HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-08-31, Page 4PAGE• VOUR TETE L'U'CKNOW' :SENTINEL, ONTARIO •.. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING. RATES. First Insertion 2c per' `,lord, minimum charge .50c, ,Repeat Insertions, 11/2c . per word, minm. 40c. Notices," Cards of - Thanks 'and .Coming 4 n, Events, minimum, 75c. In Memoriam,, minimum. $1.00. 25c - extra for replies to The Sentinel. Billing • charge • of ' 10c 'for. or. each' hill rendered; FOR SALE • FOR. 'SALE —= ,17 pigs, disease free,'. eight weeks, old., Apply Cliff 11/16Na11, 1 .R: 5, Lucknow. ADVANCE SALE of Western Fair tickets now available at The Sentinel Office. MUSIC ` LES.40Ns;' , pupils :pre- pared for exams; Royal Conser- vatory ' of ' Music of Toronto if. desired.. Mrs: C. Sladdick, Gough :St'. t, . FOR SALE - used piano in real good condition, Apply to Lorne, Woods,' ' St. Helens, phone 21'1.*x•=. 21, Lucknow. FOR SALE OR RENT, 5 -room .house oti'Highway 86 at .Amber - ley: Amber -ley: 2, piece..bath, , .gas furnace. Apply Mrs. Jim •McNain, phone 1104 ,30 'Ripley. -- ` choice • ' 'SAL' 90 lieac� of FOR S Hereford feeder steers, weight, 750 to ,800 pounds: Fall delivery would: be. preferred. Roy. Cranun of ' Pinkerton, 'Ont.. phone ; Car- gill 6841-3. FOR . SALE number' of Hod steinheifers due ; now . and,; in September; first litter' sow, due•• to farrow. Jack MacKenzie, R. 3 Luckn, oW „ _P honer 65-r-1 Dung n • non FOR, SALE LIVESTOCK Bought, and ' sold, all kinds. Phone 41 Lucknow. or 7777--rr-1, Dungannon; ' WOOD FOR ' SALE --good hard maple wood, in truck load lots, also hardwood slabs, softwood slabs :and sawdust 'in •any quant,. ity. Bruce .MacMillan, Lucknow. ;WOOD FOR SALE hard maple. and elan slabs, 'truckload lots of: about ; 4" cords, also sawdust,: wood',: delivered free of • charge within radius 011'12 miles. ' Spence Irwin,: phone '171 Lucknow.. FOR BARGAINS in used pocket'. novels; u. 'etc:, " come to George's Snack•Bar,, everything half price,. we a buy "'used ,':pocket novels. George, Parrish, prop., phone • 162; Lucknow. 0 TILEDRA NAGE . ' -': having .purchased • a .new "'tile ditching machine, I am now equipped to look:" after your drainage needs. Contact Donald Rock, R.R, •3,: Brussels, phone 50-r-6:' ` ' FOR SALE haled straw from threshed grain. Contact . Evan Keith,one 209-r-,13, R.R. 5, Luckow.'' FOR SALE, -- Two ';bedroom bungalow. , at Pine River. Cash or terms arranged. For further in- formation . contact Donald Blue, Ripley; or Mrs: ';Hutchings, MO - hawk, 8-3460, O=hawk,;.8-3460, Whitby,.. TWO LOCATIONS available for your • . purchase :of single• copies of The Lucknow .. Sentinel are r. George's Snack Bar' o the. Sen- tinel Office.. SERVICES. • CUST•OM.''BUTCHERING 'Beef and pork sold in any quantity.' Custom' butchering in Government • licensed' ' •abattoir. Pigs ; every Tuesday. Beef • from Monday throug_, :Thursday. . BUTTON'S MEAT 'MARKET • COMING EVENTS RECEPTION ,FRIDAY A reception will be held in the Agricultural Hall, thingai non, on Friday, September. 2nd, .for Mr., and Mrs. Ken Thoinas, (nee Lois Webster) Farriers. Orches - A ' WED , 7SDAY, 'ANUG. 31st,196.0 LOST Two Brittany spaniels, orange and white spayed fe- males, ,one has . a tatoo in her ear. Please .notify Mrs. George Au•chterlonie at the Bruce Beach store, phone Ripley 80-r-13;:Ihe- tra• Everyone welcome: war WANTED . NOTICES � ., ..... ATTENTION FARMERS • • .__ '� WANTED • ' • POULTRY = Best prices at your door, phone '' White washing and:barn clean A. ,, Brown, Kincardine, 181, HELP WANTED -- Lady want- ed to .care, for small `children while parents 'are on ' holiday. Apply, Mrs. • •Jack Treleaven, :phone 139. WANTED '•—• Anyone having : a good ' used hay mower, that they°. will guarantee. Apply, •to . Les Ritchie, phone . 6746 ,Dungannon, WANTED ,-• a used tricycle and 'kiddie -car. Apply'' Box M, Luck- now Sentinel; FILTER QUEEN', Sales and.Set- ; vice,. repairs to . all Make's of p vaeuun cleaners:: 'Used • cleaners of allsnakes. for. sale: Robert K. Peck,: Varna, telephone ' Hensall 696-r-2. • SEPTIC TANKS Se tic: Tankscess ools, • etc., purnped and; :cleaned with rriod- :,ern. equipment..' All work, guar- anteed. uar anteed. Louis' Blake, R.. 2 Brus- sels, •P hone 12-r-6 Brussels:: FINANCING A CAR? Before•• you buy • ask about . our Low , Cost .Financing Service with -complete Insurance :"Cover .age; 3. :A. .McDonagh Insurance, Lucknow, .,plierie 306;• FOR SALE 0100 acre farm;. 12th concession' ' Ashfield, • `95 acres'. workable, : 5 acres •bush, 9 room • solid .brick , house,bank barn, . 40x60,' hydro 'and running, water. Property : of the late Mur - do. 'Matheson, write or. .phone W R. Matheson, Chesley, phone 460,' evenings 267W= • 1, PHOTO ,FILES A r 'brides, faini- lies; ' noteworthy occasions, : • an- niiversaries•available at the Luck - now . Sentinel. See the , . "Our Wedding" photo .file. Line of Guest • Books for anniversaries; parties,, showers, tea's, etc., phone 35; Lucknow, AUCTION SERVICE''' Adan Maclntyre Licensed. Auctioneer Lucknow, Phone 281 TIRES! ' — TIRES!! Ail types of tractor . tires, sold and serviced, lowest prices, . also complete . -selection • of all- types of tires. ' ? Bruce . ' .MacMillan, Lucknow. AUTOMOTIVE Glass—Steering-Body Repairs Lubrication, etc. For , Quality. Service, see DAVIDSON'S TEXACO SERVICE Phone 320 . Goderich No. 8 Highway • WAN'1 ►-a womman. or girl . as companionand to dolight house- work, Apply Mrs. Dudley, phone 273. WANTED --•; woman to assist in .coq itry home, all modern .con- veniences.. Phone .collect 12-r-2, Dungannon. wANTED by individual; from 40 'to 70 acresgood farm land,. at,. or within 3 .or.4 ,Wiles from Lucknow; :situated on., highway. or good open road, .with or with- out .buildings: Anyone interested; replyby' letter 'stating, situation, size, :price., taxes; etc., before $epteiilber `10,: ' 1960,. ' to • Box; F., Lucknow Sentinel. Allreplies ate confidential. •. 1 VVAN I ED Fiockowners to ',sup-. ply • us with hatching ' eggs. All .breeds 'required: -Eggs, taken from :sonde: breeds every week in• .the Year. We : pay 'up• to 35c per. 'dozen more than the.`; market price for good hatching eggs. 'For full 'details, Write TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHERIES • LIMIT ED, FERGUS, ONT. CUSTOM' CAR' PAINTING ' • A nice new paint 'job is money well :spent, single: or two tone,. liot spray method;.. fender and body.. work, rusted .panels and. sections replaced. N. W. Winter - stein. ' (1 building west of Tot* Hall) LOANS On any type of ,prolSerty Fast service anywhere. DELRAY INVESTMENTS, • WOOD' WAD 5 'cords of 'dry bodywood, maple and beech, 14" and. 1 cord ofcedar; to. be delivered,\ at Lochalsh School, U S:S, No. 4, • Ashfield, by Octo- ber.:.1st, 1960.: Apply oto ,W: H•.•` Stafford, Dungannon, ,or to 011 ver Mc•Charles, .R: 3 Lucknow, before ' September 12th. COUNTER CHECK BOOKS ---we sell there singly . or 4 p : quantities and take, orders' for books .speci- ally printed 0 ; to your require- ments. For prompt service, phone '35; 'The, Lucknow Sentinel, WATERLOO CATTLE BREEDING ASSOCIATION "Where Better.: Bulls : Are Used" ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION ' • SERVICE • a ing. We use the new Carbola White -wash, the :product that keeps all. flies and' cob, webs, out of the stable for .1 year. J. M. Baeker, Brussels; phone 95 '.or' write , .Box 138 Brussels for esti- mate. Ladies Auxiliary To The Canadian .Legion, Branch No. 309 The next regular meeting will be held on, Tuesday, September. 6th, at 8:30 •p.m. ,Members • are requested • to bring an -' article• Worth 50c for an auction. Don't forget your aprons for the 'Oc-' tuber meeting. Social "committee, K. Forster, L. McNeil, K, Purves. Notice To Creclitora NOTICE- TO ; .CREDITORS` In. the .Estate of JAMES B. FORSTER Deceased. All, persons ' hawing: ,claims' a ainst. the Estate Of "James .g Forstei late . `of the Township Qf West Wawanosh,; in • the County of .. Huron, 'Retired Farmer, de- ceased; who died on: ` or •. about the • 20th. day . of June, ,1900,'..are hereby , notified to send :in. to ,the Undersigned .'• Solicitor. for .• the Executor, on Or before .the 24th" day • of -September, 1960, full. 'par Y• ticu1ar.s. oftheir claims.'.Inirnedi-: ately after . the ' said date, :the as- sets of the `Estate will be dis2 tributed amongst the 'Parties en- titled thereto, : having regard only 'to :the claims of which the Exectitors,•shali then; have notice. Dated at Lucknow, Ontario, this 27th da • of Aur �.st,.:1960.: • y . .R., W. ANDREW, Listowel,• Ontario, , Solicitor for the;,'Executor; is: provided from .bulls of '• ah, 'breeds. We are farmer owned' and, , controlled and ..operate ' at Summer calling hours Between 7:30 and 9:30 a.m. week: da 'S. 6:00 and 8:00 p.m. Saturday • ° evenings • For service or inure: information. call: •/ Clinton ,Zenith 9-5650 1450-A. Downsview, Ont. 1960' BRIDES will be pleased • with tete "Our Wedding Book" ' that' can be ?seen. at •The Lucke row Sentinel, . Records •every minute from the courtship; through to the new home, Space, .for recording of shower & wed ding, gifts, 'wedding 'guests; etc.,. phone 35, Lucknow, • ' NEW or RENEWAL subscrip- • tions for the: Family Herald, are taken by The Lucknow Sentinel, •phone 35, direct representatives of the •puiblishers. 1 year, $1.50; 3 year's,i34 5' years, $4. •Save a lot Of bother, let us handle•.your subscriptions, •. T Wilson,. Ave., . ME -3-2353 'ATTENTION FARMERS •' DEAD STOCK , REMOVAL • Highest Cash Prices Paid for .'Sick,: Down,: ' or Disabled Farm Animals r Fast Sanitary Removal CALL 'TOMO Ripieq 15-r-20 Coifed or Collect 'Kincardine 460;.• ;DEAD STOCK SERVICE HIGHFST • CASH • PRICES. Paid for Sick,• • Down or Disabled Cows & Horses • also Dead'Cows' arid Horses at • Cash Value Old horses 4c per.potind GORDON.TALOR '"hone,' 44-r 24, `•Lticknow '• R,R,'. 2 Lucknow. • •24yhotte service CARD.OF THANKS Mi and, Mrs, Arnold Alton' wish to thank .the members• of the Lucknow Fire Department and their many ` neighbours who answered th!ir call for help last ' Friday.. , 'Mrs, Mac Lane wishes to thank,,, , those who sent cards, flowers,; gifts and :those who visited while in th.. hospital. All these kind :acts w;ere:.. much approiat- ed.. • We would liketo exore$s: our sincere appreciation' to, friends, and .neighbours for their' -kind expressions of sympathy shown us- at the '•easing, of ,our . father, 'Wm E. Taylor, who. 'had . made; his .home with us .du;ring the past . ten Months. Special 'thanks, to Mrs. Allister. Hughes • and Dr, Finlayson.• ' . ltlarvey and Elsie; Houston • . and Fa#Wily:, CNR REORGANIZATION PLAN . IS ANNOUNCED President Donald Gordon has' announced at plan ' t'ot' •revise the : ;. organizational ' structure the, of Canadian NationalRailways sy- stein: `: He said' the aim . is to de centralize authority:.' and moder- nize' .administrative. "techniques: The plan calls for reconstitut-:' ing ":the present .three regions, 10 districts and 31 •divisions:: into 5 regions which in turn will •(,be • divided into 18 :`business units' with' jurisdiction • over •all •rail • transportation .activities :in as -:P. signed .geographic areas.' : / The :reorganization, which fol lows •two years • of intensive study, is. designed to achieve: a faster• and More effective `res- 'ponse to varying' :local needs in today's ' highly • competitive 'buss ness :environment, , ; Mr. Gordon :'said. • ' • 'Some people :don't .realize that. • trains • only step for an. auto , af- ter it :has been' hit: • • NOTICE TO. CREDITORS In; .the Estate of WILLIAM' :J. DOUGLAS 'Deceased. All Persons' • having claims against the Estate of "William J.' Douglas, late'of. • the 'Village • of Lucknow, in the ' County • of Bruce, • Retired •Mailman• who. died. 'on • or about the 15th day Of May., 1960, are ; hereby 'notified to send . in to ` the.. undersigned. Solicitor' for the Executors, on or' before the ' 24th . day of Septem.-' ber,.1960, 'full 'particulars of their:. •chains;, • •Immediately after : the said •date, the assets of the 'Es- tate w: ll `•,be distributed amongst the parties{ entitled'. thereto, .hav ing regard only . to the claims of which the Executors: shall, then have ' notice. Dated at Lucknow, Ontario,': this 27th day of August, 1980.. Lt: W. ANDREW; , • Listowel, Ontario, ••w Solicitor for the Executors 'WHAT ,IS .LIVESTOCK Livestock are animals ;that are- bred re.bred and• raised in the •Western•.,:. Oates :to keep; the producer broke and the buyer • crazy.;`.: • Livestock are: born' in, the spring, •mortgaged ' ip: the sum- iner Pastured .in • the fall and given 'away' in winter: They vary: in size,, color & weight and the, .' mari who can'. guess,' the .nearest • to ..the weight and • market grade: is/ called a • livestock buyer by the public, a: robber by the . ran- cher; and ' a poor business man ` by his •banker•.; 35, ,Lucknow. s Your Suoscripiion .Palo`s The. pri:ce of livestock. is de termined : in : Chicago and goes up after • you.. have sold and,' .down after You have, .bought., •:. A buyer from a Monthna .:packer, Was sent to Chicago . to watch . the livestock market, and after •:a , ;few days' deliberation he wired his .company to this effect: "Some say the market will go up and some say it will go dadvn, I. say, the sa�rne, ,what-; ever 'you dei. will be: wrong. Act at . once.''' ,When3' -ou have light cattle . the buyers, want .heavy• ones, when you feed heifers you Mind • they, .'want steers and' vice: •ver• • sa; :when they're thins. they. should be •.fat and w�heri'yot?.r "doggoyouhsteerst'arem'a, fa•et theon• ow' buyer is .tellalt s t tall shot to H . ::.You -got • 'em .•too • nee' fatrk' STATIONERY • NEEDS can be filled at The Sentinel; writing paper, ••envelopes, hasty notes, thank • you notes,'boxed' greeting cards, magic markers and ;refills,. file folders, .receipt books, State- ment : ads; scratch pads, . pens,. refills,' and-. many' other items. The Lucknow' Sentinel, '•phone. TUE STORE THAT GIVES YOU MORE ; SMOKED PICNIC HAM'S;lb.:°.. FRESH SLICED' SIDE PORK, 1b, SHORTENING,. 1 pound. arket ;390 • 39ic 2:5c CUSTOM' `'KILLING TO YOUR:. SATISFACTION. . .�.� Phone 41 •