HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-09-07, Page 4PAGE FOIR. THE LUCKNOW ' SENTINEL, LUCK,NOW, O vTAt IQ N'It$DAY,,Agin; 'lth, . 1960 is 1 •'-. 1 •i: CLASSIF1ED ' ADVERTISI,NG RATES • — First Insertion 2c per word, nminimurn charge .50c. Repeat Insertions, 1 �1/2c per word, minimum • "40c, .. Notices, Cards of Thanks and Coming Events, minimum 75c,» 'In Memoriams, minimum•. $1.00.,25c extra for replies, to. The Sentinel. Billing charge of .10c for each bill rendered. '•• FOR SALE FOR SALE • FOR SALE — 2 'storm windows, ' LIVESTOCK --Bought and sold,, 33" by 62";, 1, inside door 33" by all' kinds.. Phone 41 Lucknow 'or 81 'lt rs. • Margaret !Sproul, , Truck- 77-r-1, Dungannon.. now. ti ALL B•QOKS,,,and magazines are going at Half Price at George's Snack `Bar, ' George Farrish, ,prop., phone '162 Lucknow. , FOR SALE --Two • oil :stoves; one large.',With•fan, :$6.0:00; one small tCoIeman, $35.00;.. both in good ,condition. A. E. . McKini, Luck- now, FOR SALE –1957' iblack• Volks- wagon Deluxe, sun roof, radio, in good ' condition: 'Phone .640 J 21, Wingham.. ' WOOD. FOR SALE - hard - or soft dry wood in either 4 -foot length or short length. Apply,, to • Robert Purves, R. 2; Lucknow: 'ADVANCE , SALE of Western Fair tickets . riow available .. at The Sentinel Office.. FOR SALE — about 275 Red ' x Sussex=, pullets, starting to lay. Leonard Chisholm,`phone. 13-r-2 Dungannon. • WOOD . FOR 'SALE-goodhard maple wood, in truck load lots, alai • hardwood 'slabs, softwood slabs• and sawdust in any quant- ity. Bruce • MacMillan; Lucknow. WOOD FOR SALE,.= -hard maple and • elm slabs, truckload lotsof about' '4 • cords, _ also' sawdust; wood : •delivered free of charge Within radius, of, .12•• miles. Spence Irwin, phone- 171 ' Lucknow. SERVICES CUSTOM 13UTCIIERINGi Beef . and .pork . sold '.in • any quantity.: Custom .butchering in' Government licensed abattoir. Pigs every :Tuesday. Beef from Monday throug_l Thursday. BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET • . ' COMING EVENTS FILTER'• QUEEN Sales and Se r ` vice, - repairs .. to all makes of vacuum cleaners.. Used :cleaners ‘of all' makes . for ,sale. Robert K. Peck, Varna. telephone •Hensail' ' 69.6-r-2. • P,IGGS FOR X20 pigs ready tq weanJim: Aitchison, Lucknow, • ;phone, 87-r-3,. Luck now. • • TOR. SALE •OR, RENT ::- 5 -room house. on, Highway 86 at Atnber- ley. • 2 -piece' bath,gas furnace. Apply',. Mrs.• Jim ilVIcNa;,n,, pip one 110-r 30::.Ripley FOR. SALE -90 head of choice Hereford ' feeder steers, :;weight, 750. to 800 pounds. Fall delivery would' be preferred.. Roy' Cra'mm. of , Pinkerton, , Ont..: phone Car- gill ' 68-W-3. .' FOR ` SALE Two . bedroom bungalow at Pine. River: Cash, or terms • arranged. 'F.or. further. in- formation, ,contaet nformation,:contact Donald Blue, :'Ripley, or ,Mrs. Hutchings, MO „hawk, 8-3'460,.; Whitby. • • TWO LOCATIONS; available` for your purchase •of : • single copies' of The Lucknow Sentinel, are' :George's Snack. Bar or 'the Sen tinel: Office; SEPTIC .TANKS Wel ome: Septic' Tanks, cess pools, etc., on� c '...FOUND • OPEN HOUSE Open House will be held at. the home of W. and Mrs.. Geo. Lockhart` on Thursday, Septem-. ber 15t11, on tile occasion: of their 40th wedding: anniversary, from 2:30 to 5 pmn and from 8 to 10 p.m, • RECEPTION FRIDAY A reception in honor. of Mr.: & Mrs.. Don . Reid (Marilyn ' Mac- T,.avish) - will , •be held in the Legion Hall, Lucknow, . on . Fri- day ri- da y ' •eveninig,;' Septernber Boyd's ' orchestra. Everybody welcome.• ; RECEPTION AT DUNGANNON- A. reception in hondur 'of Mr. and . Mrs. Sandy Andrews (Shir- ley, Brown) will be held . in, the Dungannon Hall,•. on . Friday, Sep-' ternber 9th. Garnet Farrier's or- chestra, everyone:'welcome.. RALLY DAY 'SERVICE The Lucknow , Presbyterian. Sunday !School 'Rally Day ser vice will be held on ',Sunday morning, September 11th. Pupils are. to meet . ' in • their class 'at 10:45 • to `.march to ,church Audi- torium..for the 11 'o'crock service.. All parents are urged 'to attend this service.. ..• 'BAZAAR ,AND TEA ..Blake's 'Church W.A. is holding a bazaar, ,afternoon tea served also,.. at .. the •Ashfield .Parsonage,. on; :Friday, r .September 9th. • at. '3 pain RECEPTION AT LANGSIDE .A reception will beheld • in' Langside ,Community Hall on 'Friday, September .9th for Mr., and Mrs: Jim Young (nee Jean. i i Martin). Ladies . please , bring lunch. 'Tiffin's 'Orchestra. Every - the 28th• day of June, 1960, are here 'y notified to send in to'•the .This :is • a: •.full time position ' but CARD OFTHANKS I would .like to• thank those who '.sent cards, flowers, and gifts' and .all, those who visited me while 'in the hospital, Special thanksb ' to Drs. Corrin and Fin- layson and %•the staff . ‘Of.' the Winfgham Hospital. All these. kind .•acts were. very much ap- preciated, Jack Henderson,. Kent • and Marian Hedley;, newlyweds, . would like to thank': all those who had a part in :mak ing the reception held for them, very enjoyable. Notice To. Creditors , IN THE ESTATE OF JAMES. IRWIN, ALL PERSONS •having claims against the estate of the above mentioned,. ,late of 'the Township of Huron, County deed Bruce,:Retired Farmer,: Who died on the 21st day .'of July, • 1960, are• " requir;ed to . file • proof' of same with the undersigned' on: or before the 24th ;day of Septem- 'ber," 1960.. • • After that date the Adrninistr ator with will annexed will 'pro- ceed to distribute' the estate hav- ing regard,•only to the ' claims of which, he shall' then have had notice. DATED at Wingharn, this Third /day • of Septeniber,' A.D. 1960. Cratvford and ,Hetherington, Wingrham, , Ontario, • Solicitors' . 'ter • the Administrator with: will annexed. WANTED POULTRY' WANTED Best prices' at your door, phone A. Brown, Kincardine 181,, WANTED --one ' small oil burner, - eontact Wordden Howald,, Luck- now, or phone .272-W. ' • WANTED -- . by individual, from 40 to • '70 acres good farm land, at,. or within 1 or 4 miles from Lucknow, situated on highway or good . open road, with or with- out buildings. Anyone interested, reply by letter stating, situation, size, • ' price,, All taxes, etc., ' b'ef'ore September' 10, 1960, to Box Fes,... Lucknow Sentinel, replies' are confidential, WANTED—Flockowners to sup- ply u5"4with hatching eggs. Ali breeds required, • Eggs taken from some .breeds every week in the year. We pay up to 35c per dozen more' than ' the market price for •good hatching eggs, l!o.r:. full' details write - TWEDDLE' CHICK . HATCHERIES LIMIT: ED FERG•US, ONT... .. WOOD WANTED 5 cords of dry , bodywood, maple : and, beech,. 14" and 1• cord of cedar, to be delivered at Lochalsh' School„ U.S.S. No; 4, Ashfield, by Octo- ber, 1st;. 1960. ' Apply; to 'W. H .Stafford,. Dungannon, or to Oii- ver McCharles, ,Rr 3 Lucknow,. before. 'September 12th. : . REPRESENTATIVE` i NOTICE TO CREDITOR$ • REQUIRED Iii the, Estate: "of • 'JAMES B. ' we. have an ch need"ed" er- xnu s FORSTER:Deceaseds vice for.farmers' as well as Gown Ail;: persons having• ,`claimsand city dwellers. We require a against the' Estate of. James B, representative in your area: A Forster; late' of the Township of .ear •is essential arid" the 'man ser= West "Wawanosh, in , the' 'County. of Huron; Retired Farmer., de ceased,-` who died' on or about °pumped and •'cleaned . with' mod- ern equipment. All ` work 'guar:' anteed. Louis Blake, R. 2 ' Brus sels, phone 42-r-6 13russels:.. CAR' BUYERS Before you buy your ,new. 'pr late model .Used car see us about our Low Cost Financing: Service. Available 'for. either Dealer 'or Private Sales. J.• A. . McDonagh Insurance, Phone 306, Lucknow. .AUCTION SERVICE Allan- MacIntyre' Licensed •Auctioneer -Lucknow; Phone :. 281° .TIRES! TIRESIr All types of tractor tires, sold: and serviced,'. lowest prices, also complete • selection of all . types :of ' tires • . Bruce MacMillan, Lucknow. • , AUTOMOTIVE • FOR ,SALE — • .100 ,acre farm, Glass••=Steering=Body.; 'Repairs 12th concession ' Ashfield, 95.Lubrication, etc. acres workable, _5 acres bush, '9 For Quality Service, •see ,.., , "Where Better Bulls,. Are Used"' 5,;? room solid ' brick house,,, bank' ' PAVIDSON'S TEXACO ' ,barn 40x60,,' hydro and : running SERVICE'. - A RTIFICIAL, INSEMINATI.ON water. Property of; the late Mur Phone 320 •Godericli.: SERVICE . do Matheson • • write or ''hone • h p No.. 8•. Hig._way • isprovided from brills of all W. H. Matheson,, Chesiey, phone .•• ,, breeds. We .' are ;farmer owned 460, evenings .267W. ` PHOTO FILES for brides, fain- and ''controlled and •,operate . at` FOUND -a sum of money, . find- ' er may`, have same by: calling ,& proving same, ; Ashton's Ladies' and Men's Wear. • LOST LOST = 3: red Herefor4•',steers,. black /Hereford.. steer, ' • black Hereford:.heifer. ' Strayed. from 6thconcession of :Kinloss, :2 miles: past. of Lucknow' ' road: Anyone knowing whereabouts,contact Ezra ' 'Stanley, . Kinlough, • • phone 2371 Bervie collect. COUNTER CHEM .BOONS—we sell them :singly or in :quantities and ..take orders for books' speci- ally printed :to . your require- merits.' For prompt service, phone 35, The Lucknow Sentinel. WATERLOO. • CATTLE :BREEDING ••ASSOCIATION • • lies, ' noteworthy occasions, an RUBBER . STAMPS of all kinds, niversaries available at the Luck= ""' 4 made to . yop r 'specification's; are now' Sentinel. See the : ; "Our Summer calling hours: Between available .at ; The' Lucknow Sen- - " :. Line : of ." 7:30.•and' 9:30 a.m. week days' ,. ,Wedding photo file. y tinel,phone'' 35.- ' , • ' . Guest ;'Books for anniversaries, 6:00 and 8 00 p.m,. Saturday PERSONAL parties, showers, teas, etc., 'phone OLD, RUNDOWN? Ostrex Tonic Tablets ' help; "pep -up, ;thousand'' of men, women past ,40. ;Only 69c. At, all druggists.'; r The . Semi .ANNUAL WALLPAPER SALE 4.50-A Wilson Ave., • ME 3-2353 . Donsview, Ont September ,8th - ;September'17t11 ` ',:, w�: . 35,, Lucknow. On any type of property. Fast. • service anywhere. DELRAY INVESTMENTS • • Patterns, . prices as low as 29e : per single roil. ATTENTION 'FARMERS. THE WALLPAPER SHOP Wingham, Ontario. PRIVATE- SALE A‘ PRIVATE SALE 'of furniture arid household ' effects will be h•. s'nd ,. • held" at. the :residence. of Mrs. A. EE. Durniry Rose' St., Lucknow,, on Wednesday of next week, September 14th, eomrnencing at 1:00 ,m. Included are walnut ditizLg' , room •suite, walnut .bedroom suite, Ititehen table & chairs, small, tables, sundries,. etc. , DEAD STOCK REMOVAL Highest Cash Prices Paid forSick, Down, . or Disabled Farm Animals For. Fast Sanitary. Removal CALL TOM FOX • Ripley 15r.-20 Collect evenings For service .or•; more information call Clinton Zenithy 9-5650 or., Collect. Kincardine 460 DEA ; STOCK 'SERVICE •HIGHEST CASH PRICES ected• will . have:* the opportunity to. establish :himself in''a business. that ' pays well and has'. repeat, .business, .,coining in 'regularly.' undersigned Solicitor . for the we ;will start a man on. a• part Executor, on or before the '. 24th time .``earn has you . learn'' tan; dayof Se �•tember, 196.0 full par- .r p � Write.at `once for of ihforma= titulars of their. claims., Lmmedi- ton to .Sales'.Manager, Box 817, ately 'after the . said date, the s7 London,-. :Canada. . 'sets of:. the -Estate will' be dis tributed amongst the •parties en- I..i N .MEMORIAM' titled thereto, having regard only • to the claims• of which •the D U N=Tri • 'loving memory of Executors . shall then . have notice. .a ,dear husband and father, Same Dated' at 'Lucknow,' Ontario, this Durnip, who passed away three 27th day.of August, -1960. years ;ago; ‘September 9th: ' • R: W. ANDREW,' God 'saw he was getting .weary; Listowel, Ontario; He 'did what He thought best, Solicitor. for the 'Executor..He gently closed his eyelids' r • And whispered "Come and' rest." NOTICE' .. TO CREDITORS . Ever rememmbered by his Wife In the Estate of WITTIAM: J. 'and; family. DOUGLAS ;Deceased. = All persons having: claims AUGUST GOOD. 'HARVEST .against.the .Estate' of William' J MONTH, MODERATE HEAT Douglas,` late of the Village of • g With little or •no rain' .in. the. .L'ticknow, in , .the County of: Bruce Retired Mailman who latter part"' of ` the . Month, and died on or about the 15th day Paid, for Sick, ;Down or Disabled • Cows & Horses also Dead Cows and Horses at Cash. 'Value ' Old Nurses 4c per • pound GORDON TAYLOR Phone 44x '24, Lu kutnoow • 24.bonr seiWiee rr ^` with no `extremely • hot weather, of May, ' 1960, are hereby, notified August was a pleasant month tb send in:to the undersigned' ideal for harvest operations, , ersrgr►ed Solicitor for the .Executors, on or There were only nine days of before the 24th' day of; Septem=: the thirty-one with the tempera- ber - 1960; full articulars of their'tune `'exceeding the'80 degree• di . mark. High: for the month •was'. clarms.� .Immediately after 'the . • g; said date, the assets of- the Es -86 degrees,.•With a' low of 147. tate will be distributed' amongst Rainfall ;totalled •2 0'1 .inches; and the Parti , i t there . were. only two light thun- p es entitled ,thereto, haw ;trig regard only . to the claims of `der : storms during the ,north ., which the Executors :shall then have notice,In, ' a ' comparison of 'tempera= .. •tures, Ahem were 19 days bi• Dated "at.:Lucknew, ' Ontario,thisover' '80 readings in 1955:.with' a 27th day of August, 1960. high-' �f 99 . degrees: c'ort August M. ' W. ANDREW„ Listowel, ,Ontario, Solicitor. for the Executors 3rd; The all-tirne high so. far as. local records go,was in July` of iemhe, 1936'; When the mercury climbed to '100.95 degrees krut a :• moment to place • a Sentinel ' No' hus and was ever henpec- Want Ad; and be: money in pot ked unle s he was part chicken ket. To advertise,, just phone 35.. to st rt .with: THE STORE THAT GIVES you MORE ohnston eat Market SWEET PICKLE COTTAGEROLLS : Ib. ' 45c' 45c FIRST GRADE WIENERS, lb.. LEAN STEWING BEEF; Ib. CUSTOM KILLING TO YOUR SATISFACTION Phone 41 0