HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-08-24, Page 6rf
WEDNESDAY, .At7G, 24th, wok
Sar-. .and Spice
By W. B. T. Smiley
This has been quite a summer,
in our family , For. years. I was
certain . that our domestic life
was hectic to the: ultimate de-
gree. Now - I know better.. I. have
realized that aur -normal home
life was .as placid as a millpond.
Perhaps a, pond in which people
Were • • always drowning; • Perhaps.
a pond into ' which somebody
was . always hurling •boulders.
But nevertheless, a veritable
put a good allshe can advertiser. She's' just
had about
stand. ,Arid.
SO, on.
So we. sit up until 4: a.m.,
drinking coffee and stuff, and
trying .te outdo each other With
details of the ordeal we've been
through.. According to me, I
study until 2 o'clockin the
morning, and 'am. at the end of
my resaurees.," According . to her,
she.'' doing , the work of three
women, running a house and a
business and ;bringing up a •fam-
amily.;; I. haul. out all my ;school-
books to .'show her ' how • " much
workI :have to cover. She drags
Me to the, laundry . room and
• makes me look carefully : at , the
millpond, compared to the roll-
Mg flood waters of this summer,: of washing she has to . do.
Neither of us will, give an inch.
My ,own part. in. it . makes the.
celebrated Dr, Jekyll -Mr. Hyde the_
All gets the weekend off, to.
a refreshing start.
*. * ''* '
Zook .as .well -adjusted as..a Sun-
day School superintendent. In
the city, I .am the keen. Student,
the dedicated. ;teacher With, oth-
er student -teachers, .1 sPend
hours gravely 'discussing;," the vi-
tal ' aspects' -of education, like
"how much they gonna pay.
you?" and • "guess we'll hafta
sneak our ,beer . in •after • dark;
when westart teaching."
Qn :weekends, s • I rush;home,
and; am;, transformed into ardent
husband,: devoted father, editor -
'Jai writer, social butterfly, and
big-time ; real estate. ; operator.
The theory , is that ,I.. go home
every weekend to getaway from
The rest. of the :weekend main-
tains the pace. 'The kids appear
on the sceneearly,; brown, heal-
thy and just, squirming with en-
ergy. They've had. 10 hours
sleep,. They don't care whether I
drown from sheer, a cha'ustion, as
long as I �i swimming • with
them. There are 64 things . to do
at the office; .Somebody ,• invites.
,us to the cottage for a quiet Sup-
per and ' 'a pleasant 'evening
around the fireplace, , and it.
turns .'outthere ire, 18 other. peo-
ple . there
eo=ple,there who: have no intention
Of spending ;a. quiet .evening.;] '
'../ .* .,
the.. arduous studies, to. refresh About ten, minutes to train -
Thyself, in the cool, clean, north-, time,, Sunday evening; we real-:.
e •we 'have hundreds of import-
ant things' to .`discuss. :My wife
has another surge of self-pity;
The kids. wail: "Bey, Dad, yon.
just: got . here!" And : I 'wearily
pack, my untouched books •into
the suitcase; forget. my shaving
brusli and toothpaste;- ;and we
ern air. The reality is: that :'I i.
climb on the train Sunday nighi"
for the trip back to the :city,
looking' as though '.a cross word
would make me burst into tears,
and feeling ,as though I had been,
keel=hauled. . .
At theother end, things aren't head for the , train. There is a
much 'better. •When' I; get 'home, great orgy of waving as: the
• Mrs. ' Stewart Shiells held a
quilting at her home on Wed-
nesday with a number . of ladies
attending; All enjoyed a social
time over •the . tea cups.
Miss Mary Ellen 'Shiells vitas
in charge of the organ and chim-
es on Sunday when the Junior
choir, provided , music for the
service. Miss: Glexina ' Camgbeil
was- .heard. in a solo and the
choir rendered an anthem. Miss
Margaret Cosens4: of Japan pro-
nounced the benediction in the
Japanese language,'.
Messrs. Lennie ,Huston, Carl.
Pollock and• William Courtney
are prnployed at: Lurgan ' beach'
where Mr. Durnin 'Philips , . is
building'' a new cottage.
Attending the shower in hon-
the '- Old . Girl. has just. been train pulls .out, and another re-
through a grueling week 'in the freshing : week end :'is .. down the l
editorial ;chair. , She ; is firmly {
convinced that -nobody appreci-
ates her..' The kids • have 'been
getting lippy:; There have been. 16 than good, must cone to an end.'
: long-distance calls '. for. me, and; My course ends this . week. And
none . of them, would tell her.' then we have a delightful' week's
• what • it Was about, which in- I holiday, with. the loving family
furiates her ` A subscriber has I re -united, and nothing to• do for
bawled her out. She has bawled (:.seven *hole. days. Except pub`
1 lish a paper,` sell .a' house and
business,;pack and .move: to ano-
ther town 100 miles away, and
figure :out. how we're going to
get • the furniture from '•. a house
1 with 9 large ;ron s into:. a house
I with 6 small •rooms.
our of Miss Marilyn McTavish
on. Thursday . evening. at . St.
Helens .were, Mrs... (Carman Mc
Leod; Mrs. • Archie Courtney,
Mrs. James 'lMcNain, Mrs. Robert
Courtney and ' Mrs. -m Leonard'
Courtney, ' •
Mr. ,and Mrs. 'Donald' Hutton
and . son • of , Fort , William have
moved to '•their new. • home ` in
Pembroke, ' tOnt., . 'where Donald
is engaged in 'Radio `'Work.
Mrs. 'Thomas Bell, Sr. obser-
ved lier 86th birthday; on'' Wed-
nesday. Despite., • failing ' eye
sight, her hands are never idle
as, many hoursarespent in knit-
ting, ' a• ',favorite _ • pastime. She
also enjoys , doinga few :light
household : duties . when health
• s Mises. Barbara and Beverley
Rathwel1 of Lucknow . visited
with . Mary • Ellen: Shiells .for a
few days: last' week. ;
Mr. Thomas Harris of .Ripley
has purchased the property of
the 'late -Leslie .Ray at Lurgan.
Mrs. Ray Collins . visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Frank - Harrison &
other friends: in. Windsor 'last
week. .
Mr. •,Kenneth McLean of For-
est' is visiting. with Mr. Dan
McLean of .A•. mberley..
Mr. arid. Mrs: Erving Benson
received a 'card. from California •
friends' recently. It was sent .air*
mail and ,arrived `in.record tiin:e.
with amress,
Ambertheley rp Beactherh, , Onteagre., addwhich.
leads us to believe that 'Amber-
ley is not 'so' remote.; •
The Reids . Corners Women's
Institute and other ladies of the
community enjoyed • a sbus trip
to Barrie on Thursday with Mr
Allan Reed • of Dungannon' the.
efficient bus driver. -The • first
stop was at. the Crippled Child-
ren's Canip 'at Collingwood
where visitors . were amazed • to
`see : so many, //cheerful faces
among .those • w were handi-
capped an example we would'
do well, to remember. At Mid-
hurst, a .:picnic was . enjoyed and
after a stroll' through . the . park
to see ..the' birds, animals and. re- ZION
forestation area, the ladies were • Mr. and . Mrs. • Bruce.
on their way -to the Quilt -Rug. and Stephen of . London visited
Fair in Barrie, Of unusual inter- la4 Wednesday with Mr. and
'• est was the, display .from Toron- Mrs. Nelson Raynard. ' •
to of leather trimmed furniture Mr: arid Mrs. Murray`;MCDon,
with• insets .of animal hides. • ih• ' agh and family left' for :Prince
wild life ' • patterns. Wall hang- Edward. • Island on .' Friday... ::
i s where used.' with the same , Mrs.' Jean Pa ernick
ngP, ,Larry, •&
trim, also ;matching , stools . • and Mrs:• Mamie Johnston of Gode-
all. were marked ` at . fabulous rich visited ...last Saturday with
prices. Quilts;, rugs, :weaving & Mr. and Mrs.. Will. Ritchie;
crockery making were `also. : 'Mr. and Mrs. D. ' A;. Hackett'
viewed with interest. After visited Sunday • in "Kincardine -
signing the guest book, . all :with' Mr. and • Mrs. Ken', Petrie.
boarded the bus • for Collingwood .• Mr. and Mrs. • W. G. Hunter;,
where the '.Georgian China shop Marlene and Larry spent Sun-
was visited,.. also. the various •i day at Mr and Mrs. ' Alex Hac-
stores. Intriging, -also were, two kett's • at a .Hunter Picnic.
0� ,o4
Plumbing and: Heating
Esso Oil Burner
Sales and . Service
large boats in, harbour, A
dining at restaurants the ladies
were once more on their way,
A. 'beautiful evening for the
drive home brought the . day to
a happy ending for all:'
.However, .bad 1 m. s . -no k: less) .:
1 -
foil 7i e .ROUND , IRIp
Going Tuesday, August 23rd
.toSaturday,SeptemberlOth mci:
Return limit—September 14th.
For fares and train service"`
contact aurIocal agent.
All in- all,, it's been an unusual.,
'summer, as `Noah' remarked af-
ter the thirtieth day of rain, but
an. , enlightening 'experience I
was ' ►given ' to ,understand that
when you reached the age of 40,
you were lucky if .you . could
make life's: . brief'.. candle flicker
at one end. In.` the past eight
weeks,' , I've had : it blazing .like a
Roman candle at both: ends, and
there seems • to be ,a little powder
in the old magazine :yeti,
Tor the,',second year, Miss
Rith Ann • Hollands of Kincar-,
dine ' township will represent
Bruce' county as dairy princess
at 'the :Canadian National Exhi
bition my/Toronto.-
Six contestants vied for • the
title in competition held at' the
Kincardine township farm. of
Murray Mad,eod.
Miss o lin , whb represented
in • �
Bruce won her.,way
into semi-finals is
daughter Of Mr. and Mrs:. Cecil,
Hollands, • Kincardine 'township.
in September she.: will be start-
ing her, third year •. of .studies ` at
the, University of Western On-
tario at:London.
,She has been a member of 4-H
Dairy. Calf Club for seven years
and. has aided:' the family in its
care of a fine herd of 55 . Hol-
Judging in the, competition .was
done by PetterCutter of Paisley,
Bruce t'ederatiori•'Of Agriculture
president John Shier, and Orville
The Bruce entry, w lY go to
Toronto on Saturday:, August 27.
The UNIVERSITY OF : WATERLOO. °is a . non -denominational'.
university incorporated by a private, bill passed by the Legislature
of the Proviace'.of Ontario. It' is supported by student fees,govern-
ment . grants ;(provincial and federal) as . well as contributions
from industry and • private • donors.
The University of "Waterloo. offers ' general . and _.honours under-
gr aduate degree courses and, graduate courses in
Two . cburCh,related colleges •• have, becoine. associated' With. •thea
university: as of July I, 1960 These These are ; •
ie Roman Catholic federated University of. St. Jerome's ' College '•
The., Anglican affiliated RenisonCollege'
UNIVERSITY OF WATERLOO `degrees are granted ONLY to
students registered' in the University,. either directly; or through`
Jeromes College 'or Renison College.
• '� The faculty, : ,
consisting of more than 80 full -:tune members, its welhequipped ,
• . ,,. -classrooms,-- laboratories = "lib.
., ary, athletie-=and �•o#he�r•�faeilitiea- rare- ::,:
likewise . provided ONLY for`. students enrolled in the • Universityi
or its Colleges.
r Aro
Address enquiries and applications for
A. P. Gordon,' Registrar,. . •
Waterloo, Ontario.
For the: information of students contemplating enrolment this fall, its .
should be noted • that Waterloo University. College is NOT federated •
WATDRI.00 ,regrets- the contusing, similarity 'of` .lames, arid welcomes
' enquiries regarding its courses..,... .... .
This • declaration has been made nece'ssary'•by numerous requests for ,
clarifidation of . the • situation concerning. higher , education. in • `Waterloo. •
. ,.