HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-09-14, Page 7wr,DNESEottaf SEPT. 14th, 1960 THE. LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 'LUCKNOW, ONTARIO • • PI.GE SEVEN ,A,PPKQYE. NEW SCHOOL. ROOM..S ling, hauling and loading, $191.-. 50 R. H. • Martyn, • fire insurance on shed, 34.40.;:. James Reid, oil. and • gas, . 4410; Ernest Walden (I1 ron TwP. Cou..ncil), .. mileage to Walkerton, 6,0(; mor - ford 'Mackay, grader repairs, 32,60; Don,. Gillies,: mower re pairs, 2,0Q; Howard Hodge, re- pairs and tire, 48649; Ken Mac- kay,-, mower repairs,' 10.05; Roy McGuire, -mower repairs, 25,00; Pollock Electric, pipe, 16.44; ,John C. MacDonald„ tile. crossing road, 7,88, Can, Tire Corp., re= pairs, S.25,, .Frank's: ,garage,.- re- pairs, 3.10; George Wraith, mow- er repairs, 22.05; D,. G. MacD,on- ald, sprayer oil, 150.:.10; Clifford Emmerton,: belt, 8.60; John W. 'Henderson Ltd.; . bridge. .plank, 66.60; Omar Brooks, mower re- pairs, 2.65;.. Joan's ,.stere; gas, 2.00; L..- N. Howe, calcium Chlo- ride, 68.42; G. W. Crothers, 'gra- -der ' repairs,: 166;65•; 'Graham Cook, dozing, 100:00; Ripley ' Hy- dro, "Township, shed, 2.50; Moved by Walden Lowry that We :adjourn `i i•, meet on.October • 3rd. . " EARL' •TOUT, Clerk. Furan Townsht p , Connell: met on ,September 6th with reeve Chester Emrnerton' presiding all raernbers present. Minutes of 'last :meeting -were read and con= firmed. • " • Moved )by Lowry. -Walden, ,that We approve .drafting a By -Law for:' sub -division control to cover all of • Con., ".A" including the.. Townplot of. Anna. MacKinnon-Martin; that we hold a special session on Sep ternber..14th to read and coflsid- er the Engineer's report on. the Reavie Municipal drain. • Lowry -Walden, that we .ap- prove of the building of two new rooms to the Kincardine District High ,School.. 1Vlartin-Ma0Kinnen,. 'that: .we accept the tender of Owen King of `Wingharri. to construct the Humphrey bridge . and the tender of R. MacEachern for three ' cul- verts on. Con. 4. MacKinnon -Walden, that the• following accounts be paid: Cemetery.—.Ivan Pollock, care Of. cemetery, -. $9$.08; • McArthur. Hardware, wire .:and 'supplies, 5.0:47. ••• 'Township -Emile` Ritchie, strolling Boiler Beach,. 50.40;, Dor is MacDonald; care of hall, 10.50; • Municipal World, annual statu- tes, .5.41; .Dave,.. Moore, garbage collection, Bruce Beach, 346.50; Wm." Waken, garbage .collection Point Clark, 375.00; Dr. W: G. Bruce, school dental services, 142.50;. Pollock' . Electric, hall . supplies, :•1'4.00; • Ernest • Walden,. dog bounty, • 5.00 John Creech, dog bounty, 5.00; ..-John •:Elliott,. 2' dog bounties, 10.00; Dick Stan-. ley, Assistance. on. Reavie; drain, 14.00'; `Dale Farrell, Assistance on Reavie drain; 14.00; Post Office, unemployment stamps, .14:24. Payroll No. • 9 -Steve ' Irwin,. Superintendent, . $317.35;• Ernest Walden, 'grader, • . 298.07; `,Dave howry, labour, 3.60; 'John Blac= kett, mower, .45.40; ';Ken :Thuell, mower, 30.60. '• ' • ,Road Accounts.-- Harry Col - KIK :EM. YOURSELF A.T AMBERLEY (AMBERLEY NEWp:• After a busy summer, Mr. James Miller, market • gardener at Amberley 'is alrnost ready to enjoy some leisur"e,' time.. The longstraight rows of vegetables 'in his garden Present an attrac-' tive appearance from the highway,, and no small number' of tourists are enticed •by . the• sign which reads "Pick Em YCur- self," A well. tended, potato patch received favorable • comments & and numerous ` baskets were lift- ed and sorted as to size, which entails' a good deal . Of work. 'A patch : of .garlic has been added to the dist this year and --although. we. 'know " a little of this herb goes a Tong way, yet it is being More widely used . for culinary and medicinal •purposes and so to: Mr. Miller ;goes our bestwish- es for continued ;good health & good gardening. • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Camp- bell' were week -send guests . of Mrs. Robert' Campbell and fam- ily, 'second concession. • Guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Nesbitt on Friday evening. were Mr. andMrs. Wilmer • Rbbb and Allan and . Mr. ' Howard • Robb. The oceasion being `Mrs: Robb's birthday and an enjoyable .even- •ing was spent. • A number from ' this vicinity attended .the reception for Mr.. and Mrs. Donald . ,Reid 'of Luck now on Friday evening., :' • Students entering . Luckriow District High School from the Anlberley ' area are 'Sheila Oolr: Axis,: Joyce. Thorburn, Esther Gibson Viand ;Phyllis Bradley, • The Ladies: Guild. held ' their meeting at • the: Parish, Hall, L,ur gan -on 'Thursday • with .a good attendance.... Plans . for a, talent' tablewere discussed for the .0c- , • tober • meeting. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE '•PLAN • BOOTH FOR •FAIR tion:. "Gosh,. ;.. you' , have' all' . the luck.' Wish.. I: could make;a' trade like. that." • The ':I:ucknow Women's Insti- tute held their • regular monthly Meeting on Friday afternoon of last • .week with a good. attend=• •ante. The President,..Mrs. 'Philip Stewart presided over the Meet- •ing, ' which was . opened^. by the. singing iof. the, Institute Ode, A .reading: 'was given by Mrs. *Joe McMillan, a solo was sung by., Miss 'Margaret '.Rae.: A, prize for. the best tarts "was .. awarded ' to, "Mrs.• George Whit by: Arrangements were made :for the; fall,' work 'which: included the' booth at the .fall 'fair.. : The ' : meeting. "closed" with the singing of the • Queen and Grace. bert . Campbell on. ,Wednesday evening', ' Moving- of Interest' Ali roads led to the Cardis, ' property on Thursday morning as a number from the surround- ing community gathered td watch the moving of the barns which• i were purchased . by Douglas , and1.. Howard henry to replace their, barn which was: , destroyed by fire . recently. Trucks operated by R. W. Parson of Staffa. and Walden:Bros. of Wingham mov ed the building&. a distance of six miles. �Carneras .were much in evidence,• the • results of ^which' should prove interesting to many. Mr. Sam Gray former- • ly owned the farm,- on. which the. buildings • were .located and which was later disposed' of to • He • . was leading . ' a handsome spaniel on a . new leash" •, when he, met'.a friend:. "Look what •I ;got for` my : wife this' morning." The friend' gazed in. admira • .:Attending the C.N.E. .Toronto on Monday and Tuesday were Mr. and '..Mrs. Donald •,Courtney arid : C,arol . -and Mr. and ,Mrs. W. S. Courtney. • Mr. and 'Mrs. Bert :Gray-• of • London were guests of Mrs., • Ro- "Where. Better Bulls. Are :Used" Waterloo's. FIRST ..PRIZE ' -County `Herd C N.E 1960 Mr, ' Matt • MacDonald. Some .years ago Mr. Donald Cardis purchased the property, but now resides in. Lucknow. Mr. ' and Mrs. ` Thomas Bell,; Ted: . and• John •visited' with friends in ,Toronto and attended the C.N.E. the, latter' part 'of. 'the week.: - •• . ' Mr. and Mrs.• James Mills •of Weston and Mr. and Mrs.. Arth- ur Smeltzer' spent the Week -end at the Mills cottage near Port Carling: , KIN OUGH Mrs, Campbell Brown, 'Mark-, dale: "returned home after' spend- ing awhile with:. 'her parents, Mr. Wand Mrs.: 'Malcolm Lane. Mrs. ' Mil'ler '. :Hartw,ick and Wayne: of Kincardine visited on Tuesday with ` her 'mother, Mrs. Gertrude Walsh. ; .Mrs. William Cox, was hostess ROY HAVENS�'R • • "Plumbing° and Heating Esso Oil Burner Sales and Service. ew, Mr. Spence McaFarlan.. ' Mr, . and Mrs; Ardill :Mason ` of Huron ,spent Tuesday with Mrs. J. W. Colvell. Mr., and Mrs.' Chris „Shelton were guests •ata •Silver Wedding dinner on- Sunday.• in 'honour of Mr.. arid Mrs.: James Ketchabaw ; of Paramount. / Mrs. •Gertrude Walsh and. her son, Mr., Frank Currie left: on Monday for a two. weeks trig to ,visit with Mr: and' " Mrs: Jack Walsh and family -and ether:`re- latives •.at'•Melfert Sask.,. -Miss'Donna Nicholson' .Of Kiri cardine spent . the week -end : at• her 'home here. Viewers, from here were plea- Sed to see Mrs. 'Don McCosh on `C �KWX television on Wednesday. ; ; She. was: accompanied to Wing - for the W,A.' rneeting ` at the'ham •by; tier•mother;:. Mrs. J. W. church' • on Thursday afternoon. Colwell.; R 'Mrs.' Roy Schneller was in. Ladies :from the H W:1. attend_ charge. The scripture . was read ed.the Grey Bruce area coriven ;by Mrs. J. W. Colwell.,prayers. Alen `Which was ,held at Walker- followed. The word for the. roll• ton':onj;Monday, and .Tuesday, of call was "harvest"".: The medi- • this.' Week. Mrs. Frank •' Maullden. ; -tation• was given by, Miss . May 'was the delegate from this Boyle' This, being .a'• work meet- :branch. ing a quilt was quilted ;during We •Fare pleased to : •report that the. afternoon Mrs..' Gertrude Mr. James M.'..Hodgins who has-; Walsh 'lave 'the ' courtesy re- been a . patient in Wingham. hos- marks. 'A os-marks.'Adainty 'lunch was serv-. pital returned home during •'the ed, also a birthday "..cake' made. week. • by Mrs. Jim, Smith; in - honour of ' • Mr. J:' R. Lane, : Mr..arid Mrs. Frank 'Maulden.'.and Keith .:visit• ed • on ' Sunday with . Mr; and :Mrs.: Ernie Hanna and,. family. Mrs Mary .Lynch of Wiarton visited. for .' a few days with ' Mrs. ,PDX whose : birhtday . is this month': •• ! , We extend sympathy •to .Mr.. and Mrs. Edgar oil est (nee Lois ` Haldenby) " of 276 Fredetta Rd., Box 161 ;Uranium. City, Sask., in 'the loss of their infant son Mr. and Mrs.. ;Glen Moore'. of Hamilton •:were. 'here attending 'the funeral. of her, aunt the late Mrs. Archie : McFarlan:, , Mr. and . Mrs. George Gordon of Kincardine were. recent visit- .? ors with .Mr. and Mrs. Malcolrn' Lane; Ori, : Monday evening,. Septern :; ber 19th the Rev..B L: Walden`i will'hold a meeting of.. "the Bible'` Society ,' • in the ' '• Presbyterian • Church., A.:coloured•film"The leaves .of 'the tree'" will be., shown: Visitors during 'the week with Rev. Benson Cox and . Mr.. :and Mrs. William. Cox .Were Dr. and 'Mrs, Maynard' Arnelon ands daughters of 'Detroit /and Mr.. and Mrs. Clifford Wall 'of 'Win= nipeg; • ' Mr., Joseph Wail of '•,Luckriow spent a•: few days with his neph • Psires to end the '22 year winning took the offs reng of Unit streak of Peel County for this coveted prize. The animals in this winning herd all carry . from one to three crosses Of Unit bulls • v OUR .CONGRATULATIONS TO THEPEOPLE • :L;� V�/I-IO DEVELOPED THE ABOVE ANIMALS. Use Waterloo Unit• buds, and breed your A ' All breeds Available. ir more inFormafton Port servce .o i , call.. . CLINTON ZENITH 9-5650 or collect KINCARDINE 460 Between,' 7:30 and 9.30 a.ni week clays .tn. Saturday' eveniing3. ��� 6:00 and • B.00 ,:�p own winners. BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER LIVING 'Mrs. J.. W. Colwell. Other `visit - Ors with Mrs: Colwell :•ons. Sun- day were Mr.: and Mrs..Joe Scar - row, of Tara. Misses Patricia Thompson,. Elaine 'Hodgins and; Sheila Hal- denby &. Messrs. Douglas, Floyd,. and ;Leonard and Larry: Stanley' spent the week -end in Detroit.. CROP REPORT' Dry weather still Prevails over most,. of the county aiding the' Harvestingof spring grains and Beans.. Other. • cash crops. and pas- tures 'are suffering due tolack of • moisture a great number of,farmers are supplementary feeding . hay and corn that 'maybe too late to. 'cob properly.• • 1 ... _. . '. K. A gossip is' one ,who considers . it a disgrace that half of the world dtiesh't'knoW how .the'oth- er. •'half lives. ,/ t-_ 11LIS-G11 eeswater Conunencirig at 9 p.m. FRIDAY;•SEPT. 2"- $500: SPECIALS '$200 vigorAts ADMISSION -4 l.00; 44