HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-09-07, Page 11 • $3,00 A Year InAdvance T—, $100 Extra To U.S.A.. PRESENT AT EDINBURGH : - MISSIONARY CONFERENCE • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, SEPT.. 7th, 1960. TWELVE PAGES Rev. and, Mrs; Hugh 'MacMi1 lam were in attendance at 'a,' ser- vice of thanksgiVing •for the 1910 World Missionary' Conference held on Sunday, August 14th in Edinburgh. It was a historic i, "-meeting; held in .:a, historic: + ' . . • church, Si.. Giles' Cathedral. •, A np ews p aper' report said: It was One of the Most deeply impres- sive sive non -denominational services' ever. held in that historic ebur- ch.'" }nigh and Donalda , as many here intimately know them, at- tended. the Conference on their return' to Formosa, after a com- paratively short._ "furlough" to Canada While in. Edinburgh, Rev,•' and, ,Mrs. MacMillan also attended: a grand Scottish ` concert .by, the ••Edinth rgh' Gaelic Che:r. .• 46 ATTEND . CWNA VANCOUVER :CONVENTION Some 400 representatives of weekly newspapers across Can- ada are expected to attend" the 41st annual convention 'in ; Hotel Vancouver on September .12,: 13, 14. ' The Senior Sentinel Publisher, Mrs. ; Thompson, and Joanne . plan to leave' Wednesday night. for the West 'Coast metropolis. We Will go West by. CPR and return by 'CNR, • courtesy of these railway companies, and will. ,be gone for a hurried ten-day trip. FIREMEN MEET AT LEGION' HALL. One of the largestmeetings held by: the Bruce !County Mut ual Fire Aid • Association.' met : in the Lucknow" Legion Hall last • Thursday night With ` about 70 `in 'attendance.' Each month the as- sociation 'rotates to a •different town in the ' county,. and . last Thursday the''Lucknow 'Fire De partment was host. - ' President • of... the `:n Association, is 'Bob Hetherington, of Chesley: • Fire ' Chief George' Whitby of 001 ch�ol Enroflmen ttenda nce It was back to school •ori Tues day, and locally upwards . of . 500 students .enrolled at . the Public., and High School. Enrollment at Lucknow Dis- trict . High: School was •207- stu- dents for: Tesday's opening, and' this may be added. to, . It .is 'the first time in the history, of the High School that. • the 20'd ,mark has been reached.. Last ..year's :record ' enrollment • of .7191 stud_ ents has this year been exceed ed by • 16, • Registration by „grades ` .is ;was foal'ows: Oracle '9, ,.79. students. which will be evenly 'divided in- to two classes;: Grade 10, : 48; Grade. • 11, '• 36; Grade. 12, • 28;•. Grade 13; 16. Met Staff On Tuesday 'horning the stu- dent . body assembled in the' school ;auditorium were they met the members of..the teaching staff under the .principalship '• of Mr. G.• D. Kirk, successor to Mr. .Hoag,' Personnel of ; the nine - Member staff and the subjects taught,' are as -follows: Mr. Kirk, senior English;" Mr. Ronald Kelp terborn, Historyand• Geo gra h g P Y,. Mrs.' Elizabeth Suter, French &; Sr ,.Latin; .Miss Audrey Fieder- lein; 1VMatihematics • :and Latin;: Mrs. Bernice Johnston, lower school English, 'Social Studies "-& town is a ; past president. 'Every 'fire department in Bruce County with the exception of two, Pais- ley and Lions: Head, was'`repre-. - wanosh. P TRAIN TRIP DECIDES LAD HAD Mathematics; Mrs. Laural 'Hew- itt, .Home. Economics and Girl's Health; .•Mr, Edgar: Branch, In dtistrial Arts, Boy's. Physical Training, 1V lathematics Mr. A: G. McLeod, Science, 'Miss Nora Rumble, Commercial, .Girl's. Phy- sical Training arid English. In addition to the principal;: new members of the `staff are Miss Rumble, Mr, ' McLeod and Mr. 'Branch ' Plan ..Activities In speaking 'to . the students • as a 'body; • Mr. Kirk outlined some. plans ;m mind for extra ciirri- cular activities.: It is planned to organize a Science Club, Camera Club' and 'Glee. Club in addition to the. 'cadets, & it '"is. hoped "that the. School • Band will 'Continue to function if• a leader can be ob= tained: • 273 At Public, School • At Lucknow •` Public 'School -on Tuesday morning 273enrolled, which' is an' increase ,• of eleven over the . figure of 262 at ,the' close of . school ° in June: A' , 8th teacher Mrs. Jim MacTavish has.: been : added to the staff, .witha' new. room put in order during the summer for. the opening of the 'fall term: * • •Mernbers 'of `' :the staff under. Principal Stuart ; Collyer :•are Miss' Ruby Webb, Miss Helen • RECEIVED TRANSFER TO NORWICH BRANCH • Ted Collyer, son. of Mr. and Mrs,. Stuart Collyer, has been, transferred • to • ' ° the Norwich .Branch of the Bank of Montreal where he reported" for -duty the • first of the . week, . Ted . joined •. Thompson,.' • Mrs. *Beverley. Thompson,' Mrs. • crate . Taylor, -Mrs, Grace • Johnston,, Mrs.' Clara IVhacTavish, Mrs, Helen Hall. Mrs. Hall has charge of • the kindergarten • class in which the enrollment has . dropped • sharply tihis year to .27, which results in •only a: morning class being held Last year the beginners were divided 'into morning and after' noon .groups: .. • • '• Other enrollment by grades 'is as ;follows.: Grade 1, .42 Grade 2, 38; Grade 3t 47; Grade 4, 21, Grade 5, 36;; Grade 6; 19; Grade 7, 24; Grade 19. 1,9. • Grades 7 and 8 (Fourth :Room) have a combined total 'of `43 stu, dents with but 40 seatS avail- able at the moment. Kindergarten..beginners, are as fellows: Joan Anderson,' Brent Boak, Lorraine Boyle, Sharon Carnpbell; • Janet Cook,' Douglas Corrin, • Edward Currie, ' Ruth Graham,:Donna Greer, Gregory 'Hamilton; Lyrnda. Hamilton, Di- anne Hawthorne, Coraly'. n Hend- erson, Larry Henderson, Barbara. Huber; Bruce Johnstone, Kathy • Joynt, Bonnie: MacLeod; Calvin McCleng a han, : 'Phoebe Mitchell,. Margaret Montgomery, . Bradley Parker, Jimmie Ritchie,Linda `Stanley,, Joanne, Thompson, Andy Whitby P •BROKEN..BON_E DELAYS. LAD'S START.' TO :SCHOOL Mike 17 _ ran; 12=year ,old . son. 'of , ,r Elmer ..,or.• •f o Mr. arid .M s. . ?Oran o. St: Helens,, is having his school holidays prolonged , by a broken bone •m his ankle. ' . The mishap occurred on their farmon; Monday,: when Mike slipped and got his foot • caught: between the fender and .. wheel of the tractor. ' He had a. cast applied and was 'able to retur'n'' home; • He will havea' walking' •cast • put on the first of the. week. Mike is in Grade '8 at S.S. No, 3 West ..l Va- PLEASE' LET US KNOW. There are a • number of young people in .Lucknow 4,,.,;. •t5a. ..rt, .t.<i. pp l�.x aid"" "rural �h�rimtiifii'iy,` vlb' are \pursuing • their s elsewhere or,' starting on ' new careers. We would: like to list all of.them. in one ' article, .: but unlessx' we , get this information directly . this, is, impossible.. • We ' don'•t know-all these young. people ``and we. don't know definitely '.what they: are planning. on. Please. let • us know: REPLIES TO " B`OX. NUMBER' •: REQUIRE A LEITER' From time to time we: carr. FAIR JUST THRE addertilefinnrnts"' slciirg . 'for re- V�EEKS' AWAY � A�Y. �. . studies 'the. staff of the Lucknow Brane. a year ago .. Prior to his departure a bathe -- cue . supAer, was• held at the 're- sidence. of Bank Manager, Mil ,ton Rayner',: when the, staff en= joyed a social ' , gathering and, presented Ted with . a travelling;• alarm clock; ., SEEKS INFORMATIOJv ABOUT HIS GRANDMOTHER Some time ago we • referred to a visit by Herman Hernden .of. Florida whosought information about his ancestors. His • grand= father, Wm, Hernden was clerk of Kinloss Township in .X855; and the Florida caller paid a visit to J. R. Lane res nt 'clerk of. Kin= loss, , where; . he photographed the • signature of Won. Hernden .. af- fixed to the earliest township ;records:; Mr, Hernden was also anxious to learn something of his grand-' mother, Elizabeth Jane Eustis,. whom he thought might be bur- ied at Bervie.. .,There he contacted J. Arnold,, but she . was .unable to be Of any help, and ` in . her subse uent contacts found no one who recalled people • by ` the name. of ,' Eustis, Should anyone • know of them, .the information would, tle ,appreciated.. • "plies; to. "Box ' So -and -So:"' This 'L Edi BROKEN TO BE AN ENGINEER seined. This is` .noteworthy con- sidering:.the' fact.' that ' Lucknow is on the extreme south end oft .the membership and quite a . dis tance from..several of thea north ern towns. Fire'.•Departments .re- presented were',Elmwood, Ches- ley,. Kincardine, Lucknow, 'Mild may, Port Elgin, Ripley, South ampton, Tara;' Teeswater, 'Walk- ertenarid Wiarton:• .Jim Meyers :.ands four • men' of ' the Teeswater •Fire Departinent gave : a . demonstration,. •using the. .'Lucknow truck, . of . advancing hose 'lines:.A; representative of • C. E. Hickey 'and"Sons. Ltd.. had a yanking new fire truck on display' and lectured on the. op. .eration of ' _. _ • the truck.,: 'George Whitby introduced guests .at the .meeting, '• 'Reeve,. George Joynt; Councillors, Har-: vey' Webster, Omar . , •Brooks,. clerk -treasurer,. E. H.Agnew;. two members of the Beatty Lad- $ der Co, Industrial'. fire 'Depart ment,• Tern 'Hallam and .Harold Edgar. Reeve Joynt, in coinrnent ring. on fire, departments . in Bruce, said, "we as citizens do not Appreciate the work . that it firemen are doing." He said that he felt, it was the ditty of the • municipality to provide . the best • fire fighting equipment that • money will buy; He recommend.. ed ?Wore' rigid st end ,control of wiring, both comrnercial and residential. next meetingof theassoci- ..._.. a , t i �� _ will be held '. in 1VkiIdmay, or fifty pounds of turkey, courtesy of.the LueknovV Fire • Department, waq quickly. gobbl- tip in sandwiches. n HO•ME• ROM EGY.PT A, badly broken :leg speeded the return of Sgt A. G A.itchi- son from `Egypt, .:where he has. served' for the past nine• months with the Canadian.-Arrny Signal Corps • •in the .Gaza strip,;` area: Aylmer is the .'son of Mr, and Mrs. Horace Aitchison of Wing- hara and: formerly. of Lucknow. Ire has •:•18' years •army service. and • his- posting to.: the Middle East last October came, as •a a sur- pr. ise: ' Aylmer.i was sehedt led,.'to return in August, but the leg fracture •'resulted in him ,being flown back ahead 'of time. •P Upon • ,his return he was hos- , pitatiied"'ir ..the Col. Belcher Mil- itary Hospital in Calgary, but • is now .at his home in Calgary .with the `leg' in a cast from 'ankle to hip. •Mrs. Aitchison, the former Is- lay Campbell, . 'and their two daughters;,. Joan 14 and Judy, 10,' remained in Calgary when •Ayl• Mei* 'went overseas. ' • Ile; had expected a posting to Kingston :Upon) his ••retui°n • but thebroken lune will 'leiay; at' least, these plans, : • . TAKES irgpigNICIAN. COVRSL' Donald Kirkland, 18 -year-old son of • Mr. and .Mrs Gordon Kirkland, 'has entered,. St. Thom. . as -Elgin, hospital to take 'a two year X-ray technician' Course. ld Rowald' is teaching kiaro Oakville again this year.. ., :Mrs. Clare . Johnstone, Helen & Hugh .of Lucknow arrived home by train Saturday evening after spending the • past three ; weeks. with. her :parents, .Mr. and Mrs: Hugh' Wilson in, Toronto.` While', there they visited Niagara 'Falls.' •Marton -Airport, The Island and. CNE as' • well, as with n-iany friends and relations:, • Coming . home Hughie • took considerable interest in the handling of the' . train 'and .was • asked by one of 'the train , crew. if' he would like .:to ' •go in with. theengineer. This he did . and enjoyed very muchthe remain- der . of the trip': • home: Now he, says '"it's', an engin•eer for him;" • fYf1T/��1►TIt'1 SELLS STOVE IN SUMMER • • When Rueben • Wilson de- tided to . advertise a stove • during the niid-suimmer heat, his neighbour considered him. to be • quite art optimist. But Reuben ran, • The Sentinel ' advt., and the stove was gone before his paper, reach- ed' him on MR, 3 Goderich on .Thursday. afternoon: He had four pronetts. A baled s.w for .` b iia o sale ad ' did „a job for Evan Keith.. Besides jogging the memory of former buyers it' brought. • him sone new ones and soon after the ad appeared, Evan had, disposed . of 700. bales: How many he has sold since ' then,' we don't„ know. means that ..replies must be by The Lucknow Agricultural .So letter addressed to the :specified ciety's 95th Fall ` Fair is just y J box care .of.: The, • Sentinel. three weeks away Wednesday - We try to discourage this type .and ` Thursday,September prtember 28bh of advertisement,' but there are - and 29th. President of the: Soci- occasions when' the • ' advertiser , et. is Evan n Keith' and the secre- wishes it this way, . so he can 'tary': is: Mrs. `Fred. McQuillin.. . make the contacts from• the pros- There have been quite 'num- • pects, received:a z•bei: of changes in the prize.list We discourage it for`.. one rea- this year, including additions;. 'son '°only; because so many , deletions and , increased ' prize people ask us "who wants What" 'money. We are not at liberty: to :say so, J There have been some changes and it `puts us on.the spot when ! in.:'. the livestock classes and ' as We have , 'decline. to answer f usual • the 4-H 'Calf Club compe- what seems to be a simple quest- ! tition will. be :a' feature:' There : . ion: The fact is •the advertiser are 14 Members in, the Club. .wishes' rephes by letter, and, In the fruit, .three prizes:' are, that is .the way it must be offered in each section in.P :lace' of the usual two. ' THREE L.D:H.S •GRADUATES '. Biggest� in, ' revision is: the: La=. RECEIVE, BURSARIES 'dies! . Department, • with .some • sections , changed, and the prize Three 1960. graduates',of •money in each section increased. Lucknow District •High School to $1,00; 75c and 50c.••Previously. y •;•. :have been awarded: