HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1960-08-24, Page 4P'AOE'. T#TE LUGHN'OW SENTINEL,, LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO , WEDNESDAY, AUG: ;24th, 1960. • CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING, RATES – First Insertion 2c per word,' minimum charge 50c. Repeat Insertions, 1 Vic per. word, minimum 40c., Notices, Cards of Thanks and Coming Events, minimum' 75c. In Memoriams, minimum $1,00. °25c extra . for replies .to. The Sentinel: Billing charge ,of 10c for each • bill rendered. FOR SALE POR SALE A rollaway bed,. phone 157,. Lucknow. ADVANCE SALE • of Western Pair tickets now ' available • at The Sentinel Office. • PIGS POR SALE ---choice wean- `rigs, 40 to pick from. II. Gill; phone :136, • Lucknow,,. FOR1 SALE Hereford bull, 3 years. old, off registered 'stock. Apply 'Delbert ,.Hedley, R:R;• a, Holyrood.;• FOR SALE • . good Used , bak study'. desks Apply to Rev. I o- ward W., Strapp, :phone 79 after six o'clock. FOR .SALE Propane gas— heat-ed hot water. tank.' These tanks can be changed� :over ,,to natural gas. Albert Gammie; •:phone 183,. Lueknow.. •• FOR STALE''' :-- 51 Ford sedan, Apply Cliff' Johnston, phone. 24- r-10, Ripley.• FOR SALE Princess Pat coal:: or wood- range, • five 'cords of split cedar: and: some, light wood., for taking `away. :'Reuben Wilson; , phone 80-i-6, Dungannon. • 'FOR SALE LIVESTOCK..—Bought and sold, 'all. kinds. Phone 461 Lucknow or Dungannon,' WOOD . FOR SALE,—good : hard, maple wood, iii' truck load lots, also hardwood' slabs, softwood slabs and sawdust in any quant_, ity..Bruce 1ViaclViillan, Lucknow. WOOD FOR SALE–hard maple and 'elm slabs,• truckload lots of about' .4., cords, ; also sawdust, wood delivered : free of charge. ,within radius of 12 miles. Spence Irwin, phone. 171 Lucknow. FOR:. SALE --The`:. former . Child- ren's Aid 'Society twelve -room brick Reception Horne .on Col TILE ` DRAIiNAGE ' — having purchased ' a • .new tile ,ditching machine, 'I ' am now equipped, to look after your 'drainage ; needs. • Contact Donald • Rock, Ra . 3,' l uSs 1s, phone. 5f] -r-6 r COME' . hN 'and' 'look ',around at George's• Snack Bar••where.' many new ritems . 'have been added. George Parrish, . Owner, "'phone 162, Lucknow ' POA, SALE straw 'fro, threshed. • grain. ontact . Evan Keith, phone 209-r-.13, 'R.R. :5,. Luck --now.. • :SEED WHEAT . . Seed .Wheat for `sale, Kent variety, , high yielding ding and, high protein,' Harold Cooper, St.. Hel- ens,' `phone 2.10-r-25.' FOR SALE Two •bedrop'xn bungalow: at -Pine River. Cash or. terms ,arranged. For further in ' formation, contact. Donald Blue, :Ripley, or Mrs: Hutchings,• MO- hawk, 8-3460, Whitby: COUNTER CHECK BOOKS --we. sell them singly• or. in quantities and •.take orders for ;'books ,specs- ally •-.printed to • your' require ments; For prompt service, phone •35, The •Lucknoi Sentinel. FOR SALE -- Anglic'an Rectory and slot, and two vacant lots, as a parcel or''part:'Per further de- tails ' see`' Russell : Whitby • or Ernest. Gaunt. .„TWO LOCATIONS, available,for your. purchase of single . copies 'of The Lucknow Sentinel are 'the • err .'Georges Snack B•ar. or S tinel Office. , •PARTS FOR. SALE from a. 1952 Monarch hard -top also al 1953 Meteor motor and trans 1 mission in good condition. Don I Steeves,` Lucknow Sent�i nel.... _., HOUSE FOR • SALE in Lucknow on ,Victoria Street, modern bath room, priced for quick .sale, pro= per•.ty of. Mac Stewart•. Apply Elmo r: Pritchard, , phone :64-r-3: Lucknow:' ` FOR SALE 100 acre farm, 12th concession Ashfield, 95 acres. workable,, 5 acres bush, 9 room , solid brick house, .bank barn 40x60, hydro. and rimning • water. Property of the late Mur - ..do Matheson,' ,Write • or phone • W. R. Matheson: IChesleyi phone 460j ' evenings 267W. • 1 iziurne • Street, Walkerton. • Ideal building,- .Tot : included. Tenders will' be ?received up•:•to Septem- ber '3rd, 1960 "and ,are to be ac- companied 'by-, a = certified - cheque for 5% of the Tender. The high- est .or,aiiy Tender not .necessa- rily accepted. Mail Tenders in envelope', ••-marked "TENDER: FQR. HOUSE" to: • •T: H. Alton, Treasurer County .of' Bruce,, P0., "Box 70, COMING EVENTS; RECEPTION` • A reception will be held in, Whitechurch Community. Hall, on • •Saturday evening, August :27th, i., honour of Mr; and Mrs. James Young (nee Jean Martin) whose marriage Will take place that day. Music by. Tiffin's. Or- chestra, everyone' welcorne. ' NOTICES' ATTENTION FARMERS •White washing and, barn clean- ing,. We use the new Carbola. White -wash, the product .that, keepsall-flies and cob webs out of " the • stable for, 1 year: 'tT. M. Baeker, Brussels,. phone 95 ' or. write Box 135, Brussels for esti- mate. , • CLOSING• NOTICE. -Beryl's l's Beauty Salon will be closed, ••from August 20th • to August • 27th. ' ' Mrs. A. C. Agnew,' teacher of piano. and theory: Pupils. "pre-: pared • for examinations of the Toronto Conservatory of Music if desired: • RE BUS : TO C.N.E. , •• •. Plan_ s are being made; to have Allan ',Reed• take a bus' to the. , at. Toronto on Thursday, Septeinber lst. Anyone .'interest- ed: Please leave their name with Mrs.. George Whitby: . • •J.; •Allan : Kirk ' is prepared: to teach a limited number,: of piano pupils., He 'is a pupil . of Dr. Boris Berlin .at ' the Royal 'Conserva. `tory .of .'Music. Telephone 314, for. further. 'information. FOR RENT.. Walkerton, :, Ontario. ; • HOUSE .FOR RiENT- in Luck- now, with six rooms and bath- SERVICES roam.; ,Apply .at Sentinel Office, phone 35: CUSTOM ' BUTCHERING Beef ;and pork Fold 'in any quantity. Custom .butchering in ,�. ,LOST Gbverninent = licensed ' ,a(battoir, LICENSE LOST - anyone .find- Pigs every. Tuesday: ,Beef' from ing " H94196, please: telephone throiiThursday. y `IVIonday :i . Lloyd` Ackert,; Ripley 24-r-30 . . BUTTON'S MEAT MARKET FILTER , QUEEN Sales and .Ser= vice, repairs „to allmakes • of° vacuum cleaners: Used 'cleaners of all snakes,' for ''sale: Robert K; Peck, Varna., telephone. I]ensall. 696-r-2. ' •SEPTIC TANKS Septic '.Tanks, 'cess • pools, etc., pumped and cleaned with mod- ern equipment. All work guar- anteed. Louis Blake, R. 2 Brus- sels,' phone 42 -r -G .Brussels. • CAR BUYERS Our: Financing :Service, .at, Low. •Cost,- will help you make :a' bet- ter •deal.: • Ask us NOW 'before. you ?buy. • J'. A.. McDonagh • Irisu+ ranee,' phone , 3.06, Lucknow. Is Your, t upscription Paid/ AUCTION SERVICE Allan Macllutyre: Licensed Auctioneer ( Lucknow, ••Phone 281 TIRES! TIRES!! . All types . of tractor tires, sold and: serviced, lowest .• prices, also complete selection• of all . types of ` tires. Bruce MacMillan; Lucknow,' AUTOI'....- OTIVE Glass—Steering—Body, . Repairs Lubrication, etc.,, For Quality Service, see DAVIDSON'S TEXACO SERVICE Phone 220 • Goderich , .. No. -8 'Highway CUSTOM CAR PAINTING A nice new paint job is money. well spent, single or two tone, hot • spray methoc', fender 'and body work, rusted panels ' and sections replaced. N W: Winter stein. .• • (1 building• west of Town Hall) LOANS On any type of property• -: ••, Fast ° serrioe anywhere, DELRA`3t INVESTMENTS 450-A `Wilson ?ive.,:, • ME 3-2353 ' . Downsview,, Ont. , • "VISIT 'THE , REAL.''LIVING. • i SANTA • May, 24th to Thanksgiving Fun For . All The 'Family. CHILDREN-, 11, years and under accompanied by 'parent —' FREE • • 9:30 .a m to 6:00 Sunday- 1 00 :p ma,to'6:A0• P.M. SANTA'S. VILLAGE Bracehridge, Ontario." • WATERLOO .CATTLE; ''BREEDING:. . 'ASSOCIATION "Where Better. Buns Are 'Used" ARTIFICIAL • INSEMINATION `• ' SERVICE • is 'provided from. bulls' ;ofall breeds. We' 'are , f armer owned and controlled and operate at cost. Summer calling hours Between. 7:30' and 9:30 a.m. week (days • 6:00• and .8:00 p.m: Saturday • evenings .For : service., or more _ inf orxnation; c11 Clinton Zenith. 9-5650. or Collect Kincardine 460 • DEADSTOCK SERVICE HIGHEST CASH' PRICES. Paid for Sick, ' 'Down• or Disabled Cows & Horses also . Dead Cows and Hors at Casla'Valiie ` Old horses •4c per• pound GORDON TAYLOR, Phone 314-r-24, Lucknow RR,. 2 Lucknow 24.hour, service N•MN' WANTED • POULTRY WANTED Best prices at your door, phone A. Brown, Kincardine 181. • • WANTEll 10 or 12 tons of: mixed grain or• oats, Will truck from.- field, Apply Jim McNain, Amberley, phone 110-r-30, Rip- ley, k WANTED ..— couple or middle- aged lady... to • share furnished borne in Lucknow, .Mrs.. Lorne Johnston, .phone 201. WANTED—Flockowners to • sup- ply us with hatching eggs. All breeds . require.d. •'' Eggs taken from some breeds every week in. the year; We . pay up : to 35c • per dozen 'more than the market price for good hatching eggs. For full details write -- TWEDDLE CHICK . HATCHERIES _ LIMIT-. F,2), FERG•US, • ONT. • Notice, To Creditors IN NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS. THE • MATTER` OP THE: ESTATE OF . • ELIZABETH 'CONGRAM, • • late of 'the Village of Lucknow in, •the County of Bruce, Widow, deceased. NQTICE IS HEREBY ' GIVEN ;pursuant 'to the 'Trustee. Act, that. all creditors: and others having claims against the estate of , the late Elizabeth .'Congram are requested to send particulars of •their claims, duly verified, to J. W. Bushfield . Q.C., Solicitor for the'. Executor of the , said estate, on. or before':the 30th .day of • August, A.D." 1960, . and.. that after such'' • date; the Executor will 'proceed to distribute '.the 'assets of the 'said estate, having regard :only . to ` the. claims of which- he shall ..then have had notice. DATED . at Wingham, Ontario, this 22nd day .of July,.A.D.,! 1960. • J. W. BUSHFIELD, Q.C., WINGHAM, Ontario. ,:Solicitor• for' the, Executor.. CARD OF THANKS .. The Dexter ,Family wishes to' Sincerely . thank all '. those for their :acts of kindness, before . & after, 'and at the time 'of . their. sad "bereavement. The' cards, the .flowers and the kindlyinterest; shown, at; all times,. ,w41, 'ever be 'remembered.'.' •Our . warmest thanks •to Drs. Corrin and ' Fin- layson` and •to the Nursing staff of thei. W ngham General !Hos= pital. ti JR.:: FARMERS . START TOUR TO 'QUEBEC,•.ON • SUNDAY They Eastern Ontario' and Que- ,bec Bus Trip for Junior Farmers will .take place this , year from Sunday, August 2lst ,to 'Satur- day,' August t 26t h Soma' 65' J n= for Farmers from across th'e Province will be travelling on. this .trip.° Representing Huron- County will be:Mr. Glenn ;Coul- tes R.R. 5, Brussels 'and'.'Miss Yvonne Sparling, R.R. 2, Gorrie. Places of interest to be visited on the trip are the St. 'Law- rence Law-rence Seaway - Development, A,g- ;xicultural Schools and Experi- Mental 'Faring in the Montreal, Quebec and Ottawa City area's as:' well. as the . iCentrah Canadian Exhibjtj�n at Ottawa: BetteMiss` Tillman, Home • '•Economist for Huron., . r and; •M. D. G. Grieve, As- sociate Agricultural, Representa- tive have been- asked to .'accom- 'pang the group as leaders. TAPE. SOME THREE • THOUSAND I1RES On. Tuesday • evening, August 16th, the Executive and Direct ors of the Bruce County, Farm Safety Council met in th.3 Wig. riculture' Of ice at • Walla>rtAn Mr. Orville Taylor, ch:ii�•m111, presided. . At ;a previous rr,eetinc ; it'.had'..`' •been decided as . a proje�c i that all Township, Councils i•n [3a•uice County be. approaehed:.at the May meeting with 'a view 'to' ill•' • stallixg stop • signs, Or yield right -of-way signs at all intersections and that the'. township: i ePresent- ative approach their: local town. ship ; uncil' TheCodirectors, . �g.ave ..their re- ports. and 'it was thought the nomination: meetings' might be • a good time to furtlier advance their wishes. , The' • Directors ;for. .the four Women's Institute ,Districts were present and gave their reports on the project of installing safe= ty • . tape on bicycles. in ;Bruce • County. Bruce. Centre, Mrs: Ribey, . 662 bicycles, work , completed; • Bruce East, Mrs. • 'Pilgrim, 13g1, . com pleted .before June 30,th Bruce' • North, Mrs.' Sinclair, 492, work: completed; Bruce : South, Mrs. Emerson, ' ;462. for ' part . of one division `:arid the other 'division to be reported: The „work is not. yet completed: , All branches of -Bruce- .South who ..have not completed the taping of bicycles 'are urged : to ;do so assoon' as possible so that-; they may +' receive . the: discount, .on the payment' of the •tape.; A 'resolution: s was, " passed that alh n'ew bicycles. have 'the re •quired regulation , tape put on at the manufacturing plant: The by-laws were:re d`and accepted. A ' econd, •resolution was that a farm Safety Course. •be• •set up oto. 'be given at . Night Schools in the High $chools..•begiri:ning in '.the;,, fall of 1960. •The Safety Council will be happy ,to- assist any organization' with any 'safety problem which_ they may have. Write the sec- retary; : Mr. W. A. McBride, Wal_: kerton. Is Your Subscription raid?; Anyone interested in • : a contract for ,• -Y.. FALL BARLEY �HU13SON. • 1 contact: , ELLIOTT'S SEED . MILL. • Lucknow on or before August 27th as 'supply is 'limited. Phone Lucknow 154-J or,, 255 ATTENTION,. FARMERS DEAD 'STOCK, REMOVAL • Highest 'Cash. •Prices. Paid s, for Sick, Down; or .Diabled.. Farm Anirnals For :Fast Sanitary Removal. 'CALL TOM .FOX • Ripley i5 -r-20 Collect THE STORE' THAT GIVES • YOU' MORE LEA ;1 ` COTTAGE ROLLS, lb y.. 45c • - FRESH, GROUND BEEF, . ,, . 39c , CUSTOM KILLING TO YOUR SATISFACTION' Phone' 41 NI`I: ,; 22,22. . ' . ,. , I1I•�::..;,. 2,222.... 22,',22. ., .'.. ..' �;�,%�?N+.�"" • Yi S