HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-09-07, Page 8PAGE EIGHT ti KINLOUGI- Mrs and Mrs, .Roy Schneller;. Jimmy and Betty spent. a few days with: relatives at Buffalo and' 'Tonawanda.. ' We 'are .pleased to `report that Mrs. Malcohti Lane. wh • was a patient in Wingham hospital was able to• -return home, Mr. ' Hugh Becking ;and his aunt, Mrs. William E.° Haldenby •.'motored to Manitoulinwhere they visited with relatives. Mr. and , Mrs. Robert Dales' & family of Iroquois . Falls Have been holidaying at the Dome of her parents, Mr.. and Mrs :P,A.. Murray. Mr .Ralph Haines of Port • Col= borne visited during the' week. at ' the home sof Mr. and Mrs, Roy .. Graham. Miss Elane ' Murray spent', a. :few days with Mr.' and Mrs. Alphonse Murray .at 'Port Credit. Congratulations to •M. r.: and' •Mrs.AG1en Hodgins .•who were Married' at 'the Wingham. Petite costal Church on. Saturday.: Mr. and 'Mrs. Perry. 'Bushell and, family, of Toronto spent the. Week -end with Mrs. John Bush THE LUCItNOW SENTINEL., LIriCKNOW, .ONTARIO � .. _ ......._ Miss Margaret. 'Se'hneller, re- turned to . the Ontario School for the .deaf at Belleville . after spending ,,,the summer- here,;. Miss May Boyle .who has spent„the past month at. the Rest Awhile Lodge .at . Bruce Beach returned home on Saturday.. 'Rev. Benson Cox ..and' Mr..:Bob Scott, spent .a few days at To. . ronto where they attended the Miss Marie:. ,Schneller: who has been employed at • Wingham re- turned home . this week -end: Mr. and Mrs: Joe Cassidy and family of:. Teeswater' . called .on relatives here on Sunday.' Miss: 4 Donna Haldenby . has , gone' to Toronto where she will j,• take a business course..• mnented oil the New Prayer Book pointing out new facts concern- ing it. "Guide me O Thou great Jehovah” was sting. Prayer clos- ed •the devotional •part. ' Program, Contests ,and. Jokes by Bob • Ben- nett. A. rousing; sing -song was WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 7tht 1969. enjoyed as. 'Madonna Graham's part of 'the program. A Flower Contest by Brenda. .Haldenby. May Boyle thanked; the guest speaker and Evelyn Nicholson 'thanked the Graham familyfor. their hospitality, A. delicious, lunch was served. . . Mr. Jack Hewitt and: son,. Alex; spent the week,. end at Fort Erie. . Mrs; Charlie Hodgins of 'Wing, ham visited N.londay with ,Edna. and May Boyle, . - The ' Presbyterian' W.M.S. ser- ved a banquet to. the Young.Peo.- 'plc of the, church on Friday ev- ening, Miss Erlma Percy showed" pictures during the evening: of her recent trip,' • ' Mr: and Mrs. Russell Barr .of Toronto •and Mr Percy Barr of Hagersville spent the week -end 'with Mrs. John Barr and Don- ald.- .- on-•ald,-. ell and , other • members. .Of ,his mi.;' arid, Mrs Don Gillespie family, Ronnie and Cathy spent a • few ---- days with friends at Sarnia. ST.. HELENS kr. and Mrs,' : Lorne Durriin were • guests „ at the Durnin-Oki =wedding . at ',Anderson United. ••-Church, :. near Science Hill on. Saturday. .. Friends ••of •Mr. James Hodgins Sr. ' are 'glad that he is. making a favorable recovery after being' a patient 'in:,Wingham Hospital with.pneumonia , Mr. • Billy Percy attended the C:T.E:' at` Toronto :during the Mr.. , and • Mrs. Ross ,Errington week,.. , and daughters'. were visitors;,'w th Mr, and ;Mrs, . Russell Walker` Nlrs. Errington's sister, ;Mr:• Earl and family of. Petrolia were here Gray. •& :Mrs.' Gray at North Ray over the . week -end. : Mrs. Wm. last week. 'Allan Gray who'. has. spent • the summer ' with his grandparents, Mr: end Mrs. Jas.. • Little, returned home with them.. Mr. and Mrs. Idsingar and Ann of London were . week -end •:visit-' ors "with their .former; 'friends: in Holland, Mr. and Mrs.. Simon de Boer and . •Wym.. . Mr. and Mrs. Mel Brown, .and Mrs. Alex Murdie were weekend ,Rev. W.. D. Davis . :and Mrs. visitors with pMr. & Mrs: Lorne Davis of .Owasso, Michigan, who Woods . and Donna. ' ' have been spending the sumrner Mrs. G. ' S. McIntyre, of Rich- at Kincardine called on friends mond Hill' spent the week -end with : her parents, Mr. and ,Mrs. W. I.' Miller. • We . welcome . back . Rev. B. F. Green 'and Mrs.; 'Green 'after, a three=week• vacation spen _ wi their . ,brother-in-law, Mr., Foster Brain: at Hornby' and. with other •relatives "and' friends.. `• . • We • are ,glad to report . that Mrs.' William. Robb was able. to come home . from the Hospital On tess for the WA. meeting at the. Saturday 'church• 'on 'T'hursday afternoon. School re -opened bn Tuesday Teachers -.returning : to ' their'. Walker and •Mrs. Jack Button of: Herschel ',Sask. returned to .Pet - villa. with: them ,after spending the past week with ;Mrs.. John, Barr and other' relatives here. We' extend sincere .sympathy to Mr .'Spence 1VCoFarlan and other relatives in. •the` passing of 'Mrs. Archie ': McFarlaii; the joriner Mary Wall: ` here ,during the week: 'Visitors ' ' with Mr.,, and Mrs. Alex' Percy were ' Mr `. and .-Mrs.: Allan Colling,'' Susan' and:. Lori & Brenda Mason oaf, Ripley, 'Mr: and .Mrs. iDavid Tra ford-: and Karen, of Durham, . Mr, and Mrs. Hugh Jansen and• family. Dennis Trafford; who : was visiting.: with Wayne. Percy returned. home. Mrs. William Cox will be hos- with Mrs. Jack Fisher in charge • • at the St ;Helens School; Mrs. George Fisher at Fordyce, Mr Ross Errington at S.$:- No. 3' and. Mr., Don Cameron at Belfast.' °. Mr,' George McRoberts and Mr.. ,;Charles McQuillin enjoyed a Mo- tor trip last• week. •:They .went ross (Westford), Miss Beverley. through .Michigan to Sault Ste. Stanley to Islington. schools are Miss Erlma Percy, S.S. N. 1 • (Kinloss), •Mrs. Kath- erine .:Collins • S.S. Noc' • 2 (Kin-. lough)., : Mrs. L. Parker, S.S.No .3 (Con. 10), Mrs. I. 1Vlartyn,'`5.5' No. 4 :(Holyrood), , Miss :Betty ,Jean Hodgins, IS.S. No. 10 Cul - Marie ' . returning: by 1VIanitoulin. Island.. , • • The .September meeting. of the Women's • Institute was held : in Mr.: ,Dan ' Tollefson• of : Toronto,• Misses Elaine Hodgins and,: Pat- ricia. Thompson and Mr. Larry. ,Stanley visited with Mr. and: , the community' Hall on;. Thurs.- Mrs. .Ezra. Stanley. day evening with 1.8 'in' attend- Miss Beverley Stanley return ante and with Mrs. Charles Mc- ed from her ° trip. to B;C. Mr. ;and Mrs: Al Eizenga and son Michael, Mrs. Eva Stanley of London spent the week=end with relatives .here and. attended Ho.the clgirl�s"-T,od-ems ^�iupe�d` ;� :._..;. Reratives from a distance also attending the Hodgins-Loder Wedding were Mrs. Harvey Hod- gins, London, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Elliott 'and family, . Mr. and Mrs. Ray,' Elliott, Detroit, Mr. Kenneth Hodgins, Port Huron, Mr. • and. • Donald, . the president, :in charge The roll'call •was well respond- ed to. by a safety rule that ap- Ples to the_ -farm The ,treasurer re rted fi W . �`f. 9 o hand: t ` "' p � n f wa agreed to send $5.00 to the special project under NIJR,ESCO for wok in Jamaica; Plans. were. made vfor 'catering: 'to the Lions Banquet in Lucknow on Mon- day, September 12th. Mrs..'Jas. Aitchison .,gave' a fine topic on "The farm way, of • life." Mrs. Mrs. John Thompsoij, of North E. W. Rice read the story of the Bay:. • Y The . A.Y.P.A• met 'on Sunday evening ;at the' horne of Mr., grid Mrs. Roy Graham .with Miss Ma- donna Graham ' as hostess: ' This Was an Edification meeting With Rae Haldenby presiding: The,. op ening ' hymn' was "O' God .;otir help 'in ages Past".. The• scrip- ture was. read 'hy N'oriria denby:, . Roll call, "Love'. The Rev, -Lyle Bennett introduced the Rev: J. ,Roger§ fromNiagara Diocese who gave ah interesting account of'. the Conference held at Ridley 'College ,and. , also earl - McIntosh apple. The motto . on: "He who. Works with Nature, Works with. God", prepared by Mrs, Frank •McQuillin, was read by Mrs. W. A. Mrs: • Gordon' MacPherson gave a read- • ing `",The gracious heart" , and Barbara. ' Purdon favoured with. an accordian solo. While lun& was being prepared by, .the hos- tesses' Mrs. MacPherson and Mrs, Lorne Woods; .Mrs. McDon. ald conducted several ' contests. Courtesy remarks were, given by 1V rs, it ss Gammie. . we TheSe Outstanding. High-schoczl .students . have Igen awarded" O NTRE�I� To commemorate the Centenary of Canada's Confederation and the :150th Anniversary of Canada's First : Bank . in 1967 :...�,.'•.•.•s -Uo. •o••.o•.o•'• •. ktN. %Att.... for the Province of • '.'••••.•.• •....•..... •:...• o'.• •'•..•..• MICHAEL ANTHONY CHURCH Northview Heights Collegiate Institute Willowdale , SARAH ANNE DOYLE ' London South Collegiate Institute London ,RICHARD HALL ELPHICK Alderwood Collegiate Institute; Toronto `• BRIAN. SUSUMU - KAWASAKI Alderwood Collegiate Institute Toronto.. :. MARY ELIZABETH. KRUG ' Havergal College • • • Toronto ' LINDA GAIL McFARLANE .Burlington Central High School. .Burlington JAMES DOUGLAS McGHEE Thornhill District High School / Thornhill • JUDITH ANN MILLINGTON Earl Haig Collegiate Institute Wiilowdale CATHERINE ISOBEL REID Earl: Haig Collegiate Institute . . Wiilowdale JEAN , MARY REILLY Richview. Collegiate Institute Islington LEE .SCOTT ,SIMS , Malvern: Collegiate institute'' Toronto ROBERT SPENCER DAVID THOMAS Leaside High School . . Leaside OWEN ;WHITBY Eastwood Collegiate Institute Kitchener 1••••••••:. . '. • .... • .: . . • :. '•• • • . • : • .. • • . . • :•• • . • . . • . • . •. • . : • . . . ' • - •. • : : . • `•.: • • •. iz • ese thirteen hpromising young Ontario students 'are among the 50' from all parts of Canada who will shortly begin their college careers in the ' Arts or Sciences at the Universities of their choice under • the. Bank of. Montreal Canada Centennial Scholarship Plan: Each .of these students will receive 4 schglarship of $750, in>this, the firstyear of the Bank's seven-year Plan. We, at. the Bank of Montreal, congratu. late these exceptional -young people. We arehappy to assist them in their pursuit of Y f HERE ARE I RE .THE ADDITIONAL AWARDS FOR ,__. ._.� _ 48 SCHOLARSHIPS, OF 41,500 .. . • In ''the' Spring of 1961; the top .16. of. : these 50•students will each be awarded a:•=-Bof=M--Seholarsh�p- of....:$1:;500-:for�._� second -year university training. a higher education in fields where • they 'will have the o ortunit . through scientific' Pp Y research and pursuits . in the public service, ='to contribute in some notable way to the 'Common good of the nation in the years ahead. . To all of these students _ we extend warmest . wishes in ' their ' endeavours to qualify for the additional valuable scholar-, ships\to be awarded each year until 1967, when the Plan culminates. 'in Canada's • Centennial'Year.. WHICH" THESE STUDENTS, MAY QUALIFY: 2 BANK OF MONTREAL CANADA CENTENNIAL AWARDS OF $5,000 in: 1967, to culminate this seven-year ..:'p�lam, aha=iwa-�top�tudents�one•.;� `� ' and One in Science -will be. chosen, from all 50 original participants in the . plan, • to receive the Bank of Montreal Canada Centennial Awards of :$5,000 • Cach for a further year of study anywhere in Can- ada or abroad. Thus, to each of these two: winners — if . they, hai'e been participants• throughout the plan - the Bank will have provided financial assistance amounting to $19,250. • • • • • •'. ••• ••" • • • • • • • • • •• 11 • 6 0''. In . 1962 and 1963,• provided at least 'good •second-class grades have been maintained,;' these.. same students will each be awarded a B of M , Scholarship of $1,500per annum . . . leading, to graduation in 1964.. 24 FELLOWSHIPS OF $3,000'.,.. In the Spring. o/ 1964, the top eight of. • • these 16 students nrviii each be awarded' a•B of,M Scholarship of $3,000 for one year's' study anywhere in . Canada or abroad. , • In 1965 and ..1966, provided' a satisfac- tory standard of work has been main- taincd, these same students Will each be awarded a B of M ScWarship of $3,000 per annum for further study leading to their Doctorate. ' p Scholarshi' Students are chosen on merit alone' acadethic standing and Charac- ter y-- by. Independent selection commi