2c per word, minimum 40o, Notices, CardsofThanks and Coming Events, minimum 75c. In Memoriarns, minimum $1.00. 25c extra for replies to The Sentinel. Billing charge of 10c for 'e4h hill rendered. -- • \. .FOR SALE FQR S'AttE Cottage in- Luck - now.. Apply. Edward Dexter, • FOR SALE 2"storm windows, 1-52" x 56"; 140" x 48". George. Titcker, phone Lucknow 251. •",FOR 'SALE Ferguson tractor • .,•with oversize tires, loader, plow, mower 8t pulley.. Contact Lornel Brown, phone 111-r-10, KincarT FOR SALE dry 'stove wood. Apply to, Alex McIntosh,' Luck - now • ..• FOR SALE — used inch hem- lock bOards. Bargain for quick sale. D. It. MacKenzie,- R. 3' Lucknow, phone Ripley 164-r-22., • FOR SALE — boY's a• -piece navy snow suit with gray fur trim, size 6. Mrs. Norman McDonald phone Lucknow 44-r-14. • FOR SALE •—• 1951 Chev:.priced •,at $50. , Contact- Bob ''Courtney, phone 155-r-9, Ripley. • . FOR SALE — General Electric frig in real good condition. Ap- ply Mrs. Grant MacDiarmid, phone l.a.icknONvir 287W.. • CALVES FOR SALE — 2 steers and 1 heifer. Contac de Jong, R.R 6,, Lucknow, 1Phone 264,1; Ripley. • • FOR SALE—Westinglioute coin- .. bination washer -dryer, -exdellent • condition i ,real bargain; Greer TV and Electric, Lucknow . FOR SALE -•-• 'girl's blue ken - wood' hat, coat and leggings set, size 3-4 years: freshly dry-clean- ed Mrs. L. C. Thompson,. 'phone 33 Lucknow: • • . .. • • FOR SALE — Child's snowsuit, " • 3 -piece; size large -four, blue; freshly cleaned and in, good condition; Mrs. 'Graydon Ritchie, Phone Dungannon FOR SALE -4000 Red x Sussex pullets, 'rea y to lay, 6 .breeding, 'ewes and 2_collie pups, Arnold' Reg. $249:95, Now $179.95 Alton; R.R, 7 Lucknow, plione I Westinghouse Dryer, ,Deluxe Dungannon 677r-1; . !Model .• . . . " — • • • FOR SALE . A•ivi watEcamT,G 1,963 oitismo.:1• l'iOn't forget our Sale of Ap- rons and Afternoon Tea in Aux” bile, Parts for sale, Willard powney, R. 3 Holyrood, phone iliary Roorni on Saturday, Octo- Ripley , ber 8th • at 2:30. come and meet your friends. and help make this sale a big success for the Ladies'. Tea will be served ali afternoon so come in and rela* after shop ping- • , .• ' • BAZAAR, .BAKE SALE ' St Peters • Guild, Lucknow, will hold a Bazaar and Bake Sale in' .the. Council •Chambers, town hall, on November..12th, '(Note • change. of date). GOLDEN WEDDING -NOTICE Mr. and Mrs W. L killer of St. Helens are celebrating their Golden . Wedding Anniversary horn 40x6o, h.lciro and runnini on Thursday, Octol3er 13th. They water. Property of the late Mur -will be at home to their friends m the afternoon •and' evening. • do Matheson; write or phone Matheson,••Chesley, BAKE SALE • 460, even. ings. °Tar,' • St • Pauls Anglian Guild, Dun, LIVESTOCK—Bought and sold, gannon,.will hold a' bake sale in all kinds. Phone 41 Lucknow the Parish Dungannon, on Friday, October:7th from 4. to 6 77-r-1, Dungairoon. : COMING :EVENTS PLOWING MATCH The 1960 1Iniee County Plow- ing Match will be held at the farm of DOnald Ireland, south .pf Teeswater, ' on, Friday, October 7th commencing. at 9 • a.m. (D.S.T.). Good prizes, see bills for classes and rules.' SHORTHORN "SALES October 21st • .— Ontario Club. Shorthorn Sale, Singhampton- • October 22nd --' John D. Currie •Shorthorn Sale, Nottawa, APRON SALE, TEA , FOR SALE — 2 Holstein heifers out of a • clean herd, one due now and the other in a Week, bred Hereford. Duncan Farrish, Lochalshi .phone.164-r-8 Ripley. TWO LOCATIONS available for your purchase' of single copies of The Lucknow Sentinel ° are George's Snack Bar or the Sen- tinel Office. • ' FOR SALE' — too acre farm, 12th concession , Atlifield, 95 acres workable, 5 acres bush, 9 room solid brick , house, bank NOTICE& REAL ESTATE NOTICE RECLOSING • PROPERTIES FOR SALE Miller's Store, St Helens will be closed on .Thursday, afternoon and evening, October 'I3th; also Saturday, October 15th froni six o'clock. The members of St -Mary's & St. Augustine • Altar Societies with to sincerely thank all who contributed or , helped' in. any. way for their fowl supper. • _. • Lorraines Beauty Shop in Lucknow will' be closed for two • weeks from • Monday,' October 17th until,. NiondaY, October 31st, inclusive, and will re -open :on • November 1st. • WE BUY POIJL1rItY When you have poultry to sell contact Ccliarlie. Scott, Auburn,' Phone collect 84 Aubmsn. SPECIAL.'ENTERTAINMENT Special evening of entertain- ment by the Lucknow and ,Dis- , trict florticultural 'Society in the Town Hall, Friday, October 21st, 8 p.m. Reserve.' this date for 'the complete showing of the "Pasa- dena Tournament of Roses Par- ade" in, full colour' and sound. (14 bands): , Members of the Junior' Horti- cultural Society will call at your door with tickets. Ticket Holders will be' eligible for 2 valuable door prizes. Tickets 25c each. TUR Y BINGO, A turkey bingo will be held this Thursday, October 6th at 845 p.m. in Legion 'Hall, Luck -- now. 12 Regular games Mr tur- keys, 3 Share -the -wealth Speci- als. Jack -Pot Game. • WOOD 'FO'SALE-good hard maple wood, in truck 'load lots, 'also hardwood s slabs, softwood ' slabs and sawdust m any quant- ity. Bruce 1VlaclVfillan, Lucknow. WOOD FOR SALE—hard maple and elm slabs, truckload lots of wood delivered free of charge about 4 cords, also sawdust, within radius of 12 miles. Spence Irwin, phone 171 tucknow. • ' . _ _ __. • APPLIANCE BARGAINS •- • See and hear our complete stock • . .., of New & Reconditioned TV's • 1 Special prices on our 1960 Models Westinghouse Deluxe 30" Range Reg. $359.00; Novi $225,00. i LIONS CLUB NOTICE Members of the ,Lucknow and District Lions Club please take note that the regular meeting falling op Thanksgiving Night has . been postponed until Mon-, day, October 17th. • ' Those in the community who have Lions coin cans which have not been picked up, are request- ed to leave them at , The Ford' Garage; Fisher's Barber Shop or Ratlrwell's Shoe Store. WANTED WANTED. — 5 -room house in Lucknow. Contact. Mrs. Wilfred Shantz, phone 21-10, R.R. .4, Rip- ley FI,OCKOWNERiS WANTED—We Pay up to .35c per dozen over Grade A Large. We take some, 'breeds every week in the year. For full detail's, write Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, Fer- gus, Ontario, LOST LOST—At Lucknow Fair, black hand -made • -wallet.' Will party who picked it up 'kindly 'return to '-Mrs.• Oliver. McCharles. • /Ward. • • • LOST — black steer weighing around .800 lbs. Anyone' knoWing of its whereabouts contact Don- 1ald Farrish, .R.R. .7 •Lucknow, phone Dungannon 82-r-6. piwilLEMs? N •Money to Loan on any.'property, Anywhere.. Don't Delay — Write Delray. The secret of our success'. — is • ,Service. , . DELRAY INVESTMENTS, 450-A' Wilson. Ave.. ME. 3-2353 - • • Downsview; Ont. . :ZONE 2. TOKKSIIIRE SAiLk • Westinghouse Regular'30" :Range I • • Walkerton • • Tuesday,. October ll1th, :1960 28 Bred Sows . Boars PONY SALE •. • • • PERSONAL'' OLD, RUNDOWN? pstrex Tonic Tablets help "pep -up'? thousands of men, women pat 40. Only pc. At all druggists. • ' • . l• -Special for .September & Octo- pohy Sale at 1\144,ellAncrs pun FOR. sALE dry wood and: a .11• uel•On.37- • • ' • Sa d b 4 , . , Now $ -5 - '•• o'cloc' • . CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better 'Bulls Are 'Used" ARTIFICIAL .INSEMINATION • • • • Well situated' 11/2 Ptorey 3 -bed; Town house, large living -room, dining -roan, kitchen and -bath, oil furnace and large' lot, pull Pri4 '$6,700. • 10 -acres at edge of Lycknow, 4 bedroom brick house, • barn, drilled • well and hydro. FU11 price $6,500 with terms. Several ' Lucknow 'district farms for sale. 2 , Contact William S., Reed, Real Estate Broker, • Phone 292M,, Wingham. AUCTION SALE' • AUCTION SLE , of carefully selected Purebred Holstein first .calf heifers from the leading herds of: Bruce County, Winter Fair Building, Walkerton, Wed- nesday, October' • 12th, 1 p.m, For catalogues, write the Secre- tary, Lorne B. Reid, Kincardine. •CARD OF THANKS Katherine Bushell. wishes to thank .'all • those . who . were so thoughtful while she was' a Pa- tient in Wingham HOspital.' Spe-: ciai thanks to M, COrrin, Dr: D. R. Finlayson and Hospital Staff, ' •• • • Mrs. Sam Durnin, wishes to sincerely ,thank all those who, so kindly remembered her by vis- r its,. cards .and gifts while a pa- tient in Victoria Hospital, .LOn.- don. • Special thanks to the W,M.S. and Pra. Corrin and 'Finlayson. LouMary L.would • like to express her appreciation' to her many friends and neigh- • laours 'for, the gifts, cards: and letters which. she received while a patient. in Wingham Hospital:. and sinCe coming home. Special thanks to Dra. Corrin and Fin- layson and ,the nurses of Wing-, • ham. Hospital: .• • •IN MEMORIAM. .WALL ••-- In loving. memorY. of a dear wife, Mrs. Ida Wall, WhOr passed' away October 7th, 1958 Fond is the tie that was .broken Dear is she who' is gone .• • . In memory ' I' will always. keep her Sadly missed by husband, Joe L. Wall.. • . • •• ' SERVICES CUSTOM BUT6BER1N9 Beef ,and pork sold, .any- quantitY. Custom butchering in Government licensed -abattoir. Pigs every TuesdaY. Beef 'from Monday th u . ro gThursday BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET quantity of 'cedar, Henry Gard- only154 0 ' k C4 • I WATERLOO • ner, phone Dungannon .69-r-18. Westinghouse Laundromat • Now only .$214.50 • • RUBBER STAMPS of all :kinds, FOR, SALE --- ten ,Durhaxn and • FILTER QUEEN Sales and Ser4 vice, repairs to all ' Makes of. vacuum cleaners. Used cleaners: of all makes for •Saie, Robert IC Peck, Varna. telephone Hensall Hereford heifers, due th freshen .MASON *RADIO 8i ELECTRIC made to your specifications, are Plione 184. Ripley available at The Lucknow Sen- • late • fall;• alSo 35 ;Hereford • . . • • . tinel, ;phone •..• ° , • yearling steers about -100 lbs., ,•MAGAZINESPECIALS , . • •• Warren Zinn, phone Dungannon UntilTT • end 'of • October, Ladies 14-r-15' Home Journal, 16 'issues •$2-80, COOK STOVE FOR SALE, — 22 , issues $3.85, 30 issues'. $5.25;1 white enamel, Wingham Classic Saturday Evening Post, 60 issues. model, burns coal or wood, in $4.79, '117 'issues $10.17; The good conditiOn, bargain 'for quick Lucknow Sentinel, phone 35. I sale. Apply, to W. R. Farrier, SAVE ON DIGr,ST- Whitechureh, 711-W-1 Wingham. • 4 Christmas prices now in ',effect! HUNTERS --- The hunting Sea- for-Readerl one year,' son has arrived ,se see us •for new or .renewal, regular $4; your hunting requirements SPECIAL PRICE, ''$2.97. Take licenses, rifles, shotguns and advantage of this 26% reduction munition. Greer TV and Electric, and . order now from The Luck - phone 110 Lucknow. • .• now Sentinel, phone 35,'Luck- - now. Mail orders gladly„handliad. FOR SALE .22 Hornet with 6 power Scope and sporterized '303 • . • • • I - LIVESTOCK FOR SALE: THE 22nd SEMI-ANNUAL sale of -the Grey -Bruce -Huron Aber- deen Angus Breeders' Asiocia- tien is being held 'in the Walker- ton Sales Arena on Thursday, October 20th, at 2:00 p.m. Eight bulls and 27 females of excep- • tional breeding. Performance -Tested---,--Bulls,:eligiblek.-for _Prez_ 'thiums up. to $150.00. Six An- gus Steers, suitable for 4-H Club work, are being offered at the Sale. Catalogues on request — •Gordon L. Ribey, Underwood, President; T. Stewart Cooper, Markdale, Secretary FOR QUICK SALE — 1 Fleet- wood Hi-Fi Record Player,. au- tomatic, 3 speakers; 2 televisions; 1 Westinghouse Refrigerator; 1 Easy Washing Machine used but in good working condition, pric- ed reasdnable; Special • for Christmas, 57 -piece 'electric train priced at $24.95; Visit the shop to place your orders for pre - Christmas bargains for General Steel Ware Electric Kettles as low as $11,95; 'Onward Chest • Freezers, 20 �r' 15 cu. ft. :capa- city for only $315, and $275. Jim Lyons 'Jig* and Electric, Wil- lougliby St., Lucknow, for quick service phone 84. ' Lee Enfield; both In exCellent ' condition , at bargain prices.; CAR FOR SALE. A 1953 Chev„ real good, Motor. A bargain for quick sale. Will finance. Apply to Fred - Ember - lin, Lucknow. ATTENTION • FARMERS DEAD ' STOCK REMOVAL We Pay • g$6;00 for Sick, Down, or Disabled Farm 'Animals +Depending On Condition. Smaller Anitnals' Removed Free For Fast &What*: Removal •/ CALI, TOM Pox„ Ripley 15-r-20 coiled' FOR SALE -.used 22" range, re- . conditioned, reconditioned Beat- ty washing machine, 'Easy auto- matic Washer in good working Order, simplicity washer, recori! ditioned. Greer TV and Electric, • Lucknow, " ft is provided from bulls 'of all breeds. We are lathier owned and controlled and operate at Sumner salting hours Between. 730 and 930 a.m. week days • 6:00 and 800 p.rri, 'Saturday evenings. • . Tor- serv-ice-or-rnore-inf-catination-1 • • Clinton Zenith.. 9-5650 or • • Collect' Kincardine 460 • SEPTIC TANKS ' Septic Tanks, cess pools,- etc., pumped and cleaned with rood - ern equipment All work guar- anteed, Louis Blake, R. 2 Brus- sels, phone 42-r-6 Brussels. FINANCING A CAR? -tAlfdrezydtt-Lburask..-1--aloix,.-- wL°itwh c'oCin"ptle.t.eFiiinansucrianngce,SCeorN•v-eicre LaguCkii'jo. wA,....plVihenone°113a0g6h. AUCTION SEIhrICE Allan MacIntyre ••••••••••••••000..•••44.44,,m41..#4,4444".••••••tm • DEAD STOCK. •. SERVICE • 1 HIGHEST CASH • .PRICES Paid for Sick, Down or Disabled COwa. Horses Dead Cows and Horses at Cash Value Old horses 4c per pound GORDON TAYLOR Phone 44-r-84. Lucknow .2 iLucknow 24,hom* service • Licensed Auctioneer Lucknow, Phorie 281 TIRES; • — TIRES!! All types a tractor tires, sold and serviced, lowest prices, also complete selection of all types • of • tires, Bruce, 'MacMillan,. Lucknow. • AUTOMOTIVE Glass—Steering-,Body RepairA Lubrication, etc. For Quality Service, See ' DAVIDSON'S TEXACO • SERVICE Phone 330 . •poderidlt No. Ifighway