HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-08-31, Page 8l A(il EIGHT' THE LUCKNO1 SENTINEL. t,UPKNQW, ol,tirAitto The New CO-OP, Pasture Ration, supplements the pasture'. feeding of dairy cows in production. Lush spring pasture provides bulk and prdtem but does not supply sufficient energy roto hia ntam body weigt:and maximum production. ' 'in 'CO-OP Pasture Ration': that' , na. Ifs the extra. energy. bies e , -yo u to get the most from your pasture and from . your herd. at the time' when production is cheapest and later when p tures. axe drier: The ,Co-op can also use your.grain to, .give you this; rakian Discuss' this Pasture Program with ' our local Co-op. Phone 7 1NATCH FOR FIRE IN HAY. MOWS ' If your .:hay went into _ the barn a ;Utile • tough this year, take this. tip fromsafety expert;.. Hal Wright: check the -bay twice a week' . the.. first month and • once a, week the second,' month: after . haying:, , The reason: ' fire danger. • . The Ontario . Department. of. Agriculture ;engineer • .suggests you ,build a hay' probe thermo, Meter to , properly, do • the'. job. •Use ' a 1,0 foot'length .of '1 inch` electrical " : conduit or tubing Rivet " a ,sharpened • :hardwood point', to the bottom end and • drill'6 holes, of % inch diameter 'within the- ' bottom ' 6 • 'inches :.of, the pipe. Lower a • dairy' thermo ',meter on a 12 foot cord .to; the • • bottom of ' the completed ' hay 'probekand .your're:.ready t'o take ;the temperature .of your hay. "All that's ' needed...now„ is a piece of. sponge .rubber :below: •the ,thermometer to . act as .a , •cushion and 'prevent breakage." .says Wright. When ready to' Mise the ' probe push' it Well downinto the hay and leave it for 10; Minutes. Then, 'pull out the theritiometer and check the temperature. Use. these terhperattire ,guides: .150 degrees "F. Entering the danger zone. Make temperature observations'• daily. . • ,.160 degrees F. Danger! In- spect every 4 hours to • see `if temperature . is rising. ' .175 degrees F, Fire; pockets can be expected. Call the .Fire Department 'pumper and wet, down 'the hay.' .185 • degrees F. The pumper Should 'be available 'since flames will develop when air ' conies in contact with the hot hay. .21Q ° degrees P. Critical!' Hay is almost sure to ignite. + , "Workmen 'Shouldn't enter the :snow alone or' Without ropes • tied to their waists.," cautions Wright. "Fire 'pockets may have K developed and "thereis danger of men fallinginto them. Long planks can be placed across' the top. of the hay.. stand:' :on :.'thein observations, or hay,:" • , SHOWER''H ELD ,POR SATURDAY BRIDE. (DUNGANNON NEWS) •1VIrs ., Harold Errington held a .pre -nuptial shower,' : for Miss Lois Webster on Tuesday night of last week with about thirty-• five ' neighbours and friends 'resent. jrenda Bradley, little nieceof f ,the bride-to-be, enter- tained , with; pianomusic asthe guests and Lois arrived. A .speci ally''decorated chair was prepar ed' fpr the guest of honor.' Dianne. Errington who also .assisted her mother, 'the hostess; . sang two numbers accompanied Eby Betty ]Durnin at the piano. Mrs, .Ross, ' Errington • gave a reading,' Mrs. Bill. (Ettabelle)- Bradley the bride's sister led , in . a sing -song before lunch was served. Lois was assisted • in opening' the many lovelygifts by her mother and sister;: Little girls, • .brought. the gifts in 'armfuls. Lois graci- ously :thanked one and ' all for the thoughtful :remernbrances. School holidays are about •'over and' we hope:. all have enjoyed the summer. School .• reopens Tuesday, ., September 6th . with the ' teachers Mrs. M. Durnin &. Mr.Robert`, Norman at . Dungan Mrs. Frank Smith, Douglas & Shirley ' of . " :Crantbrook, , visited Mr. and Mrs. Jack McGee for. a, few days' last week:. Mr. and Mrs...Wilfred. Wood- man. arid' family of Dublin 'and Mr. and • Mrs.. Harold •,Baechler • !"and. family, Auburn, Mr. ' : and Mrs. .Jac* ': Baker ' were ''Sunday B visaechleitors rwitl'i Mr. and' Mrs. Fred . Mr., and Mrs. Cilester .Durnin of. Irwin,. P.A., are: vacationing at .their Point Clark ,cottage and. • also, visiting his ..father, Mr. R, J. Durnin • and. aunt, . Miss. Ellen. Durnin. Mrs: 11. A. S. Yokes enjoyed a week with her cousin at 'Brace - ' I bridge, whom she • hadn't seen .for. ,a considerable :time. Mr Barry':: Fong of ' their household accompanied:; and' assisted with the . motor trip. Workmen 'can while making removing,' ' the, FO DE 'FAMILY. MOVE FROM' FOWICKORIL-1.4A .• The Fordwich. community hall was. , filled to; capacity for a fare-. well party:for Dr. and Mrs.•'J. D. 'Forde and ''family,. who '. are' •leav- ing 'the comimunity to take up residence in Qrillia, where; Dr..: Forde .is n'ow., on • the' staff of , the ' Ontario`., Hospital: • They`, were !Presented. with .' a swivel 'TV chair nd occasional• ,chair, magazine/rack•' and smoker,. ito match' and an• electric coffee maker. Eachof the four` children were given a fountain pen. Mrs. Robert 'Gibson read the address. Dr , Forde replied for the family and .'thanked every- • one Mrs, Forde is the . former Eli zabeth MacDonald, daughter of Mr' D.-. A. MacDonald of. Loch- alsh. Locally • Register'' Forms Carbon Snapout Forms Gas and Oil • Truck. Forms Continuous Business Forms Counter Check -Books w Y Restaurant ,'Pads Lt CKNOW SENTJNEL • Mr.. ahs' Mrs;. Wan Rivett, `tats: week rade a trip; to. Detroit, and also took in some of . the Tororl oto ,C.N.E. . ' Mrs,, Wilbur Brown and Sis- ter, Mr's. Ann Linklater attend- ed the fune. ral ° on Thursday of their cousin's wife, the' late Mrs. J. C. Reed of Listowel, age 36, who passed away after a lengthy illness. The bereaved husband. is a son of the late. Bert Reed. r'he "Cook" annual picnic was held. Sunday at Kincardine Beach with around sixty attend- ing.'includirg' several' from. here.. Mrs. Stanley (Cora). Hughes, Toronto, who rias just. returned from .a five -'week's znotor trip. toe the Pacific . Coast, visited Fri- day night with her sister, •Mrs Mary Rivett. Mr; and Mrs. Ivan 'Henderson and two little: sons, Toronto, are visitingher parents, Mr. and Mrs, ictor Errington, The Dungannon 'United, Church will hold anniversary services, Sunday, September 18th; morn- ing and evening with :Rev. Peter' Renner; Tees!water as ,guest speaker and' guest' soloist will be • Mrs. " John •'Bodner, Port` Credit. . Dr. C. Toll: formerly of Blyth, now , of Trail,- B.C.,'•is vacation-. ing ' with his.' 'wife and 'daughter at 'Bogies: Beach, on Sunday .cal- led on' 'cousins, Mrs. Nellie Ste-. wait and . Mrs. T. Edmunds. Dr: Toll, a dentist, a • number of years ago' served • a "` cou'ple , af'. days weekly. .in: this village. Dr.N A; .S: Yokes,' local prac- titioner held' away from a •busy life on a few,. holidays • last, week "motoring • up through ' .., ' Bruce County joining some medical pal's arid .continuing to' the ;Man itoulin• and' there visited some former. • Ind&an ,'' patients - with whom ' he has • kept. up : steady, friendship. and 'interest; `'' Billy Blakeis is visiting this week with'his: aunt, Mrs. B. F. Comfort,; °.St.: Catharines. Mr.. and , .Mrs.. ,Anderson ford, London,' arid Mr..' and 'Mrs. Harold Mugford. arid family '' of Detroit +'on Sunday visited MTS. Abner' Morris. • wE►N` Y, AUG. 1st . 460, DEER, , TRIO'. AMBLE. AT AMBE LEY*. (AMBE'RLEY NEWS) Ur. jack Shiers and .son Billie• of Toronto Visited with Mr, and` Mrs, Ross Shiells and other re- latives :in the vicinity last week.: Mrs. TI'homas. Brown of, Wing_. ham was the guest of Mr. and Mrs.. • Walter Brown on: Friday. Mrs. Art Courtney spent last week in, London at the home of Mr. d Mrs. Lloyd Cu, • Witanh, 'run•iors of, showersortneyand .weddings'thebe next few weeks promises to, a .busy tune for •the ladies of this vicinity; The friends. 'of Mr. George E17 liott former Ainberley resident 'are glad .to know he is much. imv'in health, Mrspro. ed Jack MacDonald and. nephews of Buffalo visited `with . . relatives. ,at. Point Clark. • last, week. ' . Mr. and Mrs. Jack Blue, :Eu- gene and Mr.. and' Mrs. John • Emmerton , enjoyed a few days. last ; week • at the . "Blue-MgDiar- • Mid cottage, Point Clark; Ideal..•weather ' over.:. the •;;past. two •' weeks has seen much of combining, and ; threshing near connotation: Miss MarEllen ' .Shiells'� Y of :. Amnberiey .was 'the ' guest of Mis- ses Barbara . and Be. trerley Rath- Well •of Lucknow ; recently. Mr: and :Mil. Robert' Gallaug- her arid'family Of Mansfield Were ' Sunday • guests of Mr. and Mrs... Don 'Courtney. • 'What n'iight have been a hun- tar's dream ,cone 'true, had it, been ' open • season, was ;when 3 • ' .deer, -were:. noteed• sauntering along' 'a sideroad; apparently. not disturbed, •by traffic: 'They;, kept' 'Up the pace for over forty, rods, then leaping into a, nearby corn field, disappeared:. presumably to 'enjoy:. the tender' caries Mrs. Irving Benson of Amber :ley. Beach received the sad news • Saturday. evening ,of the sudden passing /of..her• sister;., Mrs. June .Matrosic: of .Detroit; Is Your Subscription: Paid?, Neenesisissineskixiniximaixiximximisiumnisaizinentii °!1. A.v.4Yl1I1' Trte"!*A1T T'' y'. ON'DON, 'CANADA prc ud.1 presents MEN T([ a.n -/ . . See the OLCO D•TIME O U UI'�TRY •FAIR with its marvellous exhi- bitions of .tbe best of 'Agricultuire, L:f destock; Farm Machinery, Women's :Handicrafts; Hobbies, F loWern, etcetera. Father,'Mother and Child wiil•9njoy,the FUN'end EXCITEMENT of EMTS'112.121\TG • THRILL TO`THE SP'LEND.OR & S.1' ` • A�XT�E OF T�1E ENING GRANDIS'TANP •SBQW action � of HEADLINE kcTS froirk► the Glamorous Wo 1ds`of *4' . Oi33es•an,AMA�IN(3 toll _, .RCUS *' VAUDEVILLE: ", TLEVSON. DRAW. FOR 3 NEW CARS (Advance Sale .ickefa Only) Tickets 2 for . ' ' (1 ticket adnr►its 2 children) reiESERIMEiKiEiEiRi WIN BEAUTIFUL COMPLETE' SHRINE SHOW' HOUSE • ' Tickets $1.00 each .• .6for $8.00 Ori sale during fair week drily 64.3' inenemenesmineem Advance Sale Tickets at The Lucknow Sentifld • - •