HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-08-31, Page 3• .11MDNiSDAY,' AVG 1660' THE • 4*.t4*.*4414.04-•-•-•-•-t-•-•-•-• LUCkNOW SENTINEL, Lucia*Tow, oNT.muo: Labour Day • . FAMOUS 'CHIQUITA BANANAS'. Potind, ,,alrjags:i0ti.lited.Haild: Whit* YORK CHOICE PEAS , Save 4c, 20 oz. ROSE MARGARINE Save 13c, 1's . 4 for 89c MONARCH CAKE MIXES , Five Flavours, Pouch Pack, Save 5c 10 oz. .Choc., Golden, Coffee, Spice White 3 for 39c • 10c foi 3$c • SNOWFLAKE SHORTENING 4c off pack, save .Ilc.. . . . . 2 for 49c • BALLET TISSUE; 2c off pack • White & coloured, Save 9c . . 4 for 45c BIRDS EYE ORANGE JUICE 6 oz. tins ....... ; • . 4 for 19c •SUN SPUN ICE,CREAM, stmRE.mt FCY. BISCUITS,•• cella 'pkgs..' Fresh from the ovens 3 for 89c PHONE . 26 — FREE. DELIVERY , - ' . Mr.. and Mit.. Earl Brooks and . Mr. and ',M ' rs. Charles Hendei- 001. Generai .Car:iclk of Stoney Creek spent son ,and . Son Brian '. of • TOronte . ,‘..: ..: • ..... .. the.: Weekz-erid With. Mrs. 4. a . Were . lyiliday;VisitOrs.4st week . Mr and Mrs., .'Wesley ; Huston. Anderson:: . ' . . ' . With. her .patents; Mr.,' and Mrs of Vtcheiict. ..vtiOe• visitors •here .Recent :...(giie.sts - Of :. the '..MiSSCharles Steward .'.. ..• . • .. : ...last: week.; While on Vaeation., • MacQualgs. were. Miss AIMRam, .. Dr. and Mrs'..; 4; x. Corrin 4 - Mr. .and .1vIrs. • 'Bill .Ireleaven .say, Loridgin' arid'LMiSseS. ,Sarak 'Children ...are ' on . vacation and and 'four children :: of Beaver, and",•M'ary. MacQuaig' :of ChiCago:'..liv,e,.•been holidaying: at North ,.• -*- . . Penn, holidayed here last Week: Mr.' and Mrs .: EWeri.. to•BaY. and other•points ,:",Mac- . • . • ' 'Mary.' 'and'. Norma Anderson Qiiaig retUrried to... their..horne.in• Al IrWin, who, has been •-in haVe returned : from' a ten-day Toledo,' Ohio., ' after * spending "the . . . , Western • Canada. for 'a time has visit . With ,relatives at Erribre & .returned. :East and is'. visiting Past, .three..Weeki: at, their cet- 'ThainestOrd; • : ... . , , . With Members. of the family . . _ . , . take. at. Pine -•'River. -1.. ...' Mr, and ..Mrs. Al.Irwin,:Mr. & .1Vir.s.. Sant ..Durnin. .who -' is • a . • : ..... - ' Bruce ,iviacKeriZie- 'iS Visiting.. . . patient ' in - Victoria. Hospital, • . . Mrs, Philip-. MacMillan and Isa, for a .feVv... claYs in. Toronto., with .i' : bel have ',returned Min . a trip ' Zondon,.. with a 'fractured . hip, Is his' graridthother, .Mrs. „Wrn-:". • • • . • , .• . :, , . in room :110 On the first floor:. • to Niagara Fails. ,and BuffalO. : .. Maokerizie:' arid is .attending the Rev.: W. 'J.. ,Watt . of ...White:- .c.lsTE.• • ' . - ..,,,. : • .. ,.. • •:XisS ..:TF„dith..N..ic.lc.}.0P of Strat- ford . • ......., •• , . , .. . '''. visited .. with Isabel: Mac.. i -Naney :and .Ardonria. Hewat,. :Milian. ..Judith IS one of . the . at ihp. children in, King John at . the to - attended •service in the Un- who ,had .been visiting. .ite'd 'ChM -eh on SiMd4s.r.:, .. • - .horitt of their grandmother, Mrs,. :.ShAeSPerean. FestiVal. .. • . ' R • H Thompson flew -to Mon- • ; • . ' . ' '. .. . . . ' . Mr d Mrs" Eric' EdmanSbri ,. 2 - , : ., . • ...Barry McQuillin is visiting in t eai. from 1V,Ialton: ori. ThurSdayi..i.miliv.aoko this •Yid Children, Tom, Bill and 'Ro ' . Week With „his. bort of Maple, are .visiting Witli. . Mi. W.',..I.A. MacKenzie Who has't friend,. Rev, 'Richard :. Leersen .rtiqr. Iatli0,, 4. M. Greer. and .:oth-, been re. •patient in .Witigham: Hos-. who has returned to. the States. • '-er• rOlatAreS., , 1;).tal'. with pneumonia,, 'Is. ,eqn, after•spending .a,year. at Water- , ... mi.'. ,:aisli.i. 'thi.s..,,,,vi R. Atow.ey, .V.alpscing well and expect's' to be. Jou :as .a.,deaebn of the Lutheran chureh.. • \, • . • . . . ,were . guests of the . Canadian 1:40ii:e this week : . „ . • . - , .... , and .dat.ighter,. Elizabeth.' of T(34- Natiotial Exhibition AsSociatiotv . • Mrs. Ernie dryba ,(Edna: Reid) - 341'..- .ancl, .Mrs.' WM. A. Johnston .. . . t the., Official...openirig:. on WP&.., . is Visiting with he's,. parents,' Mr. • , . ., . • • • . and Mrs . Manson -Reid.. Edna.. r.9i-116 Niisited. last .:week With •his• B.c. & made parent's, , Mt. . and Mrs. , .Noble onesday;:.August '24th.. .... , ....Mr...and 'Mrs,. WI V. Thompson' •li,Ve 'hi ScPiaillisil, Johnston,„' : and . on . their return .. the' trip easi . by •bu's 'daughter . Elitabeth Were . . • • ' - . ' .. , • . • ” Were acCompanied • by their. son Visitors .with relatives 4, friends 'Mr. and ,Mrs..'' Aleg• Ptirdon Thain, .who 'has • spent the., ,holi. 'in. 'the.. Conuritinity. this .Week.,.Veri•ifri Sarnia last arid 'at.;;, daYs. here. ' Theii -..odei.. daughte.r;.. Barbara; 'tended the wedding on $aturdaY : . , , . list,as .at Lake44,Bays. as a camp of their...grandson, :Grant Niacin- ... • leader.: She .ComPleted ..G.rr4de: 3, tyre of Wirigharn to Marie Eliii;•*, ENGAGEIVINTS ' this year . with ' an !. a:Verage i .of beth McEwOri . Of Sarnia: . . , ' ... „Mr. ••and. ' Mrs. ,•RaY• .Leddy 'Of ahhost. • 80%, • and Will '.' enter . Mr. and ',Mrs. Joe • Wasney, LUcknoW announce the 'engage. .the ,Vniversity'..of •. Toronto - to Tom and ,: Karen' of ' Sudbury, '' ,. . 'merit of their daughter, Maureen, ,inajOr in history .: " . •• Were ....Visitors last:. Week . with to Mr.. 1VIalcolm, Bruce Thomson, Mr.', and Mrs. Bob Armstrong; & sOn 'Of Mr. and. Mrs: DOnald • renewed friendships here. ' The. Thomson of .KiriloSS., The 'wed .. , . . . WasneY .family Moved.. to :.• Stid-, ding. to, take place •in, early.,'Sep, , . , . .. ..bury tWo. years ago.... . . . , tember ,at Brussels.. • , 7 ' . ' Miss • ChriStena EarriCk .WaS a . . , . , . • . recent visitor . in Markham. and Rev, and Mrs,: Wilson' Loder tail i..etlitiliog .•aceompan.ieci. IVIrs.: :of ', LucknOW Wish :to: annOunce Lee Partridge of :Timmins, Mrs.. :the engagement ;Of their ..:datigh, T..:: A. .Leishman ,and Neil .• of ..ter; Sheila Rosalind, to Mr ,. -Glen _•.1-vta..iktid.b.y.-..•.-,,,„, yfigs,...,,,,,carriik..-.,•., ilas,..7,..fr, _..„..f.i• -60.0114,-...,..Seitt.....02....urs;„Aarvey. .... gone to. St.' Paul,' Minn. where 'Hodgins of Kiniough. arid" .thel. she Will spend a couple of weeks with' her sister,..Mrs..E. G. John- • ston .and her, niece, Mrs; IA , G.,' Miller. While: there she will .at-:. tend the' wedding , of 'a. grand: nepheW,'. , Recent ' yisitors at the W. A. •••.4,,,...,,,..„,..,....,:i...4...,‘,,,,,..i....., ,,.........,....,,,,,...,,, ...... Russell •home included: Mrs, Isa- bel Phillips;4Miss • BettYPhillips of • TOronto, The ;marriage Will ,11)CKNOW 1" and Mr.' Bill :Phillips . of :Glen. i shaW, Penn5Y1..ania; Mrs, Hazel take Place in .Pine, RiVer United uNITED'..c.Huttcill: DarWood, of London; Mrs. Beat- 24th, 1060, at COO :.p.in,... , • Pink' of Toronto.,- 'Miss. BOSSI8 Church • on Saturday, .Septernber• n rice Brown;, Drs.' Hileen .. and I ; ,.... , , Charles Cline a London': Mr. ••& .vi•iilVisbr.. 'toa0..clan,'XiiI '0.Atthil.eoldigSacgoet.f - Rev. noward W.' .Strall;:. MPs Stewart Russell , and Judith . . . Minister ' • .• '81tINDAY, SEPTEMBER .4th : fi'sfa'brtele.Ri'ntias'selSia'sekf°11,thelivvhaa;nfl‘./iriVil.is&s': wArnihrlatiiI•16",f.O,atnho,eMI:1;:ildf "Eggidr4t,!herLi:' Shirley Isabel .1.0.:00 4411. ,' Chtirch •School ..•• 't,;1‘11,,..ai.tgily':'',I-.4atithde. smaCt..;g:artrer .oet."'K'iStoull8eatin.,. John Wraith, Ltzekriow..The Mar. • „, • , • 1 , 11:00' a,th. .. Dhr. iile Worship pr, •Atid •Mrsi, W. Ai MCKib. riage to take place on •SePtcfnber 17th at 3i00 p.lin. ill the'Latigside •...- .bbootiii..,riNVIitligshs.attiMa. rirne; NICK, :lb.- Presbyterian ,onurth, , , .0, , . , , • • . , . • PAGE (RECTOR'S FAREiriu4) WED IN 'TORONTO (Continued Iron Page 1)° • in getting our Sunday; -School started & on a: solid footing. We have accepted your many kind- nes.ses, your sustaining Comfort in • tirries ,of -bereavement, your Messages • from the pulpit, Your effort' to fill in when We Were short of program and your co ,operation with • the other con- gre#ationS• of. our 'village.: We vvould askyou .to accept -this gift as a slight token of our ap.. preciation, * • Mrs. -Jennings; • You .alsO :have done your 'Share. When we saw fit to change from Guild. t� .Wo- men's Auxiliary you gave us the. -benefit of your.experieriee. "VOW help in the choir was 'appreciat- ed; and your home was . always °peh. to us. • And now we would like you to •accept this small gift as token of our affection and good will and we wish your God- speed in all •your endeavours. •Wardens; ,Tack Scott, Jack Farrell. 81ioVed At. • Week -End . Rev. and Mrs. Jennings mov- ed :their • personal effects to Brussels.on Friday and Satur- day of last week,, Where , Rev. Jennings' has assumed • his, duties as rector of the .two-pOint par- ish of Brussels and Henfryn. where .1ne will conduct! services 'this Sunday. • . :Bids Farewell' his farewell remarks, Rev. Jennings' stressed •that in •this. Changing world the will, love. & mercy cif• god ..never changes. • , The past cannot be teCalled, .he, Said, but: we Can respect the ,work- and faith of the people Of the Past and hope ,that' the..fut- ure will bring an. 'advancing ar- my filled with. the Spirit of God... A church is net. only a local con;-. gregation but a sector Of ' the whole. Church of .God we Must Maintain that sector in. the war against evil.. ' • • This parish:is is :just as, irriPOrt- -churCh and 'his sori., Rev. . D. 'Watt of.. Trinity 'Church, Toren - , L'uOn.ow Presbyterian ,Church • Interini-IVIoderator. .ev,4,1\Teir:-.MeCAnrtbie;.*==liiigPyy • SUNDAY, SEFTEMBER 4thl 16:0 •Sunday School 11:00 a.m. Morning 'Worship: • ant in God's eyes as the.. great-. eSt cathedral' .and 'congregation, • . • . which. should .encourage , us in _ _ • , our wOrk. Rev; Jennings said he left. truSting that the congrega- tion .'Would ;continue stalwart,.. & trusted that in. his; ;eight years here, he had planted the, Good Sped',Which he hoped the • would Water , and ,cultivate. 'Think Of. the 'Children and Create a good atmosphere he admonished th adults; . for "religion : is caught more than taught."' . . The future is• in His Previ- deride, concluded -Rev. Jennings as he expreSsed hi S thanks to all, for their kindness to he and Mrs. ,Jen,nirigs and for their- co-op- eration and Patience. •"God 'bless. you, and I 'hope' to hear good things from „the four Units of the parish .as you corne. together in .,harrnony.'' , Jennings stated that 'stu- dents would •occupy the pplpit the'nekt two Sundays, before Deacon Wilfred .Wright assumes' his duties as successor' .1O. Mr, Jerining. . • PI PED D. FROM KIRK MacKENZIE McKENZIX In Knox Presbyterian Church, Toronto, Pink and. white •gladioli .formed • the setting for the Mar, , riage. of Miiss.- Shirley Aclna Mc, •!, Kengle, daughter of Mr. and, .Mrs. Albert 'Earl McKenzie of Granville Ferry, N.S., to Dr. John Kenneth MacKenzie, son 'Of • Mrs. Win;, MacKenzie of TO- . ionto and formerly of Lticknow, - and the late William MacKenzie. Rev.. ,J.. -M. Laird 'officiated... ' .Given in inarTiage by her fa, . ther, the. bride wore a- gown of silk French satin with, a bodice of Aleriebn *lace appliqued with. seed peagis""..anid shell .seqUins' . extending to the scalloped hem- line of the chapel train. A bon- netof Alencon.laCe trinirried in pearls and, • sequins held •her'. lace: trimmed silk veil, and she , carried a cascade of red roses. & heather tied with the MacKen- zie tartan..., • . • • •Mrs. Berna 1VIeGrath, sister of the bride,, was' 'matron Of hcinour-, & Miss Jean Irvine Was brides, maid. They. were 'Silk organ- za an old rose Shade, 'with matching . headpieces .rimengcl _ pearls', They carried 'nosegays. Dr. William MacKenzie, bro,..: • ther of the. groom .was best inan, and ushers were Mi. 'Thomas • MacKenzie, the groom's brother, . and .1V,Ir. • Iltigh • SPronle. Frank MacKenzie and Mr. Ian ,MacKetizie; .brother and nephew' of the groom; piped. the couple. from the church.. Following 'a !reception at Prince. Arthur " ,House, • the .cOuple• • left,. • On a honeymoon' triP•tO••erinn- They Will 1.1Ve in AllistOn. NAME WAS OMITEED • ..0 • In last week's 'issue. there , was an .article on the .dedidation of a communion table. at Zion. iri,• .memory Of Mr.. and Mrs. James Ritchie. ,listing the Members , • . • ; • ,of, ,mr. and Mrs. Ritchie'sIifam- ily of twelve children, the name omitted MitLtrie.si;dCkniG70ow'r'geSaasu.snindaedrsve(rRteunbt.yly).• I 11111111111111111111111•11111111111•11 • • I • • . late -Mr. Hddgiris. The wedding te• take place in Winghani Pente- costal Church, on Saturday, Sep- tember 3rd' at 3:00 'O'clock• . The engagement is announced of Ruth Eileen Hutton, daughter of Rev. John C. Hutton •and the late Mrs..Huttim, Pine River,. to. Mr,' Wayne Carperen Johnston yceum Theatre WINGIAM • ':!••• Two Shows Each Night Commencing at 7:15 p.m. , • Thursday, Friday, Saturday • September 1, 2,3, I .4, • Alex Guiness, Burl Ives, Mau- reen O'Hara, Noel Coward, Ralph Richardson in OUR MAN IN HAVANA " 'A sly mysteiy comedy 'cop- • , (cerning espionage. • limmiliimmilimassmasssana 4-4-44-•.4 44. ,-4-4-4.4. •4 4-4---4-,.--#--4- ••-4 . ' e • 41: . . . • PARK THEATREpoi:tiptoes ' .. • • • r . • .514. Playing "The '*.ay to. the Gol,:i! and • '!VelleY• of the AduI ttzEntertainment Monday, 'Fuesdair, Wednesday, .Septenibei 5, 6, 7. , . Bill Travers and George, Cale , .• .. „ .. , ,. assiated, by. A beVy. Ot •assorted damsels in a sprightly 'comedy. Set 'against scenic North . England. I , • '1 HE' PATH.. Technicolor Thursday, Friday, Saturday; Septembrer A 10. . . Jerry Lewis and Corinne Calvert Will titillate your •risibilities with, a new series of hilan- os and slightly silly .escapades. •"THE ''..BELLBOY" • Dernorigeet 'in• "three. MurderesteS",, French Comdy 1nTechiic�1or.. Adult • ..„Entertaininent, *4-*******-1,-******-t**** ********* ** 444+444 **-4-* • * .a11,41011011100•410raillor