HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-10-05, Page 2'AGE' TWO
5th,,' 1960
Allan Kirk,. • Keith Kaiser
Barry 'Johnston
We;. are pleased to . report
the "winners of oar Field• Day,.
Because of lack of time; ` several
of the boy's events ,were post-
, poned 'until Monday. The final
tabulation of points decided the
championships as follows:
•Junior"Boy's Tom Andrew
-Intermediate Boy's. –=' Ken Hous-
torn,. Ken Gardner, (tied)..
Senior Boy's - D!oug Stanley '
Junior Girl's' -- .Sandra Cameron
Intermediate . Girl's-=lVlary 'Pur
,;Senior Girl's ° Shei'lia Haldenby
• Friday was a cold raw day,
but, it didn't dampen the enthus=.
iasan of those.. taking, part in —
nor. Watchingthe events. We
were only .. thankful that the rain
• •held '' off until the' events were
run off with thefollowing re
Sults . showing. first,` second and
'third positions in .each:
Girls' .75-Yard;Dash Junior:.
Sandra . •Caineron,' Barbara Niel-
' son,
iel''son, She1lla •Collins; Intermedi
ate: 'Helen, MacNay., ' Mary: • 'Pur
don, Linda' Button; Senior: Shell -
la H•aldenby, Laura Breckles,
Rosalind.. Hodgins,
Boys' 100 Yard: Dash Jun-
ior: Larry: Stanley, Tom Andrew,
Ross; Forster Intermediate: iate: Ken
Rouston, , Terry Wilson, 'George.
Carter; Senior.::, Doug .Stanley;,
Floyd Stanley, Paul Henderson.
Girl`s' 100 Yard Dash
Sandra Cameron; Barbara. Nel-
son, Sandra Brooks; int., Joanne
Conley, Mary .Purdon, ..Helen
MacNay; Sr ,: Sheilla Haldenby,
Rosalind Hodgins; • Elizabeth Fin-
Boys' .220 Yard Dash -- Jr..
Larry ' . Stanley, • Tom Andrew,
Bill Nelson,: Int., !Ken Gardner,
George Carter, Ken Houston;
Sr.,: Doug:' Stanley, Floyd Stan-
:ley, Paul, 'Henderson.
Boys': 449 Yard Dash — Jr.,
Tom . Andrew, Larry, • Stanley,
Ross Forster; Int., Ken •.Gardner,
Ken Houston, George :Carter;
. Sr.,; Paul : , Henderson, Donald.
Barr; Bill Andrew. "
Girls' Basketball Speed Throw
—Jr., E. Gibson, B..Nelson, ' S.
Cameron; D. Rintoul,. ,A. Arnold,;
".D. Humphrey; S.. Collins M.
Chislett; P: Bradley. Int., M.
Allin, W Smith, .J Alton,
• 'Alton, ` A: Rintoul; M. • Pardon;
J.. Welsh, L. Button;: D. 'Jamie-
son. Sr:, : E. 'Finlayson, -13. Mur-
ray,, N. ' Irwin; S. Haldenby,.
Percy, I. :Breckles; M. • 1VMullin, E.
MacNay, R. Hodgins. '• '
boys' • Hop, 'Step and' Jump
Jr., Tom Andrew, Larry Stanley;
Baskets of white and' Mauve
gladioli.: adorned Hackett' United.
h h .On Saturday, October'" I
f the marriage at 2:00 o'clock
• Mary Elmira Alton and. Thos.
Gordon Finnigan,.
Thebride is the daughter. •of.
Mr. Elmer El Alton of • Ashfield
and . the late Mrs.. Alton. ' ..The
groom. ' is' .the •. son of ,Mr, and.
Mrs. Richard' Finnigah of Gode
rich; •,
The ceremony was performed
by Rev.. G. W. Kaiser. The or-
Ross/Forster; Tnt Ken. Houston,
Ji MacDonald,' '.Terry Wilson;
iris'. Standing` Broad Jump—
Jr., Barbara Rathweli, N. •Cran-
sten, Sheila Collins; Int:, ' Wil-
helniina 'Smith, ' Joanne Alton,
Linda Button; Sr\, ° Barbara 1VIur
ray,' Rosalind: Hodgins, ,;Elizabeth.
Finlayson. , .
Girls'. Softball: Distance Throw
—•• Jr , Barbara Nelson,. E Gib=
son, ' Sheila Collins; Int.„ Mary
Pardon, :G. MacDonald, Joanne.
Alton; Sr., • Elizabeth Finlayson,
Laura • •Breckles; -beth Cep1er.
Boys' Shotput Jr., .Torn ';An-
dreg,: Larry :Stanley, Gary Sut-
ton.; .I it., Ken Gardner, .Barry
Johnston, Allen MacDougall..
•Boys'. ,Running Broad 'Junip
• rte., ;Tom , Andrew; Tam Hogan;
B. MacKenzie: Sr., Doug`•Stan
,ley, ; '• 1$441.. Henderson, 'Floyd
Girls'; Running Brcad .Jump --
Jr., • June:: Ackert, M. • Thacker,
Sheila Collins; ' Int.,• • Beverley
Wall, •Pat',Thompson, Mary," Par-
don; Sr., ;auras 'Breckles, Sheilia
Haldenby, ` 'Rosalind Hodgins.
Boys' Pole Vault '=, Jr., • Bill
Chislett, .. Tom Andrew,. Gary
Sutton; :. Int., , Tan Morton, Glen
Cowan, Bob Hunter;". Sr., • Doug
Stanley,, • Paul .Henderson, 13111
Andrew. •
Girls' Three . Legged ' Race .'-
Jr., ,Patsy . Cranston and Nancy'
.Curran, June • Ackert . and Karen
Carruthers, D.•:: Rintoul and . P.
button; 'Int., '. Joanne `Alton and
Mary Allin, Linda Button' and
Wilhelmina ' :Smith, Mary ` Par-
don and. Anine' Rintoul; Sr.; Barb-
ara: Murray ` and' Sheila .Haldenby,.
Eleanor'MacNay. and Beth Coop-
er, .Laura Breckles and .Elizabeth
Finlayson. , •,
Boys .' High • Jiump -=-- Jr„ Ken
Kirkland, '. Garry •' `Sutton,.. Tom
Andre*;. :.Int., Jim., MacDonald;
Terry Wilson, Ken Houston; • Sr.;
Doug 'Stanley; Paul Henderson,
Floyd Stanley. '• •
Girls' High Junip ; Jr., Joan-.
ne Alton,. Wilheanina. Smith;'
Mary ;Pardon; Sr, Barbara.
Murray,. She :la Haldenby, Elea.:
nor MacNay.. • • .
Boys', Mile -Jr.; Ross Forster;
Torn Andrew, Larry: Stanley;
Int., Ken `Gardner, < Ken Houston,
Keith • Kaiser Sr., Don Barr,
Peter ' Eskritt, • Paul Henderson.
ganist Was; Mrs Fred Manning,
Sr., of. London, aunt of the bride.
and the soloist was a cousin of
the bride, Mr. Wm. H Manning
of London, who sang the Wed-
ding Prayer and T Love. Thee.
GilMn in marriage by `cher fa-
ther,. the bride was gowned, in
delustred satin, delicately hand
appliqued with jewelsand clip-
ped `'Ohantilly: motifs. The bodice,
fashioned on princess lines, fell
into a flowing skirt ,With chapel.
train. The three-quarter sleeve
and • neckline were illuminated
with, rhinestones,' pearls and Se
quins "Her headdress was a tiara
at -matching matching. jewels, with • rhine-
"stone-Istudded hand rolled 'uveil-
of elbow length . .
The matron of honor was Mrs.,
Donald Fletcher " of ' Hamilton;
cousin of :the bride and • `the
bridesmaid was -.Mrs. Jaines Mc-
Cartney of London •also a cousin
of the •'bride. Theywere identi-
cally gowned in ;chaanpagne• peau
de sole 'satin sheath . and coronet
headdress with matching organ-
za brim and nosegay .of varie-
gated white and , mauve ,baby
The, junior , bridesmaid was
Judith Fletcher of ..Hamilton
who wore a shrimp. ;crystal chart
gown with • snatching coronet
headdress and carried ' a 'nosegay.
:of white :and yellow :baby'. mums..
June Alton was flower girl, in
shrimp 'organza. over.taffeta
with matching .coronet headdress•
and nosegay of White and yel-'
41ow. mums. •' Master" Stephen Sal-
lows; -of Goderich, in grey trouu=:
secs .• and blue' blazer 'was '' ring
bearer for 'the' doable -ring. cere
many, carrying the 'bands . on ` a
white ' satin •cushion. •
Kitchener Finn'igah was
groomsman; for his ,' brother and
the ushers were Russel Alton,
brother of the bride and Herb
Finnigan,: brother of the groom..
For'.; a wedding; dinner at the:
Legion Hall' the bride's' aunt;
Mrs. ;Lillian :A.: Reid of Toronto,'
received :wearing . a::two-piece
Dior blue shantung ensemble
with beige accessories.' and cor-
sage' of pink carnations. 'She was
assisted by the• ;groom's. sister,.
Mrs: Melvin Culbertof Goderich
who . chose a ,brown 2 -piece • en-
Sellable with, yellow . rose corsage:.
The , grooni''s parents were un-
able to atteiui due to ill" health..
At the ` reception, : Mr. Wm. H.
Manning. sang, • .“Bless • This
House" and Mrs. Donald .Flet-
cher .sang "The Lord's Prayer
with ' accompaniment by Mrs.
: Fred Manning.. .
For a wedding trip to the Un-
ited States. :the bride's: going
brocaded sheath , jacket, ' dress)
away costume was a deep pansy
with, lilac and dark'.brown• acces-
sories,.` beige coat, and pink rose
,Mr. ' and. ' Mrs. , Finnigan Will
reside at Dtingannon
• ' Guests attended the wedding
'from • Toronto, • Hamilton, Kit-
chener and Brandon, Man
Sunday Thanksgiving Dinner
Will ,De :Served ;At •
Tiger i'urIop
(Hy. 21, 3 Miles North; of . Goderich)
From 4 to 7.30 p.m. . k '
Pumpkin' Pie, Boston Cream Pie and Delicious :..Cream
Puffs will be -,included in the menu: •
We will be serving our regular Sunday Chicken Dinners
until the end of :October,, after that by reservation., •
Phone Carlow . 2406,
usiness Places
Until The 'End.' of The Year.
Stores :will close at 7 pan; Saturday, During
January,• February and Marche.
1'a rence Greer, 'Pres , Elmer Umbach, Sec:
One of the •best ,school child-,;
ren's parades in many' years,
about 500 strong, ' . marched to
the Lucknow Fall Fair on Thurs-
day' .:afternoon headed by the
Lucknow . • Pipe Band'' Besydes
nine , rural ' schools . and , 'the
Lucknow Public • School, ,eight
ponies and , riders and eight ''de
.corated• bicycles were . also in
the parade •
• •Rural schools , parading ' were
S.S. No..': 10, ; Ashfield, Mrs. Jim
Little ; teacher, nineteen pupils;
To. 13 Ashfield; Belfast, Don
Cameron teacher; thirty-two pu="
Ails;. `- No 2'. Kinloss, Kinlough,• .
Mrs. Barton, Collins : teacher,
thirty4hree pupils; No. 3 Kin-.
loss, Mrs. Lou 'Parker, • thirteen
pupils; ' No. 4 ; West • Wawanosh,
St. . Helens, • Mrs. .Jack ' ,Fisher,
• twenty-four • pupils; Fordyce,
Mrs.. George ; Kennedy, , twenty
=eight pupils; No. 7 Kinloss, Ra-
pid City, Mrs. Donald McIntyre,,
thirty=eight pupils; No. 15 Ash-
field, Hemlock City„ 1Vrs, Adkin;
: thirty-three pupils, No:; 11 Hu
ion, , Clover Valley,; Mrs. Wm...
Elliott, , twenty', eight 'pupils.
About. 250 pupils :of the `I:uck=
now, Public 'School paraded.
Winner .of: the. school, parade
and dress .corYpetition for., 'rur'al`
schools was' Belfast 'School, with
Don 'Cameron as `'teacher. 'Second
'went to Fordyce and Mrs. ' Geo.
Kennedy, ;and third to Kinlough:...
Where. Mrs. Burton Collins' tea-
In .. the ;school ,chorus ' and yell
competition at ;the ,. platform in
'the .park, Kinl'ough School, plac-'
ed first,' teacher, Mrs. ' Burton
Collins; second,, No. '3, Kinloss,'
Mrs.' ,Lou' Parker; third, Belfast,
Don Cameron : ,Belfast and :their
teacher 'Don • Cameron also 'Won
the, projects award '':'with.:. their :
clever display of a TV set-up.
No. 9, Kinloss:• Was. second, ,Ford-
yce third 'and" St. Helens 'fourth.
No entries [were received in the
Crats• section.
ac:riHave ptan? You Renewed' ' ou buts
Three • proud mothers and
their prize winning babies at
the Lucknow Fall Fair are left
to right, Mrs, Donald Mactntyre
and Margaret Anna,. " ' R.R. G,
Lucknow, winner in the class
under six months; Mrs Francis
Boyle and Heather .Jayne, R.li;.
3., Ripley, winner • of the class
12 months to• 18 months .112rs.
Chester 'Nicholson andMary
onth. class, It was of Belfast,. Winner trulyr u to is
"ladies day" in the prize winn-
ing .departrrient
Fill your Bin Now . and: asture yourself Heat
SecuritY. StdP worrying about d� IIvY
er~ hold-
. •
ups. because of snow or shortages, and relax
with a winter's supply of quality fuel.:
Lucknow District