HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-08-24, Page 91VEDNE'SDAY AUG., :24th,. ,1960 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO: PAGE NINE A..' M. HARPER D COMPANY, Clis;rteare,(. Accountants'. West ' Street GODERICI, ONTARIO Telephone JA 4-7562 ROY N. BENTLEY' PUBL.'IC' `. ACCOUNTANT. GQDERICH,.. ONTARIO Box 478' Phone. JAckson;•4-9521; D C.;: Sp.C. • • Chiropractor.. pbio . and.. • Electro , Therapist Wiithain , ' - • Phone 300. (Office located in former COM • • buildingi on••.the Main :Street) INSURANC E •• FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY 'AUTOMOBILE AND' ' LIFE to Protect. Your• Jack, Insure •With .Tack' Today. .1. A. McDONAGH: tt.R: 3, Lucknow, 'out. ;'Phone 61-5, "Dungannon S:' HETHERINGTON, Q.C. Barrister,' Etc. Wingham and Lucknow IN LUCKNOW • Each .Monday, ; and:.ne "da Wed y •'Located' in the Municipal Office 'Phone Wingham Wilde 48' ' • Residence '91 STATE. FARM • MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Investigate Before `Investing REVBEN WILSON R.R. 3, Goderich Phone 80.r.-8 Dungannon JO NSTO:N E'S N FIJ NERAL HOME • . 'Phone .76 Da or Ni ht >DSE .OF 'FUNERAL HOME 9t; No Eta. '° Aioderate Prices .;Established' 1894 , IMPERIAL OCL PRODUCTS • for prompt service, i• and . quality ' products, • , • contact: ' B. It CHISHOLM i?hone collect •I ungannon '1944: Look •To iriaperial ) drW Thetest" • GERALD N. CROOKS, • D . 'rOR OF CHIROPRACTIC • •Phone 545 •• . 'KINCARDINE, .ONTARIO Office hours:. Daily ' Monday.'to 'Saturday Wednesday .atm,. . . Evenings :.. Tuesday, Thursday, ^aturday ' McLENNAN and MacKENZIE` FUNERAL •SERVICE Services. conducted accord-. ing toyour: wishes at your ' Home, your Church, of at our Memorial ,Chapel at no additional charge. Phone 181, Lucknow, • Day oreNight • WI NGHAM. MEMORIAL. SHOP We Have. Been 'Memorial • • Craftsmen • for "Thirty -Seven Years; Always Using' THE' BEST GRANITES ;Along With. Expert Designing 'and' Workmanship. Prices Most Reasonable' Cemetery Lettering a ,Specialty R; A. SPOTTO N 'Phone, 250, Winghain, Ontario. ' • G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist Office 'on 'Patrick,. St., just off the ` Main St. in WINGIAM T - 'Professional Eye Examination. Optical Services For . appointment, , • .Please' Phone '770, Wingham R. W. ANDREW Barrister and Solicito -.LISTO WF.L; . ONTARIO IN LUCKN'OW' Every. Wednesday and• Saturday.. Afternoon. • • Office in the Joynt .Block Telephone: Office 135 • • , Residence .31'-J • hUCKNQW ' nISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE INC. Phone Lu:ckno'w 71 TED COLLYER ' egistereel--lVaster n-- Eleetrra. ' ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR Specializing in Electrical Wiring and Repairs AGENT FOR: S'PARTON •TV and • All Electrical , Appliances .Phone •46-r-25, •L;ucknow ROBERT : E. �IRR.VIN •GENERAL 'GARAGE ,Age,rit fob . GI�IVFtt FAttl M • ACHINERY • and complete FI'R�'I:STQNIC k'liotY:c Dints arynon. • 5S IS OPPORTUNITY EQUAL FOR .ALL? •(By J, Carl Hemingway) . During the last World War The. great minds, of the 'western world' metand;' drew up 'the At lantic Charter, One of the basic principles "-Stated .that "there shall be equal opportunity . for all." This I,,,Understand' was :.to apply to all lines of . endeavour. But does it? • •h wastold recently that can- didates "for ' Liberal nominations In the.: county would need 'to be :rnen with money, If this 'istrue' for liberal 'candidates . we •can' assume'. that it ' would also ' be true for 'candidateS for the oth- er ,party nominations.Does this thenmean that the first qualifi- cation in becoming a member .of Parliament is 'Wealth? On , this basis we • can . only have government .by the. rich' & if they are human it will • be government for the ' rich. "E°glial`' 'opportunity for all?" • However,. I don't. intend "to pursue this line of thought but rather t6 point, out •another place where. this "equal oppor- tunity for all" is; ,a basic prin- ciple. It is found in a statement of policy for Co -Operatives back around 1923: This has.; been' an. accepted ' •policy' •ainong farmers • for a long tine: I T wonder how far even,.they ' are willing . to putIt into practice,ox• will be allowed to: :Put it. into practice.,• By •the. last Rural • Co -Operator 1 that find ' .about ..ZO% of the 1960 wheat crop' has been:. Mar - KENNETH ' J, 1VIacKENZIE R:• O. Optometrist LISTOWEi:,,. ONT; at. the • former Wro'na Jewelery store, . Ripley,' 10 a.m. to '• 9 pan: WEDNESDAY,. AUGUST .31st; and every g,,ecor d.' Wednesday. Eyes:. examined - Glasses fitted For appointment 'phone • Roy, :MacKenzie; 96-r-24, Ripley R. W. BELL OPTOMETRIST GODERICH F. T:: Armstrong. Consulting: Optometrist The Square ' (Phone • JAckson• 4-7661) I UttNACE OIL, STOVE:'. UIIL. KEROSEN.E,' ,GASOLINE HAMILTON • Lucknow, Cities Service See. or 'call. WM. ' A. "BUD" Phone 220-w District. Agent for • a Thi/S: CO-OP BRAND TW/NE Is suRF' 6000 srtiFF, IT'S STRONG :,SMOOTH RUNNING ALWAYS .DEPENDABLE v( • keted at 'about . $1.40 per , bushel: Yet on present. supply' and. ,past, market/history the price,'for the year should be at least $1.60 per bushel.' Why. then have so many farmers marketed their •wheat? Simply. because • they didn't' have themoney. or facilities: to store their •grain for sale layer. We can't`. ; blame, :the ; 'dealers: for buying cheaply :because they haveto, compete , with other dealersin selling . In .the. interests of this idea of equal opportunity' for all would the at grovvArs be "willing..to n.` 1 set u .. tkeir ' ow se h ' ��a �en ' c n Y Pg g which Vvauld purchase all. wheat offered at a basic : price of $1.25 per bushel • at . time : of delivery say August'1st with. • 1.1/zc per btishel.per, • Month increase ung til July;lst, to compensate for farm storage., The Agency would :then sell allthe wheat:as it was required by the trade at .the best :possible price: and ex- port the surplus?' Then ` during July: of ,the ,following :.year the total ambunt ; received by the Agency for. •the wheat ;would be divided by :the total number of bushels purchased,and an, ave- rage •. price . of .. say $1:60 arrived 'at:. Then, each farmer, would . re- ceive. a further. payment . 'of 35c, ' per bushel sold; This would be ."equal" opportunity for ; all" in • should also be inquiring, into. the sale of.•timothy seed. At the mo tient' there is .nof+price establish`; ed and ' w,on't be 'until', dealers are `;able ; to. accurately ., estimate the 'crop and prospective' mar- ket that will allow: • them'' 'their. required ,profit.. • GODERICI . RIND WINNERS : OF THE 'JOYNT TROPHY Eighteen • ;rinks competed ' din ; ,the Joynt Trebles Tournament....' at the: local greens:.' The. Gode= rich trio. of Ar ' ie wns a nd • - . ch Ta e , . • Cliff MeManus and Everett Har-' ..tis won first . prize and the '. Joynt .Trophy.: Jack Fisher, Gor- don Fisher. .and Isaac Miller Were 'second. '-These two rinks were. the only.. threeigame winners. • High two game 'winners were Carl Draper's rink of Clinton,; Howard Sherboridy's. .of . Wing , .ham and ,Roy i$parling's': of God= erich. . The .next tournament' in Luck- •. naw' 'will•: be men's:doubles ,on' Labor.` Day;.: beginning •' at: 10:3a a.m: • Some outside' entries :are, already ' in practice:, If the ' Ontario,. Wheat Growers ..were'.' to propose such a " Marketing Plan' would''there be too many farmers hoping• that by; some 'niir:aGle, • ,they would be. able tb store their . Wheat next year until the following. °Febru- • ary or' March' and then get •$1.75, ,$1.85 or even '$2:00: per bushel for :their ' wheat? 14y'.e farmers SUBSCRIPTION: ACCOUNTS. SENT . QUT . LAST WE•EK' It is imperative 'that. the Sen- tinel's mailing list be :maintain I ed on a paid -in -advance basis, and:. periodically . subscription. statements are sent • out: rto sub- scribers : who. have forgotten or,'• neglected to'renew - -and that's. 'Mighty easy., to do. If your Sentinel• is ,in arrears; we'd appreciate; your earliest apt tention to 'the matter. ,. FOR• THAT IN BETWEEN SEASON OF. Bran, Shorts; ' Middlings, Oat Chop, Crushed Oats, K D. Corn, Corn, Chop, ance N Well:. As Available At ' Bairley Chop,Wheat Chop, . •' 1 „; FEED ,SCREENING. CLOP' SPECIAL, MIXED' CHOP Concentrates no* and ff • Lucknow Branch, Phone 78. • THERE'S . A NEW 'LIFE FEED' FOR EVERY NEED": t�