HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-08-31, Page 12t, 1 Afar:' �I'1Ak<L4VB. THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, mum -o WEDNESDAY AUQ. 31st, 190, ° t ' FOR HIGH SCHOOL WEAR WASH-AND=WEAL , COTTON SHEEN PANTS Styled for action, comfort and long wear, these; polished cotton .'pants can • be tossed' • in the washing machine,' and abandoned • to . "drip-dry". (Needs little or, no ironing).. 'Button-down flap -back '+pock-• ets' as a safeguard :for the boy who 4loses •things'. In ante- lope, black, wheat, charcoal loden green. 28 to;:`38.' waists at $4;95 `& ; $5.95 Boys' NYLON STRETCH SOCKS. Stretchy slacksocks for boys in easy -to -care -for nylon. Ela- stic' .tops to provide snug fit . and prevent unsightly droop- ' ink. Smartly patterned in charcoal, navy, brown, blue; • grey and wine. Stretch -sized to fit 8:'b to, 101/2 , 69c B4'0': SHIRTS. and .. SHORTS • Combed .,cotton styles in white. Shorts : have 'double .thickness ins front:, Sizes S -M L ' Each • ��., .39c OTHER : SHORTS With° double seats, also tops by :Well: /known , makers ?'as 'Monarch and 'Stanfield: Each ,49c & 89c BOYS' PANTS Tress up. foe 'school' with our durable : • trousers.•' ` • Gambler ; XStrit es, `corded or sheens.. Siz- es: 6-18; in Mack, toast, wheat and charcoal ...' $2.98 & $3.95 • JEANS SPECIAL. SpeCial:,'on a dressy' :$4.50 Jean for, ..,.. . $3.50. r Others' yi:. . $0;59 k!$1,98', . BOYS' SHIRTS ---•8 to 18 Yrs ,Short <' Sleeve `Ideal:; for the . •warm ,Septem- ber :.days,. ahead: Good school shades..OzSly. }. $1.79 Long Sleeves. If your boy prefers , a . long sleeve` we have them: at $1.79 • or': better. ' quality at • $2.98 Students : SPORT SHIRTS. High on Fall and Winter fashion lists :. wash 'n' wear, cotton sport shirts in. heraldic •:patterns.' Briskly tailored' with long . sleeves, breast pocket &. "perma-stays" . in . collar. In Tone -on -tone : greys, browns and greens. ' ' Sizes: S -111-I; From $2.98 : to' $5.95 YOUNG MEN'S SPORT COATS In Wool. and Viscose ,Blend,' a sport coat your boy will like to wear.- The wool is blended with viscose for extra dura ` bitli'ty, to ''help 'shrug . off wrinkles practically.. » over night. ',Rayon . satin . three quarter lining over .hymn in terlining<, for extra' shapere-" tention. Single-breasted, three •• :button model:. ,Heathertories of grey, blue' or brown.. Sizes , 36 to 44, . Also ' in 8: to 18` yrs: sizes. ' WJNDBREAKERS stock : for 'all sizes. BOYS' . WINDBREAKERS Win end' . shower -resistant! • . Spot' •.stylirng with self( col lar, .cuffs and waistband, elas� 'tic shirred inserts at waist, 2 ' . slash pockets zippered closing ` and cotton :lining Choke of antelope, light and dark blues or charcoal grey, black, . also patterns, 8 to 18 yrs; .Priced at • $2.98 to °$5:95 BASEMENT SPECIALS, ,Some at .. .$1.98 & • '$3.95 BACK -TO -SCHOOL. DRESSES IN ARNEL the • new w easy . care fibre and Viscose. Needs little care and. 'retains : its • lasting beauty. Machine washable. . (iitNGHAMS• • :Pall ; colours in` wrinkle shed, 'Jan . River, Wash - 4114-9470E. ;Also in other fabrics • At ' .. $2.98, $3.95.. & $5.95 SOCKS Nylons Stretch or Size Socks. A, wide selection . of patterns and'colors • at:.. 49c, 59c, 69c, 98c, $1.50. • • • SUGGESTIONS: ;FOR GIRLS' WEAR, 8 to 14 years BLOUSES 98+e PANTIES;. A special this week.. Drip. -dry; 29c .. 4, pr . for $1.00 P Little or no ironing.- • '39c ... 3 pr. for .$1:00' • SLPS' •98c, $1.49, & $1.98 .: TEEN SLIPS cotton 'slips. A' better fit the teen-agers. ........ $198: • Others at .. .$1:39 & $1,98 • T-SHIRTS At Only 79c SWEATERS • Fin A Wide assortment of;'colours .for in orlon, ' banlon and' bellon, at $2.98, $3.95; • $4.95, $5.95 SWEATERS; SHAGS B • Blue, red`` and charcoal, $4.95 5 GIRLS' -SOCKS odle • socks,' .- twisters, 'Pat oone, : and • .others. ''At .... 49c, 9c, • 69c, 79c, 89c & 98c, for: ,The TEENAGER,' ATTENDING : HIGH SCHOOL:. Wewould:like` you'to drop' in and look over our styles ink DRESSES 'SWEATERS.• new fall', styles, In .shags;,•orlons, ,banlons. • BLOUSES • • A large ' assar'tment of drip: dry ,cottons • in: the latest styles. ' .SKIRTS . Plain, : pleated, ` patterned•" & shags. ;DRESSES' ANDSKIRTS . If. you' are interested in summer cotton skirts or dresses. v:Ysitu-rbasemen.tll ,remainin summer dresses and skirts Moved to the abasement at, 'GREATLY REDUCED . PRICES AGENT '.FOR 1 Free . Piiek4Up aiad (IMPORTANT POST) (t;ontinued from page 1) Went 'through one of. his "great- est periodsa transition" hi the company and became' Chief Clerk of the. Sales Dep tore t. Jim feels that his experien as of the the sales.. department was utmost importance. In 1945 Jird went 'ori ,the INCARDINE 'CLEANERS Delivery ' Monday 'arid Thursday. Your Family . Store for ALL ' Back -To -School Children's Clothes. iirket YOUR) BARGAIN` . FOODLAND OyR OWN BLEND TEA.6c off •l Buy Several I'o'ueds & Save. , . 69c. FA$: REPEAT` SPECIAL; Save 45c - King+' Size it's All. Detergent. Doi. CEREAL "SUPER -SALE" Save 16c. Any 29c: ,Pkg. Your Choice. Feature,? MARGARINE SALE. Save 27c LIL Delmar For Baking and Table Use" IU. 8 ICE CREAM "FAVORITE" PINT" ONLY. With Half -Gal. Deluxe: Regular : price. 15c STORE .CLOSED MONDY. SEPTEMBER 5TH LABOUR DAY. • PLEASE SHOP EARLY FOR, BEST SERVICE. KEEP THIS, BARGAIN. AD .BY YOUR .PHONE. :Values .Effective September 1, 2, : 3. road" as an industrial lubricants and oil . salesman. In 1954 tile Supply and Distribution depart - Merit was set up,. and with his broad experience, Jini was the man for the Man..:. '' ager s job. Supply • and , distribution . is field almost exclusive to the oil business,. Jim end the six staff mothers of :his department act as -a "bridge' between' the sotir- 7 ces of •refined •,products and their ,final points of distribution. However,' they are mainly eon- cerned' , .tth the economics of the rnovernent of product, not with the •.physical handling of the +gasolines, fuel oils and lab ricants which ,)s carried out by the . Operations • Department. "Our department must hel ,in - re fined piroduct tennis' and badminton. sure that the fi I SEE, :BY TH SENTINEL : • THAT memlers of `'the. Lucknow and Dungannon 4-11 Calf Clubs are : among.:: the North Huron.: Clubs: which are meetings at, Belgrave Wednesday. •night ':for, their final 4-11 examination in.: connection with the '1960 ;pro- Ject.. THAT Ambrose Hogan ."writes .from Denver, ;Colorado, to ` en- quire about a Subscription 'to. The • Sentinel He ; said, "being • from ; Ashfield, I _ felt this the best way'to keep in' touch With Luckno'w and ,surrotiriding . ter-' ritory, ." / THAT J J. Houston • of..*.the School of 'Horticulture' at .Ma-. ' gara ,Falls; . attended the fun- eral. of his• • grandfather, Wrri. E. , Taylor, at; . Walkerton last Wednesday and spent the; re- mainder of .the week with his parents, Mr; and. Mrs. Harvey Houston at Holyrood. ' ''1Iugh Houston :' was unabie4: 'to be' present as he is employed at. Riverliurst, Saskatchewan.' THAT 'Mr. • and 'Mrs. Fred ''Mc_ Quillin observed 'their 25th 'wedding anniversary on Suns day, August 28th. They were married: at the hofne• of the. -bride's parents, Mr... and Mrs.' John .Milder' . of Lucknow, by the, Rev. T. C. Wilkinson, ' a. former minister of St Helens United -Church. Fred and Mar- garet have two sons, Ivan' of. • Elmira and iBa ry of the Wat= erloo teaching staff. . . n ding along- :his subscription renewal, Wm. D. Good' of Wauchope Bask.,' comments "This makes "the • 56th year." . t THAT in our mail `last week we received a, water -stained and • 7inusty-smelling copy of The: Southampton' Beacon, dated September 30th, 1959.. • Where . it has been for" the'past .eleven months is' a mystery: gets. 'to the .ulti'mate customer at the lowest possible cost," says Jim. Jim literally married into: the company when he .married his wife Merle who at the time was working in• the office:, When he isn't thinking about the econo- mics of 'oil transportation,, he keeps` in good shape by playing 4 We Sell For Less Phone 119,.: Luckrow' THAT Donald Johnston; son of • Mr. and ...Mrs: Cliff Johnston; Ho1yrood, who has. been at. the,, Bank of `Montreal, Godes' rich, _ :has been transferred to Simcee. • • TiHAT Mr. and Mrs A. _McLeod and 'two ''daughters, of London have :taken up residence 'in the former :.R.edvers Johnson home, owned by . John Robb of Holyrood. Mr. McLeod .1s, A member of the high Schogt' teaching staff, 'Housing still ,poses •a •problem fqr� new, mems. bers of the teaching staff at time of writing Mr, Edgar` ,Branch of Windsor:- was' witii7. Outa residence 'for his family,.' THAT. the marriage of 'Team. Marilyn Martin and Jaines A; Young' was, solernnized 'on Sa- turday, .and that ;evening a re- • ception• was held • at White- • church.Arthur Laidlaw:.real • the address ' and Neil. , Rintoill presented a purse of money on behalf *of the `,gathering: Music for dancing was by grif- fins. orchestra ' 'Mr and • Mrs. `Youg .. will reside : on :i.the groom's • farm at Langside.. SHOWERS HELD FOR 'BRt.DE'ELECT .. Mrs.. James E. little enter- tained.'.a number .of friends• t� dinner and •: a shower -F at Tige Dunlap Inn.. last Thursday eveti frig .' in 'honoulr; ' of Miss •Elizabet MacDonald, . bride -elect. . • After •the dinner; Miss. Glady MacDonald gave':a. toast 'to, Eli zabeth: The guests were iishere' into the living .'room; *bete tea -wagon loaded with gifts.W brought iriri.. Elizabeth's sisfe Mrs. Robert Smith, assisted •fie in opening thepressing .gifts with Eli beth exher thanks;, The ev°enreadingsing was and spent muwit contests, , Mrs. Morgan Henderson, gave humourous reading, ,"The Def nition of a. Man." Mrs., Willi .,Henderson,.Mrs. Alvin Mundt and Mrs; Jiin Henderson deligh edt the guests •by singing sever songs and conducting 'a sin song. Mrs. p. W. Hoag'condUc ed contests. . Miss . Margaret Rae and ' M John ; Kruetzweiser held• a m cellaneous shower: last week the 'home of: MissRae ;ln hong 'of Miss • Elizabeth 1VTacpona bride -elect, An evening. of 'contests. al readings folla'wed. Mrs. B Scott.,and, Mrs, J'im Aitchis Cam posed and read two' hum P ous poems which .i5.t'e rrtuch ; . j'%yed :by ° all,. iend A anEisz11kaebistehEf 1irgifts • oAwpelatnsonbasws gifts. , E1'izabeth then thanked g thent� to'. and inited homladiese:, A. lonelyvlunch 'W, S. ed. .