HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-09-14, Page 7wr,DNESEottaf SEPT. 14th, 1960
ling, hauling and loading, $191.-.
50 R. H. • Martyn, • fire insurance
on shed, 34.40.;:. James Reid, oil.
and • gas, . 4410; Ernest Walden
(I1 ron TwP. Cou..ncil), ..
mileage to Walkerton, 6,0(; mor -
ford 'Mackay, grader repairs,
32,60; Don,. Gillies,: mower re
pairs, 2,0Q; Howard Hodge, re-
pairs and tire, 48649; Ken Mac-
kay,-, mower repairs,' 10.05; Roy
McGuire, -mower repairs, 25,00;
Pollock Electric, pipe, 16.44;
,John C. MacDonald„ tile. crossing
road, 7,88, Can, Tire Corp., re=
pairs, S.25,, .Frank's: ,garage,.- re-
pairs, 3.10; George Wraith, mow-
er repairs, 22.05; D,. G. MacD,on-
ald, sprayer oil, 150.:.10; Clifford
Emmerton,: belt, 8.60; John W.
'Henderson Ltd.; . bridge. .plank,
66.60; Omar Brooks, mower re-
2.65;.. Joan's ,.stere; gas,
2.00; L..- N. Howe, calcium Chlo-
ride, 68.42; G. W. Crothers, 'gra-
-der ' repairs,: 166;65•; 'Graham
Cook, dozing, 100:00; Ripley ' Hy-
dro, "Township, shed, 2.50;
Moved by Walden Lowry that
We :adjourn `i i•, meet on.October
3rd. . "
EARL' •TOUT, Clerk.
Furan Townsht p , Connell: met
on ,September 6th with reeve
Chester Emrnerton' presiding
all raernbers present. Minutes of
'last :meeting -were read and con=
firmed. • " •
Moved )by Lowry. -Walden, ,that
We approve .drafting a By -Law
for:' sub -division control to cover
all of • Con., ".A" including the..
Townplot of. Anna.
MacKinnon-Martin; that we
hold a special session on Sep
ternber..14th to read and coflsid-
er the Engineer's report on. the
Reavie Municipal drain. •
Lowry -Walden, that we .ap-
prove of the building of two new
rooms to the Kincardine District
High ,School..
1Vlartin-Ma0Kinnen,. 'that: .we
accept the tender of Owen King
of `Wingharri. to construct the
Humphrey bridge . and the tender
of R. MacEachern for three ' cul-
verts on. Con. 4.
MacKinnon -Walden, that the•
following accounts be paid:
Cemetery.—.Ivan Pollock, care
Of. cemetery, -. $9$.08; • McArthur.
Hardware, wire .:and 'supplies,
5.0:47. •••
'Township -Emile` Ritchie,
strolling Boiler Beach,. 50.40;, Dor
is MacDonald; care of hall, 10.50;
• Municipal World, annual statu-
tes, .5.41; .Dave,.. Moore, garbage
collection, Bruce Beach, 346.50;
Wm." Waken, garbage .collection
Point Clark, 375.00; Dr. W: G.
Bruce, school dental services,
142.50;. Pollock' . Electric, hall
. supplies, :•1'4.00; • Ernest • Walden,.
dog bounty, • 5.00 John Creech,
dog bounty, 5.00; ..-John •:Elliott,.
2' dog bounties, 10.00; Dick Stan-.
ley, Assistance. on. Reavie; drain,
14.00'; `Dale Farrell, Assistance on
Reavie drain; 14.00; Post Office,
unemployment stamps, .14:24.
Payroll No. • 9 -Steve ' Irwin,.
Superintendent, . $317.35;• Ernest
Walden, 'grader, • . 298.07; `,Dave
howry, labour, 3.60; 'John Blac=
kett, mower, .45.40; ';Ken :Thuell,
mower, 30.60. '•
' •
,Road Accounts.-- Harry Col -
After a busy summer, Mr.
James Miller, market • gardener
at Amberley 'is alrnost ready to
enjoy some leisur"e,' time.. The
longstraight rows of vegetables
'in his garden Present an attrac-'
tive appearance from the
highway,, and no small number'
of tourists are enticed •by . the•
sign which reads "Pick Em YCur-
self," A well. tended, potato patch
received favorable • comments &
and numerous ` baskets were lift-
ed and sorted as to size, which
entails' a good deal . Of work. 'A
patch : of .garlic has been added
to the dist this year and --although.
we. 'know " a little of this herb
goes a Tong way, yet it is being
More widely used . for culinary
and medicinal •purposes and so
to: Mr. Miller ;goes our bestwish-
es for continued ;good health &
good gardening. •
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon. Camp-
bell' were week -send guests . of
Mrs. Robert' Campbell and fam-
ily, 'second concession. •
Guests of Mr. and Mrs. James
Nesbitt on Friday evening. were
Mr. andMrs. Wilmer • Rbbb and
Allan and . Mr. ' Howard • Robb.
The oceasion being `Mrs: Robb's
birthday and an enjoyable .even-
•ing was spent.
• A number from ' this vicinity
attended .the reception for Mr..
and Mrs. Donald . ,Reid 'of Luck
now on Friday evening., :' •
Students entering . Luckriow
District High School from the
Anlberley ' area are 'Sheila Oolr:
Axis,: Joyce. Thorburn, Esther
Gibson Viand ;Phyllis Bradley, •
The Ladies: Guild. held ' their
meeting at • the: Parish, Hall, L,ur
gan -on 'Thursday • with .a good
attendance.... Plans . for a, talent'
tablewere discussed for the .0c-
tober • meeting.
tion:. "Gosh,. ;.. you' , have' all' . the
luck.' Wish.. I: could make;a' trade
like. that." •
The ':I:ucknow Women's Insti-
tute held their • regular monthly
Meeting on Friday afternoon of
last • .week with a good. attend=•
•ante. The President,..Mrs. 'Philip
Stewart presided over the Meet-
•ing, ' which was . opened^. by the.
singing iof. the, Institute Ode, A
.reading: 'was given by Mrs. *Joe
McMillan, a solo was sung by.,
Miss 'Margaret '.Rae.:
A, prize for. the best tarts "was ..
awarded ' to, "Mrs.• George Whit
Arrangements were made :for
the; fall,' work 'which: included the'
booth at the .fall 'fair.. :
The ' : meeting. "closed" with the
singing of the • Queen and Grace.
bert . Campbell on. ,Wednesday
evening', '
Moving- of Interest'
Ali roads led to the Cardis,
' property on Thursday morning
as a number from the surround-
ing community gathered td watch
the moving of the barns which•
i were purchased . by Douglas , and1..
Howard henry to replace their,
barn which was: , destroyed by
fire . recently. Trucks operated
by R. W. Parson of Staffa. and
Walden:Bros. of Wingham mov
ed the building&. a distance of
six miles. �Carneras .were much
in evidence,• the • results of
^which' should prove interesting
to many. Mr. Sam Gray former-
• ly owned the farm,- on. which the.
buildings • were .located and
which was later disposed' of to
He • . was leading . ' a handsome
spaniel on a . new leash" •, when he,
met'.a friend:. "Look what •I ;got
for` my : wife this' morning."
The friend' gazed in. admira
• .:Attending the C.N.E. .Toronto
on Monday and Tuesday were
Mr. and '..Mrs. Donald •,Courtney
arid : C,arol . -and Mr. and ,Mrs.
W. S. Courtney. •
Mr. and 'Mrs. Bert :Gray-• of
• London were guests of Mrs., • Ro-
"Where. Better Bulls. Are :Used"
Waterloo's. FIRST ..PRIZE ' -County `Herd C N.E
Mr, ' Matt • MacDonald. Some
.years ago Mr. Donald Cardis
purchased the property, but
now resides in. Lucknow.
Mr. ' and Mrs. ` Thomas Bell,;
Ted: . and• John •visited' with
friends in ,Toronto and attended
the C.N.E. the, latter' part 'of. 'the
week.: - •• .
' Mr. and Mrs.• James Mills •of
Weston and Mr. and Mrs.. Arth-
ur Smeltzer' spent the Week -end
at the Mills cottage near Port
Carling: ,
Mrs, Campbell Brown, 'Mark-,
dale: "returned home after' spend-
ing awhile with:. 'her parents,
Mr. Wand Mrs.: 'Malcolm Lane.
Mrs. ' Mil'ler '. :Hartw,ick and
Wayne: of Kincardine visited on
Tuesday with ` her 'mother, Mrs.
Gertrude Walsh. ;
.Mrs. William Cox, was hostess
• "Plumbing° and Heating
Esso Oil Burner
Sales and Service.
ew, Mr. Spence McaFarlan..
' Mr, . and Mrs; Ardill :Mason ` of
Huron ,spent Tuesday with Mrs.
J. W. Colvell.
Mr., and Mrs.' Chris „Shelton
were guests •ata •Silver Wedding
dinner on- Sunday.• in 'honour of
Mr.. arid Mrs.: James Ketchabaw ;
of Paramount. /
Mrs. •Gertrude Walsh and. her
son, Mr., Frank Currie left: on
Monday for a two. weeks trig
to ,visit with Mr: and' " Mrs: Jack
Walsh and family -and ether:`re-
latives •.at'•Melfert Sask.,.
-Miss'Donna Nicholson' .Of Kiri
cardine spent . the week -end : at•
her 'home here.
Viewers, from here were plea-
Sed to see Mrs. 'Don McCosh on
`C �KWX television on Wednesday. ; ;
She. was: accompanied to Wing -
for the W,A.' rneeting ` at the'ham •by; tier•mother;:. Mrs. J. W.
church' • on Thursday afternoon. Colwell.; R
'Mrs.' Roy Schneller was in. Ladies :from the H W:1. attend_
charge. The scripture . was read ed.the Grey Bruce area coriven
;by Mrs. J. W. Colwell.,prayers. Alen `Which was ,held at Walker-
followed. The word for the. roll• ton':onj;Monday, and .Tuesday, of
call was "harvest"".: The medi- • this.' Week. Mrs. Frank •' Maullden. ;
-tation• was given by, Miss . May 'was the delegate from this
Boyle' This, being .a'• work meet- :branch.
ing a quilt was quilted ;during We •Fare pleased to : •report that
the. afternoon Mrs..' Gertrude Mr. James M.'..Hodgins who has-;
Walsh 'lave 'the ' courtesy re- been a . patient in Wingham. hos-
marks. 'A
os-marks.'Adainty 'lunch was serv-. pital returned home during •'the
ed, also a birthday "..cake' made. week. •
by Mrs. Jim, Smith; in - honour of ' • Mr. J:' R. Lane, : Mr..arid Mrs.
Frank 'Maulden.'.and Keith .:visit•
ed • on ' Sunday with . Mr; and
:Mrs.: Ernie Hanna and,. family.
Mrs Mary .Lynch of Wiarton
visited. for .' a few days with '
Mrs. ,PDX whose : birhtday . is this
month': •• ! ,
We extend sympathy •to .Mr..
and Mrs. Edgar oil est (nee Lois
` Haldenby) " of 276 Fredetta Rd.,
Box 161 ;Uranium. City, Sask., in
'the loss of their infant son
Mr. and Mrs.. ;Glen Moore'. of
Hamilton •:were. 'here attending
'the funeral. of her, aunt the late
Mrs. Archie : McFarlan:,
, Mr. and . Mrs. George Gordon
of Kincardine were. recent visit-
.? ors with .Mr. and Mrs. Malcolrn'
Ori, : Monday evening,. Septern :;
ber 19th the Rev..B L: Walden`i
will'hold a meeting of.. "the Bible'`
Society ,' • in the ' '• Presbyterian •
Church., A.:coloured•film"The
leaves .of 'the tree'" will be.,
Visitors during 'the week with
Rev. Benson Cox and . Mr.. :and
Mrs. William. Cox .Were Dr. and
'Mrs, Maynard' Arnelon ands
daughters of 'Detroit /and Mr..
and Mrs. Clifford Wall 'of 'Win=
nipeg; •
' Mr., Joseph Wail of '•,Luckriow
spent a•: few days with his neph
Psires to end the '22 year winning took the offs reng of Unit streak
of Peel County for this coveted prize.
The animals in this winning herd all carry . from one to three crosses
Of Unit bulls • v
Use Waterloo Unit• buds, and breed your
' All breeds Available.
ir more inFormafton
Port servce .o i
, call.. .
CLINTON ZENITH 9-5650 or collect KINCARDINE 460
Between,' 7:30 and 9.30 a.ni week clays
.tn. Saturday' eveniing3.
��� 6:00 and • B.00 ,:�p
own winners.
'Mrs. J.. W. Colwell. Other `visit -
Ors with Mrs: Colwell :•ons. Sun-
day were Mr.: and Mrs..Joe Scar -
row, of Tara.
Misses Patricia Thompson,.
Elaine 'Hodgins and; Sheila Hal-
denby &. Messrs. Douglas, Floyd,.
and ;Leonard and Larry: Stanley'
spent the week -end in Detroit..
Dry weather still Prevails over
most,. of the county aiding the'
Harvestingof spring grains and
Beans.. Other. • cash crops. and pas-
tures 'are suffering due tolack
of • moisture a great number
of,farmers are supplementary
feeding . hay and corn that 'maybe
too late to. 'cob properly.• •
1 ... _. . '. K.
A gossip is' one ,who considers .
it a disgrace that half of the
world dtiesh't'knoW how .the'oth-
er. •'half lives. ,/
t-_ 11LIS-G11
Conunencirig at 9 p.m.
2"- $500: SPECIALS '$200 vigorAts
ADMISSION -4 l.00;