HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-08-31, Page 7ivopisTESDAX, AUG. 31st, 1960 • THE •LUCKNOW SENTINEL, 1.1.TCKNONV, ONTARIO .PAGE. SEVEN: amisominimaimatiosinrumminowimm, F()R.LIFE • THE BEAVERS one of the'inost industrious of animals. • • 'Ile toils with. loving Care, on the construction of a home for his family., Beavers mate for life, and their homes' • • • are built with an eye to permanent use. • ' . . %glum a man builds or buys a home, he, too, likes kt feel that it is permanent For it is at home that the family develops roots , . and friendships. Safeguarding the home for the family is but one of Sun Lite's many services for the security and protection of yourself and those you lovei,Let me tell you abed these services. • J. Kinahan R.R. 2, LiiCHNOW • Phone Wingham '717-7-w-4• SUPI:ITIFE ASSURANCE , COMPANY QFCANADA.ef., • Luncheon was served at het 4 WED A -r sT PETERS . ., . • . . . home of the groom's parents to :ON SATURDAY . 55 .. neighbours, relatives •and friends from ' Walkerton, At-• . . • : .. ,, — . wood, Holyrood, WinghArn, ''Rip- .• CARTER ---; •RANSOM ley, Teeswater and Lucknow. ' At St, .Peters. Anglican Church in Lucknow, 'at, 2 p.m. on, Sat- • urday, August 27th, Rev, H. L. :Jennings - officiated.. at , thewed- ding- of ':Angela Jean .Ransom, • eldest• daughter of- Mr. and Mrs.• 'Wilson, Ransom. of. Feronia, Ont., to Ernest Cochrane 41din Car- ter, ;eldest son •of Mr..and Mrs. •Ernest Carter,. R. • 5 Lucknow. • • •The bride 'wore a yellow. dress O :with white nylon bows and a • 'white petal hat withrhinestone trim, white shoes and a corsage of 'salmon .pink roses and green, fern. •Miss Betty Isabelle Carter of Vingharn, -cousin '• of the groom, was bridesmaid,' wearing, a deep blue- lace dress' over taffeta, a • white head band, white shoes, and a corsage of blue violets. .Anthony Vincent Carter,' bro- Aher of the groom,' was grooms - MARK. SILVER • ANNIVERSARIES (ST. HELENS NEWS) The ladies are reminded of the Women's . Institute - this Thursday ,evening at 8:30, Roll call --- A safety rule that 'applies to the farm. " Her many friendare glad' to know that 1Virs. Wm.. :Robb, making ...,..•favorable recon in the Winghim Hospital from: an attack • of pneumonia.. Miss Beverley (Gatint s se- cured a position at the Western 'University, London, 4: starting this week. Miss Norma Forster .start;-. ed .w,ork a -few weeksago at St, Joseph's Hospital. 'Both, girls at- tended the Wells Academy, Lon- don this year.' We 'wish them every success. Flt. Ltland Mrs, Keith Black 'of Ottawa wereweekend visit- ors with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacPherson.: On their 'return they - were accompanied by their boys, David,' Freddy, ,Gordon Kevin Who. have spent the sum: - mer here. , Mrs. Will MacGregor Of Stett- ler, 'Alberta and Mr. and Mrs. Fred MadGregor of Kincardine were recent, guests of . Mr. and Mrs. George Stuart. • Sister•ariaSister vincenpa.. pie Seared, Heart •Conven.t London, Spent 'Sunday With their. brothers; the Forans, at their home :here. . Mrs. •Allan : MaCcharleS, Alex and Brian. of Arkona spent the week -end with, her mother, 'Mrs., D. C. IVIeDonald. °'• Mr. and Mrs. *.Arthur Braun - hall of , Waterdown were week- end' -guests of Mr. .and. Mrs.. Lorne Wood. . Mr. and Mrs.. Lorne Woods, who was twenty-fiveyears mar-: en August .24th• .Celebrated 'the occasion with . a .dinner at: Tiger Dunlop Inn on Saturday evening with , their family and a few friends:present. The rest of the .`eVening was. spent at Point Clark with Mrs. Alex Murdie and Mr. 'and Mrs.:,' Mel Brown at their Cottage. 'coh7; ratulationa and best WIshes. Congratulations also to Mr. and Mrs. Fred keQuillin who celebratedtheir Silver Wedding Anniversaryon Siinday with a family picnic supper. Friend's called in the eVening. callers. at the hoine of Mr. &. •:Mrs.. Fred 'MoQuillin on Sunday on the occasion of their 26tir anniVersary. were: Mrs. John Miller •of LueknOw, Alex .yrb- •Kenzie of Langaide, Mr.. •and Mrs, 'John Spare,. Donna and Robert Doerr of London.; Mr. & Mrs."Alvin Miller, •Strathroy;, Mr, arid Mrs...Leslie • Campbell INSTITUTE 'LADIES WERE GUESTS „. AT DUNGANNON' The ladies of the, Lucknow Institute '. accepted an'invitation from the. Dungannon .IristitUte te' visit their. Society and on Thurs- day afternbon.' They engaged Mr. Allan Reed to take them there by lap. 0„ . • s.' A very enj9yable afternoon was 'spent with the.,Dungantion ladies 'andmeinbers of Other 'societies from GOdericli, St: ,Hel:- ens and Ailifield; The Main term' , Of entertain-:' Ment was :the playing. of 'Court Whist which :was enjoyed by, all. Prizes wereawarded tothe ;lowing .members,., Mrs. • Wesley joynt, Mr.s. Them, Mrs. Walker,. afterWhiCh a dainty lunch ,Was .11111101aaa1anisnsissinmaisifimmastimmaawsusiimaiiialiai.', i•• FOR FAST, EFFICIENT .OVERNIOHT 11 • .Freight .• Service • • • • , TO or FROM L.UCKNOW TORONTO • • • TROUSSEAU TEA F-91LBRIOE ELECT O (ST. HELENS NEWS) • -- Mrs. Gordon .MacTavish enter- tained on Thursday ' evening: at a trouSseau tea honoring. her daughter, Miss Marilyn MacTav- ish whose marriagewill take place' in the Lucknow Presby- terian Church on Saturday. ' • The ' hostess and bride -t6 -be were., 'assisted receiving the many .guests by Mrs. 'Robert Reid of Lucknow, mother of the groom:elect. • . • Assisting.. in • showing ' the trousseau,, shower and wedding gifts were Mrs. Allan •Jehnston, Misses Beverley gaunt,. Patsy Foran and Lois Miller. At the tea table, centred with an arrangement of beautiful pansies, tea was poured by grandmothers of the bride and groom .elect, Mrs. Joseph Gaunt, Mrs. Mary MacTavish and Mrs. • Kingsbury and their aunts, :Mrs. Cameron'• MacTavish, Miss, Reid: ! and. Mrs.' Donald Kingsbury, Serving. were Mrs. Dont MacKin- non 8e. Mrs,. Harold Ritchie. As- sisting were Mrs. Earl Durniri, Mrs, Fred Johnston, Mrs. Har- old .Gaunt, Mrs. Ernest gaunt. and, Mrs.! Elmer .Foran. , . • • CULROSS• CORNERS - BE EFFICIENT BE. A B.E.A. GIRL!, Prepare for a Position in buSiness by securing a diploma issued by The Business Educa- tors' Association of Canada. Fall Term com- mencing'Sept'. 6. GODERICit BUSINiSS ,CQLLEGE 34 East St: O Goderich jA 4-8521 Tuition $24.00 • per month. (Donna), Lesley . and Dannie of Windsor; and Mrs.. :Eldon. 1V1' Hier, Lois and 'Ross •Dtirnin;... • . , • •-• Mr.' and Mis.;.James Yaeck & .family, Walkerton, .holidayed • last ..week with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Schumacher , arid family. Mr. Spence McFarlane has Sold 'what is known. as • McParlan's Lake arid several acres of scenic property ,to .Mr. 'Robinson, To- ronto.' • , Misses Elda Wall and1 Elaine 1Vie3'er have returned to their homes here after being employ. ed for,' the suminer • at White - head's, Motel, Clinton.' • O Mr. and Mrs, John. Schumach- er, spent Sunday ' with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lloyd and: Mr. and Mrs. Karl Bpyle at Rest -While pottage., -- • . - • Mr. and Mrs. Dine- Thompson were. dinner. guests Sunday of OkilEAT” Islo1J.E.R19--0EST f DIAL '° °UR NUMBER WE'LL DOTIEREST ' • •.: ROY HAVENS and Heating o . Esso Oil Burner Sales and/Service Mr. and Mrs.. Alex Whitcick. O Mrs. Earle Hodgins spent Sun- day evening at the same home. Mr. and Mrs, Gerald. Stewart, K *60 )4;'" • ore With Mr. and Mrs. Tom Ste- gnevis' INSURAti(E Agency • . • .„•:- Business 39 GENERAL INSURANCE • HOWARD AGNEW; , Residence 138: Mr.. and. Mrs. Don Caineron (Margaret) .. and Barbara o Lticknow; Mr.• and 'Mrs. Wilmer. •' NiCalNiNon (Doris), Kathy' and Randy of Holstein; Mr: and Mrs. • Carl ,JOhnston,Marie, Keith and Terry .of ' BlueVale Mr. & Mrs.• Frank. McQuillid and Terry ViCilsOn: Miss Sue Scott,. of :Wa- terloo; Mr. and Mrs. Sirineon LUCKNOW LONDON • • • • 1 • Call • Waldenros. 'Boer and Wuxi' and Mr. and Mrs. • IN. servide. .will be resurned; . as in usual in the. United Church.ne?ct Sunday ._:••••••#••••••.!:•,-0,00.~"--- • r - --anitiVirs: Gordon -McIntyre — — • and Donald of Richmond Hill ii1l Loads Insured re week -end visitors with Mr. • *New wingham Warehouse and Mrs. W. I. Miller. • • L A C Fred and Mrs Thomp- • Serving Wingham and District son Fred and Bill Of txeter a *Irlousehold' Moving'Service to any. • Ontario points . isis No Load Too Big —' - No Load Too Smallsi .1 a: • a a , * All Receive' Care, When You Ship By •a is . ," • WALDEN BROTHERS . • • • ' PHONE COLLECT: ' 1SOPERTEST GARAGE ,--., ..PHONE 248; I Witigharn 15. ........• Kincardine. 530 ,,,—• LUCKNOW so - Ripley 193. 1Your Travellar,. or When Ordering, To; / SHIP BY WALDEN BROS, TRANSPORT ▪ PhOning RU 7641 TOronto "or GE,8..67.53 London01 0 /. 10' late ilia Mail 'alio NIT. & Mrs, D'Arcy Tho•p- son, Gloria and Kathleen Of B.C.! who have just 'returned from 'a trip to Europe were re- cent guests , of Mr. and Mrs., Cordon IVfaelTherson. `° 'COMPETES AT CNE. . Miss Doreen ilowatt, who was chosen as, Huron County's Dairy Princesd at ' the Clinton Spring Fair, will compete against'. the Winners of , other Ontario- coun- ties at ..the C.1\1*.E.' Miss, Howatt will- be in the main ring oi'the• coliseum on '.Tuesday. • 1 Doreen is a cettiped nursing asistatit, . at Wingham Rospital, • . • •‘. V*ZEMO \ \WA • • . . ./0 11,0 1.1. 13 .Fill your Bin Now and assure yourself Heat Security. Stop worrying about delivery , • ups because of snow or shortages, and relax with a winter's supply of quality fuel. A SOLID,FUEL FOR A SOLID CENTURY • . • , cknow District Co-op saz• ...46timigutrielairoaartptimPrzamartaimi A • 00 00 • . 00 4." • . • ' .• „ 1 . • 4.0.. roe' 00