HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-09-14, Page 1$3,00•A . Year In Advance $ 1.00 Extra To U.SA.
TO, ; FARM, I' AT]gus Graham , is ,a ' patient in ;
(`Private ,Patients, Toronto Gen.-
Residents living, between Am.]
berley and Olivet . were treated.
to an 'interesting • event last'
Thursday when an L-shaped
barn ' was . moved . in two sections 1
from" the farm of Donald Cardis,1
on the'Bluewater Highway just
south. of Amberley, to, the farm.;
'of i=loward :and Doug ;henry, on
the. 15th, .near Olivet, '
The ` Henrys lost .their..barn in
a fire earlier in the year. Their i.
new • barn was• purchased from !
Donald Cardis, now diving in
Lucknow, and moved ' .in two
sections,. 40• by 54' and 30 .by.. 36,
to the Henry ,farm.
W. R. Parsonsof Staffa,
building movers,' did the . job us-
ing one• of Walden Bros. trans •
norts.:Preparations to move the. ;
barn were 'started' Tuesday with
eral Hospital, tents,
he Under-
went anoperation for the am.
putation ' of his left leg above
the knee on Saturday.. His con-
the 'actual . Moving. taking • place
W. M. HEWAT on„ Thu rsday in about five hours.
William M. Hewat • has , been The• �
barns,.were.°-.moved' along.
appointed Western District Highway 21 to_ Amherley, :east:
Manager' ,af Naugatuck • Chemi- to the 15th on ' Highway' 86 and
cats, Division of `Dominion. 'Rub- north.again on the `15th. • The
ber Company Limited,; accord- larger of the two sections had
ingto an announcement by R. B:. to , be ` raised higher on the truck
Marr, Naugatuck's General Man- ' to,' clear , the bridge at . Emile
ager: Mr Hewat ,was in charge MacLennan's.'' The distance mov
Of the• 'first: manufacture of 2, ed was about, six miles. ' . -
4-D :in. Canada at. Naugatuck's ,.• A licence for the move had to
dition' is improving satisfactorily.,
His daughters, : Mrs. ,Jean, Lown-
des :and Mrs. Mary Snowe, both
registered nares, and son• Ren-
nie' Graham have been with him
at the hospital most •of the 'time:
Last week -end, Mrs Wil.
fred Drennan .of .town, plac-n
ed a •flowering Cactus. in the
Sentinel 'window. It • willno
doubt be of -interest to, many
horticulturists , in the \ area:'' ° "
. Mrs. Drennai has • had the
Cactus , for eighteen years..
This is the third timeit has
bloomed in ' that time.. The •'
first ' time there was • one
bloom, in August there were
three blooms; and now four
white blooms , .have come
forth.' We understand from.
those • Who know that this ;is.
a • very unusual: occurrance,
Elmira plant in. 1945 and for 31be. obtained` . from : the . Depart
years.; was production - foreman merit.. of .' Highways. Hydro and '
At the 'September meeting of
the Village Council, last week,
the contract for the construction
of the Wheeler' .St. bridge was
awaLded to the Owen King •Cori '
struction Company at a figure of
Mr: and ' Mrs. Spence Irwin
had ,a few anxiou moments on$8,755, Mr. • King's tender was Friday night when one of Spen
the lowest of four, with. only ce's trucks caught fire west of
$132.00 differential, between • 3 Dungannon at Park's pitt:
of the ' four' bids' The other was ' The truck had' given some mo
much higher. tor troubleearlier in , the day.
The bridge will span the Nine- It wasn't completely off the -road
Mile River a 'block north , of and Spence was trying to get it '
Campbell St, and link Inglis & off shortly after eleven o'clock
Stauffer. Streets.• Friday. night:. They ` had been'
• the 30 -foot span of steel -rein- working on, the motor and when
forced concrete .have' a •24- Spence turned tiie key; in the i,g
foot ,roadway • and a.'6-foot.'ped .•'ninon d the fire starteunder the
'estrian. walk. hood:. '
Plans :•forthe bridge were sub- Sp?nce sununoned„ the Luck-
mitted by B M. , Ross . 'of 'Gode-: now Fire. Department from a
rich, consulting engineer, and nearby farm. When he rturned
the. 'inspection • of : both the bridge to the; truck 'the fire had burned .y
and sidewalk. •' construction,. itself, out. Fortunate • it ..was, . as
which' is : now...underway, is un- '' their back -hoe,'.. a valuable piece
der the • Engineer's supervision.' `o f' equipment, was ' On the ' back '
: Bridge specifications call ' for of the truck.. /
the work to be completed by No
vember. :15th, 1960: •:PURCHASE. .BROOK: AIRWAY .'
In addition `to the Wheeler .St: FOR FIRE' DEPARTMENT • USE
;roadbed and bridge approach, ''
the contract • covers construction Lucknow Fire' Department • has
in the , full scale 2, . •4-D,,' planta telephone men. accompanied the"Work/n n have _• of a . 250 -foot - access road with :.a 'Purchased tinruee ,Brook Airways,.
pe awe `•been.:'busy al
Mare recently he . has; been . Van- 1 movers • to take ,down ' • linesop width .of 24.; feet:. ;This will .•a .device used'..m direct artificial:
� , . , , ong• the CNA line. • from ,Palmer...Palmer
mover technical sales rep esenta- where -necessary., ston to Kincardine,
:la new be built on the west side of•'the 'respiration.. The Brook Airway
'' tip In his new '.-osition ` Mr. I Donald i, Y river ivin .' access: • to• • business. operates on'the .same principal
o. p i ?Card s . owns.. the farm rail and. reinforcing bridges for giving. Heivat..will'ariake. his ,headquart- south of • Amberle ' where the the past couple w places' on the north.: side of as mouth to mouth respiration,
Y p s c up a of weeks.
ers in .Edmonton and will •be. barns 'were obtained.' Manywill As Mag as..100 inen at one Campbell Street:,. The. contract' but its plastic flexible: construe-
res risible fora 'the :operations of •.know this' farm as the `Sam im Y also includes a 1`0 -inch diameter' tion, eliminates . the 'unpleasant
he i' als I " t a have been working locally. eorru ated "•metal pipe in' the ac
the new agricultural:c mic 'a Gray place. Matt MacDonald of .One . crew of men 'were • prepay g p pHess ' of • the direct , mouth. to
cessmouth, contact.'
:plant .being ' built there 'ands . for • Kincardine owned `• it prior to Mr: ing the 'road bed and: ' :another road, . which has . been.. ofi ,'
sales of all Nau ' stuck roducts i iardis. '�' ficially .' named Ward:' •Street., t
g p laying : 80 pound rail,, heavier is orated on 'the :Fire
One, 1
throughout' the • Western' proven- , r ' t than :tile -60 pou• nd •in a •before: • Truck, one is in the possession res.. TERMINATES' TWENTY-ONE •: REEVE JO:YNT. REPLIES ,TO of chief George Whitby and, one
YEARS::AS MANAGER APPOINTED'' FIRST ' AID 'POST REST ROOM . COMPLAINT . ' is located. ''. at Amberley , .Beach.
c •! • Luck now's *proximity. to • . Lake
Appearing, in 1st week's •pa - Huron 'and. rivers in'.'the' •area
) BICYCLE, UNHiIRT. . Mrs. WellingtonJ, Henderson. Bill's Fina Service . has '. been` g. , pap- has terminated : tweAt One ,..ears appointed . a' 'First' id Post •b- er was;. an` article referring to the makes .it necessary for the Fire ,: ,
I y Y pp A` • Y De artrnent to be re ” aced' for
of • ills,: and Mrs.'John -Martin •of i L k with theDepartment- ' f
the arena as "a disgrace The drownings at all times
Maple, miraculously. ' escaped
serious injury., and possible • death
when knocked from his:. bicycle
David. •. Martin, 10 -year-old ,son as manager' of the Sepoy•• Store, 'St. •Johns •Ambulance in.conlunc- rest rooms at the , west end of pp P
by. i truck.
tion `, : . o
Mrs. ` Henderson has.. managed Highways.•. Bill Hunter is. fully ' remark. was. made by.: a :former_'
the"store since its'Opening.There trained' in• all types ' of. first aid Ashfield couple who were.,visit FORMER. . RESIDENT' HAS •
was form rl. an' im dement •sho work and `.has•'.a certificate; that: ` ing iri town.! ;�1N-INETY=FIFTH .BIRTHDAY-
eY P li
in ;that • location. The store'was `'qualifies him tai aid '.in any part, In ` reply to the' article, Reeve' .:
.: ' .Jo tit has'• -informed ed . the Sentinel �:. On. Saturday, • September • 3rd,
David was thrown 70 feet 'by. owned by Mrs... Doug :Trench of icular• type :of: `accident, or , sick- Y ren Y� p
the impact .and' his bicycle was.! Listowel Until it was purchased ness. ' • • , '. that
I • .
the rest rooms are .checked. -Mrs. Thomas;Alton, formerly, of
badlysmashed. He 1.d on • M. A. Bennett of Kincardine The first id. Post ties in with daily. ;by town employees. Des-Lucknew, celebrated` her
d ande .by .:. Bennett' aid. p.
setae .sand in the' ditch `vi `ch 'a s' .ort time 'a o. Mrs. Henden Bill's Ambulance Service' which pite,:this' fact, he .said, they are birthday,at Packwood Hospital;
c hi , h g•
bl operate t' he has . again .continued after_ having:.difficulty. wit:? �_.veniles T:�iden..She: was able to .enjoy
' P saved • him. fr o has continued 'to a he g.
Y v om rri re pp son s p
ous i.r. Bennett. - ro p pin it for a'. short period of and irresponsible people who .. a picnic with her family and
injury., business for.Mr.d pp g
He was 'badly scratched:. and time.
• . ai a repeatedly, ' plugging : the . fa • friends on , the hosuital lawn.. ,
bruised 'cut Y . - I FIRE , HALL TELEPHONE• clinics with paper towels ;and • '""rs.' ,Alton . keeps •fairly
his head . requiring . R g g possible., and is`•able to be •outdoors.' in her
10 stitches,' but had 'no bones, FOR "BI$$I11iliSS". ONLY �� RETURN FROM. WEST`. COAST. doiri�� 'most any datna e .
bio Mr. and Mrs.' Thomas :Salkeld' "The' rest' rooms 'will have to'.wheel;; chair :• for: a ;• short ',Period
lien He was hospitalized for . : n
ubservatio � Luck ow Fire De artment had. ' have returned from a' three week be closed unless the She looks forward'to •
n .for a few days. • n p. , public' learn 'each` day.
• a tie"r.;msss frown' havinga.' call visit to"the' .west, -coast. They not to abuse them,". was the re- the Sentinel arriving..each Fri -
turned in ~ while they ' were in flew west by Jet in 41/, -hours, '° mark of Mr: Joynt.'
At the September meeting,of.-
Lucknow Public School
the two new BoarIliMem-
appointed, Jack 'Hussey, and
nai`d" MacDonald were pre
t and Welcomed to the•Board.
ey succeed• Carmen McQuillin
aad • Rev., H. •L.. Jennings.
Principal Stuart . Collyer was
Ileesent and gave attendance fi-.
erg as 2,73., ainentinned-pn.
�ai`training equipment was re-
°bed as- well as .additional shel-
g and storage space. '
'fro lights were installed at
at of. the,.achool building, also'
` o' �e '' fountains were ' in
ed during the. summer' vara-
Wad extensive work done to
drain,.: and : septic tank.
8th clas:roorri 'was ':oliened
tai Yall term with floors sanded
.fini.tNed and moveable
desks provided.
haunts antotint.ing to'. $960.
aAPt`oved -for payment. Re-
� i1ton for month o;t~ Septem-.
as set M $4,100.00. • .
6tt, meeting held in August,
Edi .MacKenzie WAS a -
^•ted p
' secretary=treasurer ; oil
Board,' as of . Januai y'
t" tiding Donald Henden
aDlio has resigned as of the
®f the year,
• hu
session at the Fire Hall last' and spent some time with their
Tuesday night: .'• •daughter; Margaret,' who' was in
The Village Council was meet- Vancouvertaking a . • summer
Dene. and course. ey a so vi'sr a icor-
ing • at the same. t ' they " Th 1 ..t d V ' t
Avished to contact Fire Chief is , • • •
George Whitby in connection Mr. and Mrs. Salkeld rettu
�s ith a rural' fire call. ed home by train with Margaret
Calling . the Chief's home they. accompanying them as 'fras
learned he was, at the Fire meet- Calgary where .,she will teach
xatg.. First thought was to call for' the coming year.
the Fire Hall, but on second •
thought. any phone ' Call to that
number "100•', sets off the fire
C �,I L
;S. BO
�Coazrcil�`�eteri�ecl tlt�� , t�Eie'•y` �.:....-V:;._.-,...� .
�'. Pahl He=ndersd ti, 1 E -s'c'ar-old
Sen ot Mr. and Mrs. Gbarne.t Hen-
dei`se?melt .1,raekinotr.. be.l;un-
nCngy+tor *i .p r'- t F' o" t'ie' L»
as Ti' all t�' �� Ai �. ' at'_*..� �. .t,ru4•
comer � next,: ti44)i .th. •
{}, •,P Tial rt..: r },:•�r m.,;
:�+i'�� ti}• CSE
`/t[i t''..b C7rs r 'ii 'r .n. rn ��4sy• t ar -
t:rxxtiTTe h .-e//t ,Yyc itci♦ e."dq�r
this year t4F Ntagbarz,i, and ' will
:till yi eYrate as :air ` ffiti rater iTf
the 'Boston Bruins flap' ' Ruts,
Wilt tilt 'act as • coach.
Paul ',Played, his tnirior hockey
with Lucknow and . tt,t year
played ):same:' "Jr with' •Gdoe-
rich. He has had other offers
Other tan that of ' the Boston
• All Members were. present at •
the, . September meeting' ,of. the
.Lucknow District High School
Mrs: Bob MacKenzie, was ap-
pointed ' secretary -treasurer, of.
tha Board w ith duties . to corn
ttaence .January Ist, 1961, .,nuc
a 4"vze.•ditg Donald ,ltenderson.
advertisement -4s to 'be in-
e te.ri in the local paper for ap-
- F, c int;. for • • ,clerical -help for '
;'1 icncipatc. ' 'a ina iln, tant'i of 12
@tewtirs 'per week,
Reference, was. made to trans-
portation routes, with the trans-
portation committee 'to check
the mileage on these routes.next
week. .
Literature and prices' :for wat-
er coolers • 'were presented.. The
dard decided ' to 'purchase one
water cooler.
Trio Miraculously Escape crash
Bob Harris and Jack Beirnes
of Lucknow and Bob Henderson
of Pine 'River managed to get
out of this one practically .un-
hurt A . few seratehes is all the
trio. suffered when Harris' car
flipped over on , Highway 86,
mist east of` the „Ripley—road, last
Friday after"'7rioon.
Sentinel Photo