HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-08-24, Page 8P,iF E>G!'T' T m 4.1c1C•rtOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, .ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, AUG 24th, 196o You'll:Be Well Satisfied With Aaaa, The 1;960 .Coronado* Freezer Chests maintain. the -fine craftsmanship that has made them a favourite throughout the province. They :have been carefully designed to give years.. of,. effi- cient trouble-free service. • ' YOUR LOCAL )CREST 'HARDWARE offers the • f olf owing , Bargains to These ..Freezers • 15 •CUBIC FT. size . '.. $239.95 17; CUBIC FT.size• -_ $265.00. $299.95 '.21.‘ CUBIC FT. 'size is a. srs • PHONE ` 50,.LUCKNOW Plumbing; Heating; , Wiring; Eavetroughing W..1[ IDIES ENJOYED SUS TRW . TO KITCHEN.ER On Thursday,; October 18th about 30 ladies •of the .Lucknow • Women's Institute • took . a • bus tripe, to Kitchener ',They' were a .few members accompanied cco pa by a of the',Paramount branch.•, The . C•hamber, of Commerce had made 'arrangements for a visit `Cluett Peabody and Co: Arrow Shirt • Manufacturing 'Co. l re• saw a, shirt being ' cut ;from Material ' and : every - other stage! of them akmg until it was ready for 'shipment. . A bountiful lunch was• enjoy• .. ed• at .Victoria Park The party journeyed on to. Woodside\'Nat- ional Park.: This is the boyhood' home,of the late William L .on MacKenzie y, nzie :King. A 'great deal ENDS TRAINING, TO 0.1; I ST AFF (ST. HELENS , NEWS) Miss Donna, Woods has com- pleted her training. at' the Kit- •ehener-Waterloo Hospital and is holidaying at .her home here be- fore 'writing her ' examinations for nurses registration, Donna will return 'to the Kitchener Hospitalasa staff member on October 1#. • Miss ' W. •. D, Rutherford has been ' holidaying ' at " Newbor. o, near Kingston, , as 'the 'guest of'• her friend, Miss Myrtle 'Edwards. Nancy_ and Patsy Cranston, Gladys . McDonald anal•. Nancy Curran spent a week at the C:G.I,T.. Camp at the United Church 'Suminer School north of Goderich. • 'Miss:. Florence Stuart' of Evan- ",stun, Ill,, . is spending' a holiday' with Miss W. D. Rutherford. There will be no service,. in the United' Church next Sunday. • Mr. 'Roy' Hawley of: Oshawa, was a 'week -end guest of. Mr: & Mrs. Lorne Wood.. ,• Former :Resident Dies Mrs, John Cameron, received word of the death of, ;her. cousin, Mrs" J. E.' 'Coulter. ' of Osage, Sisk,, Which occurred in ;the Saskatoon ' Hospital on August 1Uth . 'Mrs., Coulter was : the former, Thelrna Smith, daughter of the:. late Mr. and,. Mrs. John Smith. and 1pved' ort the 12th •concession` of' West. Wawanosh on the farm now owned: by ,Mr. B:ob Lyons; before 'going to: Western Canada at the age . of six ; year's;(: She'is survived _ by • her . husband; one son, , ,Delmar , of ..Regina' and; a` brother, . Beattie: ' ''of .Northern Manitoba `Tie :September 'meeting of the Women's Institute : will be held in .the Community. Hall on • Thurs day „evening; September. let at 8.3O. Roll call; A .Safety rulethat applies' to the farm.. Motto -- 'who 'who Works. With .fiat ,re, walks With God. Topic n' griculture and Canadian Indu ry by Mrs, James ' Aitchison Program and Lunch committee, 'Mrs. Gordon, MacPhersorn, Mrs., Lorne Woods. Recent visitors With `1VIr.'• and• Mrs. George Stuart included 1VIr.. and. Mrs.,. George Leadbetter and Barbara of Toronto,. Mrs • Colin MacGregor of iKintail and; Mr. &' ,Mrs.• Joe : Ward ' of Los Angeles. Mr. Ward; a' former resident' of the 9th concession ,was renewing acquaintances after an absence of over forty . year's: • Recent : visitors ' with Mr, and ,Mrs. W. 'Humphrey were Mr:' 'and .Mrs.. W. J: Humphrey, .Mr. and Mrs. • George • Walker. of Wingham, Mr-s.,•Sake Hunter and Mr.. and Mrs. Cliffe Menary. • of .work has been done; and the grounds will : require more. The next stop' was at':Weston's' Bak- ery. After' ' viewing' the ! •making' of a loaf -of :bread :from the flour ' to the _ finished product ready for "shipment, we. were 'served coffee: and donuts in the new modernizedtu lunch' room. We were the first group to be serv- ed in this room.. Each : lady' . re- ceived a loaf'of Weston's bread. Until 6 p.m: everyone was on their own.. Dinner was 'enjoyed at Elmira; and the ladies' return-` ed home' feeling : it, was a .day well spent. • ' • The'.. Lucknow 'Women's Iristi tute has been • invited to the, .meeting of the Dungannon lad- ies on • August :•25th., .The .. ladies' .will °meet at the, Town Hall' at 2p.m,. • M �■■��/■X11■•11■� ��� ■ ui.UUu:(•�■■� �■�■�����■.�(.. ■ FOR FAST, E'PICIENT OVERNIGHT ■ . • ..r Service■ 1.11 ■ . TO Or ■ • ■. ■ •. it E. LUCKNOW. -- TORONTO si a: -• or' ■. • is ■■ •LUCKNOW L•ONfDON Call i ■ ic Waiden , • Bros: .. ■ ■ us ▪ .• * .• TRA I :. PORT . ✓ MI , All Loads. Insured, ■ r . New Wingham Warehouse * Serving' Wingham ' and District Household Moving Service to any Ontario points: ' No Load To ,Big ' •--� tYo Load .Too. Small i ■. r .sr: '. ✓ . 'r. ■ ■ u p' PHONE' COLLECT: . r it•• , ■•.: ▪ SUPERTEST .GARAGE PHONE 248, LUCKNOW �A n ' Winghani 15 . Kincardine 530 Ripley 193 Tell Your` Traveller, or When Ordering, To'' w' SHIP' BY WALDEN BROS. 'TRANSPORT By Phoning Mi. 7 0541 To'rorito or q8 8-6753' Load,h rigimmossomtwiumaim!inksmip,mmoolimmommoiwimi: 1 ■ , r ■ ■ ■ •r• . Alt Receive, Care,. When Vim Ship ' By . ;WALDEN •BROTHERS' • • OLIVET SHOWERS' HELD FOR BRIDE' ELECT (ST. HELENS, NEWS) The !Community Hall was well filled • on., Thursday' . evening when 'friends and neighbours, gathere d• to honor Miss Marilyn MacTaviSh•whose imarriage. to. Mr. Donald."Reed' takes place on. Saturday, September 3rd While the ladies were gathering, Nor- ma Murray favoured with piano Music, concluding with, the, Bri- dal chorus ,as the, •bride,wih' her mother, entered the hall and was escorted to the, front .seats:. by Patsy. Fc ran,. Lois Miller and, Beverley • Gaunt. Mrs: Elmer' Foran •presided for a . •short pro - grain of aCcordian • numbers 'by Donna. Sparkes' and Rosalind Phillips, a .piano solo by Dorothy Taylor; a duet by Mrs. Jack For- ster and' Irma Forster,, and read- ings "How . to preserve:. a hus- band" rby' Mrs. Lorne Durnin & "Advice, to the Young bride" by Mrs. ' Harold Gaunt. • 1Viar'ilyn wa rn . ' d to• t1iie seat of honor ; u er a" e r- decked arbour on . the `platform which`was,•tastefully .decorated with baskets;of • surnrner: flowers;.• streainers %and. bells and a wish- ing 'well. ' Beverly Gaunt read an address -of ,good wishes 'and 'the' bride - elect . was .assisted in opening, the.'many..lovely. gifts by;"Patsy .'gran and by Lois Miller who read the cards; ,"A1sb :assisting' were 'Mrs David Kirkland, B'e=• verley • Gaunt and Norma Mir- ray., ur- ray Marilyn (. expressed : her thanks and invited, the ladies. to a Troussea Tea: at' her 'home on Thyr,•sday evening. After .the singing or For ;She's a Jolly!. Good Fellow, lunch•. con `eluded a• ' pleasant' evening ' ar- ranged by the gil ' 'assisted; by Mrs: Elmer!! .Fora Mrs..: Lorne DurenMrs:. Hr a ld .Gaunt and , Mrs. `Ernest Gaunt:. . `and calls :a spade , M liusba pea a . spade, : y.ou •know. • "Well,'rny' husband used to be- fore he' tried to dig :• up . the gar - Mr.'" and,, Mrs. David: King,; Donnie, 'Clair and Pamela ' •of Teeswater were Sunday visitors ' with 'M.r: and• Mrs. M• el ,Colling. . Pamela stayed for .. a : • .week's holiday ; • Mr. arid Mrs. Orville Guy ., of Mitchell. spent Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Al Hamilton and 'fam- ily. Janet and Michael Hamilton• spent a. happytWo-.iv.-eels_ holiday • with Mr. and .Mrs.' •Guy. • Miss Ruth Black 'of Kitchener. spent the week' -end with her, .parelacknts.', Mr, and Nirs.-aahoss • •. :Reverend and M`rs, .Duncan! MacTavish of :London visited with relatives here recently. • Miss' Margaret 'Black ,of ' Rip- ley was a recent' visitor. with Mr. and 'Mr's. John Coiling. Mr. and Mrs; .Morley Mills of Kingston were .recent guests of M1;. and Mrs. • Herb .Clayton, Congratulations •to Mr. and Mrs. Gary Blackwell on the birth of a son. Some from 'here .worshipped on Sunday in St. Andrews Unit ed Church Ripley. Rev Mr, Hart of T•bronto • was the mini- ster and Mrs, W. ' Pollock •was soloist. Next :Sunday, 'Rev, ,Mc.-' Fadden who is welt known here will. be the minister. '• BE EFFICIENT BE` A. B.E.A. GIRL! Prepare for a position, in business by securing a diploma, issued by The Business Edi ca; tors' Association of Canada.; Fall 4 Term cram: mencing Sept, 6, GODERICH •BUSINESS. COLLEGE 34 G.oEastderich St. • 4-8521 TuitionJA $Z4.00. ' per month..;'' Wit: PLANS EXTENSION COURSE 'IN', ,OCTOBER ° "What laws would ' you chartg e; to better ,the lives of Canadians was the roll. Call at. the August, meeting of • Kairshea W.I. held at •the 'home of Mrs. Gilbert Zia rnilton. !Mrs, C. Roulston presid 1 'ed' and the assistant secretary, 1VI(rs. Fra. Dickie" Presented' • the. correspondence.. Mrs. H Bucky ton read. !the scripture selection. , Nurnerous matters:. , of • business" were ' dealt: with and • leaders Chosen for ,the 441 Club project, '"Cottons ;can be Smart.", The E, tension !Course to :be held, in ,October • is "Focus 'on,',Finxshes. This being, the :Resolutions. meet= ing.:the' different .resolutions 'for the- Area. Convention were. read, discussed and voted upon.' :The motto "The reason a dog ha so Many frien s bec use he•ryags his tail instead of his tongue" presented by Mrs. Win, ,Downey had.' both Humor and wisdom. Mrs. "J: De long `gave a reading and! the dirtors, ..Mrs. F.,' Gil christ and Mrs.. H.' Buckton `to gether with. the ..hostess served lunch:: . M"ON MENTS For sound counsel and . a lair price' on a monument correctly .designed from quality material, rely on SKELTONMEMORI•ALS Pat O'Hagan,: Prop: Established Over SixtyYears Walkerton Phone 638-w Ontario Fill your 'Bin" Now and assure' yourself Heat Security: Stop worrying about' delivery hold ups because of snow or shortages, and relax l ualit with a winter's sUpp y of q •, ' y fuel IT • A SOLID FUEL FOR. A SOLID CENTURY